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AViON calling!! 16th Jan 2003 05:13

Air Canada crew hotel rooms searched! Could this happen to you?
I'd like your thoughts on this. I was appalled that this could happen after the fact but I guess we all know the rule, dont pilfer!!

From "Skytrax" 16th Jan.....

"Air Canada investigators flew to Paris recently to search the hotel rooms of flight-crew workers, sifting through waste baskets to find cans of beer allegedly pilfered from planes, the Montreal Gazette reported.

Several crew members are now facing investigation and could be fired, the newspaper said.

The investigation has outraged some flight attendants and pilots, who say the airline could have dealt with the allegations diplomatically instead of conducting searches.

"This is the first I've heard of an investigation of this magnitude," said Peter Foster, a spokesman for the Air Canada Pilots Association who has been with the airline for seven years.

Air Canada spokeswoman Isabelle Arthur would not explain why the investigators were sent overseas. "We consider it an internal matter," she said.

The theft investigation occured just before the new year when crew members were on a layover in France, the Gazette reported.

Air Canada corporate-security workers reportedly entered the hotel rooms of crew members, together with hotel security staff, after the crew had checked out. They searched the rooms and took photographs of the contents of garbage cans.

Foster said the items allegedly stolen from Air Canada planes were a variety of "mixed beverages," such as cans of beer and soft drinks.

An internal letter to pilots, signed by Capt. Rainer Bauer, chairman of the Air Canada Pilots Association, expressed "grave concerns" about the airline's handling of the alleged theft.

"I deplore the abusive techniques used by corporate security in it's investigation," Bauer wrote. Foster said there is still uncertainty as to which individuals were involved. "But frankly, we kind of deplore the technique that was used, which had people going through peoplle's hotel rooms after the fact. There are other ways of addressing suspicion.

The airline's rules state that crew members cannot take any food or beverage, which are viewed as company property, from the aircraft. Last fall, the airline said it was launching a program to focus on employee theft.

"We would prefer to think that our collegues are honesr, but sometimes that's not the case, "Yves Duguay, Air Canada's senior director of corporate security risk management, said in a company newsletter in September.

Air Canada recently estimated it's lossed at as much as nine percent of cabin stock each year as a result of employee pilfering-roughly $9 per day for every employee. Some flight attendants said they feel Air Canada is unfairly targeting cabin crews for acts as petty as taking a can of coke. The pilots' union says it does not condone theft of any kind."

flyblue 16th Jan 2003 09:43

In France it is considered a Revenue offence to take things from planes, as they are not subject to taxes. Plus the theft of course. So it has happened that the Customs police have charged someone for coffee sachets, cans etc. I know that it has happened (a long time ago) that someone on seasonal contract was teminated because of that.
Luckily it doesn't happen that often that people take things from the airplane here, except opened water bottles for the hotel. If they do it, they are very careful not to be seen because it is not something that people like. It's finally just a matter of company culture.

taba 16th Jan 2003 14:11

One of my ex colleagues and friends was sacked for similar.

7hr30 flight packed, non stop demand for drinks...a few glasses of water for themselves...rushed meal...you know how it is.

One of the crew asked him can I take a coke for the room and my friend agreed. They had worked so hard, he felt it was deserved...

Lo and behold, another crew member reports it and that was that!

...but on a happy ending note I am delighted to say the person in question is now with a great airline enjoying the sunshine!!!

Yes it is theft, but on this iccasio nI fewel the company were a bit harsh!

Evacu8 17th Jan 2003 07:49

Hmmm it has happened (quite famoulsy) at Qantas before.

It's easy to work out -- if you steal from your airline, be prepared to lose your job --- its as simple as that. There is no excuse for it.

It used to be common practice to take things off the aircraft, but no longer. I would never 'dob-in' someone for it. But if you decide to steal supplies off the aircraft, then you have to face the reality that if you are caught, you will be fired and have a criminal conviction. Its not a hard concept.

Never forget folks, that when you are in a slip port, you are still on company time. Therefore you are subject to rules of the company. At Qantas, this means that they can search your hotel room -- as the contract states that they can search you , or your property (cars etc) whilst you are on company property, or propety contracted to the company. This includes hotel rooms, as the company pays for them.

Its not worth it.

AViON calling!! 17th Jan 2003 12:11

I agree with you completely!!

I have seen on many occasions crew taking everything from T Bags, bottles of water to bottles of Champagne, food, even toilet paper (true) and although I don't agree with it I would never say anything either, their day will come, and besides probably the worst reputation you can get for yourself is being known as a "dobber". Believe me, I've known a few and they are very unpopular. It can be a lonely working life.

What gets me though, still after all these years is why do crew do it. We get paid extremely well, have huge allowances yet people still choose to steal.
I have also been unfortunate to have known crew to steal from other crew bags. That really sucks, but in that case I would definately dob and wouldn't be ashamed of doing so.

ditzyboy 18th Jan 2003 06:39

I too think it is harmless to take a wrapped piece of cake or a tub of yoghurt or an open bottle of water. The are only going to be thrown out! But, yes, still be prepared to be reprimanded if caught. One of those things though. You can't have a rule for some items and not for others. ie. It's OK to take a piece of cake but not a cutlery set.

I once saw a girl take about 25 cereal packets home with her. Although I would never 'dob' someone in I sure hoped that someone else would catch her.... There's a line that I think she crossed! :rolleyes:

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