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A300Man 3rd Aug 2002 19:39

easyJet Morale
Have read a few posts on the forum which describe very low morlae at present amongst easyJet flighdeck crew.

Does the same apply to easyJet Cabin Crew? I would be interested to hear from those out there who work as crew for EZY. How are things at the airline at present, and is morale really so low?

Is it all related to poor pay and conditions or bad rosters or too rapid expansion or what........?

Thanks all.

A300Man 3rd Aug 2002 19:40

easyJet Morale
Before you all jump on the spellcheck, above should read "Morale" and not "morlae" !!!!

goflypaul 5th Aug 2002 22:06

go fly
not sure about ezy but goe cabin crew get there payout today then where all of lol

yankee charlie 6th Aug 2002 12:58

Don`t even think about working for EZY moral is really low at the moment. Cabin Crew are seeking advice with T&G to go on strike soon.

Cabin Crew are working 15 to 16 hrs day with roster changes everyday.

Do not join EZY.................:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

chilled 6th Aug 2002 16:31

Yankee Charlie

That is just not the truth. Yes some crew are working very long days and going into discretion, But I have only come across 1 crewmember who worked a 15 hour day.

Yes the rostering system that has been adaopted is crap, and that has at last been recognised by management and most of the old system is being put back into place for the September rosters.

easyJet may not be the best airline to work for at the moment but it certainly ain't the worst and things will improve again, we just have to sit out the crap thats going on at the moment. And anyway, where will a strike get us, other than unemployed!

happy flying all :)

corsaman 6th Aug 2002 18:53

YC - have to agree with Chilled, this just isn't true across the board - it's certainly been a busy month, with lots of positioning of crews all over the place, but I have had no changes whatosever from my rostered duties, worked steadily, but not excessively, and am reassured that September will hopefully see a return to the slick operation we had. I'm not mad about the thought of 6-sector LTN-BFS days, but I can't see them lasting. The airline has been through peaks and troughs in the past, and I'm sure next month will be better.

yankee charlie 8th Aug 2002 06:37

Chilled, Corsaman,

I get the impression that you guys do not fly, problably kissing management boots to get a place in the office and then you tell the whole world everything is ok at EZY, if you think everything is fine then answer the following questions.

1/ Why did EZY cancelled 19 flights on Sunday and 10 flights on Wednesday evening?

2/ Why are crew leaving EZY?

3/Why are crew getting disciplined when claiming fatigue as said before don`t give us this safety blah.....

4/Why are crew refusing to operate on discretion?

One suggestion may be you should be flying again instead of sitting in the office and think everything is running smoothly.

For once be honest........


Tiger 8th Aug 2002 07:12

The problem being now with all the UK airlines (except BA) is that BA has not recruited for a while and those which would have escaped the vile working practices of bmi, EasyJet are locked into there life of hell. Working to CAP371 isn`t fun, in fact hard work and tiring. Its OK when your job is new, but a few years down the line and the routeen drag of roster changes, low money, and the offer of promotion has been snapped up. What do you have?

bmi as in the form of baby re wrote the cabin crews contract over night. They rode over all the long hard fort agreements that had taken years to get.
EasyJet now getting bigger are having problems with crew, as there cozy little LTN base would have caused few problems because very few airlines based at LTN offer full time perm. contracts.
New cabin crew jump for that chance to be crew so they take the job without looking at the pit falls.

I`ve seen the BA bashing and just laugh at those who do. BA may not be your cup of tea, but the crews are treated better than any other UK airline, with the best cabin crew pay (even on new contract and the allowances taken in to the equation). Why? Because the unions and previous crews have worked hard to get it.
As for people who scream "union are the problem!" you have zero idea. Do you want to work for peanuts? long hours? poor working conditions? Safety issues? Service ideas push though by those who have no idea? Because with out unions life is bleak.

Yes BA has it problems we all know that, but the front line staff on the whole are treated fairly well when comparing other carriers.
...and any cabin crew who says they haven`t at least applied once to BA are not telling the truth. Those who haven`t know doubt will when BA start recruiting again.

chilled 9th Aug 2002 14:37

Yankee Charlie,

Not once in my previous post did I say that everything at EZY is rosey at the moment.

As to you suggestion that I don't fly, well I do work in an office 3 days a week the rest of the time I'm out flying just like you, so I know what everyone is going through.

For your information only 5 cabin crew left in July.

