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bella75 3rd Dec 2001 09:27

wanna be QF flight attendant
hiya all, wondering if there is anyone in the same boat as myself, anyone got some insight about the last recriutment of QF flight attendants. Went for the walk in interview back in June been thru all interviews and passed the medicals, received a letter from QF HR about one month ago, 'reading we appreciate your patience apologise for the delay will be in contact with you asap regarding the outcome of application'. By the sounds of the letter it sounds promising though it still hasnt given me any indication as to whether i have been accepted. I have a few friends who are long haulers and they themselves are unsure of the future recruitment with QF, i've heard some nite mare stories of people being put on hold for upto 12 months...that would suck i just hope that is not my case...and i've aslo heard of people getting thru the whole interview process as well as medical and 8wks later receiving a letter reading they are no longer required...now that would suck!!
Dont get me wrong i totally understand the situation within the whole airline industry at the moment, i would just like to know if there is anyone out there in this big cyber world that has been thru the same recruitment process as myself, thanking you for your time.

The secret of making something work is believing, then to hold that clear definite vision in your mind and see it working out step by step without thought of doubt or disbelief. You can make it happen...Be positive :cool:

doohan 3rd Dec 2001 17:52

Hi there Bela75.

I too have been through the same recruitment process as you back in March and June. I passed all 3 stages including medical and Security Ref check. About a few months later i received a rejection letter. So... i guess it sounds quite promising for you. Being an EX Ansett/ Flight Force FA, i am not too worried as i have heard that QF will be recruiting casuals from Flight Force as well as existing Qantas Contract workers. A few of my friends who recently completed there training with QF, have had there contracts cancelled and have been given casual positions instead!

Having said that, it could all change tomorrow, but the info is from a friend of mine who was affected.
I must admit, the industry is changing daily and we must all be prepared to ride the wave.
As for your letter, be patient, because you haven’t been rejected, and it does sound promising for you.

Anything else you like to no, just post it or email me.

:) :) :) :)

miss 22 9th Dec 2001 04:13

Hi everyone,
I too passed all the QF interviews, psych test, medical and refference check and only recieved a "thank you for your patience, your application is still being processed".
If anyone knows any goss about QF let me know, PLEASE!!!! ;)
Take care everyone.

lara_croft 10th Dec 2001 01:23

Qf are currently offering redundancy packages in longhaul. Nothing has happened in shorthaul yet, but there is a trial currently taking place with less f/a's on each flight so that may impact on the establishment numbers and who knows, possibly lead to redundnacies in shorthaul too. It would seem likely that recruitment may be slow or non existant for a while.

bella75 10th Dec 2001 05:32

:cool: ;) :cool: ;)
G'day Miss 22 its nice to hear from others that are in the same situaiton as myself. The friends i made, thru the same interview process as myself i have lost contact with....out of the 15 of us or so there was only four of us that lived in sydney...the rest from interstate, MEL, BNE, OOL, PER. Just goes to show how eager people can be. good on them i say.
So i guess its just sit back, twirl the fingers and eargerly wait for that phone call from QF.

Goodluck and mayb c u around the friendly skies!!

Bramble 10th Dec 2001 07:22

Its good to hear on the boards about the job situation in Aus.For the last 6-12 months I had been considering moving down hoping to join QF.I'm in SYD at the moment on hols,I love it here.However it is a bit dissappointing to see so many good ppl still trying to get the magic 'Yes'letter.
Good luck to all applicants,ye all seem really interested in the career and hopefully the situation will improve so they will look kindly on a poor paddy like me looking for greener airfields!!

miss 22 10th Dec 2001 16:37

Hi there bella 75, thank you so much for your reply. Just heard from a friend that QF maybe calling us in the new year i cant confirm this as QF is going through alot of changes. Anyhow, lets think positive and hopefully see you in the friendly skies... :D

One more thing, did you apply for Long or Short Haul???

