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sky28 31st Mar 2002 20:24

Height and Weight
Dear colleagues!How are you all? I would like to give my special thanks to Floaty, Iguanahead and Flapsforty to answer me. I am still very worry about my 5 kilos underweight. I have to say that I am very healthy person and that I have been flying for nearly 6 years. But Emirates, gave me a sheet with some medical information, and in one appendix it says: "... Yo should weigh and measure yourself and ensure that you fall within the minimum and maximum weight restrictions... If for any reason, you do not meet the minimum standards required, you will not be employed with the Emirates Group and you will expect to leave the UAE inmediately..." Thatīs why I am still very worry. I would like to know more opinions of more cabin crew, specially from cabin crew that flies o have flown in Emirates. And for any one that could help me to find out wether they will take it seriously or if I show them that I am very healthy, they will give me the chance to fly for them!!!
Please, colleagues, help me, cause this is like a nightmare for me!!! I went to my Doctor and he gave me a hipercaloric diet to put on weight eating pasta, etc, but it is impossible for me! My bones are very small!!! Thank you very much to all of you in advance... Take care and hope to hear from you soon... Hope you can help me as I am desesperate cause I am longing to live in Dubai and fly for Emirates!!! Love, sandra:confused: :rolleyes:

cabinkitten 31st Mar 2002 22:28

sky28 I wish you all the best with Emirates. A friend of mine had exactly the same problem prior to her initial medical. Despite going on a month long mars bar and pasta binge she still couldn't pack on the pounds and was (by the company standards) underweight ...everything else checked out though, and after giving her some advice on nutrition she got the job.

I don't know how strict Emirates are but I have to say the whole airline height/weight thing needs a pretty radical overhall. I had to survive on slimfast and willpower for weeks before my weigh in, despite having a low body mass index and being a british size 12... I know they don't want porkers clogging up the aisles but there are healthier measures I don't know why they don't use them...

sennadog 1st Apr 2002 08:03

Tripped across this one as I inadvertently came into this forum! Try using creatine. This is a naturally occurring substance in your body, produced by your liver (I think) which a lot of athletes use as an aid for training. One of the effects is that it helps with water retention in the muscles so that your body stores more water, particularly if you are using a gym. I use it for "ballast" in the summer when I'm sailing and also find it useful for training.

Don't worry, it's not an anabolic steriod or anything like that!:) Do a search for "creatine" on Google or ask your doctor about it. In the UK, it's sold in health shops and is perfectly legit.

nickmelb 1st Apr 2002 08:21


Yes creatin is great to use! I use it at the gym, its quiet cheap as well If you have a GNC store near where u live go and buy some!

Other alternative is to go to a bodybuilding store (i know it sounds crazy! But they can assit you with purchasing suppliments or products to help you gain weight!)

Good luck!!!


flygirl28 1st Apr 2002 10:11

I too had the same problem before being accepted by Emirates. First time i was interviewed was quite a way under the desirable height/weight ratio and so was told to go away and reapply. I did, and after putting on another 5 kilos was accepted...at that point was still 4 kilos under what was required. I would say to you not too worry too much. If you get through the interviews and are accepted, i think that it is highly unlikely that as long as you look medically fit i.e are not anorexic, all will be ok.
Good luck!

jayne 5th Apr 2002 13:33

Re: Height and Weight
Hello Emirates lover. In regards to height and weight well they are very strict BUT there is some hope for you. My friend just got into emirates and has been over there for 1month. When they hired her she was 5kilos overweight. Although she was told that she had to be in proportion to the chart before she would start flying. They did not weigh her untill she went over there and was settled into training so I don't think they would have flown her there to start the job if they didn't think she was appropriate. To be honest I havn't heard from her for a while but will email her and ask her about it. I know that they can ground you from flying if you are not in proportion. Do you have an interview with them or are you just interested? If you are still keen for information email me and I will try to help you out if I can. It may take a while for her to reply. Let me know.

nickmelb 5th Apr 2002 14:27


got my EK interview in 2 days..anyone got any last tips!



