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-   -   The Virgin Blue/Virgin Atlantic Exachange Number 3 is under way...... (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew/188058-virgin-blue-virgin-atlantic-exachange-number-3-under-way.html)

ozflyboy 31st Aug 2005 10:49

The Virgin Blue/Virgin Atlantic Exchange Number 3 is under way......
Well, the calls have been made and there are soon to be 20 Virgin Blue crew on their way to the UK to begin VA training on November 21st (and vice versa of course....!)

Looking forward to those exciting destinations (and here's hoping for that pay rise to assist with some of the costs....)

Can't wait to catch up with you guys on the current exchange.

Will keep you updated Sinala and co!


Oz :)

SkySista 31st Aug 2005 13:32

ozflyboy, I take it this means you are going? if so, congrats on being accepted (to all the others also). Hope you have a fab time and learn heaps and heaps. I've been following Sinala's posts on the subject ( I remember way back when just got in... my how long has it been now? :D )

Very jealous of course but as they have all said, it sounds a fantastic opportunity... does anyone know is VS/DJ are the only airline with this kind of program, or do others do it too??

OZcabincrew 31st Aug 2005 15:48


I've met two DJ/VS crew on separate occassions in Japan. They said they were loving the transfer to Virgin Atlantic!!!!!!! If you wanted to work for VS permanently do they have some process in place in which you can slot in with them straight from DJ or not? On the other hand, what have the reviews been like from the Virgin Atlantic guys which have transferred over to Virgin Blue?


sinala1 31st Aug 2005 16:02

I've met two DJ/VS crew on separate occassions in Japan
I would say there is a strong possibility of that being me, however I am always far too intoxicated whenever I meet anyone at The Truck that I would not be able to remember it anyway! :}

I can't believe its been six months already, time has gone quick to say the least. To all the succesful exchangees, START SAVING NOW!!!!!! I cant cant cant emphasise this enough! The cost of living here is outrageous, and it takes a few months being here for you to realise how bad it is. Congratulations to all, you certainly have an interesting time ahead! I posted a bit of a guide a while back, you can find it here and I recommend you read over it again - contains some useful hints about coming across here. Of particular importance is gathering together your last 5 years employment and address details - these *will* be required as part of your flying ID application.

Congratulations folks, I am intrigued to know who is coming across! Any questions, please feel free to ask...

Cheers for now from a very tired Sinala1 who has just gotten home from a 2 night stop in Las Vegas :zzz: :zzz: :ok:

SkySista 31st Aug 2005 16:14

who has just gotten home from a 2 night stop in Las Vegas
Sinala... like you're getting any sympathy from me.... :E :p

Seriously though, that thread was an interesting read, I actually pointed a friend of mine (who is working for DJ) to it as she also wants to apply for the opportunity.. she said it was very helpful, so , from her - "thanks!" :D

sinala1 31st Aug 2005 16:47

Sinala... like you're getting any sympathy from me....
*Sounds of pen scratching on paper* "Ok, thats SkySista removed from the Xmas list.... Who's next?" :E

SkySista 31st Aug 2005 17:04

heh heh heh.... :p

Oh come on, everyone knows Vegas is all self-inflicted, so no sympathy votes there..... :E ;)

(okay, okay, I am sure it was all very traumatic and you worked very hard, someone went sick mid-trip and you carried the burden for the whole flight, amongst a cabin full of screaming babies and cranky pax... Sinala saves the day!!! (Better? :E ))

sinala1 1st Sep 2005 00:03

(okay, okay, I am sure it was all very traumatic and you worked very hard, someone went sick mid-trip and you carried the burden for the whole flight, amongst a cabin full of screaming babies and cranky pax... Sinala saves the day!!! (Better? ))
ACTUALLY Sinala1 was working the Upper Class galley, preparing potentially 5 course meals for a cabin full of pax! However thanks for your ongoing concern, you can rest assured it has been noted with the relevant personnel and will be followed up accordingly :O I hated Las Vegas - the worst part was when we visited the Bellagio Casino and went to the Fontana Bar and sat on the patio overlooking the fountains and drinking Vuerve Cliqout - absolutely horrid! Hated every minute of it ...


