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flightlevelchange 24th Feb 2008 23:33

Excellent as always Flygirl, your quite correct, have flown with a few old timers who should never be in the job and some new ones who are fantastic,

safe flying


Airhostessdream 28th Feb 2008 10:13

Interview Day-a Quick Guide
Hello everyone:)
I hope someone would be kind enough to help me with Silverjet's recuritment. I have an assesment day next month and I really want
to get this job:eek:, all I can do is perform my best. Despite reading
negative comments I can only gain my own experience.
I am aware of what the day is like but does anyone know what type
of group exercise there is and If there are tests involved, and what they look for, is their a particular look?
I have been on two airline interviews this month and the group exercises
and tests failed me.. I am not good at building towers out of paper. I am
much better at discussion and customer service.
So If anyone could give me some basic advice that would be very appreciated. Silverjet is my last hope..xx:{

flygirl28 28th Feb 2008 11:06

PM me and i will help as much as i can

spartan7 4th Mar 2008 09:03

Hi guys,

I feel that you are too stressed about the interview...
My advice is BE COOL!!!Dont worry, go there with confidence!!
Like going to a big party!!!Dont ask for advices!!!Everything is luck...
Dont believe that you will go to something very importand...They need
you , you dont need theme!!!There are lot of companies out there and
someone its the one for you!!!Just be your self...Dont go there and feel
like you are going to the gallows poll...Ii is nothing more than a job...after
few months of work you will reallize that its not a big deal....EVERYONE
CAN DO THIS JOB!!!EVERYONE!!I have lot of examples in my current airline..
I also have an interview with silverjet at 11 of March...I will travel from Greece..I thing that I will have fun!!If you want lets go together to a good club in London because i will travel there for first time and i have heard VERY
GOOD things for london club life!!!Who knows...maeby we'll make all together a new airline..PARTYANIMALS AIR!!!With DJ'S,lot of alcohol and dark room for VIP's!!!!!DONT WORRY ABOUT A THING...CAUSE EVERY LITLE THING IS GONNA BE ALLRIGHT!!!------747POWER----

flygirl28 4th Mar 2008 15:46

Its hard not to agree with, some of your sentiments regarding the interview i.e "dont get too stressed", "go there with confidence" and "you dont need them, they need you".

Where i would disagree is in your comment that "anyone can do the job". I don't believe that just ANYONE can. While the majority of cabin crew would agree that day to day tasks do not require a huge amount of 'brain power', it takes a special kind of someone to look at customers as individuals rather than bums on seats. We also know that in the event of experiencing a emergency the ability to work as a team, manage situations as they unfold and put others safety before your own is paramount. Thats why airlines dont just pick ANYONE to do the job.

Go to the interview, yes have fun, yes use it as a great way to meet new people and make new friends. My real advice would be dont forget the real reason that you are there, to work for a company that breathes customer service, individuality and professionalism. If you remember that then you wont go too far wrong.

Good luck and safe flying

Iconic 5th Mar 2008 15:43

Spartan my dear, you are so not SilverJet material!

Far from it we do want people that care, people who take a genuine interest in the customers they are looking after for the duration of the flight, people that have a personal sense of pride in the product that they are delivering. Not individuals who's main priority is to get jiggy in a darkened VIP bar of some seedy club.

The crew I work with at Silverjet are among the best in the industry and I have been flying a fair few number of years now.

They have been very carefully selected to ensure they possess the right qualities to fit into the Silverjet business model.

You Spartan, would be like a round peg fitting into a square hole!

Enough said :E

flygirl28 5th Mar 2008 15:50

Iconic - think you may have been a little less diplomatic than me!!!! LOL !!!!!I]

5711N0205W 5th Mar 2008 18:15

Please forgive my intrusion into this area of Pprune, I must say I'm looking forward to experiencing your product to DXB in about 10 days, I hope it all works as well as it sounds like it should. :)

Normally for long haul I would pass through LHR, AMS or CDG all of which have their own particular brand of pax unfriendliness irrespective of ticket type, AMS is probably the best of the three airport wise but least favourite carrier wise, will be interesting to see the SilverJet terminal at LTN, all sounds nice.

