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roamingwolf 30th Dec 2006 23:52


Mate you wouldn't be a mam casual would you.

speedbirdhouse 31st Dec 2006 00:46

Just in case the QF spin has hidden the real agenda......
The following is acut and paste from the Times Online-

"“The Qantas management believe they have taken it about as far as they can under the current ownership structure. If they want to make the really difficult decisions to make the company more efficient, they need a change,” said one senior Australian businessman close to the Qantas board."

The full article- http://business.timesonline.co.uk/ar...523975,00.html

NIGELINOZ 31st Dec 2006 01:50

Interesting to note that Peter Yates (head of Allco Equity) is the son of former federal Liberal MP Dr William Yates and his brother Oliver Yates is also a director of Macquarie Bank Corporate Finance.So strong links to the Lib's.Somehow I doubt Costello will intervene.

DEFCON4 31st Dec 2006 03:00

LH Losing NRT
Wherever the Airbus goes the domestics are sure to follow.
Must be BP 250 after the 18th March 2007

B A Lert 31st Dec 2006 05:52

you wouldn't be a retiree would you
For Lowerlobe's curiosity, no, not at all!

In between my next two trips I'm going to Perth for a few days. Then later in Feb I'm going to go across the pond to see a mate in AKL .This job is great isn't it?
For some people, yes it is a great job and you can get around on your days off with relative ease compared to many of your colleagues. Half your luck but I don't complain about this. I and many others would say that Staff Travel is not a taxi /train/bus service like some people think it is. Funnily enough, quite a few posters do agree with me just as some will either agree or disagree with you So what if we each have a few mates?

I hope LL and everyone else here enjoys a happy and safe New Year.:ok:

NIGELINOZ 31st Dec 2006 20:06

Happy New Year To All CC
I would like to wish all cabin crew,from any airline all the best for the new year.
I don't work in the industry but in 2006 I made 60 domestic flights with carriers including Rex,Qantas,Virgin Blue and Jet* and I have enjoyed excellent service from all cabin crew on every one of those flights.
Without exception I can say that every F/A I came into contact with was polite,friendly and professional.
Sometimes as a passenger you don't get the opportunity to thank the ladies and gentlemen who take care of you whilst on board so I would like to wish every single one of you a Happy 2007 and I hope you all have "friendly skys" in the coming year.
2007 will be a challenging year for those employed by the Qantas group however I hope that reason will prevail and there are no job losses at QF.
Keep smiling and all the best.:)

lowerlobe 31st Dec 2006 22:54


Peter Yates was also the CEO of PBL for a number of years and before that he was with Macquarie bank where he specialised in acquisitions and mergers.

Now we have the head of PBL on the QF board and a Mr G J Dixon on the board of PBL.

Cosy little club if you are a member.

If you are wondering what the consortium has in mind for us then read ALLCO's description of themselves...

"We will make private equity investments in medium to large sized leveraged buyouts (“LBOs”). AEP will also take influential positions in public companies where it will agitate for change to bring about improved performance and value enhancement."

With Howard interviewed over the weekend saying that he had nothing against the takeover of Qantas you can take it that the takeover is as good as money in the bank.

I wonder what boards Mr Howard will appear on after he retires from politics

Le 3rd Homme 1st Jan 2007 00:27

Qantas Forgets Christmas
No Merry Christmas from The Black Widow,The Fat contoller or Tarantula on the Crew Website.
Every Christmas QF usually supplies Decorations for the aircraft on Christmas Eve...none this year.
Gee with all the salivating over their bonuses maybe they forgot.
KB the illustrious manager of HR has sounded off on the website about the union misrepresentation of the company position.
Hey KB.... treat your employees like the enemy and they will become the enemy.
Blankets in the Brasco comes to mind(No I dont condone it)
KB..... affectionately known as "the thug with a tie"

speedbirdhouse 1st Jan 2007 00:49

Even the financial press consider them, "pigs at the trough."
The following is an extract from John Durie's "Chanticleer" article from the back page of the Christmas edition of the Weekend Australian Financial Review.

It makes a mockery of Kevin Brown's and Geoff Dixon's claims that opposition to the deal is just a union beat up.....



“How strong the backlash will be to percieved talk and no action from the government remains to be seen. But the switch in the public’s attitude in recent months is truly extraordinary.
The global and Australian economies will continue their stellar growth, and domestic corporate profits will achieve a fourth year of double-digit earnings. However, the cycle is nearer to finishing than starting.
Some say the smiling photo of Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon hugging his soon to be former chairman Margaret Jackson will one day be seen as signaling the end of an era-similar to the picture of former Time warner boss Gerald Levin hugging AOL’s Steve Case at the height of the dotcom boom.
That’s a big call, but the level of inconsistencies in the carefully crafted messages from the Qantas buy out team is enough to raise suspicion that the deal is a lot more about creating fee income and personal wealth than it is about revolutionizing the airline.
The roughly 15 per cent slumpin the share price of the biggest equity provider to the deal, Allco Equity Partners, since the deal was announced says it all and bets can be laid on how long Peter Yates keeps his job.
The deal was all laid off into offshore banking hands, some of which will find it’s way back into Australia.
Just what can be achieved in private hands that can’t as a public company remains to be seen, but having delivered his management team into the Alice in Wonderland world of private equity riches, it’s up to Dixon and his team to prove the nay-sayers wrong.”

lowerlobe 1st Jan 2007 23:14

Does anyone know if all crew in BKK over NYE are safe and accounted for in regard to the bomb attacks?

Pegasus or anyone from the FAAA?

For some reason I can't access the FAAA website.

Hyena 2nd Jan 2007 17:46

MAM casual

Wondering is someone could help.

