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Fargoo 1st Oct 2010 18:25

Backing BA
I totally respect your stance as that is indeed your right.

What I am uncomfortable with is the way that BA are almost victimising crew who went on strike. I have personally not witnessed any bullying of non-strikers but have first hand knowledge of the way BA are treating individuals who went on strike.

Lets face it, this dispute will finish at some stage and then we will have to get on with our jobs - however the current management regime is behaving in an extraordinarily heavy handed manner toward some people.
That all comes back to having your cake and eating it unfortunately. When the company has been so badly damaged to the tune of millions of pounds and lost future business I'm not surprised that the management has chosen to take the hard line.

Betty girl 1st Oct 2010 18:41

I really do think that some of you are picking on NO15 like vultures. I often notice that us cabin crew can manage to have a reasoned debate between each other on here but the moment a few non-cabin crew join in it turns into a lot of people just insulting each other.

I don't agree with No 15 on most things but I think he has a right to his opinion and during the day, while some of you were maybe at work, a good and reasoned debate has been taking place.

I like to hear the views of Strikers because at work it is basically impossible to talk about the strike to all but a few. So please don't hound NO 15 away like some of you do with other striking crew.

Thank you.

Wirbelsturm 1st Oct 2010 18:53

Betty Girl,

Asking someone to quantify what they have written is not 'picking on like vultures'. It is merely trying to get that poster to explain some of the thought rationale behind what is written.

A debate cannot be a debate without contesting viewpoints and those that win debates are able to justify their viewpoint and back it up with plausible, well constructed and erudite arguments.

Not picking upon.

Betty girl 1st Oct 2010 19:04

Well maybe I over reacted but some posts had an antagonistic tone to them and when someone is a minority it can be a bit intimidating having everyone pick him up on every little detail of his/her posts.

numberfifteenplease 1st Oct 2010 19:05

Please explain how what I wrote shows "no great knowledge of the why's the wherefore's or the outcome"
As you yourself said - you dont work for BA, your 'knowledge' is simply second hand through forums like this or newspapers such as th e'Daily Mail' which prints total garbage

numberfifteenplease 1st Oct 2010 19:07

Betty Girl
Thank you for the support = I can understand why many people who try to debate leave this particular forum and never return - it is the supercilious personalities of some of the posters which force people away

numberfifteenplease 1st Oct 2010 19:12


That all comes back to having your cake and eating it unfortunately. When the company has been so badly damaged to the tune of millions of pounds and lost future business I'm not surprised that the management has chosen to take the hard line.
At the end of this dispute there will still be a business to run - there is now an atmosphere of mistrust and loathing (from both sides) which I believe could have longer term damaging effects on the business.

Syndicate9 1st Oct 2010 20:35

As most Unite members seem to believe now that BA is in fact trying to destroy their union and not just win this dispute, I can't see how any of their members will be likely to want to change their elected representatives.
Similarly, those outside of Unite and particularly those from other departments believe that Unite is out to destroy BA.
In any war the first casualty is truth. Unfortunately both sides have backed themselves into a corner and we are left looking for a way out.

Runway vacated 1st Oct 2010 20:51

Except it hasn't quite worked out like that has it, no.15? BA have shown extraordinary patience and have only used the ultimate sanction of dismissal against a few individuals who have engaged in activity which is either illegal or a gross breach of company regulations.

And Syndicate 9, as for 'most' UNITE members seeing this as an attempt at union busting, well in my experience nothing could be further from the truth. If anything they are sick of seeing the cost savings they have agreed being wilfully squandered by the least qualified, most easily replaced people in the airline. They most certainly do not appreciate being lumped in with BASSA and regard the CC dispute as a long overdue reckoning.

Should the UNITE leadership try and exercise any leverage over BA by trying to conjur up some support amongst the non BASSA membership, they are in for a nasty surprise. Again, Tony Woodley and WW know this.

ottergirl 1st Oct 2010 21:11


Also there is a clause that says if there weight does not stay in proportion to their height they can be dismissed.
Well I'll be looking forward to seeing how BA defend that one in the first Industrial tribunal; does Virgin get away with that? In 2010 that seems a bit iffy. The temp I flew with last week was of the same mind as the ones you met. They really have not been well-treated of late and their rock-bottom morale is hardly going to fuel the high enthusiasm IFCE are hoping will prevail on MF. But then you read some of the posts on the wannabe forunm and there are some genuinely excited people on there. We are trading on reputation; the BA they think they are joining is not the one they are going to get! Interesting times ahead!

