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Wanttobecc 24th Jan 2004 15:19

skywalker or whatever
I understand what u r trying to say, compare fish with dogs.

however u r obviously not one of tens of thousands that have been humiliated apparently at Emirates Open Days, I have it all, as someone taped what the Recruitment people stated at Opening Day, and boy u can count me as one of the ones that will definitely NOT APPLY WITH THIS RIDICULOUS AIRLINE.

yes it is a good carrier and yes it has modern planes but of course it does stupid, it uses it's oil as revenue not bums in seats. My Dad came back from Europe plane was empty, a relative came back from N.Z plane had about 22 people on it, another friend just came back from Dubai, the connection was empty........oil money bucko that is what they put on revenue...... Dubai has the 3rd largest mafia in the world, now don't u read the forums, how is it that Emirates discriminates like crazy 'Oil money" and nothing is done about it.

What about the outspoken C Crew that have gone to Head Offices and myseriously are back in their countries, certainly not by choice, given 48hrs to vacate their shared apartment, a **** load of deductions from their pay and told not to return. don't you read the New York Times? What goes up must come down...... Emirates hireing 1,000 CC in 4 months.......if my Grandmother applied she would get through, I even know of one person that did not even go to O.Day, was interviewed and then put into the last part of training and is up in the air after 2 weeks because they did not have enough CC for their expansions....... PLEASE

Give me Richard Branson any day honey!!!

Once V .Atlantic reaches Australian shores mid year Virgin will rule the world, bite my words!!!

QF skywalker 24th Jan 2004 15:52


You are even more deluded than I thought - and just to think I was being nice in my first post directed to you.

The only thing I will be "biting" miss thang is my tounge when you start spreading your wisdom amongst other virgin blue crew members if they choose to employ you. I'll keep quiet and listen for stories of you tripping over your dribbling mouth down the aisle of the aircraft as you educate your pax and fellow crew on how horrible EK are and how virgin is going to rule the world.

As for EK, you are WRONG - the EK loads are great. They are doing very well especially in Australia - so much so they are giving QF an a** whoop on AKL flights and SIN flights. EK do not just hire anyone, a virgin blue friend of mine just got turned down by them last saturday.

Maybe a career in fiction novels would be a good career path for you - a novel on the Dubai Mafia would make for great reading.

Wanttobecc 25th Jan 2004 05:38

I stick with my words...

the novel on the dubai mafia...well I have already that, the company guidelines for EK.
As for your friend that did not get through to EK, it wasn't your GREAT GRANDMOTHER that was Israeli was it not? Give me a break hardly anybody decent gets refused at EK, it is according to my friends the easiest and quickest in the industry and the most stupidest. Recruiters called one of my friends at 2.00a.m in the morning to say they got the job, my friend was so pissed, he turned around and told them to learn about time differences and gave them the scrap. Thankfully he now has a a gr8 position in Europe and he says all the ex EK's are moving there, if they have the right passports.
As I said b4 what goes up always goes down, happened to Qantas with Virgin ruling, happened to British Airways with Virgin ruling, will happen to The American airlines once Virgin starts there under "I think it is. Virgin Red".

cabin secure 25th Jan 2004 07:58

Can't resist posting now!

Emirates operates out of Dubai therefore working conditions vary greatly from those in Australia.

Australian law dictates that our working environment has occupational health and safety rules.
Our unions ensure adequate rest periods and other conditions for us.
Emirates crews aren't afforded these luxuries.
I also have friends at Emirates.
Their experiences have been disappointing, however you need to take into account they have previous experience in the industry. When you have known no better, it is easier to be accepting of your working conditions.
Emirates crew work very long hours with often minimum rest periods. There isn't any crew rest area on their aircraft, so crew operate long sectors without adequate rest.
With the ever increasing value of the Australian dollar, the wages are no longer as attractive as they once were. ( The crew are paid in local currency). I believe it is now around A$28 000 pa. Plus allowances.
When you take into account the housing benefits, you will be on similar money if you stay and work in Australia.
Life in Dubai is also tough.
You really need to make an effort to branch out and find other interests.

Emirates is a world class airline, there is no disputing that.
But you will burn out quickly.
As in any shift working position you need to eat well and get adequate sleep and exercise.

Anyone applying to EK, don't let my post influence you. It has always been my experience, that if you have no expectations, then you will not be disappointed.
Life is a journey.
I have flown both internationally and on exchange overseas with an American airline, as well as domestically, and regionally within Australia.
I would not change a thing, given the opportunity to do so.
You'll get to meet interesting people wherever you go. And

that's why we love it!
That's why we do it!