I am CCUK locally recruited but wanting to return to Australia and dont want to leave my job. As UK based crew we are not able to transfer back home. I wanted to know if at any stage MAM casuals get offered permanant s/h-l/h contracts? They appear to say that this "never" leads to full time employment. Is this the case?

It appears that Qantas Australia hasn't recruited for full time crew for some time. Is MAM the way to go with employment for Qantas Australia?

Thanks :ok:

lowerlobe 2nd Jan 2007 20:32

It looks as though the FAAA are still on holidays

cartexchange 2nd Jan 2007 21:16

yes they are still on holidays.
MM states that he cant fly as he needs to be near the office in case "something happens" yet the FAAA office is closed from the 22 dec till who knows when?
Why has the FAAA office been closed for so long, they are always getting upset because QF claim to be a 24 hour airline and all its staff should be available yet they seem it appropiate to close down for 10 plus days.:mad:

surfside6 2nd Jan 2007 21:47

Have you heard?
The FAAA has an Emergency mobile contact number.
You 2 should feel free to contact them if life is scaring you or you are feeling lonely.

TightSlot 3rd Jan 2007 07:55

Many recent posts deleted this morning - once again, playing the player, not the ball.

Accusing each other of being 'Management' or 'Union Reps' or just being stooges of either is very silly. This is an anonymous forum, which mean that you don't know and can't prove anything.

speedbirdhouse 3rd Jan 2007 07:57

It seems that QF management have made ANOTHER major recruiting f@ck up that is on par with the "unknown":rolleyes: hours limitations imposed by the EU on our English flight attendants............

It seems that the latest shorthaul recruiting drive that involved scouring the country for Mandarin and Cantonese speakers [yoo hoo...longhaul have hundreds :rolleyes: ] has blown up in managements faces due to another example of gross incompetance.

The Chinese government have denied entry to these crew unless they can produce a passport OTHER than a Chinese one.
The majority of these crew having permanent residency in Australia but not citizenship.

So, MAM is now loaded with "useless" Chinese language speakers many of whom barely speak English but unable to operate on the sectors they were employed for.

Ixcellent.........give Lisley another bonus and kindly remind her that Longhaul has hundreds of just what she needs currently doing Perth returns :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:
I've got some great gos on the Jetscar international "operation" so stay tuned for more......

Pegasus747 3rd Jan 2007 08:00

Tightslot i actually agree with you and apologise for my part in it. It gets very frustrating though when some are fixated on the whole union/management stooge approach.

For my part i am happy to provide the contact details of the senior FAAA officials if anyone wants to private me.

That way at least no one will be able to say that they couldnt contact someone when they had some sort of Crisis

lowerlobe 3rd Jan 2007 23:21

It appears as though Pegasus’s idea of a crisis is different to mine. To me an emergency is something that is of an urgent or earth shattering nature or life threatening and definitely a not a simple question about hotel accommodation

So the question remains …Does anyone know. …Even those who are supposedly not in the FAAA but who are either incredibly close, sit next to, are related to or have drinks with the elected officials of the FAAA. …Sorry just fell off the chair in laughter………about any change to the crew hotel in LA?

Pegasus as this is not a crisis and is instead a matter of curiosity to those of us who fly to LA it appears it does not require a pm to you or the use of the bat phone.

If you are close enough to be able to provide personal contact details of our elected officials can you lean across and ask them if they know anything about this matter? I realise that you will say ring the office and I would but I don’t have all day to wait in my room for a call back. I still think calling from Singapore or London about this is a bit much don’t you? That’s why I was hoping someone here would know something but that’s me I suppose I’m the eternal optimist..

In any case the FAAA web site can give us information about contact numbers but not help with contactability unfortunately. Maybe the FAAA website can have a rumour section included and you can…sorry they can confirm or dismiss any rumours.

Otherwise it appears as though I will have to wait until I’m in LA next and will have to ask the staff behind the counter or one of the homeless outside Macy’s…or maybe the bus driver will know or even the security at QCC or if all that fails I can always ask when I’m on the flight deck next.

Peg, I do agree with you though that the union approach is frustrating and counterproductive. By the way how is my grammar ,it is so different to German.

Now as Monty python would say “Now for something competely different” Did any of you read this from the AFR…

“Certainly Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon and Gregg have made no secret of their desire to increase workforce productivity, and the Jetstar model is where they see the future for employees of both airlines.

"What we're on about is efficiency, not taking money away from people," Gregg says. "When people organise their work life to rort the system and work holidays when there's no work to be done and get higher pay - that's the sort of thing we've worked very hard to wipe out.

"For instance, a senior pilot earns about $350,000 to $400,000 a year, and probably works a maximum of 700 hours a year. Bringing Australian workplace agreements into Jetstar is very much an example of how we'll no longer be put in the position where inefficient work practices will cost employees of this company jobs."

This is the sort of misinformation that is being published and what we are up against. Will our unions reply or remain silent?

NIGELINOZ 3rd Jan 2007 23:37

French Police Raid EasyJet Over I.R. Issues
Found this on another thread,http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=256348..
Makes interesting reading,is this what will happen to Qantas staff under the new labour laws?
Somehow I don't think Qantas will set up a base in France if the Easyjet raid is an example of what may happen!

twiggs 4th Jan 2007 00:01

re Hotel in LA
From what I have read here, the rumour is only that there will be the need for an additional hotel for surplus crew that the LA hotel can't accommodate.
This is something that has happened already since the LA hotel contract and surplus crew were accommodated in Longbeach on that occasion I believe.
There was no mention that we would be terminating the current contract, just an additional hotel, probably temporarily.
In any event, nothing new here, so why the fuss?

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