Night night!

Betty girl 1st Oct 2010 21:15

Yes very interesting.

I feel so bad for all these new crew and whatever happens I do hope they enjoy working for BA like I have.

I am also sad that we wont be seeing any new entrants on our fleets.

ottergirl 1st Oct 2010 21:27


It may not meet with your world view but many of us are extremely pleased that BA are taking a "hardline" with people in your department. Crew have been closeted from the real corporate world for too long- partly due to management weakness/incompetence and partly due to BASSA "muscle". No longer.

Some of the shennanigans that crew have been involved in in the past will not stand in this company any longer. And nor should this sort of behaviour be allowed to continue unchecked.
Actually I would like to point out that CC have a relatively good IA record in comparison to say Ground staff. Three years in a row BA was bought to a stand still over the summer - 2003 Ground staff, 2004 Ground staff and 2005 loaders and yes, you guessed it, Ground staff (in sympathy with Gate Gourmet)! The last cabin crew IA was in 1997, every 12 years is hardly militance in the extreme. This is the third CC strike in my 23 years service. Painting us as some kind of evil, persistant, company destroying dept is grossly inaccurate.

button44 1st Oct 2010 21:52

Sorry mods, but couldn't let this pass.
Betty girl said
Well maybe I over reacted but some posts had an antagonistic tone to them and when someone is a minority it can be a bit intimidating having everyone pick him up on every little detail of his/her posts.

I also think you, Flying Nun, Otter Girl and Jetset Lady, were less than understanding of PTC posts...as a fly on the wall I could see nothing that merited your reactions, which poured cold water and doom on a person showing the kind of enthusiasm that as a SLF it would be nice to see....actually, I have had nothing but praise for the CCs I've encountered so far flying with BA....thank you.

Pornpants1 1st Oct 2010 21:53


The last cabin crew IA was in 1997, every 12 years is hardly militance in the extreme. This is the third CC strike in my 23 years service. Painting us as some kind of evil, persistant, company destroying dept is grossly inaccurate.
January 2007 springs to mind also, mass cancellation of flights over the first 3 day period of threatened industrial action, before Tony Woodley stepped in and put BASSA in its place. The damage was however already done.

Snow disruption 2009, BASSA refuse alleviations and insist on 2 local nights for diverted crew.

As above but January 2010.

You don't always have to strike to cause pain and disruption:E

Betty girl 1st Oct 2010 22:53

I have gone back and reread ptc's post and I think it might be because you don't fly, you therefore don't understand the politics of what he/she was saying.

Having reread what he/she said I still get a horrid creepy feeling in my gut about the nature of his/her posts and the inference that those of us on other fleets do not treat the flight crew well.

Please believe me when I tell you that flight crew do get fed on all flights.

Rest assured that most crew do have a good relationship with the flight crew. Rereading what I posted at the time I don't feel I said anything bad to ptc it was more a reaction of shock at the way he/she had posted.

Why do you post if you know you are not supposed to? You don't need to answer that.

I am however pleased that you have had good service from BA cabin crew. I would also point out that ottergirl, flying nun, jetset lady and myself are all very dedicated crew. None of us striked, all of us have good working relationships with flight crew and all of us have been very supportive of Temps like ptc and new crew going to Mixed Fleet.

Tiramisu 1st Oct 2010 22:56

button44 said to Betty girl,
I also think you, Flying Nun, Otter Girl and Jetset Lady, were less than understanding of PTC posts...as a fly on the wall I could see nothing that merited your reactions, which poured cold water and doom on a person showing the kind of enthusiasm that as a SLF it would be nice to see....actually, I have had nothing but praise for the CCs I've encountered so far flying with BA....thank you.
In defence of Betty girl, Flying Nun, Otter Girl and Jetset Lady, I was also of the same opinion as all of them, having read ptc's post though I didn't post as I was away. They all also all happen to be some of BA's finest crew and none of them would intentionally pour cold water an any one showing enthusiasm on joining BA.

Right Engine 2nd Oct 2010 07:21


Without being there I wouldn't be able to comment - so you are saying this person actually instigated a full blown grievance procedure against you?
They tried but within a day it was laughed out of the office!

