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Heliplane 27th Dec 2009 10:49

New Restrictions - Travelling with Small Children
Thinking about the new restrictions (sitting down an hour before landing, no access to hand baggage etc), how are parents travelling with very young children supposed to cope?

For example, what about the infant that needs a bottle during descent and landing to help with the pressure changes or the final nappy change before landing before the hours waiting for immigration and baggage? For that matter, what about said infant's milk? It's not like they sell baby products on the other side of security - maybe they should??

What this latest incident and the Richard Reid case showed (not to mention other less well known drunken air rage incidents) was that the best post-911 weapon against terrorism seems to be the other passengers who will not sit idly by when someone threatens the safety of their aircraft.

These rules will not increase safety and will only make travelling more difficult and give the relatively useless airport security personnel something else to feel powerful about (just my own rant).

Interested to hear whether cabin crew feel differently as they are on the front line in these cases.

apaddyinuk 27th Dec 2009 14:44

Dont worry about your kid. Your not allowed anything on your lap so that must include babies so we will be asking you to place them into the over head bin with your luggage! :E

But being seriouse, I still think you are allowed bring baby food and stuff onboard. Now my airline does not carry sky marshals (as far as im aware) so me thinks the crew would be a tad understanding of parents! I cant see why I kid cant have a little toy or something in their hands or a teether! Im not flying until tuesday (and its to NYC) so Im not really sure what is happening at the moment and Im actually surprised at how we have had no info emailed to us from the company but I suppose all the admin staff are still off for crimbo!

PT6A 27th Dec 2009 15:08

We (FD) already got an update to the FOM the rules are to be fully applied or it could put the airlines FAR129 at risk.

More information was in our memo - but of course i can't post it on here - don't even think it has been passed to company FA's.

jetset lady 27th Dec 2009 16:34

Originally Posted by apaddyinuk
But being seriouse, I still think you are allowed bring baby food and stuff onboard. Now my airline does not carry sky marshals (as far as im aware) so me thinks the crew would be a tad understanding of parents! I cant see why I kid cant have a little toy or something in their hands or a teether! Im not flying until tuesday (and its to NYC) so Im not really sure what is happening at the moment and Im actually surprised at how we have had no info emailed to us from the company but I suppose all the admin staff are still off for crimbo!

This was my first reaction too, Paddy. But, on thinking about it, it only takes one disgruntled passenger to drop a word to immigration as they pass through. Something along the lines of, "Is it true that everyone should be sat for one hour prior to landing, as parents were taking children to the bathroom on our flight and one of the crew gave a woman her bag to get her tablets out?" In light of what PT6A has said, that's a scary thought! (From what I can see, a foreign carrier must be in compliance with FAR129 in order to be able to operate to the US)

In all honesty, I have no idea how we are supposed to enforce this ruling and whether it's even possible. I suppose it'll have to be, somehow or other. It's a shame the world can't just pull out of the US and leave them to it!


P.S. Paddy, I suspect we work for the same airline. If so, yesterday at least, the crews were being briefed on checking in for the US trips. I think the company are still trying to work out the finer details and how the hell to put them into practice. Good luck on Tuesday!

The Real Slim Shady 27th Dec 2009 16:39

It's a shame the world can't just pull out of the US!
Now that is a great idea!

HamishMcBush 27th Dec 2009 21:40

Words "droped" at Immigration etc are just hearsay.... after all the Homeland Security Dept didn't even act when the terrorist's dad contacted them to warn of his son's attitude/intentions etc.

In Europe - what about our Human Rights? The Right to be able to stand in a plane, access our hand luggage etc. Why are the passengers made to suffer for the useless, incompetence of the security services?
Why are almost all of the security staff lacking in a sense of humour, unable to use common sense, follow stupid, inappropriate instructions etc?
Sensible security measures I applaud, but the current scenario is a fiasco aimed at making passengers resentful, short tempered and unwilling to cooperate

Eagle45 27th Dec 2009 21:59

I absolutely agree...
with you HammishMcBush, but...
"important" and stupid people (like the so called "security") make stupid rules that does not improve at all the security (just my 2 cents).

apaddyinuk 28th Dec 2009 16:47

Well Eagle, your 2cents is pretty much on the ball to be honest!

I suppose we do need to be careful not to break the rules or risk losing our FAR129 however I just do not understand how we can "BAN" people from going to the toilet or having a bottle down for their baby? Its rather inhumane!

Also I am pretty damn sure that my airline does not carry any sort of "air marshall" onboard so its our word at the end of the day. If someone does blatantly ignore the rule and does get up to go to the loo despite our best efforts what do we do? Over react american style and threaten them with security on arrival or worse yet, get the quick cuffs out and go brutal on him/her? Either way if we react then we run the risk of inciting fear or panic amongst the other passengers which in my opinion is a great fear then the thought of a little old granny trying to set her bra alight!

