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nickmelb 20th Feb 2002 09:13

hi guys!

I have been invited to an assesment day with Virgin Blue on 4 march! anyone else been invited? ANyone been to one of these?? what should i expect>? Darn it what should i wear! they dont believe in ties!!!!!!!



Sick Squid 20th Feb 2002 13:01

Hi Nick. Congrats on the interview....

There's been quite a lot of information (to put it mildly!) on Virgin Blue in this forum over the last year. If you set your browser back to look at posts for, say the last 6 months, and spend a few minutes reviewing, you'll find some useful gen. Use the "show topics from last..." prompt to the top right of the CC Forum main page.

Loads of good people on here who can put you in the right direction. Good luck!


FloatJockey 20th Feb 2002 16:15

Sounds like they will be opening a base in MELB soon...

Bloody hell, after all the effort I did to find a fake address in Brissy! <img src="mad.gif" border="0">

FloatJockey's wify

Theo Racle 21st Feb 2002 10:41

Mrs FloatJockey, trolli-dolli

There is currently no plan to open any other base for DJ crew.

Current EBA restrictions and DJ route structure limit CC to operating an average 3 sectors per day. Odd number of sectors means overnighting somewhere regardless of where crew originate from.

Hence the cost of duplicating bases, extra reserves, training centers/staff etc. plus the "your base gets better rosters than ours!" problem far outweighs any advantages of addiitonal bases.

Ask again in 5 years time when schedule is stable and massive growth has curtailed.

This is not intended to offend but to any others reading this... Every body is told this when taking the job. If you don't like it don't apply. There are a couple of thousand others who want the job...

Oops, I forgot to mention... BNE is a great place to live, costs are low, weather is great, DJ is a fantastic place to work and the staff travel is excellent. Cut the apron strings - get on with it - and have fun!

[ 21 February 2002: Message edited by: Theo Racle ]</p>

FloatJockey 21st Feb 2002 17:11

Dear Theo-Racle,

thanks for the valuable hint. Unfortunately not everyone has easy access to certain info. Myself and others rely on "pour parler" (commonly called gossip from friend-networking). It is good to read from the ones working in front sometime...

By the way, I hope everyone enjoyed the case of wine for X-mas! That is such a great idea!

Pilot's wife (I like "Mrs. FloatJockey" as well!)

_______________________________________. .P.S.: Don't get me wrong: I love Brissy! But what can I do if they don't want me?!

<img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0">

Ustar 1st Mar 2002 14:08

I heard a very strong rumour the other day, that the next base will be Uluru N.T.

Trust me it will happen!


nickmelb 4th Mar 2002 14:10

well i had my interview today at 5pm! Was pretty good, i loved it actually...the recruitment team were great and bubbly!. .. .time will tell now!!!!!!

nickmelb 5th Mar 2002 03:39

ps-i met dreams before our interview! was great to meet her! all the best for your virgin interview dreams!!!!!!!

cabinboy 5th Mar 2002 05:21

Hi Nick,. .. .Was your interview for cabin crew ? What was the process this time ? Group performance again with a sing song then questions and answers after ?. .. .Did "dreams" go to the interview too ?. .. .Regards and Good Luck. .. .Cabinboy

nickmelb 5th Mar 2002 07:56

heya cabinboy!. .. .yes we did a group sing/dance or tv commercial.They loved ours...was quiet funny! then dreams and I worked together to think of a second use for a knee pad! We said that it would make a great boob tube for girls...everyone laughed...dont know if thats good or bad! Havent heard anything yet..i know its only been a day...but if they dont call by Thursday i aint pinning my hopes!!!!

nickmelb 5th Mar 2002 07:59

ps-cabin boy...u got it...was the same format...diana was there...leigh was there...some english lady and a really young girl...... .. .they actually seem quiet cool and unreal to work for..a very diverse airline..which i think is kinda fresh!. .. .*fingers crossed i make it to 2nd rounds* However they do only hire ex male models and that i am NOT!

vdd 12th Mar 2002 15:42

Hi all. .. .Now that Patrick's has bought into Virgin Blue, the news reports are that Virgin Blue will expand, which might mean more FA recruitment.. .. .What is the age restriction for Virgin Blue FAs? I was at the airport last Friday and noticed that their FAs were 20 somethings (and gorgeous!)... do they hire people in their 30s....or (dare I say) even older? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .Cheers

nickmelb 14th Mar 2002 16:24

well i got my letter today! sorry u werent successful!!!!!! BOO HOO! . .. .WIthout sounding like a bitter and jaded person, i just want to say that i think i wasnt pretty enough! A girlfriend of mine got an interview, she is your typical pretty girl blonde hair and all that <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> Good luck to her!. .. .I miss out again:((