Just wanted you to know that there are some crew out there who are capable of manipulating the system ( or attempting to )

GearUp CheerUp 2nd Oct 2010 10:00

As most Unite members seem to believe now that BA is in fact trying to destroy their union and not just win this dispute, I can't see how any of their members will be likely to want to change their elected representatives.
Similarly, those outside of Unite and particularly those from other departments believe that Unite is out to destroy BA.
In any war the first casualty is truth. Unfortunately both sides have backed themselves into a corner and we are left looking for a way out.
How are BA management looking for a way out?

They have been successful in removing a crewmember off each aircraft, so saving £60m per year and thay have the additional savings of NF to look forward to.

They know (as do the BASSA high command and Unite) that any further strikes will be even more ineffectual as the last, as they now have sufficient VCCs to operate at least 100% of LH and a good proportion of SH as well.

numberfifteenplease 2nd Oct 2010 11:19

Right Engine

They tried but within a day it was laughed out of the office!
And so it should have been, we are all going to have to work together after this dispute (both sides of the door) - I guess one of my concerns will be the ill feeling that will exist for some people - both Cabin Crew and Flight Crew, lets just hope that when it is over we can get back to doing what we enjoy and making BA into a great airline once again.

numberfifteenplease 2nd Oct 2010 11:21

No malice meant in my previous posting - just egging you on a tad ;)

ottergirl 2nd Oct 2010 11:42

which poured cold water and doom on a person showing the kind of enthusiasm that as a SLF it would be nice to see
We weren't pouring cold water on ptc's enthusiasm, just on the inference that ptc was making that we all treat the flight crew badly and they were lucky because she/he was coming to rescue them. :yuk:

They all also all happen to be some of BA's finest crew
Aaah, thanks Tiramisu. We've missed you.

Colonel White 2nd Oct 2010 13:49

As most Unite members seem to believe now that BA is in fact trying to destroy their union and not just win this dispute, I can't see how any of their members will be likely to want to change their elected representatives.
Similarly, those outside of Unite and particularly those from other departments believe that Unite is out to destroy BA.
In any war the first casualty is truth. Unfortunately both sides have backed themselves into a corner and we are left looking for a way out.
Some mighty big assumptions here.
a) Do most Unite members believe BA is tryng to destroy Unite ? Look at this objectively. You are suggesting that a company that employs about 40,000 staff, roughly half of whom are Unite members is trying to bring about the downfall of a union with 1.5 million members. Does that sound credible ? If Unite is that wobbly, what protection can they afford members ? Sort of undermines their raison d'aitre. Would you want to join an enterprise that could be reduced to naught by another that is under 5% of its size ?

b) Other departments have seen how Unite has been willing to reach agreements with BA management, so no, all the good people outside of cabin crew don't believe that Unite is out to bring about the demise of BA. What is very difficult to understand is how one branch of Unite can operate in a way that is opposite to that of other branches. Put simply, how is it that BASSA are unwilling or unable to work with BA management in the same way as their counterparts in Unite have. It's not Unite that seem to want to trash the company, but BASSA.

Have BA management backed themselves into a corner ? No. They've achieved a level of cost savings. They've got the changes in working practices they sought (even if the appeal court rules that manning levels are part and parcel of individual staff member's contracts of employment, they will not roll back the changes). They've been able to introduce lower cost base cabin crew. They are now moving on. I'd say that from a BA management view this dispute is over. BASSA have played the strike card. It didn't halt the company and the longer the union seeks to drag this on, the more that support will ebb away. Oh sure, there will be a small nucleus who may wish to perpetuate the fight, but that is the case in any dispute. There's always someone who isn't completely happy with the end result. Time now to patch up differences between the strikers and non-strikers. The sooner that Unite signal an end to hostilities, the quicker that BA management will restore staff travel to those who walked out. Clearly, BA management aren't likely to make that move whilst the union are indicating that they are still in dispute. The ball is firmly in Unite's court.

MissM 2nd Oct 2010 14:23

BA is becoming a great place to work at. As of October 7th we will have to work with VCC on certain WW flights. At least it removes some of the pressure on our EF colleagues who have had to work with them for some time but it's outrageous and provocative. We shouldn't be forced to work with people who are nothing but prolonging our dispute.

