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Rover90 28th May 2010 15:34

Short extract from the Duncan Holley missive yesterday:

Strikes have a way of showing a person’s true character; there is no fence to sit on with this one and it almost always proves one thing - those who shout the loudest and have the most opinions are often the ones furthest from the picket lines;
"those who shout the loudest and have the most opinions are often the ones furthest from the picket lines"

True words indeed, some reps are off long term sick and immune to withdrawal of staff travel and others are as far away as Los Angeles.

Possibly the real casualties of this whole episode are going to be a bunch of 2000+ very decent people amongst the 3000+ strike force following a leadership that they believed had a creditable plan.

It is over, just a matter of how the end will come.

7Heroes 28th May 2010 15:45

BA makes most of its money on a handful of routes.Those are the flights going at the moment.To say that 120 flights have been cancelled is correct but doesn`t mean they have lost a 1/3 of their revenue.
A lot of short haul flights have been cancelled but they probably had negligeable effect on the bottom line anyway.They are using the 70% of crew reporting on the most lucrative routes.
With a £1.7 billion cash pile and losing £5-7 million a day( £2 million a day before the strike) BA can last for quite a while.
How long can striking crew continue to lose 15 days pay and allowances.

Dozza2k 28th May 2010 15:49

Lates from Simpson:


Willie Walsh continues to block a settlement to the BA dispute - this no cost matter will costs BA millions and continue passengers pain 13 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

guess it didn't go well today.

Wirbelsturm 28th May 2010 15:53

this no cost matter will costs BA millions and continue passengers pain
Perhaps he should concentrate more on getting his offspring Union to see sense than twittering to his brood.

They, Unite/BASSA are the ones causing pain by calling and maintaining IA over irrelevant, unrelated events.

Bye,bye BASSA.

Hand Solo 28th May 2010 17:04

This might explain some of the numbers at Bedfont:}

Unfortunately it is true that someone landed from a trip this morning with 2 other crew and when they were trying to get their XxxX Bedfont t-shirt obviously the question was asked if they were a striker (because these were only given to those that were) and they admitted eventually that they were not and they were asked to leave. It was that person that then said there were 2 others with them. Not to mention they actually went on the open top bus to London to wave a flag, support our colleagues and TO STAND PROUD.
Oooh, and on the open top bus too! That's gotta sting!

circuitbreaker13 28th May 2010 17:26

Yes this may cost BA 84 million but in the long run it will safe BA and this is the simple fact BASSA does'nt seem to understand!

I'ts BA's board of directors who determine what level of service we give to our passengers not BASSA!!!!

I do feel however it was not a good move to punish people for striking!

If there's one thing I dislike more then the people on strike it is the people who voted yes and are working now because if they would have stuck to their vote this dispute would have been long solved one way or another!!

I would like to invite BASSA one more time to try to explain to the rest of BA why we should not disrespect their striking collegues!!!

64K 28th May 2010 17:37

I am sure that there are several people on the picket lines and buses will have done so on days off, leave, part time weeks, etc. and will be operating during the period too. I hope they are not the people who then spread rumours about who reported for work and who didn't. Some people....! :ugh:

(Views above are my own, not those of my employer)

MarkSpeed 28th May 2010 17:47

Here you go. A pal of mine is a trainer. He told me of a woman recently who was very gobby and militant on SEP. Riling everyone up and generally chanting BASSA muck.

I saw her report for a flight yesterday.................

Says it all really.

Eddy 28th May 2010 18:09

The few times I've been in to work on a strike day, I've been very surprised at some of the people I've seen..... VERY surprised indeed. Bassa's latest Big Brother installment said much the same, though, so this isn't news to anyone.

BikerMark 28th May 2010 19:01

If the next ballot is solely going to be about the issue of losing staff travel, presumably that means the substantive offer is acceptable to Unite?

So I can't be the only one left wondering why Unite didn't accept the original pre-strike offer last year, avoid going on strike (with all the accompanying loss of pay, bad PR and hefty calls on union funds), keep everyone's staff travel and living to fight another day.

