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fesmokie 28th Jan 2004 21:59

Active Aerospace ?
Does anyone know what involvment Active Aerospace in(Vancouver) has with Orient Thai Airlines. Are they doing the hiring now for Orient Thai or, just the training for them ? :confused: Thanx

Snot Box 30th Jan 2004 11:34

None whatsoever. Just a coy to make you spend lots of money and WL will tell you things that you do want to hear but once money is handed over, then it's another ball game. I say this based on first hand experience and not on hear say.

fesmokie 30th Jan 2004 20:26

snot box
Thanx for the info. I kind of thought something may be fishy here as I used to deal with Orient Thai directly when they were looking for crew. I dont think that has changed. Did you also receive an e-mail asking for money and training from from Active Aero?

battraveller 31st Jan 2004 04:07

If you do your training with Active Aerospace they will get you an interview during your training with someone at Orient Thai. They do not do hiring for Orient Thai, but they do have a close relationship with them.

Orient Thai still does their own hiring and if you are already qualified and current on one of the airplanes that they need, they will hiring you directly.

Orient Thai needs people with type ratings, you can get type ratings from Active Aerospace. You could go to someone else to get the type rating, but then you miss the advantage of being interviewed directly. I think they just want to know that you are qualified to work, that you can fly, and that you have a reasonable attitude that will work with their company.

This is not a scam, this program will not last long if it does not work. The aviation community talks too much for Active Aerospace to provide these contacts without being blasted. Orient Thai really needs qualified people and Walt is happy to provide them. I think this is a very good opportunty for someone who has been unable to get into jets. I wish I had this opportunity earlier in my career. Who else is offering this now? No one that I know about. Instead of just providing the type rating, he has also made a connection with an employer.

Good for Walt, I wish him luck.

fesmokie 10th Feb 2004 14:51

Thanx for the info. I am currently employed on the 74 for a US Carrier but it would be nice to see something open up out of Vancouver. I live close. Do you know if Orient Thai is planning a Vancouver base ? It would be nice to have something in my hip pocket if the sh*t hits the fan where I work.

m&v 11th Feb 2004 02:09

Fesmoky,RUMOUR has it that ServiceAir are still ongoing with their startup(747-200?),and keep an eye out for 'Empress'a 777 strartup(no contact as yet);)

Festusslowpoke 11th Feb 2004 03:22

Regarding Service Air, it is not a rumour, it is fact. From what I've heard they nearly have manuals done. It will be 744's not 742's according to their website, Serviceair.net. I've heard they WILL BE in the air in the very near future (by June at latest).

Fesmokie, check it out.

m&v 12th Feb 2004 09:20

I'm glad to see/read that the rumour was posative.744's are a much more viable concept ,in view of the training involved(current crews about).Cheers:O

cold canuck 21st Feb 2004 06:51

It is a scam, O. Thai has been letting crews go. They DO NOT need more crews. Contact them yourself if you don't believe me. AA is a pretty poor outfit that is essentially taking a cut of money and sending you to NW airlines in MSP.

cold canuck 24th Mar 2004 09:56

Just to post the history, since this was posted originally, O. Thai has not hired (OR INTERVIEWED) anyone from Active.

FougaBoy 31st Mar 2004 05:40

AA scam or not???
Snot Box and Cold Canuck!!
(also Battraveler)

I really need to know here...first of, you guys are teaming up in these forums and agree on AA being a scam. Do you know each other? were you taking your TR at AA together? DID YOU GET A TYPE RATING from Walt? and which one?

Now, I am on the verge of sending Walt a deposit for a TR.
In his correspondance with me WL never talked about free accomodations/transportation but rather protocols with surrounding hotels at cheaper rates. I understand you guys had issues with appliances and lights etc..also, one of you mentioned that the ground school was almost inexistant. Can you tell me more about that?

I was told by WL that the course starts with 3 weeks online studying (self pace) then 12 days GS and then 10 days FFS.
Also to me WL mentioned very clearly that he doesn't do the hiring nor guarantee a job with Orient Thai. (by the way, I was in Thailand and know for a fact that OTA is and will be hiring more pilot as part of their expansion).

I understand WL is certified by TC to issue those TRs. DID HE DELIVER? DID YOU GUYS GET YOUR TYPE RATINGS? are you working online?