Fingers crossed we will have a good result in court. I really hope they will rule in favour for Unite and make BA reimburse every single penny which commuters have to spend on ticket and hotel costs because they lost their staff travel concessions for participating in a lawful industrial action. That would make my day!

Wirbelsturm 2nd Oct 2010 15:01

Still a funny coloured sky in BASSA land I see.

No one really knows but I would suggest that the loss of ST, albeit provocative, is clearly up to the company as it is a perk not a contractural right.

As to paying back money to those who lost it I am afraid that it was their choice to live away from BA and not the companies responsibility to cater for their travel to and from work.

Surely a decision in favour of commuters from a court would be discriminatory against any person not requiring ST utilisation to get to work.

Don't hold your breath.

Caribbean Boy 2nd Oct 2010 15:03

Well, MissM, it does depend on how you look at it. One can just as well say that it's outrageous that BA should be forced to train VCC because people like you went on strike and don't care if BA goes bust (your words in a post some weeks ago which was quickly removed). One can also say that's it's outrageous that BA should find it necessary to put VCC on their recency flights from LGW in order to avoid possible aggravation from LHR-based strikers.

Pornpants1 2nd Oct 2010 15:21

I have a genuine question for you.....

Fingers crossed we will have a good result in court. I really hope they will rule in favour for Unite and make BA reimburse every single penny which commuters have to spend on ticket and hotel costs because they lost their staff travel concessions for participating in a lawful industrial action. That would make my day!
What sort of time frame are you planning for/thinking of? At best the staff travel case will be heard in the new year. Whilst I'm not about to predict who will win, I'm willing to bet that whoever losses will appeal, and this process has the potential to take 6-8 years to solve, can you and other BASSA members afford to wait that long?

RadarIdent 2nd Oct 2010 15:54


BA is becoming a great place to work at. As of October 7th we will have to work with VCC on certain WW flights. At least it removes some of the pressure on our EF colleagues who have had to work with them for some time but it's outrageous and provocative. We shouldn't be forced to work with people who are nothing but prolonging our dispute.
The reason these 'people' are VCC in the first instance is because of the refusal of BASSA to accept change like EVERY other department. Call us selfish, but we want to see our company succeed and have all done our bit and more in this regard.
What have you done MissM? And, looking at your posts, why do you continue working for an Airline that you obviously so despise?

MissM 2nd Oct 2010 16:00

Let staff travel be a perk if you wish but when BA removed it from those of us who participated in lawful industrial action it was done as a form of punishment. Nothing else. BA allows its staff to reside overseas. Both of these points are to our advantage. BA, and especially WW himself, has made life difficult for many loyal and long serving crew. Nobody can tell how many years it will take before a decision has been made but what's important is that the issue is progressing. I don't rely on staff travel any more as I live in the UK but I will definitely support any commuter who has lost their staff travel. I doubt very few of us will be here in eight years because by then we, including those who crossed the picket line, would have been replaced by Mixed Fleet

Let LGW have the VCC. If LGW crew think they are doing this company a favour by assisting VCC, they are way out of line. Remember that LGW is considered to be too expensive for BA. LGW will not be protected from Mixed Fleet either. LGW crew, and everyone else who crossed the picket line, should have supported their union.

ChicoG 2nd Oct 2010 16:13

MissM said:

Remember that LGW is considered to be too expensive for BA.
It would seem BA don't agree with you, MissM. Or you're wrong again.

London.– British Airways has opened up its Gatwick gateway with a growing route network that has firmly established it as the airport's leading long haul carrier. As the airline celebrates the first anniversary of the popular thrice-weekly Sharm el Sheikh service, it is getting ready to launch a new twice-weekly service to Cancun in November.

With other new routes launched in the past year, including Male, in the Maldives, Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic and Montego Bay in Jamaica, British Airways will operate flights to 25 domestic and European destinations and 16 long haul destinations from Gatwick this winter.

The most popular long haul destinations for families are Orlando and Tampa in Florida. This follows the recent announcement of the increased frequency of flights to Tampa, starting on March 27, 2011. Other hotspots for holidays include the Dominican Republic, holidays in the Maldives and Cancun.

Wirbelsturm 2nd Oct 2010 16:15


Very magnanimous of you. I, personally, hold the totally opposite view. Someone who lives abroad and benefits from the non residents tax breaks who take industrial action when that action brings with it the loss of their perks has made their own choice. Staff Travel, as discussed previously, is a perk offered at the whim of the company. If it were not then the tax burden applied would make your recent allowances tax increase seem minute.