Cheers for now from a *very* intoxicated Sinala1 who has been up BBQ-ing with his uncle all night drinking faaar too much french red wine! :ooh: :ouch:


ozflyboy 1st Sep 2005 11:28

Thanks Skysista......yes, I have decided to accept the position.

Yes, the saving has begun, Sinala - having lived in London for 12 months not so long ago, I remember just how horribly expensive it was.......

By the way - I am dying to know who you are - I am sure that we must know each other.....I now know that you are a boy - mmmmm.....thinking which guys are over there.....obviously it's not YOU returning this weekend on a Sydney trip then....??

It is a great group who are heading over!!



ozflyboy 8th Sep 2005 07:24

Training Accom
Hi guys,

Is there anyone up there in the UK who can give we 20 VB crew some ideas on where we can find some reasonably priced short term accom near Virgin's training facilities at Gatwick??

Maybe some serviced apartments or something like that??

I know London well - but not down that way......

We would need to be near public transport which would get us to training each day.....

Looking at around 5 weeks from about 26/27 November.


Oz and the crew.


sinala1 8th Sep 2005 07:43

Hey Ozflyboy,

I am just checking in now for a 3 night stop in Las Vegas... not exactly sure of where you can stay etc however leave it with me for a few days, will see what I can uncover for you!

Viva Las Vegas :ok:


High-Flying-Adored 8th Sep 2005 23:41

the other hand, what have the reviews been like from the Virgin Atlantic guys which have transferred over to Virgin Blue?
I was speaking to one of the VS girls that was non-revving out on one of our flights to NAN. She said she was having an absolute ball.

That sure makes for some interesting reading Sinala. I'm hoping it will come in handy one day.

OZcabincrew 9th Sep 2005 11:59


I look forward to meeting the new DJ to VS transferees over time in Japan (my second home, haha)! There always seems to be so many VS crew there, especially the truck!, haha!!!! Warm up your karaoke voices guys!


ozflyboy 22nd Jan 2006 19:57

The flying has begun.....
Hi guys,
It seems like such a long time ago that I wrote the above posts - and thankfully training is all over now - not missing that at all!
We have all had about two trips each - I have just returned from lovely Barbados - lovely in the fact that it was 25 degrees and very sunny - almost like being at home in Oz!
The flying is great - different in so many ways to Virgin Blue and yet the same in many ways also!
Will be sure to see many of you at the Truck - have a NRT at the end of the month.
Oz :O

sinala1 22nd Jan 2006 20:30

OzFlyBoy when is your NRT? I have one on the 25th, its my last VS trip :{

You can be sure there is going to be some serious Truck Action!!! Any suggestions for a farewell song I can get everyone up to sing are welcome :}

striparella 23rd Jan 2006 23:04

I'm glad DJ crew are on the exchange again - they're so refreshing to have on board and always, always give the best customer service.

Although i think that's mostly down to the Aussie attitude more than them coming from DJ!

SkySista 24th Jan 2006 01:31

Sinala, I hope you have a fab last trip with VS.... I'm sure the Truck will be rocked to the very foundations.... :E Of course you'll be sad to go but just think others will now be able to experience what you have... how fab is that? And perhaps somehow you can find a way to go back!! :D

Striparella, it's great to hear the Aussie crew over there are 'flying the flag' in a positive way so to speak!!

Good luck to all going over for the next exchange!!! :ok: Let us know hw you fare...!


ozflyboy 11th Apr 2006 15:15

All going well....
Hi All!

Just thought I would let you know that all is going well over here in London-town...the weather WAS warming up nicely but having just returned from a BOS trip, things are back to very 'London-like!' Not to worry - that Spring weather will return soon!

Managing to get to most of the VS destinations and having loads of fun with the crew. Have just completed our seniors course - can't wait to start up in that Upper Class cabin!

Sinala - how has the transition back to DJ gone? Hope all is well. They have started to advertise for Exchange number 4 - scary........