bella75 11th Dec 2001 03:52

howdy Miss22,
I applied for both as i didn't want to leave myself short i ticked long and short haul on my application form, ultimately i would prefer long haul, then again a foot in the door would be mighty fine for me.
My old man works in engineering for QF he has heard the new recruitment of FA's(which mayb us) may be working on the new 737s that QF has oredered in the new year, so i guess we may be working on short haul sectors.
Then again he heard this along the grape vine, but any news is good news for me.
Take care, goodluck.

miss 22 11th Dec 2001 09:57

Helo Bella 75, once again thank you so much for your reply. Remember no news is good news!!!!
Take care and good luck :) :D :D ;)

Ciao bella 11th Dec 2001 19:29

The latest I've heard (from an extremely good source) is that QF are only taking on casuals. The last four intakes have all been ex-AN crew who have been offered contracts with Flight Force (who used to provide casual crew to AN).

Also, an additional two intakes (approx 30 crew)of ex-AN people were approved for start dates and then given the "hold" message.

Sorry for the disappointing news, but I think the advice given earlier in this post to apply for the QF regionals is probably sound.

Best of luck!

bella75 12th Dec 2001 08:47

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Ciao Bella,
Thanx for the promising news just what i wanted to hear...oh well cant have it all.
Took your advise and decided to apply to regionals.
Applied online at cabincrew staffcv.com, not sure, think i may have read, can apply to one carrier free of charge....
Took me coupla hrs to type out application for eastern australian, then i clicked on show preview thinking it would show my completed application, Nope wiped the whole thing...so i then had to type it out again...when finally completing application second time around....clicked on send to employer and no message came back to me to tell my application was sent...i then decided to apply for other carriers and looked for ways of payment details...no luck there either...at that point very over it and gave up using this form of job applying...does anyone know the go when applying with cabincrew staffcv.com
Thanx much appreciate anyones help....

A computer illiterate bella75!!

miss 22 12th Dec 2001 10:17

Hi bella75,

I decided to apply on line at cabin crew and i applied for Hazelton. I tried ringing HR at qantas and they told me qantas link is recruiting so get on that web site and apply!!!
You need to check your e-mail address for the confirmation of your application.
Let me know how you go.

Good luck and take care

Remember no news is good news :) :) :)

bella75 14th Dec 2001 15:48

howdy Miss22,
Still no luck with applying with staffcv, i've tried numerous times, five to be exact and it's really starting to try my patience...not sure what im doing wrong these are the steps i'm carrying out
*Login using email address and password
*Taken to personal details page
*Check information fields are completed and correct
*Click on NEXT button
*Click on 'Apply to Airline' link
*From general information page click on 'Apply Now' link to complete airlines application form
*Then click on 'Send to Employer' button.
The left hand bottom of screen says transferring document, then the application disappears and it goes back to the home page.
I've decided i will get copies of resume done up and send them off to airlines...i noticed there are contact details of carriers listed on the website.
By the way do you know the approximate annual wage of a regional flight attendant and a short haul flight attendant. Thanx again for your time
:cool: :) :cool: :)

cloud nine 14th Dec 2001 16:37

Bella..I hear you mate.I have just decided to pay the 20us and apply to all the airlines on staffcv. Prior to this I had only applied to Vb for free. Anyway...I had so much trouble working the thing out aswell!!! AGGHHH..I was being logged out, also I pressed see preview only to learn the hard way that yessy that button DOES really wipe everything that you have just entered. Mind you...that is a bit frustrating for someone that can only type with 2 fingers!!!Very time consuming.Well its taken me hours to apply for only 2 airlines...i think i will leave the rest for tomorrow.
All I can say is keep trying....eventually you'll get your applications right. SHEISK!! I thought the interviews were hard enough to get through!!!! Applications on staffcv are just as difficult!LOL
I was wondering though..with Qantas link does one have to wait the 6 month period if they have already been to a QA interview? Hope not...

cloud nine 14th Dec 2001 16:46

Hiya again Bella...