They are not deserving of sympathy as they have made a choice both to rely upon a perk to get to and from work and to be of the naieve belief that BASSA would 'get it back in 5 minutes'.

Welcome to the real adult world where decisions have consequences. Financial compensation for those individuals would be discriminatory against all personnel who pay for their own non subsidised travel to work.

You make the choices that shape your lives.

MissM 2nd Oct 2010 17:06


I don't despite this company. I despise our so called management.


It's the cheapest base at the moment but certainly not the cheapest when compared to the costs of Mixed Fleet. Wait until Mixed Fleet has been launched and LGW will be next on the line within IFCE.


Everyone who went on strike had their individual reasons but assumingly the majority felt that reaching an agreement with BA was not possible.

There were many commuters at BFC which would indicate that they put their livehoods ahead of their travel concessions. BA informed us that we would lose our staff travel concessions permanently should we go on a strike and undoubtedly they were trying to "scare" our commuting cabin crew and convince them not go on strike. Did it work? Probably not.

Wirbelsturm 2nd Oct 2010 17:18


Did it work? Probably not.
Good to see we at least agree on the outcome of the ill advised BASSA industrial action.


Colonel White 2nd Oct 2010 19:40


Fingers crossed we will have a good result in court. I really hope they will rule in favour for Unite and make BA reimburse every single penny which commuters have to spend on ticket and hotel costs because they lost their staff travel concessions for participating in a lawful industrial action. That would make my day! Last edited by MissM : Today at 15:34.
Whuch court action would that be ? What bit of the law are Unite trying to use to get BA to return Staff Travel,bearing in mind that the two sides are still in dispute ? Oh and BA have been very public about offering to return staff travel to those wo went on strike once the dispute is settled.

What is a court going to say ? BA have offered to return the perk, just as they have in the past, but only when Unite agree to a cessation. Unite have clearly not agreed to any such thing and are still in dispute. Asking the court to return staff travel is asking the judiciary to be involved in settling the dispute. Not going to happen is it. Once again Unite have gone off half cock. The correct way forward would be to settle the dispute, wait to see whether BA return staff travel and then take action if they don't on the basis that they are discriminating against workers who have previously been in dispute with the company. Unite really ought to have a good chat with their legal team. Quite when this will get to court is unknown. I believe Unite are supposed to have sent papers to the court,which gives BA several weeks in which to prepare an inital response, Then the case needs to be listed ... unlikely to be heard this year. Are Unite going to hold out till next spring for a possible first hearing ? We could be two years down the track from the initial removal before this is finally resolved. Are BASSA going to remain in dispute that long ? Bear in mind that whilst this little ruckus continues, BA won't talk about pay, allowances or working conditions, so crew will be stuck with a pay freeze for the duration. Except of course the non union folk plus Mixed fleet. Are cabin crew going to be happy with that situation ? How many will have left through natural wastage ? How many will leave simply because they find that they can't afford to take the financial penalty of commutting without staff travel ? They won't get any compensation.

Final thought. Why is it that Unite have only just decided that removing staff travel from strikers is 'punishment' when BA has done this several times previously and the union has not moved a muscle ?

Colonel White 2nd Oct 2010 19:48

Cheapest base...
Whoops, just forgot. When Mixed fleet comes on line, they probably will be the cheapest base, followed by LGW with LHR 'heritage' crews still showing as the most expensive. You'd have to have a sizeable Mixed Fleet presence in LHR to bring the average LHR cabin crew cost down to a level comparable with LGW.

LGW have had a rough ride for the past few years and have been on the verge of closure several times. It is a credit to the whole LGW operation that they have been able to get to grips with costs, punctuality and customer satisfaction and generally rise to the challenge.

Abbey Road 2nd Oct 2010 20:05


BA, and especially WW himself, has made life difficult for many loyal and long serving crew.
I think there are many who would feel that "loyal" and "long serving" are being confused. Just because someone has served a long time does not necessarily mean that they are loyal. It could mean that the 'long server' is marking time, knowing that there is nothing else out there that would provide similar income and terms/conditions. However, as they bide their time, they may be anything but loyal. As long as they stay away from the disciplinary line in the sand then they remain ..... long serving.