For battraveler, I want to know if you took a type rating with WL and if you are working on line and where..I'd like your feedback as well since you had so many good things to say about WL and AA...oh! and would love to hear about WL's great deals and connections....

By the way guys...I am just trying to get as much elements as I can here to make my "go no go decision" with AA.

Thank you all kindly for your feedback!

battraveller 31st Mar 2004 14:01

There was no scam, there was nothing underlying, Orient Thai downsized and turned 180 degrees from getting new planes to furloughing 747. Any time a company lets people go and changes their mind, it does not mean there is a conspiracy going on somewhere. I think you give Walt too much credit, and he certainly would not be in business if his business model was to go out looking to scam people out of money. No one lost money, except Active Aerospace who had been setting up a program just to service Orient Thai. There was interest in the 747 program but no one started the program before Orient Thai got rid of people in the 747. I said it before and I will say it again, Walt knows people at Orient Thai, he does not work for them. They have a close relationship, when they need pilots, he caters to their needs. There are alot of operators out there that sell type ratings, most people will not spend that kind of money without a job at the end. Just like any good businessman, he is trying to create a market for these type ratings by connecting with an airline that needs people with type ratings. Orient Thai did let people go in the 747 but they still need people in the 757. It is often difficult to find the right opportunities to move up in aviation, no one wants to hire you unless you already have experience and how do you get that experience if no one will hire you without it? If you do not want to use his service, fine no one is forcing you. Some people want the opportunity to get ahead, and Walt is a good guy and will help you get there.

FougaBoy 31st Mar 2004 17:14

Well, thanks Battraveller. I appreciated the feedback. You still didn't answer my question. Did you take a type with WL? and if yes, are you working online now?
By the way you talk seems like you guys are good friends and you seem to know a lot of the inside scoop...hmmm!
Still waiting here to hear about the great deals that you were talking about...
You can write "private" if you don't want the others to know;)

cold canuck 1st Apr 2004 13:45

I have no doubt Walt planned to have people get interviewed at O.Thai, but his "contact" was recently fired and his program is not valid. I have never trained there, though a good friend did, and found it to be VERY substandard. I worked at Orient Thai in the busy time, but like 36 other guys (12 crews) got laid off with down sizing. there is no work at O.Thai right now. Before they hire anyone off the street it is likely they will recall some of us first. Maybe not all, but there will be a few guys a head of you who worked there, and A LOT more with time.. ie ex-Atlas crews laid off,ect..

FougaBoy 1st Apr 2004 20:17

Ok...what are we talking about here? and forgive me for being slow (don't fly after burners anymore)

"the program is not valid" in relation to what?? TC? OTA?

"Sub-standards" in relation to what? Flight Safety Intl? Airlines?

Are we talking about 747s or 757s here? because different programs, different money, different needs etc..

Right now, from what I gathered, OTA doesn't have a need for 747 crews..doesn't mean they ain't hiring on 757s.

"Contact was fired" who? the chief pilot???

Now, forgive me if I got you wrong here but if you didn't get a TR at AA, how do you now it's BS?

My understanding is that you pay for a type AA trains you and you work to get it. That's what we are talking about here isn't it? I want to know how many people paid for a type at AA, how many got their types and how many failed. So far, it seems to me that a few people are a bit frustrated with WL (for the job issue) but they all graduated from his school and got their types. SO I GUESS WL DELIVERED on that area.

Now I understand how frustrating and damaging it is to pay that kind of money to get a type and be left at the end with no job. Been there, done that. It's a chance that everybody must take (if you want to be marketable in this highly competitive environment)
Also a 747 isn't an easy type and unless you got some experience you can use..it's a limiting type. 757/67 more versatile. In Asia and ME..

Now also...NO TYPE NO JOB FOR SURE NOWADAYS...where WE the pilots, must pay for our G..damn training. So how can we work around that?
Does it really matter where you get a type AS LONG AS YOU GET IT??? I personaly wonder...because if that was the case then right now I would be flying with the best making the big bucks. Also we all know that for some..it wasn't what they knew and where they trained but who they knew.

Again, all I want to know is if WL deliver the TR should you pay for it. After that I will be knocking doors on my own. With my TR in my pocket and take my chances. I believe everyone stands a chance when with the right weapons.

