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hehe 18th Jul 2007 11:42

Do you know that there the sexual abuse is happeninmg everyday?! Do I have to adept myself to that?! ... They really don't have any etic at all...The management take action if there is a case of complaint in the company, but there is abuse from them as well . I even know girls who were told " If you say something about that I'll have you hanged down the rope". So... What were you saying about THE LOW?!...

hehe 18th Jul 2007 20:25

ChicDolly, pls just learn to talk like a normal cabin crew here. Second, they wish they did that but they just weren't able to do it. And then, it's true, there not only 250, there are more. I only said about 250. If you want I can give you the real number as well...
QA is not a good company. That's my opinion and I tried to prove why. If you want you can prove me wrong. Untill now you were not able to do so, but don't try to make other people apply for this company. This is wrong in any relligion. If you have something to say, say it the way it really is. Don't misslead people around you just because you have some experince there.
Good luck!

loc22550 19th Jul 2007 06:51

ChicDolly...let the people give their opinion about the company, even if they have not the same view as you.....
I´m sure nobody(even you) can pretend knowning everything that happen in this company....so how can you jump on Hehe by telling him straight he is wrong....????:hmm:
DO you really think most of the people posting thread here are just inventing stories about Q.A...?

loc22550 20th Jul 2007 09:13

:eek:Oh..you don´t even work for qatar airways....! :ugh:

anzkosh 20th Jul 2007 09:24

am gonna miss flyin..
rite now am workin wit QR as cc :}.a lot of u guys said here,doha's not a good place bla,bla,bla..:hmm:n QR's very strict bla,bla,bla..:zzz:yes,i agree.probs btween u n company is everywhere.but i dont care all these.wut i care,i love flyin.n QR is da 1st airline dat hired me.i didnt do anythin wrong,so QR treat me ok..i dont ve any probs wit da crew,so i ve no probs stayin here..i dont get any complaints from pax,so i never received any warning letters..my roster's ok,means salary's ok..:D


when i was operatin a long-haul flight,i got sick.i dont have any medical problem before.it suddenly triggered as i took wrong medicine that i didnt know i'm allergic to..things getting worst.n now i'm UNFIT to fly anymore(as QR doc said)..:sad:


i ve to quit.am packin my stuff.sad.realy sad.it's not dat am leaving dz company dat make me sad..sad dat i ve to leave my life as a cabin crew FOREVER..i ve to leave all my close frenz here..:ugh:


ill go bck to my own country,and will do another REAL medical check up as i dont trust QR doc.:}to prove dat i still can fly.then,i will apply cc with other airlines.just wish me luck..:ok:


for those who's applying for QR,my advice :
we do ve probs.some cant stand anymore.but still,they're flyin eventho they hate da cmpny so much.i dont know why,but am very sure they ve their own reasons..:\

i wish i can fly again..:)

Bangkok Layover 20th Jul 2007 13:41

Let me have my two cents worth in the matter as a very pioneer QR Crew member!
All u guys,do your selves a huge favour!....stay out of QR!.....you get your youth only once in a life time...dont let it be ruined by the dictators of Qatar Airways!
I say this because I was/have been a victim at the hands of QR and I am amongst very many.
if you still go ahead,I wish you good luck.however,remember this post written by me in a few months!....better have a copy of this printed and hidden in your suitcase on your way to Doha!you will need it when u cry!
Qatar is truly a five star Airline for Passengers.and it is also,truly a 7 star hell for Employees!
Safe Landings everyone!

more info : www.qatarsucks.com

hehe 21st Jul 2007 09:15

ChicDolly, I went to the doctor. He said I'm fine...

QR is crap, all the people here say that, you have a lot of experience, something is very strange that you don't want to admit... PEOPLE DON'T LIKE IT THERE! THEY ARE SAD WORKING FOR QR, most of them, some are ok as well, but most of them want to run away. Only they have to pay money now if they wana leave QR sooner then 2 years. Hehe. But I'm very glad you like it. I'm sure you can rejoin, because they need so much crew right now....
All the best!
P.S. May I ask you a favor?! Can you please let the people express their feelings about QR because I'm very interested in what they say. You know,for some reasons, I really need to Know what they think, that's why I'm on this forum.

hehe 21st Jul 2007 13:42

:ok:Anzkosh, I'm really sorry to hear that, but you know, sometimes is for the best. Just do that check up again and if you're fine I really hope you'll fly again in a better company, so you can have all the fun this job can give. Don't lose your hope, just take it step by step and I'm sure you'll be a cc again.
Hope you'll come with good news! Good luck!:ok:

anzkosh 21st Jul 2007 15:01

:} thanx a lot!!!

homesick rae 21st Jul 2007 18:24


Sorry to hear what happened with you. Please try, however, not to write as a text message. People will prefer that believe me!