Keep up the good work and hope the model is sustainable, friends of mine in DXB are interested in you as an alternative to EK, BA etc, so there is penetration into their conciousness just unfamiliarity with the offering, I'm sure that will come in time. :D

spartan7 5th Mar 2008 21:55

:D bravo bravo bravo iconic...good boy !!!!you won your friskies for today!!;)

Airkarla 6th Mar 2008 12:23

How're thing? I'm wondrering if anybody knows something about the silverjet's roster. How many off days a cabin crew can enjoy per month and if the off days are consecutive.
I have been invited to the interviews three times but I live in Barcelona and couldn't go.
Waiting for answers. Great greeting and thanks.

Iconic 7th Mar 2008 14:03

Spartan, your clearly no the full ticket :hmm:

Pandora's Box 7th Mar 2008 14:20

Hahaha spartan...how funny :D

Actually Iconic, from what i've heard about some of the cabin crew...spartan so IS Silverjet material :p

QuerTY 8th Mar 2008 14:44

Anyone going to the assessment day March 19th/20th? Although I've gotta say, reading how bitchy some of the current SilverJet crew are, I'm not so excited about it! := Let me know if you're going, thanks!

Ops! I did it again 8th Mar 2008 15:38

Im a pilot at Silverjet and all I will say is that I wouldnt believe everything you read on PPrune!

You dont know who people really are... And the negetives I have seen on most forums about Silverjet is 99.9% B*llocks! :ugh:

Go to the interview and have a bash... you will see that the Girls and Guys are a Fantastic bunch!

If they say yes Great!... If they say no, then better luck next time!

Goodluck! :ok:

PS. Silverjet crew are not Bitchy! We are all very proud of our great little(soon to be Big) Airline... The Silverjet crew are they Best and most pleasent I have ever had the fortune of working with! :ok:

Ops now crawls back to the flightdeck with tea in hand and locks the Door!

BestonBoard 9th Mar 2008 16:10

Silverjet Assessment Centres
Ops... you never fail to make me smile... :o)

QuerTY - I can fully understand your apprehension. Reading some of the comments that are posted within this forum is enough to scare many an individual away. Which is a little disheartening.

Having flown for Silverjet from day 1, I can hold my hand on my heart, and with the utmost integrity tell you that working at Silverjet, you will meet some of the nicest people. Not just in the airline industry, but in any walk of life. The crew I have the pleasure to fly with are mostly passionate, considerate and caring.

Unfortunately, as the saying goes "There is always one..."

There are a minority of people that, whilst I do not in any way infer that they are not entitled to an opinion, do have a very negative viewpoint on either Silverjet as a company, it's management, and unfortunately members of our crew.

These viewpoints are not just limited to Silverjet, or even cabin crew as a matter of fact. (Take a look at some of the pilot forums... I would not like to be caught in that crossfire.)

As you may appreciate, when someone is happy with something, they very rarely provide feedback on the matter... whether this be good work, or enjoying the role you are in. If something upsets someone, they are more likely to speak out.

I think I mentioned before, not a lot of our online crew post on here. A lot of discussions do seem to be one sided, and eventually diminish.

Go for your assessment day. We will have cabin crew representatives present. Take the opportunity to talk to them. (I'm pretty sure you will not be assessed on everything you say!) There's no harm in a friendly discussion.
Take the opportunity to make your own mind up. Silverjet may not be the airline for you.

Would you want to end up with the feeling of "What if?", because of some words that you have read?

Good Luck & Safe Happy Flying


Airhostessdream 20th Mar 2008 10:37

Silverjet Assesment Feedback
Hi everyone

I thought I would share my assesment day feedback with you all. After reading this whole thread, I thought I would go along to the assesment and experience it for myself. I am not sure If I agree on all the negative things said here, but I do know I gave it my best shot and was super confident and took part-lead in the group exercise, but not domineering or anything like that.
However they choose 7 out 0f 40 candidates and they picked one from each group. And like it was stated earilier on here it was ones who they maybe able to mould eaisly as it was more quieter ones, who did get involved but was also more laid back, and people with no flying experience.
I usually take a back seat but this time I thought I'd talk more and I didn't get it:{. Such a shame as they sounded a brilliant airline and all the wannabes I met on the day, Most were lovely.

flygirl28 20th Mar 2008 11:05

Firstly, i am really sorry that you didnt get through. I'm going to sound like your mum, but i think anyone who has dreamt of becoming cabin crew would agree that resilience and an ability to keep trying are key.
Good to hear someone who has positive things to say about their interview experience. I am a huge advocate of Silverjet and find that its the minority rather than the majority that write negatively on this forum.
Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, just good to see that you made the decision to find out for yourself.
Good luck in fulfilling your dream. :)

