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ands 6th Mar 2007 08:42

My EK Open Day experience
Hi everyone.

If you look back through this thread, you'll notice that i asked a whole heap of questions about an Open Day that i was planning on attending in mid-February. Unfortunately, i didn't make it through the (incessant) group rounds on the second day, but here is a really brief round down of what happened to me.

Arrived about 45mins prior to the start of the Open Day. There were already about 25 people there at that point. By the time the Open Day started, there would have been way more than 150 people. They had to split the group. They simply filled the room up, and once they missed their maximum number, they asked everyone not in the room to come back in about 2 hours. So my advice, get there early and stay close the the front. Obviously don't push infront of people if they are already there, but definitely don't think to yourself: "Oh, i'm going to go and come back at nine". Unless you want to hang around.

So, got into the Open Day. There wasn't much to it. Simply hand in your C.V. and photos, the recruiter will ask a few questions, and that's it. Just be yourself. I was seated fairly close to the recruiters' desk, and there were a lot of people who just came across as trying "too hard". There were also people who forced conversations with the recruiters. I thought this was a little selfish: The recruiters had a lot of people to get through, everyone wanted to get their C.V. in and there were who knows how many people waiting for the next session/s. I just smiled, responded to what the recruiter asked, added information where necessary, etc. My interaction lasted a minute at the most. The interviewer wouldn't take anything extra (not that i offered, because i'd heard her refuse to take other peoples' documents). But take along everything, just in case your recruiter works differently/the process changes. Better to be prepared.

While people were handing in their C.Vs, everyone else just watched videos about EK and the Dubai, etc, and talked with each other.

Went home. Got a phone call to come back the next day.

Came back the next day. Was surprised that some people hadn't received a call back. In particular, two very genuine and engaging people who I think would have been ideal. However, i'm (obviously) not the one to decide. Anyway, this day just involved group round, a cull, group round, a cull, and so on. I didn't make it through the group rounds. However, can i just say be yourself. I felt that most people were being themselves in my sessions.

There is no point projecting a false image. I was myself the whole way through the process and it actually worked in my favour. "How?" I can hear you ask. "You didn't get through!" Yes, i didn't get through, but to be entirely honest, i'm not sure that my personality type is totally suited to EK. Each company has a unique culture, and i just don't think that EK is the best fit for me. I might reapply/attend another Open Day (just incase the impression of EK i got was a little skewed), but i think i'll also look into other airlines as well. Before the Open Day, i was really focused on EK (EK was my first airline recruitment experience). After the Open Day, however, i am a lot more open to other airlines. A 'perspective gaining' experience

I know that i have only vaguely described the day, but I don't think there is any point going into detail about a process that may change. Just show up and go with the flow!

Good luck everyone.


Re: passport photos

I had the same dillema. I just took along a head and photos shot and passport photos and asked the recruiter which one she would like to take. She said i could choose, so i don't think it matters.
Re: documents to prove your education.
The impression i got was that they'd ask for these when the time came (eg at the final interview). Take them with you just in case they do take them on the day.
Re: attire after the Open Day
I didn't notice any difference in people's dress after the Open Day. I'd say that girls will get away with a shirt and skirt, but it's probably safer to go for a skirt-suit.

Hope that helps! Good luck!

smiad 6th Mar 2007 09:04

hey brisbaneemirates,

It says on the form they give you once you make it through to the final interview that its business attire, but it doesn't say specifically about a suit.

I would go and get a passport photo taken too.

They do ask for proof of your education, high school, uni etc.

Best of luck!!

smiad 6th Mar 2007 09:17

cover letter
i did a wee blurb, they get so many CVs a little info about your self helps them i guess! and I got all the way through so go for it!

sebby 6th Mar 2007 09:53

The proof of education is only if you have stated that you have it?? isnt it.

I have no formal education beyond 3 years of secondary school and some courses I completed after that. The website says completion of high school or equivilant. I am currently crew, and have just received an email inviting me to the open day after applying and stating my education. Is it ok if you havent completed 5 years of secondary school?

smiad 6th Mar 2007 11:50

yup sebby, you only give certificates if you state you've done something, i've done uni and had to show documentation. All they want is a high school diploma or equivelant.:)

sleepingbeauty 6th Mar 2007 15:38

Le Luck
hello! what happened to your interview? what was that simple discussion you were stressed about. anyway, as they say, if its for you, it will be given. So dont give up! Apply and apply to other airline companies!:)

lilou_21 6th Mar 2007 16:37

Open Day
Hi all, n thanks Ju Ev for replying. Well have been invited for the OD next week where they mention that the dress code for ladies is knee length skirt or dress with stocking so it’s fine if I wear a skirt n a shirt or do I need a suit???

sebby 6th Mar 2007 18:26

Yes I assume my 2 years of flying experience and nearly 7 years of full time customer service experience will count as "or equivelant". Ive done a few training courses aswell, including retail operations certificate.

Thanks for the replies! :)

Casablanca85 7th Mar 2007 15:17

Hi Guys! Now writing from Dubai:-)))

It doesn`t matter to Emirates if you have any airline experience or not! Sometimes they even prefer new crew who do not have any cc experience because they can train them exactly the usual "Emirates Way"!!!!

