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Iulia 19th Aug 2006 00:05

hey followyourdreams, don't be so hard on yourself! We all hate the waiting game!! At least my case was worse then yours... it was the 14th day, exactly two weeks about my VBRD and I too had been nagging my references, but still nuffin, then that day, the 14th day, I checked my email about lunchtime for like the 5th time that day, and sure enough there was that $^&(_)* email of rejection. I think you're in a way better position then I!! There's still the possibility of a yes, even after almost three weeks, whereas I was shut down on the 14th day.
I too would have to travel exactly 59km to get to the tullamarine, I timed it and all last week when I went to pick up my parents from the airport (they'd gone for a lil holiday in Fiji... word of advice, don't go Fiji, the advertisements are misleading, its a third world country in ever sense, and the poverty evident everywhere outside their hotel boundaries, PLUS they got ripped off hundreds and hundreds of dollars at the markets). So I too would probably have to move... I WANT to move... but I'd have to see.
followyourdreams, I'd give anything to be in your position, and your age. You have such a bigger chance then anyone like me could (well, for the next few years). I don't think anyone can understand the helpless position I feel I'm in, its not my fault I am the age I am. People don't realise it til they see my DOB on my resume or they ask what is my occupation and I say student and they say oh, what university? And I say, no high school.
Now I too probably sound like I'm complaining... but its my thread and so long as no-one abuses anyone verbally on here, we can complain about anything and everthing FA related ;) :D


And it gets me thinking about what to anticipate in about 10yrs time when I'm finally deemed 'old enough'.

seektofly 19th Aug 2006 03:40

Im glad you all like my posts... even if they're all about me!
:ok: Hi guys :ok:

Ok, so it is 1.25 pm on a Saturday afternoon. Today was the last Saturday of training. Only 2 weeks left now Monday to Friday and Monday to Friday. OMG!!! :eek:

As you all know - my exam is on Tuesday. Please say a prayer for me on Tuesday cos... I am sooooooo nervous about it all.

Followyourdreams - I am posting this information so that people that are about to go through training school know what to expect. I don't mean to scare anyone, but to be honest with you, it is quite a "full on" course, and yes there are 11 exams to sit - but if you just take one day at a time, you will get through it all. 3 weeks of training down, and all we have done is Normal Procedures, Non -Normal procedures, safety equipment and Emergency procedures. We haven't even started on the service side of things. I wouldn't have a clue on the Virgin Blue service, the food, etc.. etc.. That comes in the last 2 weeks. I wouldn't panic about not hearing anything yet either ... they haven't sent you a rejection letter so thats the main thing. Don't worry - I believe that there will be a training school in October/November - they are probably just waiting for confirmation of the dates before they start sending people for their medicals, so that they don't have to wait too long before they offer people the jobs.

As far as being in our uniforms, My uniform is just the skirt (with the shirt and jumper obviously plus the red coat and the white trench). I didn't go the pants or dress option (as I would need to lose like 50 kilo's to look good in either!!!) The skirt was the most flattering for me, so thats why I chose it. Sometimes I wish we weren't in our uniforms yet... I was kind of hoping that we could be in our uniforms in the last week or so, but it is ok when you don't know what to wear for training! :p

Virgin Blue Training. Week 3, Day 6. August 19th, 2006 (10 days left)

We did Aviation Medicine part II toay and there wasn't alot of information there, but we did have the exam. There were 25 questions, and I got one wrong. It = 96%. Not too bad. Not alot to say really about today. We learnt stuff like Miscarriage, Child Birth, Chest pains, Angina, and all the symptoms and what to do in these events. It was pretty standard aviation stuff. I just hope I don't get too many medical emergencies on board my flights! ;)

Again, Tuesday is my big final exam, and the day before, Monday we are having our pool day. That is when they make us go in the pool and inflate our life jackets the moment before we step into the pool. From there, we have to get into a life raft that they inflate - it sits on the water's surface and we have to try and get into it. Monday's diary entry (if I actually make one on Monday :8 ) should be quite funny. I am not looking forward to Monday or Tuesday next week.

Anyway, I am off to commence my study for the big exam. I hope all is well, followyourdreams - don't panic. It will happen. I promise.

