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dualstorm 31st Aug 2006 03:23

MAM CC Recruitment: How can this happen? Why?
well, i got the lovely email today (not).....sorry not successful, reapply in 6mths

how can they send u for medicals, do security checks etc... then knock you back. my medical was given the ok, my security check was good, references good, qualifications more than needed. i just cant understand how or why they do this?

anyone got any ideas? i mean i'm from perth and they are desperate for staff, so its definetly not that....than what is it?

all i can say is that i felt comfortable/confident, and now i'm completely upset :sad: anybody else in the same boat as me want to talk!?

followyourdreams 31st Aug 2006 04:24

Are you able to ask them why you were unsucessfull? That seems quite strange, putting you through all of that and then saying thanks but no thanks.

Fingers Crossed 31st Aug 2006 04:54

That is just plain CRUEL ! How disappointing for you, to get through everything all to be told no thanks. :ouch:

laraj182 31st Aug 2006 05:40

eeek now im worried about mine !! i had my interview last saturday and then the panel the tuesday after havent done any medicals yet or anything but they sounded like they were desperate! how strange .. fingers crossed but the outcome will be interesting:sad:

dualstorm 31st Aug 2006 05:49

who knows
i'm glad u guys are as stumped as i am.....that sort of helps me figure it out:confused:

no they wont tell you why, they just send u a really long email saying you were compared with many other high quality applicants and at this time you're unsuccessful....just a generic email.

yeah i'm completely lost, and what i hate the most is that i dont know why? it'd b great if they'd tell u u didnt pass the medical, or there were too many applicants......something!!

1niteinbkk 31st Aug 2006 12:46

"perfect candidates victims of a flawed recruitment process"

Originally Posted by dualstorm (Post 2810129)
well, i got the lovely email today (not).....sorry not successful, reapply in 6mths

how can they send u for medicals, do security checks etc... then knock you back. my medical was given the ok, my security check was good, references good, qualifications more than needed. i just cant understand how or why they do this?

anyone got any ideas? i mean i'm from perth and they are desperate for staff, so its definetly not that....than what is it?

all i can say is that i felt comfortable/confident, and now i'm completely upset :sad: anybody else in the same boat as me want to talk!?

greetings Dualstorm,

I empathise with you as I'm just getting over the same email MAM sent me about a fortnight ago.

Don't take it hard on yourself - I think the MAM process is not perfect - I know for a fact that I won't be re-applying after 6months. I've basically "sealed my fate" after emailing MAM giving them my Feedback on their Recruitment process.

Think of it as a Blessing in Disguise :ok:

seektofly 31st Aug 2006 13:23

It's not just you. They do it to everyone
Hi Dual, :)

I'm sorry about your experience with Qantas. I know exactly how it feels but 4 times over.

It isn't you. I have been through the Qantas/Mam/Jetstar process loads of times over. Out of all those times, I have been sent for 4 medical examinations, (Yes, I paid for each and everyone of them...) I have also paid for the security checks each and every time and I have had my referees called each and every time. I personally hate Qantas :* - I used to want to work for them, but it seems that they have gotten too big for their boots - and the problem is that soooooo many people want to be cabin crew that Qantas will never have a shortage of people to choose from - so they do. They pick and choose as they want. :mad:

I now work for Virgin as Cabin crew FULL TIME. I love it! :ok:

Good luck for future attempts.


sebby 31st Aug 2006 22:53

Gee . . . Ive heard this way too many times!

To me, if you are through to medical examination stage that should be a successful assessment and if you pass the medical employment should be given to you. It makes me :yuk: everytime I hear about this.

Chin up guys and all the best! :D

Perhaps email QF about the way MAM is tarnishing your view on them - MAM is a separate company so Qantas should expect some PR support from MAM which they are not getting - clearly!

QF skywalker 1st Sep 2006 00:28

I have seen many people pass medical&security and sit on waitlists for months ( my best friend waited 18months ! ) and then get dumped. But...to get rejected straight away obviously means something was wrong with your medical or security. There is no way you can claim as per your first post that nothing was wrong with your medical because you will never know the results of that examination. They are confidential and passed straight on to QF medical.

I'm baffled also as to how they recruit also, I'm one of the lucky ones who is already in - but in this case I believe there may be something wrong with your medical.

Don't give up. EVER.

dualstorm 1st Sep 2006 01:34

thats crazy!
seektofly, that is crazy! gosh i dont want it to happen again! so u couldnt narrow it down to what it was that made them knock u back??? :confused:

qf skywalker, i did get a bad vibe from the dr. he said i was fine and passed, but he made a few assumptions/personal opinions that i thought were unfair, making judgements....obviously mam like to hear his personal opinion whether its right or wrong, or judgemental/assumptions does not matter.......and if this is the case, well it makes me very unhappy with there selection process :suspect:

dualstorm 1st Sep 2006 02:37

second opinion???
well....if this was the case QF skywalker, are we able to have a second opinion?