FloatJockey 16th Mar 2002 06:13

Hey Nick!. .. .I look like your friend! Blonde beauty, huge smile, Perfect body! Only 10 years older and half-devastated... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .. .Don't worry about VB, you'll do just fine with another airline! My husband has been applying for over a year and never got an interview (he is 737 NG type-rated, 30, 5000 hours, multi-crew captain, good looking, blah blah...). I know it's frustrating, we've both been there, but who cares? After all "the world is our oyster!", so let's get over it and have a look somewhere else!. .. .This message is for you and anyone feeling a bit depressed today... Keep your chin up! You are the most precious and wonderful thing in the world!. .. .See ya on the beach!!!!!...... .. .Mrs. FloatJockey. .. .------------------------------------. .Remember:. ."Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck!". . . . <small>[ 16 March 2002, 02:18: Message edited by: FloatJockey ]</small>

jumpedseat 18th Mar 2002 03:33

Have to agree...Nick, keep your chin up and don't let it get to you.. .. .The entire recruitment process at most airlines lacks any merit-based credibility. The focus is solely on picking the right people who fit the process, not necessarily the right people for the job.. .. .Those of us in the game know only too well that feeling of "how the f*** did you EVER get a Senior position?" and I'm frequently putting it down to the quality of recruitment. . .. .It took me 8 tries to get a Flight Attendant role and when I was finally successful it was with the airline that gave me an interview. Interestingly enough if was my airline of LAST resort but I'm playing on Boeings and its a stepping stone. The rest either wouldn't even invite me to assessment or in the case of JetConnect - ARRRRGGGHHH lets not even go there!. .. .If you really want it - shop around. Don't focus on the one airline. Choose the one that does the right thing by you instead of thinking you should change your entire life to suit the airline. Be prepared to move town and country if need be.. .. .Good luck - you WILL make it!!!!!!

FloatJockey 19th Mar 2002 12:44

It's raining!. .. .Igataninterview in Brisbane on March 21st, 10 am, with MM, eh sorry, I meant VB.! Howz that? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> . .. .Anyone booked on DJ 203 SYD-BNE that morning?. .Anyone attending as well?. .. .Ok, nails, haircut, dress, shoes, resume, pen, photo, shall I bring a lunch box as well? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .. .Mrs. FloatJockey. .. .-------------------------------------------. .YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="cool.gif" /> . .Keep fingers crossed for me please...

nickmelb 19th Mar 2002 15:05

mrs floatjockey!. .. .ur gonna get them at that interview!. .. .good luck babe!!!!!. .. .Nick!!!!!!1

Floaty 23rd Mar 2002 07:17

OK, how to resume 20 minutes talk in 3 lines:. .. .VB Interview OK. Met 4 girls at the bar before, 2 already got a call, one was ex Kendall, the other dunno. I had bright, shiny yellow dress, sat in front, spoke pretty loud, asked great intelligent questions, smiled heaps, controlled my group during the 5 minutes panick (organizing the sketch), exchanged phone numbers with those girls in front of Leigh, gave questions to ask to the other girls, etc.

By the way, we were 35 people:
- a good 10 of them over 40 years of age (ex-ansett)
- 10 guys (a couple of them quite good looking)
- 10 there by mistake ( Shy, pimples, unhealthy look...) :confused:
- 5 gorgeous, friendly, outspoken girls :D

We'll see... I'm glad I had my opportunity. Whatever comes next is BONUS!

Floaty / Mrs. FloatJockey

Floaty 1st Apr 2002 00:12

EEK! I received an e-mail from VB mentioning they'll be conducting another 5 or 6 assessments in Brisbane next Wednesday... I guess this time I didn't make it. Oh well.

Still, if you guys are flexible and really really keen to work for VB but never had a chance for an interview, then find an address in BNE, change your profile on staff.cv and be ready to jump on the next plane!!!... A bit expensive but it might pay off...

From what I have seen/heard during the assessment, they do not select the applicants before contacting them. It looks like they e-mail all the applicants within a region and start from there. You do not need to have R.S.A., S.F.A. or Innoculations done in order to apply because they won't check until you have 1-1 interview and you can do all that while on training.

Hope it helps. Ciao ciao!

Floaty / Mrs. FloatJockey

nickmelb 1st Apr 2002 00:57


Your always a wealth of information!!!

love ya work!!


ps- 1 week to go till Emirates

pps-new pprune forum looks great!!!

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