I just dont get it, these rules seem like nothing more then to turn cabin crew into police! Well Im not a policeman, I dont have the adequate training and Im certainly not paid to do it! I will remain safety and security vigilant and do all within my power to ensure that nothing ever happens but depriving people of their dignity is not one of them!

Two-Tone-Blue 28th Dec 2009 18:45

Anyone here acquainted with 'prostatitis'?

I think denying me the right to use the 'can' is probably infringing my human rights, actually. Unless the airline wants the cleaning bill for my pants and the seat :sad:

PT6A 29th Dec 2009 00:43

As CC you are there to ensure passenger safety, compliance with crew member instructions (captain's) So yes you are there to make sure these rules are followed. Does not matter if we agree or not.

Even if you worked for an airline that was part of the FAM program you as CC/FA would not be aware. A NOTAC is given to the CAPTAIN.

"The cabin crew will protect the integrity of the cockpit, and will use appropriate measures and available resources to thwart any attempted hijack and protect lives in the passenger cabin"

plasticAF 29th Dec 2009 00:47


Perhaps that's the answer, when in the final hour ALL passengers relieve themselves, think of the turnround time then as well as the clean up bill.
Before anyone shoots me down I'm NOT advocating it as I am one of the people who deals with the effects of bodily fluids:yuk: let loose in the cabin. But one of the big US carriers presented with delays and cleaning bills would soon pass the message up the line.
Personally not flying till april, going the otherway, so will see how it all pans out by then.

IFLy4Free 29th Dec 2009 03:42

Late today the FAA and TSA lifted some of those requirements. The remain seated rule is up to the airline.

HamishMcBush 29th Dec 2009 16:31

Late today the FAA and TSA lifted some of those requirements. The remain seated rule is up to the airline.
Is this an admission of over-reaction without thinking, and now that things are being put into perspective (of the TSA), what few brain cells there are in the TSA have realised that they can tone down their ridiculous measures a little?

HamishMcBush 29th Dec 2009 16:33

There is no update on the official TSA site yet on any climb-down on the "new" regs

Two-Tone-Blue 29th Dec 2009 18:19

After the knee-jerk ... common sense might prevail.
Otherwise I will need to keep an empty water bottle handy, just in case! :eek:

Shropshire Lad 29th Dec 2009 22:56

Human rights???

In Europe - what about our Human Rights? The Right to be able to stand in a plane, access our hand luggage etc. Why are the passengers made to suffer for the useless, incompetence of the security services?
I presume you are joking... Looking at the human rights act in Europe I noticed the right not to be tortured, the right to a fair trial, prohibition of discrimination and freedom from torture amongst other important issues. Didn't notice the bit about cabin baggage and being able to stand in an aircraft though. Possibly I may have missed this bit in the legislation - have you a reference??:rolleyes:

apaddyinuk 30th Dec 2009 04:31

Well flew to JFK last night and all was normal! No silly rules and people got to use the can right up to the last 20 minutes! LOL!

Lancastrian 30th Dec 2009 08:20

So....there has been a start to the "reality" of such a decision for medical needs...prostatitis. Now what about passengers who suffer with IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), Crohn,s diseaser, colitis and a host of other alimentary problems starting at one end of the tube to the other? Add to this those who may have cystitis or other natural gynae needs. Due to the already protracted stays and queues at airports for the last two years my personal response is...stuff flying for a holiday.Just another nail forged by people who will not deal with the problem sensibly.

apaddyinuk 30th Dec 2009 21:15

Lancastrian...I think thats an everyday issue even before you take the security aspect in! LOL!

At my airline the seatbelt sign is switched on 20 mins before landing...but thats an "expected" 20 mins, it could be a lot longer once you take into account holding patterns, taxi times etc...it could be anything from 20mins to 2 hours! LOL!

I remember not so long ago flying back from India with a passenger who clearly picked some gastro problem through dodgy food. The guy was mortified to whole flight but also incredibly ill! We blocked a loo just for his use which he spent most of the flight in. Then after everyone was all bucked up (including the crew) the poor lad ran past me and straight into the loo for more! What did I do?? Well not much...I rang the CSD who then rang the captain who basically said we were to land anyway. All I could do was talk through the toilet door and tell him to hold on for landing and not come out until we were off the runway!

Sometimes unusual things happen and we need to make the rules work for them!

Lancastrian 31st Dec 2009 06:52

apaddyinuk......you sound like my type of crew.Thank you for the response and apologies for for poking my nose into the "Cabin Crew" part of PPRUNE. Happy New Year to all of you....

anotherthing 31st Dec 2009 13:16

New Restrictions - Travelling with Small Children
Sorry, popped in by mistake - thought it was a thread about BASSA :}

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