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seektofly 26th Jun 2006 08:26

They called me!
:ooh: Hi guys,

As promised I am "keeping you posted" - I got a call from Virgin Blue today asking about one of my referrees... and then I got a call from another of my referrees telling me that Virgin had called them!

I don't know how I am going to go - and if I will end up going to the Medical, but I am keeping my fingers crossed. :ok:

Hostee, I am sure you will make it down for the interview on July 5. At our interview day, there were quite a few from Emirates that had come down for the interview, and one I think was on Annual leave... Good luck!

Iulia 26th Jun 2006 08:54

:ooh: Great to hear STF, I hope all the best for you!! Remember us, don't forget us hopefuls once you go into training school and become a gorgeous F/A ;)
And Hostee, good luck to you too :) Surely you'll find a way to come down to Melb ;) I will definately try for Emirates once I'm 21yrs, but I doubt they'd want someone that hasn't previously been a F/A... personally, I think those of you out there who are trying for other F/A positions with other companies have a huge advantage over others and good on ya's ;)
:ok: toodles!!

Sylphie 26th Jun 2006 11:31

Hey guuuuys. Not VB related but still job related -- Things seem to be looking up for me again. Jetstar invited me to an assessment day this afternoon.. for next week. Fingers crossed - and manicured all over again. Haha.

I feel SO much more prepared this time round even though I was pretty well prepared before thanks to some great advice on this site. I also bought a fantastic book recently written by a Flight Attendant especially for Cabin crew interviews, that has a lot of info especially related to where I think I buggered up slightly with Virgin. The Role Play. So I endevour to use this info next week.

I've heard that the interviews with Jetstar are much more drawn out and a slower process over time, but I'm feeling positive. I want to be a F/A already :uhoh:

Congrats STF for getting past the reference section. At least they called yours! That's a positive step towards medicals. And Iulia have you applied to the other airlines yet?? Hostee you seem to have a great posibility of employment w. VB if you're already with Emirates!! [you are with them aren't you??]

Good Luck all!

seektofly 27th Jun 2006 04:29

Hi guys,

Thanks for all your support! I have just found out that V.B. have called 2 of my referees (I had listed 4 down), and I know 2 other people who are in the same boat as me... so fingers crossed.;)

Iulia, even if I do get in to V.B, I will expect to see you helping me out with the 150 or so passengers soon enough! (with or without that chockie cake that you were telling us about... but I personally hope it is with!) :E

I know that the recruitment process for any airline is nerve wracking, and scary, but, having been to soooo soooo many of them, I went into the V.B interviews so relaxed and pretended that the interviewers were old friends of mine. It shows that you are relaxed and friendly, so think positive and you will be fine. To my interview, I wore a pretty red ribbon in my hair - I think it might have bought me luck! :p
Now I wait. I will keep you posted about my further progresses (or no progresses in the recruitment - I just was under the impression that V.B called the referees and then called you on the same day requesting that you go for a medical - but it might not be so) :confused:

Will let you know.


Iulia 27th Jun 2006 11:24

Heya peeps :)
Good onya Sylphie! So happy for you ;) Well, I have actually applied to many other airlines Melb-based with staffcv.com... is that were you applied for Jetstar also? Well, it must have since there's no other way in applying... silly me! lol
And SeekToFly... way to go! When I was in my hour-long interview with VB, they marked down preference of who you wante your two referees to be called most out of all of them you know, so same thing could have happened to you, they weren't going to call all four! :) I hope all the best for you, and I swear, as you all are my witnesses, I'll be baking cakes every second day for whatever airline employs me as a F/A with love, and tender care to make the cakes PERFECT! Just someone, give me a chance!! lol
seeya peeps, and keep keeping us posted on te progress! hehe:ok:

Gloria 28th Jun 2006 04:19

Hell everyone, just curious- had a Virgin recruitment day in Melbourne on Mon 19th. They called my references on Thursday 22nd but have had no contact either way since. Is no news good news at this stage or should i assume the worse. I have to admit that the day was really enjoyable and I thought the people VB have in place doing the recruitment was a good mix- I'll still feel that way if the dreaded email comes. Any news from anyone on this will be greatly appreciated!!!!! They did say we would hear within 2 weeks????

seektofly 28th Jun 2006 09:24

Waiting for Virgin Blue to call...
Hi everyone,

I am still waiting for Virgin Blue to get back to me... I had my referees checked on Monday/Tuesday, but still haven't heard anything yet...
Gloria it looks like we are in the same boat (although the difference is that I went for my interview on Friday 15 June and had to wait just over a week for them to get back to me) waiting for them to send us maybe to the Medicals. Fingers crossed for both of us.

Keep you posted.