He He,

We are all entitled to our opinions but I have to agree with Chic Dolly, saying that you can PROVE all these resignations??? A tad childish to be honest. I was a vistim of QR's regime, Mr. AAB. I am not bitter...angry, yes but I am over it and extremely successful in the industry...but I feel for the hardworking crew that are still there putting up with it! Some are good friends.

Chic Dolly,

Let He He have his/her rant and think about the other thread ongoing in the Middle East forum!! Much more fun eh? Cousin??? HMMM Miss MR perhaps you are???LOL!

Cheers and let's move on!! Life is too short!


anzkosh 21st Jul 2007 18:34

homesick rae..
text message?getting used to that..:}i'll try to type full next time..:ok:

ITO 22nd Jul 2007 09:46

QR, a long story infact !
Unfortunatelly, as said by one of the members above, it’s a 5 stars hell to there crew, and that is sad. When Emirates crew faced god, they have been sent to hell. But, when QR crew faced god, they have been sent to paradise. So EK crew asked what was the reason ? The answer was that QR crew were already in hell befor dying.
So then comes the question, why ? Why the management acts like that with there own crew, the people that are serving them, helping them to get there money. Sometime, I aske my self what will happen, if QR, or Qatar, was like another « normal » country, with syndicates, and all there Cabin crew go on general strike, or worse, resigne all in the same time. QR will be ruined !
But the reality is that all the Crew are working for money, and for a short while, to achieve something. After that, they leave, wich is normale. Mission accomplished. That’s is the reason, in my humble opinion, why all the crew stays here, and force them seleves to be extra patiant, even if there honor is quite miss handeled. Others, coming from poor countries are obliged to work, either for there families, or for theme selves, as they do not have something elses in there place, and the salary given by the company, exchanged to there local currency back home makes theme having a decent life if staying over there. I have never seen people so afraid to loos there job, like in Qatar Airways.
Talking abour resignation, the fact is true aswel, and that’s a big problem for the company, as they keep on training people, to replace the daily people that are resigning. If I was a chief of a factory, I’ll aske my self why my people are letting me down ? A simple exemple of resignation that just happened, and wich is not a gossip at all : A crew had a hair cut wich was not normal per there ( stupide ) regulation. His whole month roster was STBY. The reason ? To let his hair grow up ! That’s crap from an airline who is supposed to be a Major one. Words got with other words between him and the management, he got terminated. For what ? For a hair cut !
One of the other point that I find rediculous, is there -12H regulation. If you go on leave, or days OFF, and you come back -12H befor your rostered flight, you will have the chance to get a warning lettre with 6 months no promotion, no salary increment, and no exit permit if you want to go somewhere during your days off, except if you have an emergency or an anual leave. I want to say, who the hell are you to retain me of going somewhere ?
Beeing very objective, my opinion is that the airline should improve his crewship management and try to keep there people, not by increasing the salary or giving luxury houses, but just by treating them well fairly, concidering them as human, and not just as plot on a computer. That’s my only wish. Yes the company gives a good salary, yes they give nice accdomodation, free taxes and all the benefits that you’ll not have in other places. Yes QR will give the opportunity to visit the world, even if You will pay for that by your hard working, Yes you'll most probabelly do what you will have never done in your life if you were not with QR, yes you'll achieve your goal maybe, but at the end of the day, is just the money who is important in life ?

That was my minute :-)

Bangkok Layover 22nd Jul 2007 11:25

well,...that was a huge minute! Lol :p

hehe 23rd Jul 2007 00:14

Homesick rae, I don't want to insist or anything here. I really think people don't know what they are into. Just giving few informations I'm sure about, that's all. About the resignations, of course you can prove, just ask the people at the transportation how many people they aren't suppose to pick up anymore because of the resignations. There may be this huge number because of the malaysian crew going back to their place, but you still can not replace as a company this number. Thet's all I wanted to say. Sorry if I'm to much on this isue.
All the best!

hehe 23rd Jul 2007 00:31

Hi Ito, I'm with you on this matter. In fact, the topic here is not what they give you right now, important is how they lie at the interview. I had no idea about this treatment when I was recruted to work there. I was so happy, it was somethimg else and then I had experience before. Maybe people at their first job don't realise that, if you like the job and decide on going on with it, there are actually so many other places to do it and to enjoy at the maximum. Now even the layovers are not that good anymore because people prefer to be on their own, no more hanging around as it was before - still going out, but they are very susspicious about their colleagues (regarding the reports and everything). I know somebody from the company who told me, and I really trust the person, that there are tones of pictures about the crew smoking, drinking etc, you know...common things the crew are doing in layovers. Imagine the quality of some of the people there...And the company is giving full support in doing that...