On the other hand, someone who has been in the company 6 months, maybe having waited years to get a position, would be willing to give all to help keep the company viable and healthy. That would certainly be considered loyal.

If LGW crew think they are doing this company a favour by assisting VCC, they are way out of line.
Don't forget that a large part of the employee group, perhaps a notable majority, happen to think that BASSA "are way out of line".

who came first 2nd Oct 2010 22:13

It's all over?
I'm surprised that so many strikers believe that the dispute must end with a 'negotiated settlement'.

Management have been handed far more than they expected by an incompetent BASSA leadership. OK it came at a not inconsiderable cost but BA are not going to negotiate away a hard won victory.
We all know that any more strikes would be futile and that despite what they may say publicly, Unite are not interested. BA has an army of volunteers now and have not invested millions on SEP and service training for nothing. There's no support from other Unite branches within BA ("I'd rather s*ag a loader than a scab").

Haneda and Buenos Aires will cost many times New Fleet pay should they use current crew so there's no chance that will happen. More threats from BASSA are just empty and only BASSA members who believe everything their leaders say think otherwise. I'll be surprised if BA ever meets with BASSA again.

BA offered current LHR crew a very generous pay guarantee this summer which they knew strikers would refuse. They can afford to pay this guarantee in future years as only just under 1000 signed up for it, ie less than 10%. Most of us believe that in spite of earlier guarantees, BA will gradually pull premium routes from current crew saying that the strikes made it inevitable. And staff travel? What advantage is there to BA to give it back? Sadly, none. Everyone who finds it too difficult to come to work can be replaced with someboby for less than half the cost.

So what can current crew do? BA might be more inclined to meet if the current leadership of BASSA was removed by the members but that's not going to happen. Over the last few years the BASSA leaders have altered the rules so that you need to be a rep for many years before you can even stand for election to key positions.

I have many crew friends who do not deserve this. Most crew are excellent at their job and I believe their justified reputation increases tickets sales, but I think the BASSA leaders have conned their members for their own selfish purposes.

The fat lady is stirring.

Stiffco 2nd Oct 2010 23:03

undoubtedly they were trying to "scare" our commuting cabin crew and convince them not go on strike. Did it work? Probably not.
What is the fixation about commuting crew? :bored:

Perhaps the threat of removal of st was more about concentrating the thoughts of all those that enjoy the benefits of taking several Caribbean holidays each year.

Desk Jocky 3rd Oct 2010 00:49

Let staff travel be a perk if you wish but when BA removed it from those of us who participated in lawful industrial action it was done as a form of punishment. Nothing else.
As so this statement that is on the ST logon screen is irrelevent then?

Staff travel is a non-contractual and discretionary benefit granted at the sole discretion of BA and as such can be withdrawn or varied at the sole discretion of the Company at any time.

BA allows its staff to reside overseas.
Staff choose to reside overseas, BA may allows them to use staff travel as a means to get to work, but it in no way forces staff to reside overseas, unless it is where they are stationed for their job.

BA, and especially WW himself, has made life difficult for many loyal and long serving crew.
Loyalty is earnt not gained through long service.

I will definitely support any commuter who has lost their staff travel. I doubt very few of us will be here in eight years because by then we, including those who crossed the picket line, would have been replaced by Mixed Fleet.
Pure supposition I think, as unless you have a crystal ball, there is no telling how long it will take for current main crew to be replaced, and the best estimates so far have been closer to 10 years and probably longer.
That is if you don't attempt further IA, and force BA's hand?

ChicoG 3rd Oct 2010 06:28

MissM said:

Remember that LGW is considered to be too expensive for BA.
And also said:

It's the cheapest base at the moment but certainly not the cheapest when compared to the costs of Mixed Fleet. Wait until Mixed Fleet has been launched and LGW will be next on the line within IFCE.
This is nothing more than a non-sequitur.

You said Gatwick is considered to be too expensive for BA. By whom?

Or are you simply repeating BASSA rumours designed to try and frighten LGW crew? If so, it doesn't appear to be working.

CC Forum Moderators 4th Oct 2010 08:32

British Airways vs. BASSA (current Airline Staff Only)
Some users have reported problems with this thread "getting stuck".
In view of that, and because at 3000+ posts it is becoming unwieldy, we are opening a new thread along the same lines.

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