BestonBoard 30th Mar 2008 20:51

Firstly, please accept my commiserations that you were not successful on this occasion... Contrary to popular belief, our recruitment team do have a set citeria to which candidates must be successful in all areas to be able to proceed to the next level. I am sorry it seemed that only inexperienced or non flyers seemed to be successful. In my opinion, being proactive, instead of taking a back seat is a great quality.
Unfortunately, not being part of your recruitment process, I cannot speak for your assessors... Please do not be disheartened... I notice you have also enquired on the EOS thread... good for you! There are currently a limited amount of business class only, or first class only airlines out there, alongside EOS, another strong candidate would be someone like Privatair... However, neither of their products (although marketed in similar ways) are the same as us... EOS, although advertised as business class, are more of a 1st class product... with the prices to match. Privatair... are just that... Private... corporate flight attendants, working on smaller aircraft that operate longhaul routes...

I believe I have mentioned before, Silverjet are looking for crew who are willing to go the extra mile, be part of a team, whilst being able to show their individuality, use their own initiative, whilst being everything that our brand portrays whilst at work... All of this because you want to, not because you have to... Believe me, it does become apparent very soon if Silverjet is not the airline for you. For example, some people find it very uncomfortable being on 1st name terms with their customers.

Our recruitment will soon be hitting the ground running... With the arrival of 2 new aircraft, the announcement of 2 new destinations and with the new financial year and pay reviews happening in the near future... Silverjet is looking to the skies methinks!

I hesitate to comment on some posts on here, however, may I take the opportunity to stress... Silverjet are not an airline that want crew to fly for us because we are the first British all business class airline... In my experience, we want individuals to fly for us... to be the person they are, and to help us all grow, and develop, and to want to be the best they can be at what they do!

Good luck to anyone who is coming to our upcoming Assessment Centres... I hope I will see you onboard very soon!


crewmeal 31st Mar 2008 04:53

I am sorry it seemed that only inexperienced or non flyers seemed to be successful.
So flying experience counts for nothing at Silverjet? Why?

befree 31st Mar 2008 09:31

The AvgasDinosaur -5th March 2008, 10:07
Which day does the 4th plane come?
4th is due 10th March c/n 25058 ex G-BYAA
5th is due 31st March c/n 25139 ex G-BYAB
BestonBoard & AvgasDinosaur seems to know all the facts so can I ask
1) have the aircraft been delayed into the next financial year?
2) The planes have 102 "beds" but only 100 are used in Load factors, are the other 2 used for staff?

vainbone 2nd Apr 2008 10:50

hey as a former member of crew for silverjet i would like to comment on BOBs last paragraph where he says we want crew to be themselves and be good at what they do as BOB would know i was always myself and was very good at what i did but in the end it didnt help me being myself because my blood dont flow with silver and i got treated like S"@t when i handed my resagnation in not that im bitter now lol but being ur self dont really help you.
but endending on a good note they are a ok little company towork for if u dont mind no crew rest and back to backs lol and certian people in the company will stab u in the back as soon as look at you (Not u BOB ) we all know who u are ladies how is the new IFM postion working out for u ? hope that little note book u kept did it for you. For those of you who are wondering she is small and got blonde hair and from up north thats all im saying
Vainbone xxx
Safe landings and happy flying

LGW21 2nd Apr 2008 15:55

HI the email i recieved the other day states that the new routes are LA and Mumbai but wont be holding my breath untill the A/C turn up.
x x

prepareforlanding 6th Apr 2008 22:39

Hey Everyone,
Im brand new on this site, this thread goes pretty well.
I would appreciate if someone could help me, or give me some good pieces of advice,
I have invited to the SJ interview on 22nd of this month (Is there anyone else coming?), so Im not asking how does the interview or the assessment centre look like, cause I think its better not prepare according to the "screenplay", so in case of sudden or suprising happenings you wont be so astonished..
Im from Hungary, therefore my mother language isnt the English and I am afraid I wont understand them or Could my accent( which isnt that really bad) be a disadvantage?Or if i make some grammatical mistakes?
Do they usually hire foreigners? Im sorry if im worrying too much:)
If anyone else is attending, pls let me know.