STF ;)
PS - I edited this post as I had written .. "My uniform is just the skirt" - I added plus the shirt and jumper cos I didn't want you all thinking that I just wore the skirt and nothing else! I realised how funny it looked and changed it. Cheers!

followyourdreams 19th Aug 2006 04:03

Seektofly- of course I know your not making your diary entries to scare anyone. In fact, I love how detailed it is. I guess it ends up filtering out the ones that get through to the training school that are half hearted about it or full committed. I am fully committed to flying with VB and will do everything it takes to get myself into one of those uniforms and jetsetting around the countryside :p

Goodluck with your upcoming exams seektofly - you will be soo fine. You have aced all of your exams this far so I'm sure you will continue to do so. And, what's with not thinking you look good in the pants and dress. I'm sure you would look in hot any any of them. However, I will probably choose the skirt too.

seektofly 19th Aug 2006 14:27

in 65 hours the exam will be over
Hi guys me again

Thanks followyourdreams for that lovely comment about my diary entries. I am glad that you are really committed - cos you have to be if you want to fly. Just stick to what it is that you really want, and one day, just like me, you will get there. I have said this at least a bazillion times on this thread but it truly worked for me.:)

One day you ARE going to look hot in the Virgin Uniform and one day you WILL be jetetting around the country side.

My eyes are jetsetting around the inside of my eyelids, so bed time for me. It is nearly 12.30am now so Off to bed with me.!!

Take care all, and until next time SMILE ;)


followyourdreams 19th Aug 2006 23:00

Morning guys,

I just thought of something else to ask... does anyone know whether your superannuation is included in your salary? Or is it over and above? I was reading the VB EBA on wagenet and it didn't actually state whether it is included or exclusive of the salary

njsboi 20th Aug 2006 01:36

Hey everyone,
a friend was telling me about this website and i thought ild check it out.I cant believe how much people write... compared to cabincrew.com its great to see... i love all the stories, and i thought ild share mine as well.....
Just like everyone here, flying was an absolute dream of mine.... i left a good paying job at the casino in melb to become a contractor at virgin on the ground.It was hard work... long hours,split shifts and you werent virgin employed and it took a while to click with everyone.But once you did it was absolutely FANTASTIC!!! ground crew are jsut absolutely fantastic....my mission was to always get the experience and hopefully get crew with virgin.Well things and circumstances dont always go to plan.... but i ended up getting a job with National jet in perth.... and then crazy me said ild come to darwin because of the $$$!
its been great flying and seeing how another company work,especially after seeing how the ground was operated when i was in Guest services at virgin.its very different up here... every trip is an overnight to Per or Asp.
My mission was alwasy to get the exper and reapply for DJ and hopefuly get to move back to Mel as soon as i could.
The day finally came and i was invited to a VRD day in melb....it was late notice and i had to use all my saving on airfare(well worth it)... so i went along to the VRD day, i was sucessfull in getting to the afternoon session.
I had the 1on1 and the roleplay.... and flew back to drw and continues to fly as normal up here.Im telling you now, that was a very long two weeks... constantly checking my emails, 2 weeks came and i got an email saying they still dont know and that it would be another 2 weeks. another long waiting period.... then it got to the 2 weeks and nothing!!!! it was another week after that that they called and asked if i could go to a medical check.
in between flying and all that i only had one day to do it, i was jsut lucky enough that the medical place had one spare appointment at 9:00am.....
i went along and everything was fine! I heard that after the medical virgin was quick at getting back to you wheather it was a YES/NO... so i waited... the weekend went by and i found out that the medical place HADNT faxed the paperwork.....AND THEN ON FRIDAY I GOT THE CALL.... i was lucky i had a long turnaround in cns that day....or i would be dying over the weekend!!!Its such a relief... My VRD was the 5th of july, so it was quite a wait.Im over the moon and im so wrapped.... all the hard work has finally paid off!!!
I guess the moral of the story is that anyone can achieve it!it was my second year trying(didnt get it my first go)... id moved from per to drw and half way around the country.Its got nothing to do with age... or anything like that!You may have to take the long way around,but in the end its much more of an achievement!
As everyone knows its a hard industry to get into... but if you have the determination,drive,some customer exper nothing can stop you!
BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE... no that i know about the website, ill have to keep everyone updated:D

njsboi 20th Aug 2006 02:23

Hey Hostee,Congrats!!!!!! did you go to the 5th july VRD??? and do you fly for emirats? lol and are you blonde? if you do i remember you.... sweetie im glad you got through... and if its you i hope we have a pisser of a time in ground school....congrats once again:D

Hostee 20th Aug 2006 04:44

Oh My God!!

Hun, yes its ME!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!! When i saw NJSBOI posted, i thought, hmm i wonder if that was the National Jet guy at my VRD! Thats so cool!

CONGRATS TO YOU TOO!! Woohoo!! So glad you got thru too!