njsboi 1st Sep 2006 07:52

well let me just say i have never been a fan of qantas!!!!
i heard that qf and mam still get rid of you after you do the medical and security(after you pay for it)... and i guess its true!!!!
i think its really funny how everyone pics an airline that appeals to them... and in the drop of a hat that airline can just crush someones dreams!
i wear the 'morrissey' uniform at the moment(lucky im not qf employed)and im telling you it aint anything flash! my jackets big...i hate wearing ties... white shirts never stay white and when it get wet you smell like a dog!!!and seriously who did think of the aboriginal print??? and trust morrissey to stuff up the colours as well!
I will say some encouraging words though! NEVER GIVE UP!!!! im flying atm and i love it!!!could never go back to a 'normal job'... and ive just got a job with dj(who've i always wanted to fly with) and believe me the wait is worth it!give me chino's anyday lol:E
hmmm think i lost the moral if the story then....blonde moment:rolleyes:

laraj182 1st Sep 2006 08:51

haha ok i got the call today to tell me i had been accepted into the medical and references stage .. it was only 1 week and 2 days after the panel which i hope is a good sign and she said that i did well so hopefully that counts as something .. but what ive been hearing bout MAM i dont wana give my hopes up man im so excited now:} and i dont want it all to come crushing down in a week or so grrr:ugh:

Dea Certe 1st Sep 2006 09:03


You might write and ask why you were rejected. Say you really want to work for them and can they give you advice on what areas you need to improve.

My friend did this some years ago. She was called for a fresh set of interviews and hired!

Good luck.


1niteinbkk 1st Sep 2006 11:18

hi laraj182 - yeah went thru the same process. with MAM it's basically "Same Script Different Cast" :\ Best not to have high hopes - as it's quite a "huge drop" when disappointment rears it's ugly head.

Dea Certe - I did request for "feedback" but it's just the standard email they send - naturally with a "spin" or more of a "PR" statement obviously to defend their decision of not hiring. :oh:

QF Skywalker - if the Medical and Security checks are suppose to be "confidential" - then the MAM staff should just keep their mouths shut and not comment on whether they're successful or not.:mad: and No I have'nt given up - I've given up on MAM ... :confused:

RaverFlaver 2nd Sep 2006 06:46

Hey Dualstorm,

I had a simalr experience to you with MAM, prior to my current job. Made it all the way through, then got the rejection email while everyone else was being called to start training schools...

There was probably nothing wrong with your application.....My assumption for example is that they say yes to 50 people, though really only need 40. They allow for a small percentage to change their mind, not commit or who may have gone with another airline. And unfortunalely maybe everyone who was offered did accept, that then leaves 10 who made it through the whole process back out on their a$$ again. Just my thoughts on how it works.

RaverFlaver :O

Sailorgal 2nd Sep 2006 12:58

Raverflaver is right. It can be really hard to accept but for those without much experience of how the airline recruitment process works, you need to understand that this is in no way specific to MAM or Qantas and it's not some new, really unfair system or something like that. The recruitment selection is nothing but a numbers game and unfortunately, not every person who is invited to get their medical, security & reference checks will actually get the job. This has been happening to people who go through the process for years and years, and it will keep happening because they simply dont accept every single person who gets to the final stage because, as Raver put it,

"they say yes to 50 people, though really only need 40. They allow for a small percentage to change their mind, not commit or who may have gone with another airline."

Exactly. At the final review panel, each application is assessed and unfortunately, some people HAVE to be cut. It's just as simple as that, you can't take it personally because the people who are deciding who gets cut weren't at your interviews and have never had the chance to meet you in person.

Please keep in mind guys that there were people who had this experience with Ansett, Qantas (in the good old days when they recruited into QF directly), Emirates, etc etc etc. It's just part of the process and not, as some people think, because you have "obviously failed your medical or security check" or "your references weren't up to scratch". Sorry, but some of the information that is reported on here is just not true.

dualstorm 3rd Sep 2006 01:27

why cant u b put on a waitlist then?
well, if thats the case sailorgal, why cant they put u on a shortlist in case anything comes up, instead of just knocking u back and making u go through the whole process again??? it would be a hell of a lot easier for us rejected, and kinder :hmm:
oh well, its taking me awhile to accept this news considering i thought i did really well....oh well......

maybefly 3rd Sep 2006 02:31

ah crap, I've gotten thru to medical stage and was hoping that it was pretty much a yes, but haven't gotten my hopes up.
Glad I read this before the medical etc so now I know not to dream about it before I get my actual yes at the end..