Currently doing my traning courses but still wishing anybody good luck for joining us! Dubai is beautiful and you can only imagine in your dreams what is really going on here!

Bye bye honeys and we see each other:-)

diannedec 8th Mar 2007 06:30

Emirates Training
Is the 5 week training in Emirates hard?
Do really need to memorize the whole manual book?

How much pocket money you need to bring when you transfer to Dubai?
and necessary things to bring when going there?


helfsich 8th Mar 2007 09:09

The 5 week training course isn't really hard, it's just there's a lot of information to digest in a short period of time. If you're committed to studying for the tests and applying yourself in the simulator excercises then you should be fine. Even if you're not comfortable with a certain component you can request to be put back a week just to be sure. I found those that struggled the most in my class were those who's grasp of the English language wasn't as good as needed, so be sure you're comfortable with English, as there is quite a bit of technical information and terminology you're required to know.

You don't end up memorising the entire manual (esp if you're not Airbus 310 trained) but you're expected to know everything you get taught in college. Every briefing you should have to answer one SEP and one First Aid question and if you're totally clueless about things then you could risk having a report done. I know of at least one crew sent back to training college because he didn't participate in briefings.

By contrast, service training was the easiest 2 weeks I spent in college. Just make sure your lipstick is applied at all times and you're set. The hardest part about it is bar paperwork, and even then it's quite easy to master.

Pocket money should be enough to last you approx. 2 days in dubai for groceries and anything else you may need for induction (eg, iron, toaster, kettle.) Appliances can be quite cheap here. On your first day of induction you get 2000dh cash up front which comes out of your basic salary.

Things to bring - a big warm coat and a pair of jeans. For cold layovers.

Hope that explains things a little

sleepingbeauty 8th Mar 2007 11:30

Thank you everyone!
i discovered this site last month and ive gained a lot of infos regarding emirates recruitment procedure. after getting tips and instructions here, i became a bit confident during my assessment this morning because i know already what to do and expect- honestly, it was really NERVE-RACKING!! very stressful!:eek: you actually dont know what to expect regarding the results. out of 51 or 60- there were only 5 of us left and i still cant believe i made it to the magic 5!:) its just WOW. praise the Lord!

im going to have my final interview next week and i dont know what to expect regarding that. about the reference letters they were asking, do i need to ask two reference letters from different employers? i dont really understand about that reference letter :) would anyone who is kind enough explain this? and re final interview, what if they dont like your answers, arent you going to be hired? working for the Emirates group is a dream i hope that will come true..:)

thealine 9th Mar 2007 02:28

sleeping beauty
re: reference letters.I think they need 2 from different employers. from your current and from a previous one, or if you have flying experience from that airline. It would be better if you have them on your final interview as it would hasten your waiting period.

butterfly17 12th Mar 2007 15:13

Medical Exams

I saw your medical exams issue.....I've been accepted as well, and i'm taking my medical exams now....Could you please tell me more about what they are requesting exactly?!?Aren't their forms completed by a doctor in English enough?!? Do I need to take each original result and translate it?!?
As far as I understood they will be examing us again when we arrive there....

Thanks in advance :)

Ju Ev 12th Mar 2007 15:39

Hi butterfly17
Well, at least that was told to me. That all my exams should be translated to English by a certified Doctor or an official State Translator (...) It's funny because it isn't written anywhere about it. But I did. I have sent it all translated last thirsday. I'm very sad about all this, because I have been involved with Emirates stages since January 21, and up until today no final answer.:sad: My date of traveling is April 5th.

Hope it helps.

butterfly17 13th Mar 2007 12:16

Hey Ju Ev
Thanks so much for your reply :)
Now I can have everything ready and send it all at once...
I'm sure you are very tensed....especially cause you're leaving so soon and u don't have any answer yet....but it will be fine!!!
Hope to see u there....at the end of April!!!:)
And also, thanks for all the things u've posted here that helped all of us!!!

DECOFLY 15th Mar 2007 20:10

Where Are The Open Days List At?
I've been to Emirates Group website, where are the Open Days list, please? Sorry must be real simple but I can't see it xx:ugh:

smiad 16th Mar 2007 05:06

Raven test
hey sleeping beauty

I didn't have to do the raven test, but i went and looked up what it is and its a type of intelligence test, if you type it into google a lot of info comes up.

Maybe they gave it to you just to assess your fit further?

Don't panic, i have seen others who had to do it!:)

smiad 16th Mar 2007 05:09

Once you get to the careers site, click cabin crew, the page refreshes giving you a small list, there this "CC open days and assessment days" click that and it should take you there!

mat2k 18th Mar 2007 14:35

EK recruitment sessions in non english speaking countries
Hello everyone,

I registered in this forum because I received an e-mail saying that I was short listed and therefore invited to the recruitment open day.
I have a very stupid question but I can't figure out by myself since no one mentioned it before :
Are all the recruitment processes steps conducted in english or in the local language?

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