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cloud nine 13th Sep 2002 05:54

QF longhaul recruitment ( non language speaking)
Like alot of others I know, I'm still waiting for QF L/H to start recruiting for non language speakers again. Just wondering if any one has heard anything regarding this latley? There were some rumours going around a while ago, that recruitment may take place soon.

Cant wait any longer :rolleyes: :confused: :rolleyes:

vdd 13th Sep 2002 22:50

Thanks for putting this post up Cloud Nine as I'm keen to know as well.

If anyone has a bit of goss on QF recruitment then we'd love to hear.

Cheers and thanks,

PS: Not sure if anyone has noticed but the QF website has had a makeover and it's quite slick!! QF web department have done a good job.:D :p

peanut pusher 14th Sep 2002 01:48

The final round 3 interviews were conducted yesterday (language speakers).
Applicants will be advised by the end of October for start end of November training and ever other month after.
There is almost 150 crew waiting to transfer from s/h to l/h in SYD and MEL. I don't think they will need to advertise for non language speakers as the still have a short list from last year with 100 applicants on it. If a gulf conflict starts again there wil be a massive down turn in flying again. Last time we gave 1000 crew leave without pay. But things change very quickly

Crosscheck 16th Sep 2002 10:17

More Info
Biscuit Chucker is quite right, Qantas have reinstated the 50 a Financial Year transfer agreement between Longhaul and Shorthaul. This agreement allows for both 50 Longhaul and 50 Shorthaul Flight Attendants to transfer to the opposite division.

For the financial year 2001-2002 there were only 17 people transferred from the Shorthaul Division to the Longhaul Division, mainly due to the events of September 11th and the Ansett collapse. Coincidentally the group that did transfer actually graduated from their conversion training on September 12th 2001, hardly the best day to change from Domestic to International Flying. In the opposite direction Qantas recieved FAAA approval to transfer well in excess of the 50 people from Longhaul to Shorthaul. This was to prevent forced job losses at Longhaul, and the desperate need for additional Flight Attendants in the Shorthaul Division.

This Financial year 2002-2003 there are already 32 people confirmed to transfer from Shorthaul to Longhaul, with the first group to start conversion training within the next 2 weeks. As yet have not heard of any crew transferring from Longhaul to Shorthaul, but no doubt there will be some soon. Have also heard that the final 18 Shorthaul to Longhaul transferees should be moved by March 2003.

So in effect these transfers should have little effect on the external recruitment prospects of people waiting to start with Qantas, as in the end they cancel each other out. The only thing that will probably effect future Qantas recruitment will be the possibility of military action in the Middle East. Who knows what will happen if this eventuates.

Hope this information is of interest to someone.


Evacu8 16th Sep 2002 14:39

Keep your eyes to the website and the papers....

I believe we will be advertising for longhaul (all bases) in the next few weeks, interviewing october/november :)

miss 23 18th Sep 2002 01:18

I have heard that in the very near future they will be advertising and language skills will not be a requirement. Good Luck everyone.


flapsforty 18th Sep 2002 06:56

OK, I realise that the picture of all these totally silent Qantas FAs can't be correct. ;)
But it's what comes to mind when I read about "non language speaking flight attendants".....................

Someone please tell me what this is about?

cabin secure 18th Sep 2002 21:23

Dear Flapsforty
I have seen you pose this question sometime ago and I apologise for not posting a reply at the time:D
Down in Oz In airline lingo, language speakers refers to your ability to speak another language besides English.

flapsforty 19th Sep 2002 16:59

Much obliged cabin secure!
Regards f40 http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/flowerface.gif

Tarantella 25th Sep 2002 09:57

You know that we could NEVER be silent at Qantas.
Tarantella :D

nickmelb 8th Oct 2002 06:18

hey guys and girls

this probably aint true...but i heard there was a fone number to register for long haul interviews...

can anyone confirm this?


Evacu8 10th Oct 2002 09:24

No nickmelb, it isnt true....

The registration lines will open when the advertised date is published on the QF website.

There is talk of a completely new recruitment strategy. Wait for conformation to tell, but it sounds as though it may be different. to the 'register when advertised' sytem we have at them moment.

I have also heard we will be going into language schools and universitites to try and encourage those with foreign langauge skills to 'come fly with us' in the future!!

Still believe recruitment will happen again late October/ early November. But the info changes weekly !!

saloon 11th Oct 2002 04:30

Hi everyone.

Just a few questions for those that have done the proficiency test.

* How many years had you learned the language before achieving an advanced level?

* In what type of environment/institution did you learn the language?

I am hoping to begin an Arts degree next year in French/Italian/Linguistics and was just wondering if this is likely to bring me anywhere near the standard required.


cloud nine: sorry for deviating (ever so slightly) off the topic.

saloon 12th Oct 2002 05:31

Thanks Biscuit Chucker - will check the archives!

Will keep my eyes peeled to Weekend SMH employment adverts and let you all know if I see anything.

Best Wishes.

nickmelb 17th Oct 2002 11:27

hey guys and girls

heard a rumour about australian......not sure if its true..they are possibly gng to recruit 200 ppl for melb base.....is this true?

hmmm interesting:D

Brisvegasboy 20th Oct 2002 01:03

Re: QF longhaul recruitment ( non language speaking)
hey all......

well.....just wondering if anyone had any further updates on

the above topic???? I too, like many others, am waiting patiently

(NOT!) for QF recruitment to happen.....have heard that

Australian will be recruiting again early 2003 (fingers crossed for

that one too!!).....

waiting in anticipation......

bvb :rolleyes:

wing8 23rd Oct 2002 10:38

QF Long-haul recruitment!!
Hi to all you aspiring flight attendant's!
Just heard that QF will be advertising for Long-Haul(non-language speakers)this weekend in all papers!Just a rumour I guess,but won't hurt to look anyway-nothing to lose.
Good-luck to all who apply,lets hope all if not most ppruners have some luck this time.
ps-any advice for anyone in the know re:following question?
Can I apply for this recruitment even if I recently applied and going through for recruitment with QF casual via MAM?Most seem to think that b/c it was via MAM, this is seperate?What do you think?
Many thanks in advance & good-luck to all.;)

peanut pusher 25th Oct 2002 14:27

Sydney recruitment team advised
I'am a member of the SYD recruitment team and have been told we will be recruiting before Xmas. Good luck and smile when you come to see us

doohan 28th Oct 2002 12:51

QF recruiting this weekend!!!
HI all... Wing8 is correct!

QF is recruiting this weekend...

Check all the major news papers this Saturday... Good luck to all....

Anyone from QF H.R reading this!!!

Please... if there is 1 person that deserves the position as L/H FA, it would definitely be CLOUD 9.

She is an amazing person with such passion and drive for her career in aviation.
Give her this chance, and I can assure you... you will not be disappointed!

For everyone else.... good luck!!

One last thing…

No matter what a lot of people might think or say about Qantas, they are truly an amazing Airline, not just through history, innovation, but Security as well. QF are envied by many other airlines throughout the world through there professional approach to security.

Not enough people give credit where credit is due...

I am ex Ansett, and I thank them for the opportunity...
Qantas.... I am with you all the way!


salve75 28th Oct 2002 14:13

HI everyone, Im a new user on this site, and am particularly interested in getting into QF L/H, can anyone tell me when the actual recruitment sessions will be held once applicants are invited for interview sessions? And will it be group seminars as has been in the past?
Taking into account the fact that this recruitment drive is non language, will a second language be at all considered if you have it?
Many thanks to anyone that can help.


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