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HiFlyer14 26th Jun 2010 08:15


I'm over myself now.:p

Chigley has given a good explanation. But just to put it another way.

Forget MTP. That has effectively gone.
We will now earn our variable allowances as we have always done. The difference is: to counteract the worries about "sitting at home with no work" we have a "guarantee of a minimum payment" (GMP ;)).

Therefore IF you were to sit at home with no work, you would earn the GMP rates (as specified in Appendix 1 and NOT including meal allowances!). If you earn more than that, then you take home whatever you've earned.

It is, for want of a better word, a security blanket. I for one think we are very lucky that our employer has resolved this issue in such a win-win way. I would like to publicly thank them for being so magnaminous in this situation.


Please remember Rome wasn't built in a day. BA are making their savings through reduced crew complements and now the earlier, and larger than planned introduction of Mixed Fleet. This is a huge adjustment for our community. If BA are happy, and we are happy, I think you will see a more effective workforce and that has got to be a good thing.

I agree with Malcolmf. We now need to sign it and get on with restoring our customers' faith in us.

This is my own viewpoint and not that of BA.

Betty girl 26th Jun 2010 08:23

I know you are a very bright person because I read your posts and agree with a lot of what you say.
Read the whole agreement and I think you will see that the new amount is a guarantee this time not a replacement of our allowances like the last MTP offer.
The last one was a total average replacement based on 2009 variable fully taxable payments.
This offer is a guarantee that if you happen to take home less than this average amount, bassed this time on 2009/2010 variable fully taxable payments, you will have your pay toped up to thoes average figures.

Meal allowances are still going to be paid as they are now.

So this time people wont be disadvantaged if they do lots of long days like Moscow or three day trips because all the variable pay like ETP, Box payments, O/T,Cat payments and B to B payments are still going to be paid as they are now. This system only comes into its own if you earn less. IT IS A GARANTEE NOT A REPLACEMENT THIS TIME. That is what makes it such an improvement.


I know it must be hard for you to understand all these issues.

I am not at all happy with what has been happening to the cabin crew recently and I do not like Willie Walsh's management style.

However BASSA have been saying NO NO NO for years and years and years to BA. Small changes could have been made years ago to make our comunity more cost effective. Some of our practices are very restrictive and we could have accepted a number of changes in the past.

Because we have made NO changes at all, and many crew agree with BA that some changes are nescesary, BA have come up with this NEW FLEET out of desperation for some change.

BASSA have actually made things worse. They are actually the cause of New Fleet. Had they made some changes years ago like one senior cabin crew member on Eurofleet and fixed links. New disruption agreement on World Wide, CSD to actually work on the flight !!! sounds shocking doesn't it that prior to this alot of them just sat on their backside most of the flight, none of this would be happening now.

BA actually earlier in the year made an offer so that new entrants could come into our fleets in return for a few concessions from us but BASSA was too busy arguing about the CSD having to work and planning to strike, to actually sit down and agree this with them.

Now New Fleet has been brought in with NO INPUT from BASSA and it is their fault. BA are putting into New Fleet every wish that they had ever wanted. Eg. direct managemet transfers from other dept. into CSM job, merit promotion (which isn't so bad a thing), no overtime etc etc and low pay. Had BASSA actually negotiated they could have achived a much better result.

So basically this strike has done nothing but cause all the offers to be worse. The improvement to the current offer is a direct result of current NON STRIKING crew telling Bill Fransis what they were unhappy with and he has made some changes which go a long way to making us feel safer about our future earnings as we all have comitments to meet.

All BASSA are now interested in is getting staff travel returned and reinstating sacked crew which of course they had before they ever went on this useless strike.
However no doubt BASSA will try and take credit for this improvement even though it could have been achived with them talking in the first place instead of costing our employer millions.

I don't want anyone to lose their job but I am sick of this barking mad union and if they choose to strike again they deserve to loose their jobs.