From conversations around the patch, many non-CC members of Unite are completely bemused by their union. Disillusioned, too.

Litebulbs 28th May 2010 19:08

Originally Posted by essessdeedee (Post 5720727)
Sorry for being late to this party, as this may have already been said -

BA have never warned anyone of this risk in advance of taking a specific action which would financially impact the company.

Therein lies the difference.

I understand that, but is the removal of staff travel for industrial action contained within a current policy (non contractual)?

Viewfrom5Bells 28th May 2010 19:11

wet-leases good value
Was told today by someone who may well know that the wet-lease planes are cheaper to run than the equivalent BA planes and crews so actually BA are regaining at least some of the cost of the strike. Also with cancellation of LHR runway 3 and the fanatastic cost performance by the BA staff at LGW there will be routes moving to LGW over the next few years though no word whether 787 or A380 will go there.

flywcm 28th May 2010 19:23

So What happens now
Someone was asking what will happen now. WW has always had a plan, we can be sure of that. From reading much posted by "strikers" they are clearly unhappy at the original offer further compounded by their loss of ST. The atmosphere on the aircarft without the BASSA stalworts (sp) is an incredible atmosphere of teamspirit. Clearly the strikers would not be happy to return to work unless they get what they want. Walsh will not give it to them so what next? Well IMHO Walsh will give notice to vary their contract to the New Fleet terms and conditions. The strikers will end up with no where to go and can look forward to suing for wrongful dismissal. The Bassa members would not trust WW to do what he said, even what he offered. Instead they placed their trust in their Union. A big mistake. Now they have nowhere to go. Well you rap what you sew. I remember what Balpa's Mark Young used to say: "Don't enter a fight you cannot win"!

Hand Solo 28th May 2010 19:53

Latest Holley missive
It's all about him, isn't it. Perhaps if the union could have been bothered to turn up for talks then they'd have had the opportunity to meet Willie they seem to crave. I'm sure the psychologists will identify the adult-child nature of the transaction between Holley and his nemesis. "I just wanted you to love me Daddy, but now I'm going to be soooo naughty you'll wish you never punished me."

Hi everyone - just got back from Bedlam FC. And, having had a close encounter with a bus load of "tired and emotional" Liv/Manc members I am pleased to say I am still in one piece.
My God, that lot can drink - Bedfont is still reeling. I would also just like to send my best wishes to their bus driver - you sure got the short straw.

Seriously, what this lovely lot did today is the epitome of what this dispute has become - cabin crew from all over the country, and indeed the world uniting in one cause. Standing up to a bully.

Some of the stories I have heard today of some of the tricks BA managers are pulling simply defy belief and, on at least 2 occasions crew members have had to call the police for protection. More on that another time.

It appears now Willie still has three objectives which remain obstacles to peace.

1. He is determined to punish the strikers, despite the fact that returning full staff travel rights is not a cost issue (in fact it is a positive revenue issue).
2. He is determined to have a regime change at BASSA. Well he's got rid of me (he thought) but I'm not going anywhere soon. Seriously why is he so anti-BASSA, he's never met me or Lizanne and yet he talks as if we introduced Arthur Scargill to the world of militancy. Willie, grow up - man. Don't believe what Alun Howells told you - we want what you want, what the crew want, a happy successful airline. Nothing more, nothing less - it is a shame that, since your arrival you have never ever bothered to meet us or even talk to us. Had you even attempted to have been approachable from the beginning we surely would not be where we are today.
3. I also hear he wants "to starve the crew into submission". Well, Willie all I can say to that is, judging by the mound of cakes at Bedfont today you will have a long way to go. If you think you can brow beat the people who have gone on strike then think again. perhaps we should send a coachload from Man/Liv by way of example. They make the SWP look like ***** cats believe me.

