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SkySista 17th Dec 2004 14:00

Pax chatting to crew
Hi all,

Sorry if this topic is covered before... I couldn't find anything, so here goes.

When I'm paxing, I don't usually sleep on the plane, and I like to get up and walk around to avoid the 'shoe-horned into a seat' feeling.

If the crew aren't busy with food service or whatever, or obviously not having lunch/resting/doing paperwork, I like to say hello and maybe have a chat if they seem okay with that.

Being that I'd like to be CC eventually, and my interest in flying, travelling etc, I can often have a good conversation. But sometimes I don't know whether they are annoyed I am talking to them, or wish that I would go away, etc etc... I try to keep it brief.

So I am wondering, when you are not busy on a flight, and not tired/cranky/talking with your crewmates, do you like talking to pax, or do you just wish they would bugger off? :E

If you do like chatting to pax, what is your favorite thing to talk about?


orangeisjustacolour 17th Dec 2004 14:14

Hey Sky

I am not presently cabin crew, but have only just given it up to move to the other side of the cockpit door. I was doing it for two years, and the highlight of my day way trying to chat to as many passengers as possible. In fact I wish more passengers were like you and would come and pay us a visit in the galley. My company used to promote it as much as possible, but admittedly there are the odd days when you just feel like being left alone, but they are very few and far between. In my opinion, keep it up, you may really make some ones day doing it.

See you up there.

Orange :ok:

Have you heard this! 17th Dec 2004 14:16

Would imagine you get a mixture of both.

SkySista 17th Dec 2004 14:21

thanks for your replies.

I guess what I really would like to know is, if you were having a bad day and didn't feel chatty (can TOTALLY understand this), would you just say so, or 'bear it'?

If a CC said that they weren't feeling up to talking, but thankyou for saying hello, I would be fine with that. I just hope they don't stand there thinking they'd rather be somewhere else....! :D

Orange, congrats on your new job, how are you finding the change???

blueloo 18th Dec 2004 06:44

Whilst Not the case with all QF Crew, on many occasions I have got up to walk about and have a chat as a Pax, the large majority give you the evil look of death (the one you get when you press the call button from QF crew) as you approach the galley (the how dare you come up and disturb me look this is my break leave me alone). Needless to say one tends to veer away and keep walking.

Luckily every now and again a chatty crew member proves this wrong and tends to help repair the angst of other crew members (possiby perceived) actions.

OZcabincrew 19th Dec 2004 05:06


As QF crew I am more than happy for pax to come and chat however, pax need to realise that if a crew member is sitting down in their crew seat eating, this is their break time and it's not fair for a passenger to stand infront of them and talk to them while they're on their break.

I think that its an outdated image of QF crew that they're old and rude and hate people pushing the call bell etc! there are A LOT of new fresh faces that bring a huge amount of enthusiasm as well as some old faces! I think pax need to get rid of this OLD reputation that QF has, as its really turning quite the opposite now, but there are some crew who try and ruin it for everyone else!


Rollingthunder 19th Dec 2004 06:01

Haven't flown QF since 1970. It was ok. My point is about reputations. Passengers will change their perceptions when cabin crew do enough to change their reputations. Pax can't get rid of reputations, cabin crew can. You control that. Unfortunately enough bad apples will screw all that up.

OZcabincrew 19th Dec 2004 12:38

its just unfortunate that there's no way of throwing these bad apples out, because i can tell you that majority of us out there flying are putting in 110%!

orangeisjustacolour 19th Dec 2004 12:45

Hey Sky,

I think that generally, although the crew may not just tell a pax that they don't want them to be there, they have a fantastic ability to make it incredibly obvious that they don't want the company. But in all honsety, in my experience this rarely happens and most of the time the crew will have the time for the pax.
Yeah, finding the transition absolutely incredible, even though very hard work, and looking forward to getting back up there as an f/o.


thecaptainissecure 20th Dec 2004 07:34

Tough one...

In the galley - well the galley on our regional jet isn't huge, so its awkward when even just 3 FAs are working in it... I spend the majority of the flight when not working chatting to the pax anyway, as do most of the crew. The size of our galley tends to deter most the pax anyway, but always happy to go sit in the cabin and chat away.. We have one fantastic girl who is know to literlally spend the whole flight in the cabin talking away.. Its amazing to watch her.. It could be sector 5 on a 12 hour day, and shes still motoring on away... The pax love her..!

SkySista 20th Dec 2004 08:38

Yeah, finding the transition absolutely incredible, even though very hard work, and looking forward to getting back up there as an f/o.
it's so cool to hear of CC/pilots who have been/are going to 'the other side of the door'... it sure would give you a whole new perspective on your flights!! (not to mention sympathy for the other half of the crew!)

What are you flying on at the moment? (whatever it is, I'm sure it's fun, and the hard work always pays off!) best wishes for your flying :)

It could be sector 5 on a 12 hour day, and shes still motoring on away... The pax love her..!
Wow!! my friends call me a chatterbox, and I'm a night owl, but sometimes, I'm just too tired to manage anything other than the briefest conversation!

I love going on out-of-the-ordinary flights - for example, I was once at an airshow, and the crew on the charter flight to the airshow were such a laugh!! they told me all these crazy things that had happened to them, one I think was ex-BA and the stuff they got up to!!! unbelieveable!!