I hope the majority will see the light and realise that this offer is good protection for us. The two year guarantee by the way is just the pay deal part.

Hope I have explained it so that you can understand things a bit better and also realise why so many of us came to work and are unhappy with the unions stance.

Betty girl 26th Jun 2010 08:45


I can't understand your stance. I don't know what department you work in but surely you would not want your pay reduced. Crew are people with homes and families and the vast majority take home a quite normal salary enough to have a mortgage and bring up their family.

Cost savings can be made by productivity and that is what BA has done. Even greater cost savings are being made with this new fleet and I think that the new entrants will mostly be young people living at home with their parents because 11K is a very low salary and although with the 2.40 flight pay it will be uplifted, but unlike other jobs air crew need to pay for food and meals when away and this is not cheap. You can't just pop down to Tescos for your supper like the rest of the population. So even with the flight pay I would be suprised if the take home is more than £1100 a month.

But hey, maybe you or your partner would think that is good and maybe you would wish that on our current crew too but I for one am glad you are not in charge.

64K 26th Jun 2010 09:04

£1100 take home a month isn't great, I think everybody realises this. Remember, though, this is a starting rate and there is still the performance bonus element to it although who knows what this might look like.

As an aside, from what I have heard, there are IFCE managers who do not earn a great deal more than this. I remember hearing £1300 take home not so long ago. That has got to hurt too!

(Views above are my own, not those of my employer)

Meal Chucker 26th Jun 2010 09:10


Originally Posted by Shah100
I initually couldn't understand why cabin crew were striking during these difficult times. I backed B.A during the strikes but after speaking to loads of cabin crew, started to understand what was going through there mind.
Started to see there struggle for what they felt was an injustice towards them.

What are the injustices or issues, as you understand them?

I'm crew and I can't fathom them out!

Betty girl 26th Jun 2010 09:34

I agree with you completely but what I find hard is people revelling in others having their pay slashed.

In my opinion the world has gone mad. People in the city taking home larger and larger amounts of pay, CEO's etc taking home huge amounts more in real terms than 10 or 20 years ago. Normal workers having their pensions slashed. These new people will be on such low amounts they will barely be able to put much away into a pension anyway.

How on earth as a society are we going to be able to cope in say 50 years time when most of the population have been squashed onto these minimum wages and not made any pension provisions. While some in our society are getting richer and richer. It is almost like we are going backwards as a society and the general worker is getting poorer and suposed to be grateful that they have a job.

Anyway as you probably know I did not agree with the strike, I'm not a militant or left winger either but comments about people should be happy or feel lucky because there are lots that would like their job etc. just seem short sighted. As a society we should all be striving for everyone having a good living and a comfortable life. Not actually enjoying others misfortune.

I am just an ordinary person with an oridinary mortgage working for a company, that I have worked hard for, for 22 years. I happen to live in one of the most expensive parts of the country.
I don't apologise that I worry for people who are young now because salaries are being artificialy forced down by the availabilty of lots of people willing to work for less and in my opinion this is a step backwards for the future of our society.

Anyway that is my political speach over.

617sqn 26th Jun 2010 10:30

Could somebody please clarify.
Is the guaranteed top up payment fixed at 09/10 rates or will it change yearly?

Tiramisu 26th Jun 2010 10:39

I for one think we are very lucky that our employer has resolved this issue in such a win-win way. I would like to publicly thank them for being so magnaminous in this situation.

We now need to sign it and get on with restoring our customers' faith in us.
Very well said, HiFlyer.
I too, echo those sentiments. Ready to sign on the dotted line....


IYCSWICSWICW 26th Jun 2010 11:10

Betty, hun, my post was poorly thought out, enter button struck etc. Sorry. I regard BASSA as borderingon the criminally negligent in their handling of Industrial Relations.

