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Abusing_the_sky 3rd Sep 2007 00:42

Funniest pax comments
:ok:Lovely AHO flight today. All pax were very nice and so well behaved. A pleasure to be there with them.
I was walking through the cabin when i stopped at a row where there was a family of 3, the sweetest little boy you've ever seen, blue eyes like the sky in a clear day and blond curly hair.
Me: Is everything ok, does he have problems with his ears? ( i was reffering to the pressure, it's such a pain for children)
The dad: Yes he's fine thank you, he's just being a bit naughty, just picked up a new word (smiling embarassed)
Me ( kneeling and talking to the child) : So what's your name sweetheart?
The child: D:mad:ckhead
Me: :confused::confused::confused:
The Mum (blushing) : I'm so sorry, he just picked up this word. (Facing the child) : Luca, stop saying that, that's a bad word.
Me (talking to the child) : Luca i'm not talking to you if you keep saying that bad word.
Luca: D:mad:ckhead (laughing so hard, he was just contageous)
Me (trying not to laugh): Right, i'm not going to give you any chocolate because you keep saying that bad word.
Luca (very serious, looking out the window, then at daddy then at me) : we're gonna crash d:mad:head
I thought i was going to die laughing. I actually had to walk away and it took me such a long time to tell my colleague about Luca. I just couldn't stop laughing.
And as i was walking up and down the cabin i saw Luca getting up on his feet on the seat, turning to pax behind him,point at them and say: D:mad:ckhead, d:mad:ckhead, d:mad:ckhead.
That was so hilarious. But get this, when mummy took him to the FWD toilet, he pointed to the F/D door and of course he said laughing: D:mad:CKHEAD!
We all hate/love/we're ok with our jobs and our pax, we all have our moments. What are your funniest pax comments?

Take care.;)

Sam-MAN 3rd Sep 2007 00:53

Hahahaha :}

NewZealand2 3rd Sep 2007 09:48

he sounds like hard work!

Virginia 3rd Sep 2007 16:47

From a passenger from a different country to my own.

'Excuse me ma'am, do you have refrigeration in Britain?'
No we don't have fridges, we are stuck in a 1900 timewarp ;)

Abusing_the_sky 4th Sep 2007 15:25

kids are the funniest pax ever

32000feet 4th Sep 2007 18:38

he he
pax coming onboard asking is this the front or the back of the plane?

ikoysss 5th Sep 2007 05:32

Boarding... Pax comes up to me and asks "Where is my lugguage? They took it". I replied "Mam its in the cargo". :yuk:

Gipsy Queen 5th Sep 2007 11:49


I suspect this fellow might have been from America and if this is the case, the question, whilst ridiculous, may not have been quite so daft.

"Why do the Brits drink warm beer?"

"Because Lucas makes the refrigeration equipment".

If this PAX had bought a British car in the '70s, he would have been well acquainted with Lucas, Prince of Darkness. Reputations, particularly unflattering ones, are hard to dispel.


Avi8tor 5th Sep 2007 12:11

Heard from my best mate who is a cart tart for SAA.

A very spoilt child travelling unacompanied in J class. Everything was "gimme". No please or thank you.

A few hrs into the flight, there was a "gimme another coke"

This the coke on the tray, she asked the kid for the 'magic word'

The kid grabbed the coke off the tray and said "abracadabra"

Atishoo 5th Sep 2007 12:28


My kid does that, then when i correct her and say "no not that word " she says some other magic word, grrr lil minx.

We do finally get a thank you out of her, but she thinks its a big joke. I say to her say it to your Grandma next time you see her, see what happens (Grandma Hitler!!)

Flying_Sarah747 5th Sep 2007 14:44

An American lady comes rushing into the galley all excited and starts chatting with the crew, after a short time...
Woman: Oh my god, did you know that the river Nile is connected to the river Thames (Pronounced the wrong way)
Me: And where did you hear that fact?
Woman: I read it on the lid of my Snapple bottle
Me: Well you shouldn't believe everything you read on the lid of a Snapple!!!

She still didn't get it!!!! But she was a great laugh for us crew.

onboard 8th Sep 2007 12:35

Flying out of L.A to Frankfurt, walking to the back of the plane , a lady stops me, points at her meal and asks me: "is this american chicken?"
I lean over, look at the tray and tell her: "Oh yeah, this is Frank from the middle west. But I dont think this is what he meant when he said he wanted to see the world."
From the look of her, I thought she was gonna take a swing at me, but then her friend sitting next to her without looking up from her tray, sighs and says:"well you asked for it honey!".

MCTMAN 5th Oct 2007 21:12

A couple of years ago,an African lady boarded with her baby in a car seat.During the pre-take off check of the cabin,a crew member tapped the car seat and said"Madam,this needs to go into the overhead locker".Crew returned a short time later to the pax minus her baby.........Do I need to finish the story?

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