See you on 18th Sept hey! Oh and check your PM's.

njsboi 20th Aug 2006 05:44

The one and only Hostee :E ..... i had a feeling it was you!we will have to be the life of the party...Im so happy that you get to come home!
Ild like to know who else from that VRD day got through??? there was a few nice people that day...geez i cant wait to head back to melb...decent coffee and freeways:eek:

adam_ant 20th Aug 2006 23:23

Hey all you VB hopefuls: Rumour is that we are very short staffed in the CC department at the moment. I figure this is true as crewing keeping drafting people are on their days off! Good luck to all of you!!

followyourdreams 21st Aug 2006 01:16

Thats great news- but where is my phone call!! hihihihih

njsboi 21st Aug 2006 02:32

Not to sure follow your dreams.... it does look like most of the 5th july VRD have got the call.... when was your VRD day again? maby email the recruiting team.... maby they might be keeping you for the data pool... no possitions atm but when they have one you may be first to be asked!VB isnt a company to let potentially great crew go...and they make that very clear that they only want the best!!!
all i can suggest that you make sure both of your referees are contactable... and send them an email saying whats going on?if you havnt got the 'thanx but no thanx' email...ild be assuming theyre hanging on to you.... i didnt get crew my first time....
i had to move half way accross the country to get my first fly job!!!:ugh:

followyourdreams 21st Aug 2006 03:15

My VRD was 27th July..but my references haven't been called yet either. What is the data pool??? I hope something happens soon... I got the letter saying I had passed the VRD and that I will hear from them in two weeks. It will be three weeks tomorrow and not a word. i didn't realsie you could email the recruitment team... On what email address?

njsboi 21st Aug 2006 03:58

Hey followyourdreams,
I wouldnt stress to much....i know its easy to say... cause i went through it since the 5th july and every days seems to gett longer and more anxious.i work with a girl up here,and her friend went to your VRD day and hadnt heard anything either... well that was the last she knew when we spoke!if you havnt got the 'im sorry email' your all good till you do! everyone was telling me no news it good news!i know the feeling....sooooo hard not to think otherwise.
if you want send them an email on the recruiting email they sent you...see if that works!they only just got back to us wich was the vrd group before you...they may be deciding what to do with you guys... i hear theyre short... maby planning another school,or will put you in the data pool for when one comes up.either way you cant do anything but hope they call and ask you to go to a medical!:sad:

followyourdreams 21st Aug 2006 04:06

Yes true true,

I guess they wouldnt' tell me I passed the VRD and then say no thanks before actually checking my references and medical. I'm just being impatient and getting anxious - you have no idea how much I want to fly ( well I'm sure you do)

njsboi 21st Aug 2006 04:34

followyourdreams....hang in there!i know its hard,believe me i do.i gave up everything to get my foot in the door up here and now its paid off....im sure it will for you to!just hope when you get it its everything you hoped for... for some it turns out not to be and its sad!!!:sad:

followyourdreams 21st Aug 2006 05:23

Thanks njsboi :)

Iulia 21st Aug 2006 05:31

Heya followyourdreams...
Girlfriend, I feel your fustration, really I do, because I waited those horrible 14 days and was sent the 'thanks no thanks' email... and all those wee days I had the mantra running in my head 'no news= good news'... silly of me to think that... YOU however have every right to! Almost three weeks, thats great! Think of it this way... if they didn't want you, they'd probably have known long ago, from when you picked up your bottom of that chair after your 1on1, know what I mean? The way I figure it works is they put some kind of stamp/mark on your application/notes (taken in the 1on1) and shove it in the 'not a chance' pile, and they get onto those pretty soonish, probably way before calling the lucky ones for the medicals! I dunno, thats my theory... it seems a fast way to sift through the HUNDREDS of applications VB get for CC!!

...omgshhh its fustrating reading these posts sometimes... I'm so happy and sad at the same time... its great to hear that people are finally having their dreams fulfilled and all... but when I ask their age, I'm told 20-something... duh!!

But some advice for yourself, and anyone else feel sick and tired of waiting for that call, or the months to pass til they can reapply... do something!! Work overtime at your current jobs (if you can), make $$$, go get your hair coloured/cut, nails done, visit gfs, watch the latest movies coming out, go to a drive in... ANYTHING to pass time!

As for myself... the above mentioned activities would be a 'luxury' to do... I'm too busy anyhow with my VCE, these are the last few weeks...

Wow... its so summer-y outside! LOL I believe the correct term to use would be 'spring is on its way', its so good to see some sunshine and sit on the balcony :cool:

oneworldairline 21st Aug 2006 10:43

Hey Njsboi..... :)

Im currently workin for Crown and am tryin to get into CC with Virgin. I applied for Ground crew before with westaff but it just wasnt secure considering the large sum of upfront cost. What did you use to do at Crown? So congrads in getting in...

One world airline

njsboi 21st Aug 2006 11:19

hey oneworld
I was a dealer at crown for 2 years... then took the risk and went to westaff!i think thats how i got into the air.westaff was hard work...But an AMAZING boss at westaff..shes just bloody brillian and i put her so high on a pedistall...anyway... when i was westaff they salary sarcafised uniform and all that...you only paid for what you got!am yet to do tax so cant even tell you what % you get back!
if getting into crew is what you want... go for it...get your certificates and go for it!casino your faced with everything and deff opened my eyes to alot of thigs.:sad:

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