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plonky kit 25th May 2004 11:35

flyjet!!?? what r they on???
What is this flyjet lot on? Don't know myself but remind me not to take any! We all know that aviation is one of the most bitchy industries out there but this lot really are surpassing themselves. First they get rid of someone who cared for the cabin crew to be replaced by someone who is putting everyones backs up and has got experience in applying for references before being pushed to leave. They bring in a relatively nice uniform with regulations and strict rules on how to wear it but then allow a trainer (who we're meant to look up to) to SQUEEZE into it. The same trainer who has got the knife out big time so I suggest you watch your backs what with them and the added help of there partner (who likes to down a bottle of wine before reporting for duty), no-ones safe. I remember reading on here not so long ago that NS kept bringing 'Friends' in, maybe cos he knew there experience and if you think TB is going to be any different then I suggest you watch this space, at the same time as your backs.

Contracts - they give us 1 month's notice, we give them 3!! permanant contracts mean nothing cos they state they can get rid of us in 1 month with no reason, and our holiday allowance starts from fresh so the whole of last year meant diddly squit.

CAA - are you aware that the seats automatically recline on every take - off, you might want to look into it. Also are you aware that when they were a crew member down, they called out a First Officer to replace them and the flight went!!!

MH run an airline, couldn't even run a bath!

Somehow don't see FJE on the departures board, long from now!

AIRBOY 25th May 2004 11:57

my friends have just been offered positions with the above said company, by the sounds of i will get him to read this!!

he is ex AEU so he might get on well, didn`t know that NS had gone!

more info about FJE would be of help for my friends, they will be leavin perm contracts behind!!

plonky kit 25th May 2004 12:12


If there at AEU, tell them to stay there!

These contracts that have been issued state no holiday pay, no sick pay, the employee has to give them 3 months notice and if they don't they are fined £500, however the employer can give 1 month notice without any reason. This is not pointed out to us it was only discovered by those of us who read the 'small print'.

The aircraft have got to be seen to be believed, sure they'll tell you that there dur for refurbishment but then they've been saying that for ages and as the aircraft are due to go is it really going to happen, I think not. There's rumours of new aircraft, note rumours, and if it does happen there looking at Ansett ex-fleet from the dessert!

They've just had an engine catch fire AGAIN.

Not 1 flight has gone out with the right amount of catering and virtually all the work they've got is ad-hoc. They do a PFO so early that another 2 people are called out to 'prep' the aircraft and this new manager is going round mouthing 3 strikes and your out - great for morale!

Oh and the supposed 'trainer' failed to impress the CAA on a recent training course that I was on to the point there was a chance we were going to have to re-do it! Yet again they wiggled out of it by saying they didn't know about it. Surely as a trainer you adapt, besides they'd been into crewing 5 days previous to see who was on it so they knew about it then.

AEU have got big things happening, tell your friend to stay, the grass is NOT greener on the other side in this case it's black!

aeulad 25th May 2004 12:46

Without trying to sounds biased:E

I flew with a scheduled UK airline for 2 years, and I am now with Astraeus. The company is expanding, with the introduction of the 757 and the whole fleet always seems to be kept busy!

I have to say I have been very impressed with AEU so far, they are a proffessional company with high standards and the crew are very friendly.

My last airline was quite disorganised and I thought that that was just how things are in the industry, but coming to AEU has shown me that there ARE good airlines out there! Don't lose hope, keep applying and hopefully one day you will find a good employer!

I think that the best thing about AEU for new crewmembers is the fact that they have assured contracts all year round, it gives some kind of job stability, very very reassuring in a cut throat industry.



Tony Flynn 25th May 2004 13:08

'We all know that aviation is one of the most bitchy industries out there'
Reread your post, nuff said

I've been stunned by the 'carry on Bmed post' and now this one. If something or someone makes you this unhappy then I'd say leave but before you go try to remember the time and effort spent trying to get your job of a lifetime and try to remember how great it felt once you got there.