No-one wants their pay cut - too true, but mine has been. As far as I can see things, BA has been absolutely patient, to the nth degree, in an attempt to fix the 'cancer' (remember that comparison?) that eats away at BA's brand. Willie Walsh is formidable, and yes, perhaps his style is not everyones rosie lea. But, by G*d, he's effective. What many still fail to grasp is that 'it's a business', and he is a business man - that said, the business still employs folk on fantastic T&C's. So, after all of this, yhe company is still offering a tight package to the current membership. BASSA, no doubt will self-serve, and shoot it out of the water, but, will blame others when it is accepted, as it surely has to be.

The bad apples? I, was refering to the hard-core members who choose to enter into the day job carrying XXXX labels and stuff. How divisive is that? What is the purpose of doing so? Attitude, attitude, attitude. It's your choice on the day, but how 'very' dare those that choose the bad apple attitude on the day. They have what to prove? Other than poor judgement, for all to see, in following a dysfunctional branch of Unite. It gets my goat (I'll get my coat).

IYCSWICSWICW, stands for, If You Could See What I could See When I'm Cleaning Windows. George Formby - my hero. I used to be a window cleaner myself, worked hard, saved up and retrained. I now work elsewhere, but still look out of a very expensive window now- facing forwards.


Caribbean Boy 26th Jun 2010 11:15

Top up increase
617sqn wrote:

Is the guaranteed top up payment fixed at 09/10 rates or will it change yearly?
It would make sense to increase the variable pay top up otherwise inflation would devalue it over a period of time. BA will indeed increase the top up in line with base pay increases.

As an example: if cabin crew get a 2.9% pay rise in 2011/12, the minimum variable pay full time main crew would receive per annum would rise from £6,616 to £6,808 (WW) and from £1,737 to £1,787 (EF).

617sqn 26th Jun 2010 11:34

Carribbean Boy
Thank you for your reply.
That will help to allay some of the worries crew may have.
There is a feeling in some quarters that, as the trips transfer over, the B2B payments and long range payments will diminish thus making the yearly average lower.
If the guaranteed payment will increase then that is good news.
Another point is that 09/10 was a low earning year due to the ash cloud and IA(I know! Don't shoot me down on that one)
The MTP was based on the previous year and was a higher amount.

Lots of different issues being talked about by crew at the CRC.

For a lot of people (in both camps)this has been very stressful.
If this latest offer has the potential to stop any further unrest it can only be a good thing.

Stiffco 26th Jun 2010 11:35

It's a hard life!

because 11K is a very low salary and although with the 2.40 flight pay it will be uplifted, but unlike other jobs air crew need to pay for food and meals when away and this is not cheap. You can't just pop down to Tescos for your supper like the rest of the population. So even with the flight pay I would be suprised if the take home is more than £1100 a month.
Oh please Betty girl.
Enough of the sob story :{
With respect to food, you know as well as I do that in many places you can eat very well, for a lot less than the meal allowance.
Also, best not to forget that when you are away you are not having to pay for gas, electric, petrol, wear & tear on your soft furnishings etc. etc. etc. Where shall we stop?

Caribbean Boy 26th Jun 2010 11:35

Betty girl wrote:

Read the whole agreement and I think you will see that the new amount is a guarantee this time not a replacement of our allowances like the last MTP offer.
Actually, both the MTP and the minimum variable pay (plus top up) are guaranteed. The minimum variable pay just comprises the same allowances which were in the MTP, the real difference is in the top up. Either way, cabin crew have been offered what is in effect an increase in their basic salary, good for security, mortgage applications, etc.

I think that BA has to be commended for listening to concerns about cabin crew losing out to Mixed Fleet and coming up with these proposals. Unfortunately, I don't expect Unite to recommend the variable pay top up to their members.

Caribbean Boy 26th Jun 2010 11:42

617sqn wrote:

Another point is that 09/10 was a low earning year due to the ash cloud and IA(I know! Don't shoot me down on that one)
The MTP was based on the previous year and was a higher amount.
A union should be negotiating the minimum variable pay, trying to get something a bit better. Will Unite do this?

