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BA CLASSIC 5th Jul 2006 13:34

Can we be nice to one another !
Hello ,
I'm new to this forum , But I have noticed alot of crew bitch other crew .
I put a few comment's on the forum about info etc..
but instead of getting a kind reply's as your info might be correct/incorrect !! , I just received awfull replies back . I'm sorry but this is a Forum to help each other , And not be mocked on a website . There is mean's and ways to writing things to people and now I'm to scared to put any info on this website , just to be safe .

Those passenger's who read this forum , must think crew are a right
friendly BUNCH .

Lord Snot 5th Jul 2006 14:11

Bitching, sniping and pushing buttons is much more amusing.

BA CLASSIC 5th Jul 2006 14:26

Originally Posted by Lord Snot
Bitching, sniping and pushing buttons is much more amusing.

I thought pilot's don't bitch !! :)

flyblue 5th Jul 2006 19:00


we usually try to keep this Forum as bitch-safe as possible, for the same reason you are talking about: it discourages people from posting.

We do our best, considering that we also have a day job. But if you should find that we have missed something, please feel free to use the small triangular icon on the bottom left of a post to report the post to the Moderator :)

johnrizzo2000 5th Jul 2006 19:06

No disrespect to anyone, but crew can be the bitchiest people! However, theres no need to be bitchy in a forum!

wanderin_star 5th Jul 2006 19:11

I understand what you are saying BA CLASSIC. I posted a question about first aid certificates and got bit sarcastic reply back saying 'why dont you ask airline'. Some people probably think lots of the question are silly but we should all help each other with a friendly reply.

BA CLASSIC 5th Jul 2006 19:37

Originally Posted by wanderin_star
I understand what you are saying BA CLASSIC. I posted a question about first aid certificates and got bit sarcastic reply back saying 'why dont you ask airline'. Some people probably think lots of the question are silly but we should all help each other with a friendly reply.

Hello ,
If you need any help with Airline info I'll try my best to help you .
Pls send me a private message anytime , And you hit it on the nail
with your comment "Sarcastic" replies . That's what I find so rude !!
And No question is a stupid one and that includes examples or Info you are giving someone else .

And if the info is wrong just be nice to the other member and correct them in a nice manner ,
And don't be Sarcastic but just "Friendly Open Forum" .

Rescue 137 6th Jul 2006 17:21

This forum is quite well known over the industry as being not such a nice place for newbies or other people to use.Alot of people wont use this place because of what you described.Personally I always have a SWAT team on standby just incase it kicks off again:)

Crew Use Only 6th Jul 2006 22:40

Could not agree more - although i've only seen a few bitchy comments on here fortunately...

I find it worse 'on line' and sometimes especially amongst some of the gay guys (of which I am one!)

When other crew are walking past me in the airport (and sometimes even downroute) and I say Hello, often I get totally ignored or looked at like Im a piece of s***. I feel like saying "hang on, im not trying to come on to you, I'm just saying hello.."

Some of the girls can be VILE to each other on flights and as a senior I HATE having to sort out.

So yeah, heres to being nice to each other !

Lord Snot 6th Jul 2006 23:28

Seriously, dry your eyes you soft-ons. If you can't handle a little slagging or whatever it is you consider "bitching" then I can't see how you can hack it in the aircraft.

And don't go running to the "squeal on someone's post" button, pleeeeeease. It makes you look pathetic. Just deal with it.

DJTibby 7th Jul 2006 02:58

Lord snot, No one should be bullied or be talked to rudely, this should not be happening in the aircraft, team work remember! If someone feels like they have been treated badly and your not there to support them, then I assume you would not be suited to a cabin crew job.
Leave them alone. Nothing nice to say? then don't embarrass yourself by posting here,
good on you guys, its nice to see people putting there foot down:D Everyone is entitled to a question, no matter how silly it may be. Were all new once!:ok:

Sylphie 7th Jul 2006 03:21

I've found that you can tell a lot about a person based on how they treat strangers or people who mean nothing to them.

In life there's so many people who need to swallow chill pills. But talking down to people is supposed to make you look superior remember? :rolleyes:.
It just makes you look less credible when you treat people disrespectfully.


TightSlot 7th Jul 2006 08:18

Originally Posted by Rescue 137
This forum is quite well known over the industry as being not such a nice place for newbies or other people to use.Alot of people wont use this place because of what you described.

Really? And your evidence for saying that is...? Presumably your circle of immediate friends? The evidence to the contrary is the high number of people that log-on to, and use the forum, even if only to view rather than actually post.

This forum is no bitchier, meaner or nastier than any other internet forum, largely because it is moderated - un-moderated forums tend to descend into anarchy very, very rapidly: You'll have to trust me on this.

There are so many depressing things about this thread that it's tough to know which one to be the most irritated by: On reflection, probably the fact that I have some sympathy with the position of a person who chose the name Lord Snot as being a good title. I have to live with myself knowing that this is so... (even if I wouldn't have phrased it in that way!)

There are some simple methods for new posters to avoid being flamed on this, and all other internet forums:
  1. Read the FAQ before posting, that's why it is called FAQ and why it is there.
  2. Read previous posts and threads to see if the question has already been asked and answered by somebody else.
  3. If you can't find it initially, use the "Search" function. That is what it is there for.
  4. Think before posting, and when writing: Read through what you have written and then think again. Try and imagine how your comments may read to others who may be in different moods, timezones etc. etc.
Now... can we all agree that to love each other is better than not, that being nasty to each other and being naughty in class are bad things and that the world is full of big people that don't agree with us...?

and then, move on, please, please, pretty please.


BA CLASSIC 7th Jul 2006 08:24

Originally Posted by Lord Snot
Seriously, dry your eyes you soft-ons. If you can't handle a little slagging or whatever it is you consider "bitching" then I can't see how you can hack it in the aircraft.

And don't go running to the "squeal on someone's post" button, pleeeeeease. It makes you look pathetic. Just deal with it.

This is the perfect example !!
Come on Lord Snot , You can change and be one of
the nice ones :ok: .

angels 7th Jul 2006 08:24

Excellent common sense stuff Tightslot.

You ought to bung those rules at the top as a sticky.

OP - as flybleu says, remember that moderators are busy people who are unpaid for the work they do on Pprune.

haughtney1 7th Jul 2006 08:57

Back to the question.......and not to further erode Flightdeck-cabincrew relations..but

Isn't being bitchy part of the job interview? doesnt it start when your sitting in the waiting room?..or doing your group exercises?, you all know what I mean..."her arse looks way too big in that..they wont give HER the job"
"shes sooo gobby"
"too much mascara"
you get the idea...............:E

haughtney1 7th Jul 2006 09:13

I guess I'll never land a cabin crew job I guess :uhoh:

BA CLASSIC 7th Jul 2006 09:21

Originally Posted by haughtney1
I guess I'll never land a cabin crew job I guess :uhoh:

mmm...:) , I bet you are a lovely person really !!

tuismile 8th Jul 2006 13:46

You only need to be bitchy at a Virgin interview!! lol

(By theway people..it's just a joke!!!)

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