Finally I gather you are unhappy at my new found position as BASSA spokesman. And you are angrily firing off e mails to the media (wined and dined) saying why are you interviewing that "lunatic" Duncan Holley and, have even instigated, using the BBC, another dirty tricks campaign re my income from Unite. Well, Willie the truth hurts. Perhaps you should have kept me quiet by leaving my disciplinary process dangling on a string like you have some of the other reps. You cannot silence the truth!

So, it looks as if the dispute will enter it's fourth stage. It is a shame that because of the 3 points above (all of which are simply outrageous reasons to continue this war) this nastiness goes on. We - that is BASSA/UNITE and it's membership - are still prepared to do business, forget all the personal stuff and end this dispute. If you drop these 3 unnecessary sticking points, sanity can prevail, but you have to appreciate you will not succeed if you continue to threaten, bully and intimidate.

Day off tomorrow everyone - so get baking, recover from your hangovers you north westerners and we will see you bright eyed and bushy tailed on Sunday morning. Remember everyone who gets to Bedfont before 10am gets a free breakfast bun.

As you can see by Willie's 3 objectives there is still much to do, and we need to remain united and determined. The XXXX army is on the march, it is getting bigger every day and I don't just mean in waist size.

Pornpants1 28th May 2010 20:25

The above is a work of art, as is the psychological analysis:ok: seriously that is the same person that wrote TENKOs' post, the same person that forged the infamous "I went to work" email and the same person that wrote the 42 year old stewardess who missed the the birth of her own baby, when are the lemmings going to wake up to the lies?

Why will BASSA refuse to answer how many people have been on strike? You would think they would know!

Why are BASSA trying to negotiate the return of staff travel, and indeed naming it it as the reason they are still on strike if it is soooo against the law?

Why does Tony Woodley and Derek Twitter say that a deal is done apart from staff travel, yet BASSA slag any deal presented to anyone that will listen?:ouch:

Nevermind 28th May 2010 20:26

It's quite frightening that people will actually put their careers on the line for someone who writes that rubbish above.

It's amazing how the more he goes on about Willie Walsh, the more I realise the only personality he's actually interested in is himself.

ZILLI 28th May 2010 20:32

I am one of the crew that has decided to go to work, all be it reluctantly. I dare say this post will be deleted by the mods as was my previous one a few weeks ago.

I would like to put an end to the misconceptions and untruths being bandied about. The CRC was crowded yes, but it was crowded with mostly pilots and managers and unlikely looking crew, ie VC.

I would hardly call operating the flights with VC and pilots a bundle of laughs, and yes just like the steward who rang a radio station today to register his fear about flying with crew that did not know what they were doing and he was considering going on strike as he felt unsafe flying with VC, I know exactly what he means! I would not hope for any help in an emergency situation from any of them I am afraid.

Pornpants1 28th May 2010 20:42

To put a balance on your claims ZILLI I trust you have never witnessed a complete cock up at SEP? I have year on year for the last 15:ok: repeats, failures, train to competency etc etc.

You could always use CHIRP if your still concerned:ok:



Less than 5% VCC used, with many surplus cabin crew being put on 2 hour standby EF and WW being put up in various hotels to crew the operation the next day:ok:

Chigley 28th May 2010 20:45


I have been into work on all of the three waves of strikes. I have been in almost everyday as I am on EF. I have flown with full crew compliments, not yet flown with any VCC although I would be honoured to fly with like minded individuals who are merely trying to save their company from the destructive poisonous BASSA and it's supporters. I have even done a standby this week and was sent home as not required.

You are correct though in stating that there are so many unfamiliar faces in CRC and they are in fact VCC's and Pilots. But the fact they are there is purely because they are not required on flights as so many of us are turing up to work. :)

Dixie Dean 28th May 2010 20:48

I would hardly call operating the flights with VC and pilots a bundle of laughs, and yes just like the steward who rang a radio station today to register his fear about flying with crew that did not know what they were doing and he was considering going on strike as he felt unsafe flying with VC, I know exactly what he means! I would not hope for any help in an emergency situation from any of them I am afraid.
Being a VCC and having just gone through the SEP training, I am a lot more recent than a CC who did they SEP refresher six months ago.


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