I forgot to mention the wage for regional FA.
I received a few months back some info on Eastern wages...

First 3 months whilst training...$20,726.

Year 1....$27,635.

Year 2....$28,289.

Year 3....$28,289.

Year 4....$29,595.

On top of that they pay an annual salary for grooming and meal allowances. Im not sure how much that is though.

I have to be honest and say...Regional is obviously not about the money...I guess you would really have to love your job.
I was shocked to see the pay so low. :eek:

bella75 15th Dec 2001 07:11

Thanx for that cloud nine, glad someone else had trouble with applying to airlines on staffcv. Really frustrating as it took me a an hour or so to apply to just one airline, (go the two finger typer)then to find out it wasn't even sent...Grrrr!!.
Not sure about having to wait 6months to reapply for QF...the case with me is i am still waiting for outcome of application with QF, but are wanting to apply with Eastern.
Then again now that i have a fair idea of the annual wages for regionals...im definitely having second thoughts...specially when your a single mother of a son whos about to start school next year and got car repayments to pay off, Yes i am passionate about being a flight attendant, though a drastic pay cut is enough to turn me off applying to regionals. So there you go one less person you got competition with (hehehe kidding)
I am currently working for Countrylink it's very similar work to what FA's do, only difference is were're on the land!!! and its a totally different ball game with our passengers as the majority of them are on some sort of concession or freebie, sorry to offend anyone but we get the dregs of society travelling with us. We often call it the feral express as work!! All stations to hell!!!
Anyway what im trying to get at is i've been there for three years and im totally over it....time for a change, time to move on to bigger and better things so QF if your reading this please give me a call!!!
Sorry to go off track there cloud nine, im sure you dont want to hear my whinging and life time story!!
Thanx for your response and good luck with your applications.

Regards Bella75 :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

twiggs 15th Dec 2001 13:15

Just to let you know that when you are flying, base pay is not very high no matter what airline you end up in. For example the base pay for a QF 1st year level 1 long haul f/a is only about $28400. Initial training is $437.30 per week. The highest paid QF long haul flight attendant which is year 6 level 2 is on a base pay of about $36200. The real money is earned with all the allowances and overtime associated with flying.
I am just trying to point out that base pay figures are very deceiving.(Which also makes it difficult when trying to get money from a bank, but that is another story)
(I am a QF long haul f/a)

cloud nine 17th Dec 2001 13:53

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/bigwave.gif Hi, Bella75,

I just tried to send you a private message or an email but this is blocked. I actually wanted to ask you something regarding your current job. If you can, would you mind emailing me or sending me a private message with your email address so I can contact you.

Chat soon
Cloudy http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/flowerface.gif

[ 29 December 2001: Message edited by: Sick Squid ]</p>

cloud nine 17th Dec 2001 13:57

OOPS sorry about the web address appearing in my last post.....just tried to add a gremlin smiley face....didnt work...yeppy I stuffed that one up!!! <img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0"> <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

Oh no you didn't...! It's miraculously fixed itself, and they all lived happily ever after!

Anything for you, C9! <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

[ 29 December 2001: Message edited by: Sick Squid ]</p>

Mr Seatback 2 17th Dec 2001 14:01

Hello all...

Thought you might like to know that Airconnex (old Impulse), now QantasLink (fully owned by QF now) will be recruiting again in January...

Send your resumes to:

Michelle Despas
Manager HR Flight Crew
Impulse Airlines
Eleventh St, Mascot, NSW 2020

Send with a cover letter and photo...

Possible Brisbane base to open next year - current bases are Sydney and Melbourne only.

Pay starts at $35000 per year, plus overtime, overnights and drafting ($250 when called out on a day off)...Pay during training is approx $350 nett per week (3 weeks training in Sydney)

Thought you'd all like to know what's happening in the land of the 717's!

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