We should all read this post, it kind of sorts our prioritys out


plonky kit 25th May 2004 13:27


If you feel I am being bitchy then you are very much mistaken. I amp pointing out the truth, and if I can prevent people leaving permanant contracts to come and work for these cowboys then I will.
There not going to give you this information at the interview so it's only fair for us that know the truth to tell them before they wreck there careers.
A lot of crew that are here have left good permanant contracts for what we have been told at interviews and none of it has developed.
Another example is that our 6 day trips to Tel-aviv have now been changed to position out, work back - why? Because the person in charge of crewing/operations has got themselves confused with the person that runs the company.
An example of morale at flyjet - I was at an interview the other day and there were more flyjet employees there than have ever been seen in the crew room! Enough said

Cully 25th May 2004 15:11

fly jet joke
I must adimit i did work for Fly Jet and i am quiet relived to be out of it now.I would not advise anyone to leave a perment contract to start there. I no of someone who showed it to a solicitor and they said not to sign it so that says it all. I also hearded about the first officer who got called out because there wasent any staff to call out, also the crew that were on were well out of hours, and the company still made them fly, now thats a safty issue,considering it was a night flight and they were delayed 4 hours and also stepped down once. But crewing told them they had to do it. Fly Jet is a big safty issue and just hope nothing ever happens to the crew working there.

BCF 25th May 2004 16:16

exactly...what r flyjet on?
When I went to flyjet it was a fun company to work for but those who work there now, myself included, will tell you that they cant wait to leave. It is now run by fear and god help you if your face does'nt fit and who ever said that they could'nt run a bath is correct.......I think law suits will be pileing in very soon and as for the trainer who is shooting every one in the back she should remember that they will get rid of her when she is of no use or when she bursts out of her uniform! Good luck to any new people starting on the 1st as you will need it.

Walt737 25th May 2004 16:52

Despite what has been done right and what has been done wrong the best hope for crew at Flyjet is that the future becomes more secure and that everyone pulls together for the best of the company. As cabin crew myself I know there are still a lot of rotten apples who no doubt are keeping a low profile at the moment as the new management regime starts to get to find out more about the dodgy backgrounds of the certain of the members of crew. Surely for those that have an ounce of intelligence they will let the new manager get on with things before passing judgement. Whatever people may think of this style of management surely we want to wait before passing judgement. We all know that certain individuals at Flyjet are not all they make out to be. And surely it will be a matter of time before something detrimental happens which will bring the name of the company to disrepute. And nobody wants that to happen. With some individuals they have managed to get away with some very dubious backgrounds, even though they have not kept their mouths shut about it. The reality is it will only be a matter of time before it leaks out and the likes of the press have a field day and cause Flyjet an embarrassment of commercial dimensions. It’s no different to going shopping. We all want value for money. We check that the marked price is really what it should be and ensure that what we are getting is worthwhile. If the price is not right we don’t go ahead and make an investment. How many times did we buy something thinking we were getting something else? Hopefully someone will get the hint before a can of worms is exposed! We all want the best for ourselves. We want work and secure backgrounds. We want to work with high standards and don’t want anything to happen that will cause us grief. Surely sorting out who is the person sitting next to us for take off and landing has got to be the one of the priorities. Good luck to those that depart. Let’s remember them for the good times and welcome more good times and less raw deals. Come on guys lets stay positive.

plonky kit 25th May 2004 17:49

Some good points I agree but I just feel very sad that I work for a company that is treating people like they are. I also think it is very worrying that some crew are taking legal action against such a new company and I think there is going to be a lot of egg on some faces very soon. Management need to understand that they have got to justify there actions and from what I have been hearing they can't. There are big problems ahead considering at least 6 IFM's are actively seeking new employment and I've lost count of the number of Bar grades also. If they manage to bring in the work for the summer then it will be interesting to see who's going to crew the flights.

In the last few weeks they have tread on the wrong peoples toes and I think a serious wake up call is about to slap them in the face.

As for the papers, and them embarrasing the company, I think it's too late to stop that from what I heard yesterday and promoting the new uniform is going to be the last thing on there minds shortly.

People in management need to be 'people persons' and unfortunately we have not got that. It's no good working with someone years ago, ringing them up and bringing them in, to push out the good and what the company need to realise is without us there a bit up a gum tree. Sure no-one is indispensible but who and of what calliber are they going to get mid-season?

SAM 2M 25th May 2004 18:46

Speaking from 20+ years in Aviation.... I can assure you that the GRASS AIN'T GREENER


It is so easy to criticise isn't it.

I wish you luck in your quest for the PERFECT job! It does not exist.

An earlier post above talks about how great another carrier is. I am sure it is great but as is usual in this business it is no suprise FJE has lots of CC from that airline. Crew (CC & FD) DO move about looking /hoping for that elusive Perfect Job! Why did they change to FJE?

