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worst-class 29th Jul 2005 07:13

Lagos... How Dangerous???
Recently found out that my airline is laying-over in Lagos.
Heard various horror stories and would love to know how safe/dangerous it actually is.
Any advice or tips?

RevMan2 29th Jul 2005 07:29


Honeytruck 29th Jul 2005 11:56

When I was cabin crew, we heard all kinds of horror stories about pretty much all our African lay-overs. Most crew refused to leave the hotel in most of them, which was a shame, because there was masses to see and do, and I never felt remotely threatened when out and about. I just wore grotty old clothes and looked like I knew where I was going.
Lagos was the exception. I went out once, and only once. Not only because of the threatening atmosphere and being constantly jostled and hassled, but because the place is chaotic. I'm anything but a scare-monger, but I'd say: Be very careful if you go there, w-c.

Rhodie 29th Jul 2005 12:19

Go out with a camera around your neck - you will be robbed.
Show more than 1 $1 bill at a time, you will be robbed/ scammed.
Go out with jewellry on, you will be robbed.
In fact - look anything like a tourist - you will be robbed / scammed or scammed and robbed.

You will be offered "official" guides - they will scam you.
You will be offered "official" taxi's - see above.

Valuables left in your hotel room - will be stolen.
Valuables left in the hotel safe - see above.

"The most dangerous part of air travel, is the drive to / from the airport"... In this case, it's true..

Im'e sorry if this is negative, but it's true... :sad:


Jetstream Rider 29th Jul 2005 12:43

I've been there once, but to other places in Africa a few more times.

I like Africa and I usually go out and do things and don't feel threatened.

However, in Lagos, I did stay in the hotel for the reasons above. I didn't take my computer or camera and used the in room safe for other stuff. It all worked ok, and I had a fairly pleasant trip. I have heard some horror stories, but our hotel has been refurbished and so most of the horror stories were taken away in that. The water stinks of chlorine in our hotel, which is better than the brown stuff you used to get! Be careful what you eat and drink and don't expect fast service or particulary polite people, but at the same time, don't worry overly about it and be streetwise. There are worse places you could go. The biggest problem is boredom if you are there for a few days.

DTYSAPCO 29th Jul 2005 13:27

i know someone who was shot at in the crew bus going to the airport - do and search on here - you will see!! :)

Turroncin 29th Jul 2005 13:43

I was in Lagos 2 weeks ago (I don't work for an airline, it was govt business) so I can give you info not gossip or hearsay.

From Lagos Airport to downtown I was put into a bullet proof vehicle and had a mobile armed police escort with 3 officers with machine guns tailing us all the way back.

I wasn't allowed out of the compound (in Ikoyi Island) unless I went with a driver and a policeman with machine gun. This meant walking round the supermarket with the policeman whilst buying a loaf of bread and some red bull :ugh:

At night its even worse, no one ventures out of their compounds (no one = foreigners) without going in bullet proof vehicle and machine gun totting policeman.

I think you just end up staying in your hotel if you go there. I got out, its a big expat community, but it is dependent on having a sturdy vehicle, a driver and a guy pointing a machine gun.

At the airport, I was again escorted with the mobile police escort and I had someone with me until I got to the gate.

I actually didnt' have such a bad time, the bars for expats are good (e.g. Bottles on VI does very mean frozen margharitas) but it is restrictive. But I didn't have any problems when I was there and would go back (but not alone!)

BAe 146-100 29th Jul 2005 14:37

Lagos is pretty dangerous I would say, but there is worst places to be in Africa (Mogadishu in Somalia and Abidjan in the Ivory Coast spring to mind at the moment).

Check (Foreign & Commonwealth Office Nigeria Travel Advice) on a regular basis to find out the latest happenings in Nigeria, it gives some good advice for Lagos and for the country as a whole.

BAe 146

Trentino 29th Jul 2005 16:03

All interesting stuff being said here. I have not been there and have heard the horror stories but could someone furnish some photographs of the offending city. Maybe the airport, the airport terminal and downtown? I looked at the usual suspects like airliners.net but got little..webshots.com doesnt give too much either.

Slightly off topic, my dad has been to Lagos etc... and he tells me that NewYork and Lagos can be sister cities. Let me tell you guys, the majority of NYC is not nice! He tells me that East NewYork looks like Abidjan..

Living in NewYork most of my life I noticed we do many things here similar in Africa like.....not stopping at a red light. Dont make eye contact etc...
But dont worry, overnights in Manhattan are safe.

oneeyed 29th Jul 2005 16:16

Having carefully read through to all the responses - now 10 minutes afterwards I'm still holding my beer belly laughing.

I have now been living and working in Lagos for 13 years and know that Lagos is a safe or unsafe as any major metropolis in the 3rd world. I feel a lot safer in the streets of Lagos as let's say Johannesburg or Rio.

Granted, there are areas where as a visitor one doesn't go at night but aren't they everywhere???

Your possible layover in Lagos can be quite interesting and enjoyable if you have an open mind and are a little security concious - as already mentioned in another reply.

If you are staying in Victoria Island you have lots and lots of places to go to - any type restaurant or bar you can think of, local markets etc. In case you'll be in Ikeja you are a bit more restricted but still enough to do for a couple of days.