Thank you guys take care;)

BestonBoard 8th Apr 2008 13:29

So flying experience counts for nothing at Silverjet? Why?
Flying experience is essential if you wish to apply for Senior positions. However, it is not a prerequisite if you are applying to be cabin crew. Silverjet believe life experience and a wealth of customer service experience is most valuable. Of course you may have developed this throughout a flying career... Or you may have not.

HI the email i recieved the other day states that the new routes are LA and Mumbai but wont be holding my breath untill the A/C turn up.
x x
Which email is this? I have to admit, as far as I am aware, our next destinations are still not 'set in stone' ...

Prepareforlanding... Good luck for your Asessment day. If it does alleviate any of your concerns. We have crew from many nationalities. Italian, Spanish, Polish, French (to name a few...) An accent can be an endearing quality. There is no harm asking for instructions or questions to be repeated at your Assessment Day.

Befree... being part of the onboard team. I am afraid I cannot comment on how load factors etc are worked out. Our initial aircraft which we operated on for the first nine months has only 100 seats (It is a slightly different configuration.) When original calculations were quoted, perhaps they based it on this model, but have now modified it as 2 of our aircraft have 2 extra seats.

Hey Vainbone... How are the skies treating you?

Safe and happy flying one and all!


LGW21 11th Apr 2008 21:17

LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Business airline Silverjet Plc. said it is in talks about a potential takeover of the company.

The carrier, which flies from Luton to New York Newark and Dubai, said in a statement that it had noted a recent increase in its share price.

'The company is currently in discussions which may or may not lead to an offer for the issued share capital of the company,' the group said. 'A further announcement will be made when appropriate.'

Speculation has emerged about Silverjet's future following negative analyst comment and results that disappointed investors.

One report suggested the business airline could become a takeover target for easyJet Plc. after it said in January that it had appointed Amir Eilon, a former board member of the budget carrier and friend of easyJet's largest shareholder Stelios Haji-Ioannou, as a non-executive director.

In January, stockbroker Daniel Stewart initiated coverage on the airline with a 'sell' rating and zero pence price target, saying it doubted the group's business model. Silverjet hit back, saying it was confident the carrier would achieve its first month of operating profit in March.

The group failed to achieve that target, but said earlier this month that it flew 23 percent more passengers in March than it did in February.
In February, Silverjet said property tycoons the Reuben brothers had decided against turning a 10 mln stg loan to the business airline into shares.

Silverjet launched services from the UK to the US in January last year. The group's share price has fallen since it floated in 2006 and concerns have grown about the feasibility of the all-business class, long-haul airline model since US premium only carrier Maxjet Airways filed for bankruptcy late last year.

However, some analysts believe there could be space for different types of premium-only carriers.

The group's shares closed at 15-1/4 pence on Wednesday. It floated on AIM in May 2006 with a placing price of 112 pence per share.


BestonBoard 12th Apr 2008 00:43

A moment of your time... please?
LGW, may I ask your reason for posting this? Any person with a vested interest in our operations will note that these publications are posted on the Airlines/Airports and Routes string...

Whilst I am not trying to distract from it's importance and relevance, this forum is purely for cabin crew... those wanting to apply, who would consider us and the existing cabin crew online...

The factors that involve the company, will no doubt have an impact on my colleagues and myself. However, I can state for FACT that I only have the best interests of my teammates and friends at heart. If Silverjet is subject to a takeover in the near future, I would hope the senior management will inform us. It is a great concern however, that any confidential information that is passed on to us will appear on these forums as soon as we know. Do you not think our management team are aware of this? Hence the reason that cabin crew are now some of the last to know about the events happening within the company???

Unfortunately, it is due to disparaging remarks, made by scaremongers, that now force our CEO, whom I respect greatly for his honesty and integrity when dealing with his employees, to keep a great amount of business matters to himself...

Please take a moment to think of the great number of people you have an impact on before posting thoughtless and somewhat disheartening 'reports'...

I fully agree that the cabin crew team ( a sensational one at that) deserve to know what their current status is... Why not let the company be the first to inform us, rather than posting a reporters subjective opinion... The English language can be misinterpreted VERY easily...


chix or fish 13th Apr 2008 12:20

Whilst in agreement with some of your remarks regarding the status of Silverjet at this time and the effect on existing crew of reporting misleading newspaper articles and hearsay, i do think that they have a place within this forum.