The fact is that all crew FD & CC feel that a change will solve all thier gripes. I can tell you it does not.

Lots years in the industry teaches this.

Why do people who have left feel that they should knock the Company?

All new Airlines have teething problems.

There are many people who are not only happy to be at FLYJET but are also proud to be a part of this relatively new airline.

To be part of a new company is very exciting and lots of people are working hard to build it up into a very good UK Airline.

Why bite the hand that feeds or has fed you?

Everyone knows that new (and older) companies have teething problems and it is down to all staff to sort them out.

Being in at the start of a new airline is a great opportunity in that although it may be harder work it results in good seniority and good opportunities as the Company grows.

If you have left then as I said above good luck in finding the PERFECT job! (They exist in a dreamworld.)

I think that a new airline in the UK is a good opportunity. Why not help to build it up rather than drag it downwards.

If you are still in the Company then I think you will find it will do well.

If you have left then please leave the staff alone to get on with making it into the success it will be.

To want everything perfect at the start is rather churlish.

T Flynn - Agree with your post and the nuff said bit!

plonky kit 25th May 2004 19:36

I've never heard of any other airline using flight deck instead of cabin crew.
I've nevet heard of a crewing department telling people to do a duty or leave.
I've never heard of a crewing department having the authority to dismiss someone for a no show, otr for that matter a company to not carry out an investigation in the first place.
A start up airline (actually now in it's second year) being on there 3rd CCM?
Allowing crew to go through security on false boarding cards

etc etc etc

These are not examples of a start up airline these are examples of lack of communication and bad management ( you know who you are)

And as for the person in charge thinking there something more, then storming into SD office telling them not to book anymore business without there say so I think is proof of the pudding.

This Sam 2M is a forum - a freedom of speach. If people are happy then they will stay, irrespective of what is written on here, have a look back in a couple of months and see who was right.

In the meantime, wake up and smell the coffee and when you next go to work take off those rose petaled glasses!

Doors to Manual 25th May 2004 20:03

If it has gotten to the point where FJE is going to be in the papers soon then it is a sad state of affairs for everyone. I really did not want things to get to that but if it has, then leaving soon is going to be the best option as bad press will just bring forward what appears to be increasingly inevitable, ie the end of FJE.

SAM 2M you're view of aviation is so pro-FJE then I can only assume you are SD, MH or one of the other management. If you are, then please can I ask you to start listening to your staff. If I have your attention then now would seem like a good time to start.

It is now the second year of operation. I wasn't there at the very beginning but the horror stories I'm told from those who were there at that time are no different to the ones we get now. WE ARE NO LONGER A START-UP and that excuse just won't wash any longer either with our passengers or the staff.

From what I can see we are doing less flying this year (our second year) than we did last year and tour operators are deserting us for other airlines because the operation is a shambles. One walked away two weeks ago leading to another one of our precious few flights being cancelled. Our biggest customer from last year walked off to Excel.

Why might this be?

The aircraft are in a disgraceful state. Interiors wrecked, ceiling panels falling down, tray tables and seatbacks that won't stay up and complaints on every flight. I'm not surprised that pax ask how much we (don't) spend on maintaining our aircraft - and you expect them to fly with us again??

Catering is a total mess and it is rare that our pax ever get what they are suppose to. Roast pork meals on an Eilat flight were the best yet.

The attitude from crewing is just unbelievable and though I wouldn't have gone as far as to be the first to post the details of what someone else has said, seeing as how they've posted it already then I'll talk about it. Who the hell lets f/os "act" as cabin crew on a 757.

Sam 2M, I have worked for other airlines before this. I came to FJE for many of the reasons you mention. I will leave FJE for many of the reasons the others mention. The company has no hope for as long as I would be sacked for saying any of this to your face. Because of this you force people into airing the companies dirty linen in public as it's the only way to talk about these things and hopefully get a message through to the people who are supposed to be running the show.

No-one has talked about the leasing company taking the 757s back this winter and what happens to the company and its staff then. Have you more words of comfort on why we should hang on in there, or are you just hoping that enough people will stick with the company to keep the operation afloat for the rest of the summer so that we can all be laid off in November? If the leasing company is taking the aircraft back then we can hardly expect to get other 757s from them in future. If this was the same leasing company that was going to offer us the 767 that was talked about earlier this year, then I presume that's dead in the water as well.

Enough. Time to update my CV.

plonky kit 25th May 2004 20:31

Doors to Manual

Well said.