SkySista 27th Jan 2004 12:57

May I suggest...

the old adage "not everything you hear is true".... re; the rumor mill.... and even if it is, it's not often a great career move to be badmouthing other companies to people you work with -may just show you up as someone with a bad attitude.... nothing wrong with friendly "competition", but repeating everythingthing you hear - especially "nasty" comments, true or not - is another thing entirely.....

I am not CC but if I were you I'd seriously consider not :mad: off everyone in this forum, as you will likely want help/advice in the future.... better to keep everyone happy, eh? ;)

Just a friendly reminder.....


PS - Congrats everyone who got in!! Well done you!!!:ok:

RyanE 31st Jan 2004 14:22

How long...
Hey guys,

I was just wondering how long it was before you were invited to the assesment centre with DJ from the time you applied online?

I hate waiting! :P


Ryan :)

SocialFlyer 31st Jan 2004 15:28

Waiting Game..
Hey Ryan..

When I applied for Cabin Crew I waited around 1 month, however I have heard of people waiting for ages.. What I suggest you do is keep on sending the application through on staff cv every month. By doing so at least you know they are constantly looking at it. Also possibly send them an email and tell them you are anxiously waiting and have never been interviewed by them before. On the day I attended one guy called them 4 days before the Melbourne interviews and asked if he could come along, they allowed him to do so and he got through...

Goodluck with that, I've had my medical with them last week for Guest Services and now waiting by the phone, fingers crossed :oh: .....



Wanttobecc 2nd Feb 2004 10:48

re: waiting for selection
when i went with my friend, their were some people that waited months and months, others only 3 days. Depends what u have on your application. If u have what the airlines want and their happens to be an Open Day then it is logical one will be selected.
Good luck

RyanE 2nd Feb 2004 15:59

Oh my god well I heard back today, and I've been invited to the Assesment Day in Brisbane next Wednesday the 11th Feb!

Anyone else here going to that particular day?

Thank goodness for all the advice that has already been posted on here is all I can say!!


Ryan :)

scarletlucy 3rd Feb 2004 07:25

hey everyone,

I'm a bit curious as to who gets invited to assessment days. Is it everyone who meets all the requirements? Just wondering if it goes deeper than that? I mean, I have my RSA, Senior First Aid, lots of experience in hospitality/customer service, and all the other necessary criteria that the web page lists....

I guess I'm just hoping to be invited. One day! Cheers.

littlemissmel 6th Feb 2004 08:20

Yes i have always wondered the same, how do they pcik peopl for interviews etc? Cos i meet all the airlines requirements..... jsut wondering if anyone knows an answer to this?

Wanttobecc 6th Feb 2004 09:35

u will never never know
unfortunately unless u r are recruiter or a good friend of a recruiter u will never really know.

Their are many things that the airlines look for, some like Emirates discriminate heavily, others want a broad mix of people.

Virgin Blue for instance recruited very young and attractive, but that seems to have changed as most people are concerned for safety. That been said, young ones and attractive ones are not necessarily stupid.

Their are certain occupations that "trigger" a certain interview this person,a nd the occupations are quite surprising. Not the hotel, waiter/tress, bar man/girl receptionist, etc..... these are what most of us feel as typical customer service positions.... yet would u believe, that firemen, paramedics and very very high are Nannies and Nurses. If u r one of these and present well, u can just about pick your airline.

hope this clears matters!

Wirraway 15th Feb 2004 03:12

Sun "The Sunday Age"

Finding new wings after the Ansett crash
By Liz Gooch
February 15, 2004

After almost two years on the ground following the collapse of Ansett, Marilla Watson prepares to take to the skies again as a flight attendant - this time with Virgin Blue.
Picture: Wayne Taylor

Almost two years after she made her last emotional journey on an Ansett flight, Marilla Watson is about to return to the skies, having swapped the Ansett uniform for that of Virgin Blue.

Speaking to The Sunday Age immediately after she finished her five-week training course, Ms Watson said she was looking forward to her graduation ceremony, where she will receive her Virgin "wings".

Ms Watson was one of the 1600 flight attendants and 760 pilots who lost their jobs with the collapse of Ansett.

She was to serve her first Virgin customers yesterday on a flight from Melbourne to Sydney - her first time in the air since her seven-year career with Ansett ended on March 4, 2002. "I'll be nervous but I'll be really excited, I can't wait," she said.

During the past two years Ms Watson, 31, worked at Sotheby's auction house and in real estate, but she really wanted to fly again.

"It was a struggle. It was very hard to get used to nine to five, Monday to Friday. I discovered what the real world was all about," she said.

After trying four airlines, she was "absolutely over the moon" when Virgin called.

"I'm extremely, extremely fortunate and so lucky to be in the position I'm in now and I will take this and go far with it.