Oz :D

sinala1 11th Apr 2006 22:24

Hi OzFly,

Glad you guys are having a good time over there, I tell you the exchange was the best thing I could have done - I really needed the time away! Whats your favourite destination so far? I loved SFO, LAS, NRT & HKG - definatley my favourites - along with a cheeky 2 night UVF or BGI. There is something surreal about sitting in the flight deck of a B744 flying at low level over the caribbean islands...

My departure from the UK was traumatic to say the least - I had settled in so well there and really felt like a pom at heart (I LOVED the UK weather!)... and leaving the rellies behind that I had been living with was quite difficult. Sitting in J on the A346 on my flight home I was erm a bit upset, but funnily enough leaving LHR was the hardest part - 24 hours later when I arrived in SYD I was ok!

As per my advice OZ to UK, its the same when you come back UK to OZ - save now! It costs a *fortune* shifting your life around the world. Settling back into DJ was slightly rocky at first (to be expected), took me a trip or two to get my mojo back. I have noticed a massive change in crew behaviour whilst I was away - mostly a total lack of respect for the role of supervisors in general (its not just me, lots of CS's are saying this) - however I shant go into that here.

Exchange #4 is currently open for application, and I put together a DVD of all the video I did whilst I was away - its not too bad actually (although certainly not dreamworks pictures haha) and potentially may be used in the exchange application process etc.

Hope you guys are doing well over there!

Sinala1 :)

blue_stew 12th Apr 2006 03:19

Originally Posted by sinala1
I have noticed a massive change in crew behaviour whilst I was away - mostly a total lack of respect for the role of supervisors in general

Oh Barf!!! :yuk:
Respect has to be earned and too many CS sit around "doing paperwork" or some other bogus crap instead of getting out and doing services, etc. You can see the horror on a CS face when he/she notices a 700 on the briefing report.
1/2 the CS at VB were promoted simply because at the time the company was so desperate and there was no one else. Too young and too little work experience to lead their way out of a paper sack!
VB is a domestic budget airline not some big fancy longhaul operation with pursors and the the like.
A VB CS is simply a crew member with a red badge who makes PAs and banks the money. The best CS are the ones who acknowledge a monkey could do the job and get in there and don't act like they are ABOVE the rest of us. Those supervisors get crew respect and crew will do anything for them.
Crew just want to be left alone to do their job the way they were trained to do it without being badgered and nagged. Too many supervisors have their little 'rules' that stress crew out and kill the team vibe.
Brett has always said we are ALL equals at VB - that applies on the a/c as well as off.
I suggest CS be put on 1 year contracts and if they don't pass muster - back down the back with the rest of the crew!

sinala1 12th Apr 2006 03:55

To avoid thread drift, I have responded to Blue_Stews post via PM.


sinala1 7th Aug 2006 23:15

Congrats to all the crew who are heading over now on exhange #4

To all the #3 exchangees - whats your thoughts etc so far?

ozflyboy 7th Aug 2006 23:30

Well over half way now....
Hey Sinala,

How weird - was just on here posting (which I haven't done for months) and you have brought my previous post back to life!!

We are all having a great time - certainly enjoying being Seniors and playing up the front!!

Unfortunately, it all seems to be starting to fly by a little too quickly - with the new guys here soon, our time won't take long to go now - and I haven't been to all destinations (that I want to go to) yet!!

How are you guys settling back in?? I have heard some better than others??

Am certainly looking forward to coming home in some ways but am going to miss loads about VA also.....positives and negatives in both respects I guess......Won't be riding across the Golden Gate Bridge like I was yesterday but then again, I miss VB's close knit crew, those crazy overnights and our relative seniority (those of us that are over here) at Blue......

Hope to catch some of you new exchangers soon!!!!

Oz ;)

sinala1 8th Aug 2006 01:23

Hey Ozflyboy,

Hows it all going? Wheres your favourite trip? My fav's were HKG, UVF, BGI, LAS, SFO and NRT... and I *loved* working in the J galley - was my favourite position by far!

I presume you have discovered Fliers and The Truck @ NRT, the Irish Bank @ SFO, and of course my favourites - Wan Chai, Lan Kwai Fong ("lick my fong") and the Midlevels @ HKG

Maybe again one day I will get the chance to go back to these places!

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