I am glad you flew for OTA, good for you. Did they promise you to hire you first after letting you go? (that would be fair but does it always work like that?) is OTA the only airline you want to work for? were you unionized? did you sign an agreement? I hope so, cause if you didn't, everybody with that specific type and looking for a job will be trying himself there and somewhere else as well the next time there will be hiring. then good luck to you as you will be competing against other guys (with their types in the pocket).

cold canuck 2nd Apr 2004 13:09

NO contracts at O.Thai and no promise. O. Thai MAY hire a b757 Capt soon (heavily experienced from TWA- there are a lot of B757 Capts with time in Line to join).

Chief Pilot was sacked. Some crew will be called back for April on the B747, but there are a lot of typed guys.

With no disrespect to AA, and in all seriousness, I am sincerly not positive you would complete a course at AA. People do it, but are often faced with big hurdles, ie if your sim partner bolts for whatever reason, Walt won't let you finish in the sim, cause the cost for HIM is too high. It happened to a guy in Dec. I believe anyone can do a type with reasonable training, hey I did a B747 and it wasn't that hard, but the circumstances surroding it may cause unneeded difficulty.

Good luck and enjoy your course, Although I hate to reccomend Pan AM in MIA, cause my 747 program was weak, they do offer more value and results at a lower cost.

walt lazaruk 2nd Apr 2004 14:44

To: cold canuck or Marc

Gentlemen, Marc used to be a flt/ops manager with Canadian Western Airlines, who resided next door to me. CWA folded and left alot of people in the lurch, including Marc. Marc came to me asking if there was any work out there. I told him, a previous student I had, was the Chief pilot of OTA and could help him in the process of getting a job. I gave him the number in hopes of helping this fellow out. I told him that we applied for approval with TC for the 47 course but anticipated a long approval process as there was new management in TC regional. I suggested that he go down to the states and get a rating. He did and came back with disgusting stories about Pan Am. He again pressed me if I could help him get a job with OTA. I told him I would do my best to help him. (please understand that no money passed between Marc and myself) I was doing this purely to help out a unemployed pilot.

I am dismayed and shocked to see that in return for trying to help this fellow out, he choose to blast me over this forum. Marc never took any of my courses and never saw any part of any program I do or have done. I know that Marc ( like many others out there are very fustrated with the airline business) but I dont really understand why one would hurt the person who has tried to help him.

I have read all of the slander on this site for over a year and all of the negatives come from students who either run out of money, cant pass the necessary courses or cant find a job and need someone to blame.

What I dont understand is why someone like Marc would come into my office, ask for help, recieve help from me, then choose to cut off the hand that is trying to help him.

Marc, I find it dispickable that you would ask about former students of mine, then twist the story over this forum.

I feel sorry for you my man, you are a very troubled person
walt lazaruk
Active Aerospace training

cold canuck 3rd Apr 2004 12:33

Guess again Walt
Not Mark but, close.

Mark was actually fortunate to get on with Orient Thai and I believe is working there now. So if you did help him out, it worked out for him.

He was at Pan Am roughly the same time as me though.

Oh so very close....

Try again.

walt lazaruk 3rd Apr 2004 20:57

Nice try Marc
I dry lease from Pan Am and have a close social relationship with the them.

I also have a close relationship with the Director of Flight Operations with OTA.

Your effort to hide behind your alias and pretend that there was a second person out there leaves your last reply - laughable.

Walt Lazaruk
Active Aerospace Training Inc.

McDoo the Irish Navigator 4th Apr 2004 15:34

Thread Removal
Fellow PPruners;
I'm having deja vu all over again...
As you may have noticed, I have removed a parallel thread from the Canada forum, also entitled " Active Aerospace". I received complaints regarding the content of several postings.
I read the thread and agreed that it was quickly degenerating into a schoolyard name calling contest. This would be fine, if one had facts and references to back one's self up with.

This particular thread, I will allow to remain, Mr. Lazaruk has taken the opportunity for rebuttal and it would seem to me that the subject is now closed.

I would like to say that I have no connection with Active Aerospace nor have I ever met Walt Lazaruk. He is entitled to carry on business free from harassment, just as anyone else is free to take issue with him through proper channels.
No one will be tried in the court of public opinion here on PPrune.

End of story.

McDoo the Irish Navigator

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