Proves my point that I am obviously not the only one with those feelings, And sam 2m take note.
Yes management can go in tomorrow and change things but what about the 'good' staff that we have lost, especially recently.

Of course we can have these nice little 'chats' and management can think everything is rosy again, but we're not going to speak up until we've got another job to go to. Use as we've been used!

Apparantly when the aircraft we've got go, we're getting 3 767's and a 'brand new' 757. This sums it up! Does someone want to inform them above that they have stopped making the 757!

srs what? 25th May 2004 20:36

plonky kit, you are very quick to criticise others yet the one person here that is showing a considerable lack of professionalism is yourself.

If you have genuine concerns regarding safety and security there are official channels to go through, PPRuNe is not one of them. Making such serious allegations on a public forum will only result in you being on the receiving end of these law suites you talk of.

For what it’s worth you come across as a very immature, bitter and unprofessional individual whose attitude I’m sure Flyjet could do without. Idle gossip and bitchiness in such a volatile industry can easily cause an airline to disappear and then you’d have no income. Just be grateful that in such uncertain times you have a job. Keep your mouth shut and get out when you can.

Two further ‘words of warning’ for you.
1. The grass is NEVER greener on the other side no matter how bad you think it is at present (and that comes from someone working for a major household name scheduled carrier – they all have their problems).
2. NEVER upset anyone in the aviation industry, it’s always guaranteed to bite you on the backside.

Oh and BTW, didn't they teach you the difference between ‘their’ and ‘there’ at school?

plonky kit 25th May 2004 21:20

srs what?

Suggest you go back and read again!

I am not the only one writing concerns on here.

If you look again it was me that said the grass wasn't greener.

The points that are being made are valid, why would I lie about state of aircraft, seats reclining and if you look a little bit more carefully you'll see that other crew are aware of it aswell.

You say you work for this wonderful household name, when then do you get phone calls on days off, in rest periods and accept it. If you do then 1 word - Mug!

I have also worked for a large uk scheduled airline so I do know what I am talking about.

And the things that have been put on here are facts (sadly). Notice your not rushing to see for yourself.

And as for the correct grammar, I personally think there are more worrying issues to deal with and obviously if your going through these forums doing spell checks then that is why you've missed the points that MORE than 1 person are making!

Shock, 4 capital letters in the middle of a sentence, slap my wrists

aeulad 25th May 2004 21:43

"the grass is NEVER greener"

Sometimes it is!



srs what? 25th May 2004 22:05

I am not denying you and others have genuine concerns or suggesting that what you say is untrue. What I am saying is that you should address these issues with the correct authorities and company managers not on a forum that can be read by members of the public and press. If any airline is guilty of breaking rules and regulations they should be dealt with correctly by the appropriate authorities and not by the press etc who have no technical knowledge and are simply out for the dramatic story eager to print the incorrect and damaging details.

I am not crew but yes our crew do get called on days off to fly (as do I if there is sickness to cover on shift etc) only recently flights have been cancelled due to lack of crew. I do not work for Flyjet but I do know more about them than you may realise and I do know the aircraft.

As for the spelling, I don’t go trawling through posts looking for errors, we all make mistakes but so far you have made the same one in nearly every reply.

BCF 25th May 2004 22:32

exactly who can you talk to at flyjet? Can you talk to crewing?... no! as you will be demoted or fired...if you are lucky you may be just shouted at!
Can you talk to management?.....No! as there open door policy is shut
Can you talk to the cc manager?....No! who is she any way?
So here is the only place we can share our views!
If managment and crewing read this,may be you should go on a CRM course and learn a thing or two

SAM 2M 25th May 2004 22:59

Plonky Kit & Doors To Manual
Plonky & Doors

Your assumption about me being FJE Management is interesting and incorrect.

Your assumption that a person putting another view must be FJE Management is most telling.

The fact that someone who is not FJE management has a different view from you should be of interest and cause some thought.

I am NOT FJE Management. I am Charter Captain speaking from reasonably long experiece of the industry. It is very good news for us all to see new airlines starting.

In my view new airlines are good news for the UK and UK jobs so should be supported.

From Small Acorns etc etc.

If you are part of FJE give it a chance. It has given lots of people jobs.

Maybe you were not part of Dan Air or Air Europe (UK) when they went in the early 90s around the time of Gulf War 1. If you were you might understand more. Utopia does not exist!!

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