I suppose sometimes the pax can do CC a favor if it's a boring flight by talking to them! But as with everything else, tact and common sense is a good thing to know when is an appropriate time. As Oz mentioned, I would NEVER approach a CC who was eating/obviously on a break (unless somehow an engine fell off or similar ;) )

Thanks for your replies everyone!


RiskyRossco 20th Dec 2004 22:24

First time as SLF. on domestic leg, heading for AKL , 1990, and thence the Great Unknown "Over there" (UK). the FA was recently off int'l and knew I was connecting in AKL.
My gut had been tight as a drum the 2 weeks prior, anticipating a solo trip! Anyway, the FA was keen as mustard to hear my plans, she loved travel but was taking a break for her partner's sake. Kept me distracted for the 45 mins. And it helped indoctrinate me into the SLF/CC mindset.

After that I ignored the minor cultural fences, for 4 mtnhs of travel, and talked with whomever FA on whatever flight was able! Does help pass the time, when you're a sanguine, and one can avoid possible bad vibes by simply being direct with your apology for the interruption to their break/emergency.

Antip shift out. :D

orangeisjustacolour 26th Dec 2004 10:26

Hey Sky,

Still doing the training, but nevertheless, still enoying all the hard work that goes with. Presently flying Piper Senecas. Only small, but must go through all the steps. Having been cabin crew, will definately leave me with a good perspective on what goes on in the cabin. With any luck, I will be able to pass some of my experience on to other flight crew. I am sure that way it could help them to integrate more with the cabin crew and enjoy there jobs to a greater degree.

Take Care and See you up there


ozskipper 28th Dec 2004 06:29

I work Long Haul for QF.

I don't mind pax coming into the galley for a chat, in fact it helps pass the time.

I guess what can be a little annoying is those that outstay their welcome or can't work out when your busy or when its appropriate to leave you alone.

If you've just finished doing a bar service, then a meal service, then handing out snacks and a water run, the carts have just been exchanged and the lights have been turned down low and the galley curtains have been pulled closed, it usually means its feeding time at the zoo. Probably best just to leave it 30 mins or so before cheerily walking in for a chat.

The only other time I want you absolutely out of the galley is when we're getting ready for a meal service. Basically, its easier if your out of the way.

But for the rest of the time I'm more than happy for pax to come and chat, ask questions, while away the time or generally show an interest. A lot of the time we have to take a punt on who wants to chat and who doesn't, so if you take the initiative most flight attendants will happily chat.

twisted-diamonddolly 30th Dec 2004 00:51

I actually love talking to passengers if I've got the time.(even after 14 years flying) As a general rule if the crew are eating or its a very quick flight then say hi and then go away......If I haven't then I will say I'm busy... always come and say hi to the crew don't worry if we are too busy to talk we will say so....

hope to see you onboard soon.....


Bodum 4th Jan 2005 02:06

Our Airline designed a service aimed at creating more time with our customers, especially business class customers. We call it the "IKEA" service, as you build it completely from scratch and ask a million and one questions :yuk:

55 minutes to Brisbane, 737-800, 12 J class pax ..Lunch. (Oh and we can get up to 38 J class on the A330)

"Mr/Ms... Will you be joining us for lunch today?"
"Would you like the Beef stirfry or Smoked chicken Salad?"
"Would you like a glass of wine?"
"Red or white?"
"Would you like a glass of Water?"
"Will you be joining us for coffee?"

And then you have to put the whole thing together. Its designed to create more interaction with our customers, but unfortunately takes so long, we have less time now to complete the service. I had a customer (J Class) tell me yesterday, that I was asking too many questions and that it was all too much for her at that time of the morning.."I cant think straight"

Let me tell you..From experience, its a feeling I get everyday from most of my customers up the front now. Ive just started to stop asking all the questions and I just put everything on the tray now :uhoh:

And back to the subject: I have no problem with pax coming to the front galley to chat to me, as long as the service is over.

Over and out :E

SkySista 4th Jan 2005 06:12

Thanks again for all of your replies, this has been really interesting.

Will you be joining us for lunch today?"
"Will you be joining us for coffee?"
Gives me a mental picture of galley full of first/business pax, chatting, drinking etc etc, while F/As are sitting around as if at large company party. I just find that wording so funny. Sounds as thoug you are all asking if they want to have lunch with you. Lol.

have you ever had someone think that's what you mean? :)


crewboi83 14th Jan 2005 15:41

I'm currently out of work Cabin Crew, hopin to get back ASAP!
As crew I'd talk to anyone! and thats the way it should be! at the end of the day these passengers keep us in jobs! I'm naturally a curious person and im always interested in my passengers, where they going, why they going etc?!
If i was on my break and you came to chat to me, id carry on with my break but id sit n chat with a passenger!
I have to admit ive been on a few United flights as positiong crew and they are a bit unfriendly! (The LHR based guys anyway, internal they are fab!!)

OZcabincrew 14th Jan 2005 15:51

I'm all for chatting with passengers and talking to them in the galley and answering any questions that they have etc, as our job says, except if i am on my break or trying to have 10 minutes to myself to eat something etc, i expect passengers to be courteous enough to respect that we need to have atleast 10 minutes where we don't have to talk to passengers. If they do however decide to stand and talk to you while you are eating, i think its quite rude on their behalf. Although, i probably wouldn't have the guts to ask them to return to their seat cos i'm eating as i've heard some other crew do.

Its all common sense really.


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