617sqn 26th Jun 2010 11:44

Their main concern is ST and suspended crew.

Betty girl 26th Jun 2010 11:58


Thanks for your reply. I think when we all put things down on paper sometimes they come out sounding more harsh than we first thought. I think it happens to us all.

If you have read any of my posts you will see that I am totally baffelled by BASSA's approach. I feel they have been the actual cause of New Fleet.

Even though I feel this latest offer is a great step and I am happy to accept it. I feel by BASSA causing the company to set up New Fleet as their only way to get round BASSA's negative negotiating methods. ie. never actually sitting down and conceeding to anything, will cause us further problems in the future. I feel that BA will again come back in the future to try and achieve more savings from WW and E/F because BASSA have not let them address some of the outdated practices we have. Now they will have another set of crew to directly compare us with. Thanks BASSA.

So I am totally fed up with this nutty leftwing union. I wish that our unions had gone the way German unions have, together with their employer they try to workout solutions that are fair to both the business and the employer in a normal working manner.

Betty girl 26th Jun 2010 12:19

Have you actually worked out how much someone earning 11K actually takes home.

I know that we do not spend all our allowances on food that is why we get taxed on over half of it. However these new crew will struggle because their basic is so low (especially as they need to live in the LHR area) they will need to take home a great deal more of their allowances to make ends meet.

It is not a sob story for me at all as I am current crew. I do however feel that this is not a good starting salary for anyone whatever job they do and whereever they might work.

I know that flight crew get taxed on 20% of their hourly rate of meal payment allowance but I also know that for Gatwick cabin crew theirs are taxed almost the oposite way around. Due to the recent audit by the tax man LGW had their meal payments taxed more because they had found it hard to show they were spending it on food and the reason for that was because they needed to take it home because their basic is so low, although not as low as New Fleet. Presumably the tax man will treat the New Fleet crew this way as well. So all in all anyway you look at it, this is a very poor wage the new starters will be on.

That was all I was saying. No sob story. Just sad for future crew. That's all.

essessdeedee 26th Jun 2010 12:32

Betty Girl,

lets not lose sight of the point that new/mixed fleet will be in at the market rate(+10%). Since our competitors appear to have no recruitment problems, I doubt that we will. This fleet will succeed with enthusiastic, motivated crew that are not yet locked into financial commitments.

I don't see it as "sad" for future crew at all. Have you looked at starter rates in other businesses? even in the south east!

Betty girl 26th Jun 2010 12:42

Well essessdeedee,

Actually it is not 10% above other airlines.
BMI starting rate is £11,508 Plus 2,838 london weighting Plus flight pay per hour on top. So that is £14,346 plus flight pay. Just looked it up on their website. There in black and white for you to look at too.

Starting rate for charter crew at Thompsons is £11500 flight pay is 2.85 ph. That's a charter airline.
Virgin is more also schedualled.
So where is the market rate PLUS 10%

Please feel free to show me an advert for a premium airline that is paying less

clublemon 26th Jun 2010 12:42


I hope these issues with the cabin crew are resolved, but I know after doing my research on Willie Walsh and his management, that they have other plans up there sleeves for my department as well as others.
To him, outsourcing is always the best route for ground staff.

Shah, if other plans are in store for other departments then so be it.

Outsourcing is one possiblity of many. Yes im aware of various trials focusing around productivity on the ground but can you honestly say that getting paid upwards of £2500 per month is justified for some for example whose daily work stops at "boarding 3 flights a day"

Im not saying the blame lays anywhere for this....but in the current climate it isn't just IFCE which needs looking at. There are several "gravy trains" in ALL departments which needs to be stopped if the business is to grow and lets face it...make profits and shareholder return...the reason why the company exists in the first place which many people seem to forget.

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