This particular thread is read and posted on by both current employees of Silverjet and those subsequently looking for employment by Silverjet. The crew and wannabes are more than capable of looking for information on the proposed 'take over' themselves and surely it is in their long term interests to remain informed with regards to what may or may not happen. The majority of people who read and post on this site are adults and capable of forming their own opinions about what may or may not be happening at Silverjet.

PPRUNE is just that a rumours network. Surely by ranting at forum posters for doing just what the network wa set up to do is detracting from the real reason this website was created.

silverhunk 14th Apr 2008 19:30

Hey everyone!
Very new to this site, but just checking in with you all to say hi. I have just been sent out an offer of employment with SJ, and of course accepted. I am on course 21 if any one else is and wants to get in contact?
Really excited about starting with SJ and look forward to flying with you all soon.
ps if any one knows of any accomodation, whilst im on my training course please let me know!!! Starting on the 27th of May. But will only need it for six weeks.

chixorfish 13th May 2008 13:03

heard a rumour that the Customer Service Director MB has been sacked....anyone care to shed any light on this?

pebbles4308 24th May 2008 21:37

I heard that silverjet got refused fuel from shell on thursday and had to beg steal and borrow to get some fuel from esso???

Are they following in suit of the likes of maxjet, eos and oasis??

These are worrying times:\

wingswest 25th May 2008 02:33

Bad news indeed
At the beginning of May, Silverjet said that they had arranged an $8.4 million loan facility from Viceroy Holdings, a Middle Eastern investor. However, the airline has been unable to draw down $5 million that it needed urgently, and consequently, on 23 May 2008, trading of Silverjet's shares was suspended on the AIM.[3]

DUAL RATED 25th May 2008 09:20

Any up dates as to whats going on? will the crew downroute get home when its knocked on the head, which seems inevitable next week

Virginia 25th May 2008 14:26

My thoughts are with all the crew and staff...I would be very wary of joining a start up airline with such a niche market in difficult times. Worrying times for us all in aviation.

joshmist03 25th May 2008 20:36

:= Dual Rated, I only post on here when my blood boils and your comment has done just that. My last post was nealrly a year and a half ago...since than i have been enjoying a great career with Silverjet and I am PROUD to be one of the first few who started flying in Feb 07.
As with everything you may hear, dont believe it until you see it in black and white and not on PPrune. Just remember every great company has a contingency plan.:ok:

DivingDiva 26th May 2008 11:26

I was one of the lucky few (especially in the UK) that had the opportunity of working for Eos Airlines before they filed for bankruptcy last month so I am acutely aware of the worries that are currently facing the crew and employees of Silverjet.

When the senior team of Eos came to our hotel to tell us the news, they were shedding tears just as we were and I truly hope that no one from Silverjet has to suffer the same as I have even applied to Silverjet myself and am awaiting a recruitment day as Eos was such an amazing experience, I had hoped to regain that with the Silverjet team.

My hopes are with you all that Silverjet find a way to keep its doors open and make a successful of now this very niche market.


DUAL RATED 27th May 2008 09:32

Sounds like you have forgotten what PPRUNE stands for
I may have made your blood boil but im only airing the concerns of my partner who works for them and not being blinkered to the issues. Some of it is in black and white with shares suspended, if you could explain that for me what would be great. Surely with the current market, cost of fuel etc any injection of cash will not last long. I hope it lasts, the concept is great, used them a few times for work and I hope they survive my thoughts are with you. the whole industry is in for a rough ride we need to face up to it!

IMO I feel they shouldn’t have opened up a second route to NY when somewhere else would have been a better idea LA or Chicago? and Dubai has too much competition especially in the summer months, not a good situation to be in, lets hope for you all, they make it to Friday so you get paid. But the banks open today and the next 24-hour should be interesting.

DUAL RATED 30th May 2008 08:10

sad news today for all you at Silverjet. any idea what will happen about getting paid? i ask on behalf of my partner

SallyEZY 30th May 2008 08:29


Feel sorry for the crew......

Leito 30th May 2008 11:18

WOW, very sad, I know some people in there, I wish everyone all the best and that they can soon find other jobs. :uhoh:

Dolley 30th May 2008 12:28

Difficult times.

Aviation goes through a bitter phase. I'll add my best wishes to the crew and all other employees who are out of a job.

By now I can't help start wondering who is going to be next. Horrible thought, I know! I might just start looking for non-aviation jobs, just in case :-(

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