FloatJockey 6th Apr 2002 02:02

Work hard...... be good to your mother........

K-k-k-k-k-k-k-k!!!!.... :D

Mrs. FloatJockey

skypryncess 6th Apr 2002 02:38

Just out of interest what sort of height/weight are they after. I have my interveiw tommorrow, I am 168 cm 54kg. Should I eat today? I think I'm about right does anyone know for sure?

nickmelb 6th Apr 2002 04:23

skyprincess good luck! i have a friend who also has his interview 2moro!

i have mine on monday!

re the height weight i dont think its an issue till second round, which im sure u will make anyways!!!

all the best

:P nick

sky28 8th Apr 2002 19:13

Than you very much to all that answered me and try to help me. One doctor prescribed some tablets to put on weight, but, I stop taking them cause I felt like a strange pain in my heart, cause the doctor said it would decrease my heart beats from 78 to 60, so I got scared and stop taking them. Iīd rather put on weight just by eating and eating and thatīs it. Hope that if I go to Dubai, Emirates will still contract me being 5 kilos underweight, hope they donīt mind!!!... Anyway...

I would like to tell Nick from Melb to keep on trying in Emirates after 6 months. They told us that sometimes they have chosen people when they have tried at the 3rd time, so do not be sad and think in positive, Iīm sure next time you will pass!!!

Thanks again to all of you for helping me and answering me, that was nice!

i will let you know if I have put on weight these 5 kilos that are a nightmare for me!!! hahahahha

Take care, Kisses

nickmelb 9th Apr 2002 00:23

heya sky28

Thanks for your message! I already re applied to EK and got in
touch with Jo Silver. They will be here in Melbourne within 6 months, and i am going for it again!

As for your weight, eat truck loads of fast food...that should do the trick! keep us updated

nick :)

blue cheese 15th Oct 2002 04:04

weight/height chart
COuld anyone give me the weight/height chart?? I am 164cm and I weight 46kg but I look much smaller than my actual weight.

I have applied for emirates and i havent receive any reply or whatsoever from them. Its already 6 weeks and the waiting's killing me... :(

i reckon the recruitment team should be coming to KL very soon

vdd 15th Oct 2002 12:18

Weight range chart

I found a weight range chart on the weight watchers website.

The web address is below, or just search for weight watchers Australia. I tried to paste the chart in here but it didn't work. Hope this helps anyway.



christep 15th Oct 2002 12:20

Blue Cheese,

With a BMI (weight in kg / height in metres squared) of 17 you are seriously skinny.

Either get someone to bash you on the head with a brick until you are about 155cm (but them you might not meet the reach requirements) or get out there and eat enough of your namesake (or develop a taste for beer) to put on about 8kg!

blue cheese 15th Oct 2002 14:08

VDD and Christep,

OMG, i have to be at least 59 kg?!?! Man, that's a lot to gain. :( and to think I was always trying to keep my weight down. Well, I guess I just have to stuff myself!

Hahha... christep, the idea of asking someone to bash my head with a brick is cool... but probably wont be any use to them! :p
I didnt know drinking beer will put on weight... i thought was just a belly?!?! nevertheless, I just hope all this weight gain is worth it.

thanks for the input and chart

smile 15th Oct 2002 23:48

Blue Cheese,

Be careful!!! If you have a small frame you may be a good weight for your height. I suggest talking to a dietitian before trying to put on weight. Eating food high in fat ( and the rest) may help put on a few kilos-- but you will feel anything but healthy and your body will not be able to cope with the strain that constant flying puts on it.

love SMILE

blue cheese 16th Oct 2002 02:16

Hi smile.

Frankly, I am quite reluctant to gain that much of weight.

I thikn I will put the weight gain on hold. I ahvent got an interview with them yet. Hope they call me soon!


christep 16th Oct 2002 13:53

Er 46 + 8 = 54 not 59

blue cheese 17th Oct 2002 01:45

ok chris,

math is not my strongest subject in school :rolleyes: :o ... but I can work better with a calculator :D :D :D

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