1niteinbkk 3rd Sep 2006 05:20

Originally Posted by njsboi (Post 2817363)
well let me just say i have never been a fan of qantas!!!!


hmmm think i lost the moral if the story then....blonde moment:rolleyes:


i think Njsboi the moral of your story is that Qantas ( a.ka. Queens And Nyphomaniacs Trained As Stewards / Quick And Nasty Transport Australian Style) is just like any other corporation putting the needs of the almighty shareholder 1st before it's employees.:mad: :ouch:

i often get nostaglic of the days when i first started with an airline a few years ago - when airlines still employed their own Reservations, Technical, Check-In staff etc.:p

who knows in today's era of Out-Sourcing everything - pax may no longer see F/A's onboard an aircraft. Perhaps "Self InFlight Service" will be the norm and should pax have any questions or require assistance - they should not hesitate Calling a Customer Service Representantive (in the airline's Call Centre in BOM or MNL of course!):=

sebby 3rd Sep 2006 06:58

Well the above may be true but lets not lose sight of the fact that we are SAFETY OFFICERS above everything! Lets hope the airlines dont lose sight of this. . . :mad:

wigglewash 3rd Sep 2006 15:56

Originally Posted by dualstorm (Post 2817082)
well....if this was the case QF skywalker, are we able to have a second opinion?

i just have to say maybe its the psych test?? did you tell the truth?? did you progess well at your panel interview? did you Answer in STAR format? did you tell lies through the interview? mam doesnt really care even if you did your medical or security, but keep trying.... heaps of other airlines out there too and you might of came across as too Desperate and not yourself...
but hang in there hey ;)

mooguy 4th Sep 2006 08:06

I've got my MAM medical lined up too-any info?
I totally agree that its logistics, however unfortunate, to let more people successfully through, than they actually need, its basic economical sense in a way.

I"m booked in for a medical in perth soon, however I am on vacation in NSW and may get an appointment sooner if possible.

Last airline job I got, I was told I had some minor problems with my hearing at high frequency, but nothing serious! I got that job. NOw I'm worried, as I believe its the audiogram system again, and I'm just getting over a cold, which can affect hearing. I"ve also got PMS and always gain nearly 4 kilos which goes once I get my period, I'm 163cm and about 64 kilos and wonder would it make much a difference if I were to change my appointment to a later date if possible (period due day of medical!) so I will be hopefully at least 3 kilos lighter.

This is a lot of worry really isnt it?????????????!!!

Has anyone from perth actually been given a start date for training yet?

Thanks in advance

maybefly 4th Sep 2006 13:44

I know someone who starts on thursday this week so they've already got one training group lined up. She had a choice of several dates too (not sure about what they were) so they're going to have a few more go through

wigglewash 5th Sep 2006 04:56

hey guys just wanted to let you know i wish you all the best in the recruitment process ive just completed my final interview and im not desperate however it would be considered nice if i get an offer :ok: if not oh well ill keep seeking oppurtunitys :p. Any people here who has any recent feed back in regards to mam?

shine me some light!!! ;)

ChristineMAM 6th Sep 2006 04:06

Phone numbers
does anyone have a phone number to contact MAM? I only have qf recruitment.... any details would be appreciates, thanks! Also if anyone knows who i should talk to for recruitment update info would be great.

laraj182 6th Sep 2006 05:29

Ok two days ago i finished the medical i passed but they wanted me to get an xray on my elbow because its double jointed (looks funny haha) and they didnt belive me it didnt hurt, but other than that it was perfect (almost failed the BMI (body mass index) test as i am 2kgs underweight:bored: ) they rang all my references the day after they told me im in the last stage hope thats a good sign :} and other than that its been 2 days and i have just began becomming impatient again haha :8 hope i dont get that great you didnt make it call but thats life :) and then i'll just try other places haha

P's cousin 10th Sep 2006 21:31

I'd been shortlisted for 6 months till last month but I haven't heard anything from MAM. Not even a rejection e-mail. What does that supposed to mean? :confused:

ChristineMAM 11th Sep 2006 00:33

wot base are you applying for? if the 6 months has lapsed, they can either give you another 6 months or the rejection email. you should call them so they are reminded.... i know bris ground schools are happening at the moment

ahyi 11th Sep 2006 16:26

I have been through to the final stages of the interview with MAM when I was in Sydney. I got told to do the medical test but I am currently working in another country I dont know whether I should go back for the Body Check and stuff. I have been hearing quite alot of negative feedbacks regarding MAM that you might need to experience at times that you dont need to fly for a month? Can anyone correct me on that comment? I mean if you dont have work for a month then that means no income right? So really half half on this decision but would like some comments as to what I should be doing? Thankx~~

upper_deck_cabin 11th Sep 2006 22:40

Mam Medicals upline
Hi Ahyi,

Try contacting MAM and explain that you are not currently in SYD. It is my understanding that a MAM Medical test must be preformed by a Qantas Aviation doctor, and they are in every QF port all around the world. I know a girl that did her medical in New Zealand, and another in London. Best of Luck!

ahyi 12th Sep 2006 13:11

Thankx Upper Deck!
I have been in contact with them all along as they could not tell me a place to do it overseas where I am I need to go back to do the test. I am just not sure whether I should go ahead to do it as many people tell me that being a casual position I might experience a months time with no need to fly. I am just wondering if its true cause the job restrictions also doesnt allow u to look for other jobs as u need to be on call 24/7 I have missed the medical test 3 times now but they still allow me to do it so I may end up going back to sydney to do it but I just wanted to know whether its true that I may no need to fly a month if i get the job.

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