"I'm going to try so hard and be such a success in this because I realised what a great career it was and what the airlines are about once I lost it."

While joining a new company can sometimes be a daunting experience, Ms Watson had three former Ansett colleagues in her training school for company.

"We all knew what we'd gone through. We all know how lucky we are because we know people who would cut off their right arm to be in the position that we're in," she said.

Ms Watson has taken to her new role with enthusiasm, endorsing her new company to her former customers.

"Any ex-Ansett travellers should come and fly Virgin because they'll start seeing a lot more friendly Ansett faces in the sky," she said.


australian boy 15th Feb 2004 15:30

:D Hey guys, I have a Cabin Crew interview with Virgin Blue, does anyone know what male applicants should wear eg: suit, shirt, tie or no tie, I worked for virgin blue in 2000 when they first started operations and they had a no tie policey, it may have changed a little now. Also i am a Flight Attendant currently with the Qantas group at the moment, would that be looked down upon any help would be fantastic.

cheers Australian Boy:D :D

OperationsNormal 26th Feb 2004 07:57

What are the DJ tech crews like to overnight with ?

Good fun or boring ??

australian boy 1st Apr 2004 01:02

:O :O

Hey guys, I have just been accepted in to Virgin based in Melbourne. Is anyone else starting training in late April.

cheers Australian boy :O

Virgo.blue 6th May 2004 03:41

Please Help!!!
Howdy guys!!

Three weeks ago I attended a Virgin Blue "Blue Star Day" on the 16th of April. It was the best interview I've ever had, I left feeling very confident - I scored a 2nd interview, made the panel laugh, answered all the Q's well and positively.

However do they contact applicants (who had a 2nd interview)
of failure?

Also I appiled for the Melbounre base at a Brisbane seminar, after the crew suggested there was greater oppurtunity.

Is it possible that I'm on a short list or should I give up hope and accept defeat. Please any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks. Virgo.blue :(

smile 6th May 2004 05:53

Hi Virgo Blue,

Congratualtions on getting through to the second round.

Things have changed alot in the HR department since I was employed. Back then you found out within a day or two (or a couple of hours- in my case) if you were successful into the next round.

I had a member of the recruiting team on one of my flights the other day and she mentioned that they are recruiting for MEL base at the moment, she also said that at this time BNE may not recruit for approx 6 months ( but this could change tomorrow). I also saw a group of recruiters getting off a flight in MEL the other day so I think that it is full steam ahead for MEL.

If I was you I would give head office a call and ask to speak to someone in recruiting (explain that you have had an interview already and just want to know if you are successful to the next stage, or you won't get past reception). When you chat to them let them know again that you are more than happy to transfer to MEL.

I wish I could help you out more but privacy laws prevent anyone other than yourself (not even the person who recommended you) from finding out the status of your application.

Best of luck and let me know how you go.

love SMILE

Pink^Wings 8th May 2004 06:09

New Girl
Hi All,

I have just been recruited for the Melbourne Based Virgin Blue Cabin Crew Team!

I begin my training at Melbourne Airport in early June!


Does anybody else start in this same group?

I'd love to hear of others in my same boat!

Pink Wings xo

mez78 12th May 2004 05:06


Just wondering if anyone knows how strict Virgin are with their policy that you cannot attend an interview for a year after you have already had one. I waited over a year for an interview and choked very badly on the day, can honestly call it the worst day of my life. I know I am Virgin Blue material and want to show them but a year is such a long time. I am almost 26 and have wanted to be a flight attendant forever but for many reasons have not had the courage to seriously pursue it till now.
And I have read extensively about Aussie airlines and VB is the one I really want to work for.
Does anyone have any advice or comments? Does anyone know anyone that somehow got to go to another open day within the 12 months?
Sorry about the above ramble and thanks in advance!

Sky_hi! 13th May 2004 01:45

Hi Guys!
I'm new to this little forum, but what a forum! Its awesome, my friend told me about it. You guys are full of such good advice, thankyou so much!

I put my application for Virgin in last week after hearing about an advert in The Age. So my fingers are crossed! I'm from the Gold Coast but are willing to relocate to the cold if I get a chance to be a Flight Attendant!

Just a question: I was talking to a girl who told me that she didn't get accepted into Virgin as she had a degree. I have a degree also, but I can't see how this would effect your application if you have the nessasary customer service exp, personality, presentation etc that Virgin Blue are looking for. What are everyone elses thoughts on this?

Thanks for the great posts :ok: :ok:

ozskipper 13th May 2004 04:00

Thats total bullocks! I know of several DJ flight attendants who have degree's (in fact one has two!)....

Perhaps your friend may have misunderstood why she was unsuccessful.