Not 1 crew member has been disciplined for being fatigued.

And as for crew refusing to go into discretion, well good for them, it's their choice.

If you are going to put information on here for all to read, why not get the true facts first?

I'm sure it's no secret that we are going through a hard time at the moment, just watching the news on TV today will have told the world that.

And if your so unhappy at ezy, why do you stay??

Tiger 9th Aug 2002 17:28

5 cabin crew left in July...because its the wrong time for airlines to be recruiting and few are at present. Give it a few months when the charter airlines open there doors and watch the tidal wave.

If you disciplined for fatigue the CAA would have a field day with you.

Please expect EasyJet to be given a rough ride though this. It isn`t pleasant but your Marketing guys have stuck the knife into other carriers in the past. mmm BA LHR-BFS-LHR comes to mind. What was the lines here. Let me think! If BA cannot make this route pay than let us do it. Shouting off, and you didn`t even have slots at LHR let alone ground handling or research the route. Ads which names other airlines as the evil unfair to paxs. Not nice is it??? It may not be you personally but remember what comes around goes around. Your marketing guys have done you no favours.

corsaman 10th Aug 2002 09:57

Tiger - BA were determined to close BFS, regardless of easyJet and the 9/11 attacks - our Manchester was affected by their LPL, but the LHR stayed fairly busy because the vast majority of our passengers were connecting ex LHR and LTN didn't work for them; naturally, as they were mainly connecting segments, the yield was low, hence the poor performance, according to BA. Incidentally, 4 of us ex BA @ BFS bods now fly for EZY and 1. earn more money 2. rather enjoy it. A great deal more ex-BA engineers are now at FLS and pleased to be employed in their chosen field, at their local base, because of the EZY contract. Nothing ever stays the same, but we have jobs.

Yankee Charlie - contrary to your opinion, I fly full time, and at our base have not seen a mass exodus - one guy has gone to pursue his long-haul dream at VS, and that's it. Yes, I've been late home quite a few times lately, but I have not seen disciplinaries as you describe, nor have my rosters been changed - at all. I have not enjoyed the regular crew changes and delays, but the former are soon stopping and the latter I hope will disappear when the work @ LTN is finished.

yankee charlie 11th Aug 2002 00:47

Chilled, Corsaman

For your info there`s a massive exodus of cabin crew at the moment around the network rest assured I have my figures right, there`s probably 5 leaving but that`s at one base only. At least now everyone is fully aware that you guys were giving the wrong impression that it`s great to work for EZY. That`s why in my first post I said DO NOT WORK FOR EASY.

I was flying today believe me things are not improving.

By the way Cabin Crew is in the process of voting for strike action.

To answer your question Chilled I have applied for other jobs don`t worry I will leave soon.

For once be honest tell the truth.

chilled 14th Aug 2002 20:15

Yankee Charlie,

It was 5 cabin crew from accross the network who left in July, not just from 1 base. (so whos telling the truth??)

There are other airlines recruiting at the moment for the winter such as My Travel at LGW.

I have tried to be honest in all of my posts, and again I'll say it "Life for crew at ezy at the moment is crap" but I do believe things will improve and they will continue to pay me.

Good luck in your job hunting and I hope you find some thing that you like and also gives you a permanent contract!

TightSlot 15th Aug 2002 21:14

I'm not Ezy crew so I don't know for sure, but it appears from this and other threads that EZ's problems at the moment are largely self-inflicted.

By this I mean that a new rostering system was introduced, against the advice of crew and some staff whose job it is to know these things.

The resultant problems have apparently generated extensive bad press coverage, generated customer ill-will and contributed to turning loyal employee morale to a negative stance. In short, the cost to the company has been significant, if not massive.:eek:

If any of the above assumptions are incorrect, then please correct them: Otherwise, what I'd love to know is exactly who within the management structure is responsible for the decision to implement the new system. It seems to me they should be named and shamed publicly, right here. In a just world, the individual responsible would be disciplined (just as more junior employees): The world is of course, not just and therefore their little "indiscretion" will doubtless be "overlooked this time". This assumes that anybody can be found who will accept responsibility in the first place.

So - I'm curious... let's "out" those responsible for what appears to be a really classical example of poor management practise.

(Oh, and my employer isn't perfect either - in fact they could teach EZ a thing or 2 about cynicism and duplicity - but that's for another day)

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