Iulia 28th Jun 2006 10:58

Hehehe ladies ;)
I'm glad to hear that everythings going well for you ladies, it certainly seems that way! Let us know how it goes okai ;) xox

Hostee 29th Jun 2006 05:55

STF and gloria..... i hope to be in the same 'worry' boat as you guys soon!
I'm confirmed for my VRD on Wed.... just going to pop down from Dubai for it!!
Hey STF... you said some Emirates people were at your interview..
Do you know if any of them got through to the next stage, the reference check stage? Or did they get sent home after the group work?
I haven't done an interview for 4 years so will be reading these pages very well over the next few days! Thank you to all those that described the VRD!
I'll add my own version too.
Sylphie... yep i do fly for Emirates... and I absolutely LOVE my job! :ok:
But after 4 years... I'm ready to come home, but still continue flying!
GOOD LUCK for your Jetstar assessment day!
Iulia.... its great to hear you are still so positive hun! With that kind of attitude you will HAVE to get a F/A job with someone! And when i joined Emirates, i had never flown before as an F/A.... so keep them in mind for when you are`21... mind you,by then you'll already be working for Virgin/Jetstar/Qantas and may not wanna leave!! Hopefully it'll be at Virgin, with Gloria, STF, Sylphie and myself!! ;)

seektofly 29th Jun 2006 07:28

OH MY GOD !!!!
I just got a call from Virgin Blue...

Im going to a Medical! Still in Shock! :eek:

Keep you posted further! :)

SkySista 29th Jun 2006 09:24

Congrats STF!!! All the best!!

Iulia 29th Jun 2006 13:06

New favourite person is... Hostee! lol
Hehehe awww thanks Hostee, especially for that last part where you 'predicted' I'd already be working for Virgin/Jetstar/Qantas by the time I'm 21 and ready to apply for Emirates... lol
Round of :D for SeekToFly!! Woo hoo!!
And yes, hopefully me, Iulia, together with Hostee, SeekToFly, Sylphie and Gloria and zoom zooming in the air with Virgin Blue! hehehehe wishful thinking, but it makes me smile even after a miserable day!!:p
PS- Hostee, at my recent VBRD I met this great guy whose every second word was 'dal' and 'hunny' if you get my drift, but his smile was infectious and he generally seemed a great guy. He was last of all on my VBRD to get interviewed the one-hour and the roleplay (I know this because I was second last!) lol I can't help but have a strooong feeling he would have made it far as he had like 4yrs experience with Emirates, and during my hour long interview, I could hear his replies at the table next to me and they were good examples that he was giving his assesor!!

Hostee 29th Jun 2006 13:36

Yay for STF!
STF.... hun well done..... another tick in the box on your way to being DJ crew!! :D

Iulia.. thanks for that info about the Emirates guy at your VBRD!!
Wonder if i know him????? Anyhoo... Hopefully i'll get to the hour-long interview/role play too.... will have to make notes on my examples before i go i think.. Jet lag plays havoc with the memory!

Sylphie 30th Jun 2006 03:30

Congrats you guys w/ interviews and medicals! Good luck to everyone, especially the others still paving their way toward an invitation!

We will all be working in the skies soon!

** Spreads good luck wishes to and fro **


seektofly 30th Jun 2006 09:08

Still Keeping you posted...
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you guys know that I am all booked in for a medical on Thursday morning. I am sooo sooo nervous and soo soo scared. In the email that I got from V.B. it says that they have gowns and privacy screens if I feel a little uncomfortable, and that I should wear a t-shirt and shorts and wear full briefs! :eek: OK. Should I be worried or not??? :ooh:

Hopefully after the medical I will know one way or the other.

Fingers crossed for me!

Will keep you posted.

Seektofly xox :O

Iulia 30th Jun 2006 10:41

Hey, I'm being serious when I ask... do they poke stuff for samples etc up the ahuuums of girls and guys, similar to a pap smear? Coz I imagined that the medicals were about your weight, height, breathing, pulse, teeth, and urine sample for drugs... at the interview I was told that they don't even take a blood sample... its just weird that they're providing a gown and screens, I thought it would be a quick 10-min sort of medical... sounds like something that is gonna take long time!!! ;)
Let us know what they do to ya STF lol!
PS- no matter what they do in the medical, no need to be embarrassed, a doctor is a doctor and I'm sure they've seen it all hundreds of times!:D

smile 30th Jun 2006 11:51

If I can remember my medical correctly (a couple of years ago now) the following is what they tested.

Lung capacity, height, urine sample, hearing, colour blindness, balance, hernia's, spine... could have been a few more don't really remember.

You do need to strip down a little for when they test for hernia's and your spine. But I can assure you that you'll still be wearing more than you wear at the beach.

Iulia 30th Jun 2006 11:54

How do they test for hernia's??? Curious! :P

Sylphie 30th Jun 2006 11:55

I think they can test manually [with pressure on areas] or with an ultrasound.. :}

Iulia 30th Jun 2006 12:11

Ohhhh! okai thats alright, so long as you don't have to go on your hands and knees with no knickers on... that would be reallllll embarrasing, especially if its a male doctor and not a female! lol

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