Guys, I'll be a bit bussy for some time, I don't think I'll be around for a while, so wish you all the best and Happy Flying!
Thanks a lot everybody and wish you all the best!:ok:

A300Man 23rd Jul 2007 19:33

Yes, hehe. Good luck and have a good journey and goodbye! We will certainly miss your wit, charm, informative and balanced views on all aspects of operational matters at QR.

Seldom do we find truly inspirational members on this forum such as you, only too willing to provide us with relevant data and highly accurate information on your subject. It is clear to see why you hold QR with such fervour and it is also inspiring to see your repetitive eloquence and highly articulate approach to all those who are cynical about the whole subject of in flight service in and out of the Peninsula state.

God speed and hasten ye back. All the best to you too!

mitchmenezes 25th Jul 2007 08:26

Qatar Dream.
I can only imagine the turmoil u must be going thru there, from the sounds of it i feel that u have almost reached ur point of saturation.
I hope you knbow that noone is going to go on strike in QR, as everyone who is there.....wants to be there.
know what i did when i got sooooo fed up.....I QUIT :sad:

loc22550 26th Jul 2007 13:30

The idea is very good Qatardream, and i´m sure if it happens, Mister AAB will Sh... in his pans....But unfortunatly not really realistic in a place like Qatar, where most of the crew that are reccruited here are desperated girls from the far east who are looking for a support for their family, so welfare, respect of dignity, and fair treatment are not for them a priority.....:{

fire_107 29th Jul 2007 11:34

People working with QR
Hi all;
I would like to ask people whom they work with QR,if anyone of them know "Fayrouz Serageldin" the Egyptian recruiter??

HuzyIsUndead 30th Jul 2007 13:04

Salary Package
I was just at the Singapore Open Day a few days ago. This is what the package looks like per month (currency is in Riyal):

During the 6 months probation: 2700
After the probation: 3750
Flying allowance: 31 per hour

On top of that, there is a 2000Riyal welcome package when you first arrive.

Trolley bag/luggage: 520 - deductable from your salary at 100 per month
Accomodation: 1500 - deductable from your salary at 100 per month. This 1500 will be reimbursed to you upon completion of contract

There's one more deduction which I didn't have time to copy down. The recruitor told us that flying hours can range from 65 to 80 hours. Is that per week or per month? And is the salary the same for all countries?

elvispresl3y 30th Jul 2007 18:29

per month no doubt

HuzyIsUndead 2nd Aug 2007 09:46

That's not a lot of money isnt it

joecota 2nd Aug 2007 22:19

interview process
dear aliya,
send in your application online with a full length & passport sized photo.
with regards to the interview if it`s not specified as a walk in interview you`ll be wasting your time as they might not accomodate you..
after you complete the online application qr(qatar airways) should contact you regarding interview details if you are shortlisted..
hope this helps & good luck

sundaybrunch 4th Aug 2007 09:40

HuzyIsUndead, is that the basic pay you are getting before adding in the flight allowances/per diem? So how was your interview?

fire_107 4th Aug 2007 18:36

Alexandria-Egypt open-day
If there is anybody going to attened the open-day which will take place in Alexandria on the 26th of August....please contact me..

Qatardream 4th Aug 2007 19:15

Bad Company To Join
I will say only one thing, guys don't join qatar airways its really bad company....
here's why...
if u r arabic or any nationality but indian forget any nice roster or promotion.
most of ur roster will be double sectors and turn around flights that is mean not good salary as some time u work all day more than 13 hrs but u will be paid only for 2 hours becuase u get paid only for the block hours that is mean from take off till landing not before and not after.:ugh:

u will be treated as slaves really i am not joking absolute no rights.
if u r female u have to sign out every time u leave ur building and come back 11 hrs before ur flight, so if u feel hungry and u want to eat out u cant cuz if u go u will treminated.:ugh:

if u r male they will put u in the new ****ty accomadation where they put all the guys together.

if u smoke in ur apartment u will terminated.:ugh:
if they catch cigartes in u bag u will terminated.:ugh:
if u report sick u will have a warning letter and then u will be terminated:{
if u complain about ur roster u will be terminated.....

in qatar airways there's no job security..
that day one guy cabin senior get demoted because just they dont like his smile.
one filipino lady worked for more than 15 years suddenlly terminated because u look old.
one demoted because he went to duty free to buy cigarets.
if i can talk i will talk for ever....

guys go to etihad or emirates or anything but trust me u will never be happy to join qatar airways.


