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AndrewDima 24th Jul 2003 19:35

EK Interview Perth: Information!
Hello everyone,

Ive had alot of people ask me about the interview process and also tips on how to make it through.

Thanks for your support guys and what i wanna do is just let you know what i went through and the exact process for the day when i attended in mid may Melb!

Hope it helps. Although this was not a walk in process. Anyways here goes!:\

Day started at 9am. I walked into the foyer and waited along with about 30 people for approx 30 mins before the recruiters turned up. This is a very important time to get your confidence up for the day ahead. I simply walked around and introduced myself to every single person and had a small chat with each of them. Talk about how you applied, how long it took to get a response, etc. Again, a fantastic opportunity to get the confidence up for the long day ahead! Keep that smile on the dial too! :O

We then entered a big room with 4 round tables, and got given a numbered name tag and got told to take a seat anywhere in the room. I found a table with no guys on it at all and had a seat there. I thought this will help to stand out a little!!

They then put a video on about dubai and what its like to be a cabin crew member. This went for approx 45 mins. Stay interested during the duration of this video.. very important. Also concentrate on all the details given throughout the video because the last thing you want to do is ask a question that was already answered during the tape!

Once the video finished we had a question session. The recruiters basically asked the group to ask any questions about absolutley anything we want to know or any concerns we may have. I was the first to put my hand up (i had this planned as i knew they appreciate the person who asks the 1st question, especially being in a big group like this one) and i the question i asked was "i understand the contract with emirates is for 3 years, but at the end of this period is it up to me to continue or is it a decision made by the company?" I felt that this question will atleast make them feel im in for the long haul. Questions went on for about 90 mins. People were asking about wages, how many crew members are there, how long is training (which was answered in the video :ugh: ) etc, etc. Once this session was finished the recruiter actually went out of her way in front of the group to acknowledge that i was 1st to ask a question. So this must be important to them. Remember... keep smiling.

We then got split into 2 groups of 16 for our first group discussion. The topic was 'If you got the job and moved to dubai, what difficulties do you think you may have'. During the discussion make sure you get your opinion across. Refer to other peoples opinions (shows listening skills) and then give yours. I said "the transistion to a muslim country requires respect for the people around you and total respect for the religion". Agree with people and back it up if you disagree. Dont talk politics and dont show that you might be hesitant to move to dubai. Keep smiling and make it seem that you are really looking forward to the move!

The time was creeping up to about 12pm at this stage and we got asked to take a 15 minute break.

When we got back we all sat down and the recruiters looked at us all and said, "guys this is the hardest part of the day for us as we now have to cut the group down. Please dont be discouraged and your more than welcome to apply again after 6 months." Out of the 32 in the group they cut 20 and it was down to 12. 10 girls and 2 guys!

We then did a 180 multiple choice questions psychology test. One thing i noticed in this test was that the same question was being asked over again every 20 or 30 questions away but in a different form. This could be a wrong theory but i felt it was important that i answered this the same way everytime in came around. It shows up as level headed once the statistics come up. This is my thoery, but i could be wrong. Also, dont think about the answers too much, first answer that comes to mind.. go for it!

We then did another group discussion. This time they gave us a list of 14 people that have just got the job with EK and there was 7 appartments we had to put them in. Which 2 would you put in each appartment and why? First girl said to put the aussie and the english guy together as they would most likely have more simular backgrounds compared to anyone else and so on. It then came round to me and i said, "thats a very good point and it might actually work well, but dont you think moving to a country like this and with all the different cultures we will have to accomadate for it would be a good idea to put the arab with aussie, the french with chinese, etc, etc... as this will teach us to learn about different cultures that will ultimately be extremely important to our positions". The rest of the group ended up agreeing with this theory. Same applies with any grp discussion, dont talk over anyone, listen well and KEEP SMILING!!!

I thought i was doing pretty well at this stage. :E

Time was about 3.30 at this stage and we got asked to do an activity. We got split into 2 groups of 6. We got given pieces of cardboard and paperclips and we were asked to build a tower out of these materials and that we were competing against the other group. What they look for here is TEAMWORK!! but unfortunatley not too many people realise this. Who cares who wins...lol. In this activity show you can work well as a team, talk well, encourage your peers, give them well dones when they do something good and show that your a team player. Do not look over to the other group and say "oh ****.. theyre winning" WRONG!! Stick to what your doing as this shows you work well around others. And dont be afraid to show leadership skills here... i did. Stay focused and caring for your team... Keep Smiling too!

They then told us to have a little break and be back in 15 mins.

When we came back they said they had to do it again and cut the group down one more time. This was nerve racking! They cut out another 6 and left 6. 5 girls and me!

We then got told that this was it and we had made it passed the screening session. We got pulled away from the group seperatley and got asked some personal questions about the family and about why we applied and also why do we think we would make a good cabin crew memeber. I talked about customer service. I remember being really excited at this stage and had to control myself.:O

Thats it guys, lastly i can say dont try to be something your not... as they will see right through you! Remember, Smile Smile Smile!

Good luck to all.

Andrew Dima. :ok:

ozskipper 24th Jul 2003 21:05

Psychometric testing
I thought I'd pop in some advice here about the psychometric testing (the profiling test).

A big part of my role is recruitment and we rely on psychometric testing as one of the tools in the process to assist in the shortlisting process.

Andrew is spot on - answer them honestly and don't think about the question too much - go with gut feel - that's exactly the way they are designed.

There are built in controls (called credibility factoring / levels) and if you think about them too much your answers will not match up with the previous answers - and as such your credibility factor decreases.

Although a question may appear similar to previous ones, they will be subtle differences and the profile for that question will be looking for a different personality trait.

Best way to do these tests is quickly, don't change your answers and don't try and guess what the examiner is trying to find out. The tests highlight your preferences for work styles - ie team work, leadership, people skills, intravert or extrovert (not whether your loud or not, whether you draw your energy from others or from within) etc.

The recruiters might be looking for a blend of different preferences, so if you try and fake it so you look like an outgoing, extrovert, with strong leadership skills you might actually be tilting your preference to a indecisive, overbearing, extrovert with low credibility.

If you do it honestly, your natural preferences show up clearly and the credibility factor carries a lot of weight when deciding on the mix of staff required.

Anyway, my 2 cents worth.

aerosurfer 25th Jul 2003 01:32

we also got the same questions here in bangkok in mid April
1.difficulties to live in Dubai. 2.arrangement the flatmates exept the last one that made a tower..we didn't make a tower
but we had another on board situation to solve...

sydflyboy 25th Jul 2003 09:21

reality is you have what they want or you dont, be yourself, smile .. and if you meet ek material you get the job thats what did, not prep, just went there said what i needed to say, i start training in 3 weeks, so really i think too much prep is a disadvan. as andrew said be yourself as they no when your not..
good luck to ppl who wanna apply, might be working with you soon

B777Cptn 25th Jul 2003 14:46

Andrew and others,

Thanks guys, your information is so valuable. Ive now got a bit of a mental picture of what to expect tomorrow, nervous as buggary tho!! :ugh:

Just got my photos ready, and making the final touch ups to my resume, so fingers crossed it all goes well.

I'll let you guys know the outcome!!!


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