If you need more details send me a PM with your plans and possible location and I'll send you a few tips of what to do and where to go. Time permitting I might even be able to show you a few places to prove that Lagos is not that bad after all.

Dont be afraid - enjoy

OzzieO 29th Jul 2005 22:52

I've probably been to Lagos about 30 times with BA on various trips the majority being nightstops.

I've never seen anyone get shot.
I've never had anything stolen from my room.
I've never been scammed.

I think like any major city common sense should kick in.

I live in a area of North London that is supposed to be safe and see things happen on a daily basis!!!

KTPops 30th Jul 2005 11:52

How does Lagos compare to Port Harcourt?Which is more "dangerous?"

Our allowances are greater for a PHC than a LOS and I'm told that this is because we get danger money! Does that sound about right?

KTP xx

WindSheer 30th Jul 2005 14:19

Its all about being streetwise, and where you are brought up.

Being from the heart of the welsh valley's, I would have no fear of walking through Lagos with a Japanese tourist style Nikon around my neck......:uhoh:

ak6181 30th Jul 2005 14:57

Like windsheer said, its about being streetwse.
Lagos is not as deangerous as jo-burg,but then, thats just an opinion.
All you need is some common sense and please, dont stray too far from your hotel at nigth with people you don't trust,or know well!
Lagos has a way of intimidating one,but it eases off after a while its not really as people like to paint it.
Port harcourt is nothing different and is a smaller city.
Girl. Go out,have fun and have an open mind.
Don't listen to those who'd rather paint africa as a place with lions and tigers running in the back-yards.These cities have a lot to offer if you're just a bit careful.

Kempus 30th Jul 2005 19:51

Been to Lagos several times, all on night stops. The whole crew went down to the bar and had which i can remember, just about, all having a great time for a tenner and this is LHR crew as well!!

If you stay in town like we do there are other crews to play with like KLM, Virgin and Lufthansa and it makes things a laugh in the hotels night club.

My dad works out in Lagos, a good friend of mine's parents stay there and she regularly goes. Keep your head on and dont do anything silly and you'll be fine.

If you ever go to Kingston just remember its the second most dangerous city in the world due to its high number of violent attacks but keep you head on there too and you can have fun too!

I do believe there is a five day trip on the 767 (BA). This due to an aircraft who's landing gear collapsed digging a huge scar in the runway making takeoff and landings on the main runway a no no so they are using an alternate runway which is smaller so probs for the big boys getting in an out so not sure how that trip would be but hey, always remember that somewhere in the world it's pimms o'clock and smile! Bottoms up!


shortm 31st Jul 2005 11:52

I have been to LOS a couple of times with my airline and my view is that each place is as safe, or dangerous, as you make it.

We stayed in the hotel (only a short trip) and actually had a great time. The hotel was nice and the staff friendly.

For the person that posted about PHC, I am guessing from what you said that you are working for Virgin Atlantic. I think you will find that the reason the money is paid into our salaries is not danger money - it is to compensate for the fact that we are unable to leave our rooms etc and that it is a minimum rest trip. It is NOT classed as danger money by any official within VS.


KTPops 31st Jul 2005 14:19


I haven't been to PHC or LOS yet and the danger money story was heard through our galley FM. Thank you for clearing that up!


chuks 31st Jul 2005 15:42

Take advice from your people on the scene and follow it and you should do fine.

Any outing in Nigeria has a certain level of risk to it, but are you going to just sit in your room because of that?

I was in a Lagos crew bus that got shot up, yes. But that was on 10 September 2001. Would I have been safer in downtown New York?

Just remember; it isn't the bullet with your name on it that you must worry about. It is the one addressed, 'To Whom It May Concern.'

On the other hand, play the fool in Nigeria and it may end up costing you big bucks. There are sharpers and cutpurses aplenty there who can see you coming from a long way off. Just like New York, in fact!

eboni 10th Aug 2005 16:36

Its amazing, but really the place just looks dangerous, there will be "Army" guys with AK's trying to get cash of you but they won't take any liberties, but as i have heard said a place is only as dangerous as you make it.
SO don't be a victim!!!

surely not 12th Aug 2005 18:47

Lagos has a reputation from times gone by, and yes it still has its danger areas BUT there are many friendly people in Lagos who are not out to rip you off and scam you. Half of the problem of 'dashing' is the educated westerners who automatically give in to a subtle demand for 'dash' instead of politely ignoring or refusing the request.

Just completed 3 months based in Ikeja and whilst you didn't feel free to roam the streets sightseeing, it wasn't impossible to find people who would show you around, and keep you out of areas that are the equal to the likes of Moss side in Manchester

I guess it is a bit different for a female on her own, but there were a few of us, blokes and girlies, that used to go off to the Chinese restaurant next to the Sheraton, and the one in Okeja called Chopsticks, and Londoners etc etc.

Providing you are sensible you won't have any problems over and above those found in any big City in the world

SortieIII 12th Aug 2005 18:53

As far as destinations go, Lagos has to be the worst I have experienced. Venture into the streets at your peril.:(

ABird747 14th Aug 2005 17:28

"I was in Lagos 2 weeks ago (I don't work for an airline, it was govt business) so I can give you info not gossip or hearsay."

So you can give info from the point of view of someone on government business not someone who is an aircrew member slipping in LOS. The "gossip" and "hearsay" sounds fairly accurate to me from my point of view as an aircrew member...

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