HuzyIsUndead 5th Aug 2007 14:06


3750Riyal is the basic pay after the 6 months probation period. Flight allowance is 31 per hour. You'll be working anywhere from 65 to 80 hours a month. Or maybe even longer. So if you take 31Riyal and multiply by 80 hours, that'll give you 2480 in flying allowance. When you add that to the basic pay, you'll get about 6230 RIyal, which is only about USD1706. Not a lot of money to me. If I'm gonna relocate to Qatar, I'd expect something more than USD1706.

Didn't go through the interview stage. The procedure at the Open Day was the video, the talk, the Q & A, and lastly, we hand in our CVs one by one. And there was ard 150 plus people with only 2 recruitors. So you can imagine the wait if you are the last one in line. I notice they prefer someone older and more experienced. I'm 20 years old and not a lot of experience so that puts me at a disadvantage.

11223344 5th Aug 2007 19:31

qatardream - get back to bed and dream something else. now curl up and go sleep. get up when we wake you.

guyabano124 6th Aug 2007 01:30

hi there. are the QR representatives singaporean,malaysian and southafrican??? they went here before going to singapore:)

how many went to the open day? around 700 went here.:sad:

guyabano124 6th Aug 2007 01:32

are u working for QR?:)

HuzyIsUndead 6th Aug 2007 05:09

They're Malaysian. Audrey and Katherine. 700 is a lot of people. About 150 people turned up here in Singapore. Where are you from?

guyabano124 6th Aug 2007 05:24

oh really.:cool: Audrey was here too.:) although she was with other QR reps. a southafrican&singaporean (BiBi). i think that was only first day (700people). open day for QR here was for 2days. :eek:

how was the malaysian reps thre?how many got the job?do u have any idea?:}

HuzyIsUndead 6th Aug 2007 08:33

Open Day here was just 1 day. Audrey and Katherine were nice, and funny too. I have no idea how many got the job.

guyabano124 6th Aug 2007 10:57

okay. coz when audrey was here. she was really not that much talking.:)

they didnt finish the recruitment here for those who attended the second OPEN DAY. because of a lot of people. so i think there coming back here on aug28 for the assessment of those who went second day.:}

Qatardream 6th Aug 2007 20:45

bad company
I will say only one thing, guys don't join qatar airways its really bad company....
here's why...
if u r arabic or any nationality but indian forget any nice roster or promotion.
most of ur roster will be double sectors and turn around flights that is mean not good salary as some time u work all day more than 13 hrs but u will be paid only for 2 hours becuase u get paid only for the block hours that is mean from take off till landing not before and not after.:ugh:

u will be treated as slaves really i am not joking absolute no rights.
if u r female u have to sign out every time u leave ur building and come back 11 hrs before ur flight, so if u feel hungry and u want to eat out u cant cuz if u go u will treminated.:ugh:

if u r male they will put u in the new ****ty accomadation where they put all the guys together.

if u smoke in ur apartment u will terminated.:ugh:
if they catch cigartes in u bag u will terminated.:ugh:
if u report sick u will have a warning letter and then u will be terminated:{
if u complain about ur roster u will be terminated.....

in qatar airways there's no job security..
that day one guy cabin senior get demoted because just they dont like his smile.
one filipino lady worked for more than 15 years suddenlly terminated because u look old.
one demoted because he went to duty free to buy cigarets.
if i can talk i will talk for ever....

guys go to etihad or emirates or anything but trust me u will never be happy to join qatar airways.


guyabano124 7th Aug 2007 08:31

how about the medicals in QATAR??? any ideas???:)

academico 7th Aug 2007 17:16

Dear people: I'm from Argentina, and I want to tell you that the next 18th Qatar will come to Buenos Aires to do an open day here.
Two weeks ago Emirates did the same. I was one of the 350 people who went to the interview and only 3 or 4 finally got into the company.
About what you say about QR I am scared to go to the interview! Is so terrible to work as a cabin crew in QR?
For how many years os the first contract?
Which is the salary?
I'm really thinking twice to go to the interview because of what you tell us about the company.
Thanks for all and I'll be waiting for an answer!

HuzyIsUndead 7th Aug 2007 18:10

I'd still go anyway.

Qatardream 10th Aug 2007 00:46

bad idea
its up to u, come and see but remmber if u come to be a cabin crew treated like a slave i am sure that u will leave like every body else...

all the best and see u in qatar airways hell

cool_kk213 10th Aug 2007 14:56

Qatar Open Day, KL
went to the QA open day this morning. new video and same presentation. said they will call me before 1pm. my friend got call around 2pm.this is my 2nd QA interview. sad and not knowing what have i done wrong, i really dunno what else can i do to imrpove myself.
the lady who take my CV, a Malaysian called Catherine did make me less nervous. asked me what i have been doing at the moment and said my previous jobs and the airlines job is so much different and why is that.
does airlines really looking for good looking people instead of those with rich working experiences.
somebody help me out!!:{

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