Good luck with your application! ;)

Sky_hi! 13th May 2004 06:37

I thought it was bullocks! I think she did misunderstand why she was unsuccessful (this girl didn't look like Paris Hilton for nothing if you know what I mean....) ;)

Thanks for your help!

fourplay 26th May 2004 00:26

Re: Assessment day
I have an invitation to an assessment day in MEL next month.
Does anyone have an update on the process as it can change from month to month...thanks.

my Virgin flair is packed and ready to perform in MEL!
make the b:mad:ers laugh :} :} :} :}

Elle 26th May 2004 01:04

Hi fourplay

Thats great news, good luck!!!!

I've also sent you a PM :D

fourplay 31st May 2004 02:27

Anyone been to the DJ recruitment seminar in the last couple of months?

Not heard from anyone re- my above post :(

Wirraway 1st Jun 2004 06:54

Virgin Blue on their site is calling for applications for flight
attendents in Melbourne the site is:



mez78 2nd Jun 2004 09:00

Hi fourplay, I went to an assessment in March and it was exactly how its been described in all posts I have read here, same games etc. Sorry I cant give you a newer update.

I didn't make it through so still have 9 more months to wait till I can try again! Heartwrenching especially when they are still advertising Melbourne positions!!!

Sky_hi! 3rd Jun 2004 03:40

Hi Fourplay

How long did you have your application in before you got your invitation? I have had an application in for a month and haven't heard anything yet.

fourplay 4th Jun 2004 02:20

Two weeks after placing application on Staff CV.
I was nominated by a staff member as a Blue Star with previous F/A experience.

Summa 7th Jun 2004 04:31

I attended a VB assessment day aproximately a month and a half ago and the format is still very similar to what has already been posted here.

They are a fun airline and from my experience on the day they were after people with a certain flair. So if you are to attend you could wear just about anything. Some applicants were dressed as if going out to a club. But seriously, most girls who got through wore a nice skirt, either black, grey, beige, chocolate colour with a white shirt, either plain or striped. One girl had a black skirt with black and white of the shoulder top but she was really gorgeous, bubbly girl with beautiful blond hair and full of confidence and she got through to the second round.
At the table with the activities, really smile, be full of confidence, you will have activities (card game etc). Really get involved, dont sit back.
If you can sing or dance, put alot of effort into it and show that you can because on their flights there is no tv, movies etc, you are the entertainment.
I would love to tell you more about the interview but did not get through to the second round,
Good luck, I hope this helps,

fourplay 9th Jun 2004 21:19

Re- Summa
Thanks gorge, has helped. ;)

RaverFlaver 27th Jul 2004 00:37

Heya all,

It seems as though the recruitment has slowed down a little or been a little quiet at DJ lately. Is this right or am I wrong?

Just havent heard of anyone going through or anything happening since the last post on here.

How did you go fourplay?

Does DJ have any new jets on the way?

Hope all is going well,

Theeya's :)

fourplay 27th Jul 2004 23:55

No good luv!
Had too much virgin flair I think.
The old AN b:mad:ch at my table sent me off at lunch time.
Jelouse beacause I was more beautifula than her :} :} :}

Next audition this weekend ;)

RaverFlaver 28th Jul 2004 00:57

Sorry to hear,

Best of luck for the coming weekend :)

Fingers crossed.

Raver :)

juliets*jet 3rd Aug 2004 04:26

VB Interview?
I have been a Flight Attendant for over 6 months.. I'm really wanting to get into VB or anyone slse but i can't even get an interview? I'm on staff CV and i just don't understand.. what's going on? I know of people who have no experiance and get interviews..
any one have any answers?


OzDJCabinCrew 31st Oct 2004 04:31

Virgin Blue Recruitment
Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone knows what's going on with Cabin Crew recruitment at Virgin Blue at the moment?

I've heard rumours that they're on a freeze at the moment cause they have too many? Anyone know??



wirgin blew 7th Nov 2004 12:22

I heard that they might be holding off till Jan next year. I believe they just started another school in Mel in the last couple of weeks,so that should see out the year.

Galley Power 8th Nov 2004 14:52


I've been told by cabin crew of DJ that they've recruited heaps and have had waiting pools (like Qantas' short lists in other words). One by one they're calling them for ground schools. And yes, Jan recruitment is the next rumoured one, but is it for Perth base!?!


Dookie on Drums 9th Nov 2004 04:35

Next recruitment is around mid January....17th springs to mind and is more than likely to be for MEL basings.......recruitment for BNE basings to follow shortly after that.

That's the plan at this stage anyway!:)

All the very best with it! No plans for a PER base to my knowledge nor have I heard any rumours of one.

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