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CCMNo1 3rd May 2004 20:57

Are you proud to be cabin crew?
Just wondering how many of you are proud to be cabin crew? And why? Does anyone dislike the job? Do you think you will still love the job after doing it for 10 years? I am proud of my job but everyday i fly with crew who do nothing but complain from take off till landing. Would love to hear other crews opinions about the job and wearing the uniform.

Thanks x

Mike16 3rd May 2004 22:42


I am Cabin Crew at EMA and yes i do love my job, the whole buzz of it all, the planes, the crew , the passengers and even the uniform, even though i work for Easyjet.
I get good pay, nice rotas ( sometimes ) staff travel what more can you ask for, in regards to 10 years time, i don't know, i do hope so


Anti-ice 3rd May 2004 23:09

I am proud too, and like to see people have a good onboard experience.

The worst type of cabin crew though are those that are not proud, but precious :yuk: :mad: :*

Jason King 4th May 2004 13:39

Yes I am proud to be Cabin Crew, remember passengers cannot travel without us and Flight Deck have'nt a clue how to make tea & coffee, I have been in the business for thirty eight years and enjoyed every moment of it. I have flown and worked on everyting from Viscounts to B747s. and I have never thrown dodgy sicky "LOVE THE JOB"

crash_1983 4th May 2004 15:56

started my first airline only in Feb, and 6 weeks of flying later, and i love it, its great to wake up in the morning and acctually want to go to work.. at 3am! i can only hope in 10 years im loving it even more.

KTPops 4th May 2004 19:27

I have been flying for 14 months and I have to say that I cannot possibly imagine doing anything else now! Sad but true-I still feel proud and walk with my head held high in my uniform!

I'm sure that in any industry you have workers who truly despise their jobs but keep at it for the sake of family/kids/an easy life etc. I don't think that for one minute you could do this job if you didnt essentially LOVE flying.

I think that at times we all get frustrated and let down by our company. The endless round of extended duties, roster disruption and delays (or is that just my company?) really does make you want to have a good old moan! Despite the long hours and often exasperating pax, I feel pretty lucky and wear my wings with pride!

Twin Star 4th May 2004 19:45

> I am proud of my job but everyday i fly with crew who do nothing
> but complain from take off till landing.

Don't care too much about those always complaining people.
There will always be anyone who makes more money, who has more holidays or another place where the grass might be greener and so on ...

But even if times are difficult always remember why you wanted to do this job.

I love my job and never would change it with any other one.

K-Boy 23rd May 2004 08:00

Those who complain non stop really do p*ss me off. The choice is simple, if you don't like it, get another job.

We all have our off days but in general i still do really enjoy my job after 4 years.

sinala1 23rd May 2004 12:28

Did you guys ever see Catch Me If You Can?

The part where Leonardo DiCaprio is walking through the terminal with his "girls" and everyone turns and looks? That still happens when I walk through the airport terminals and I love it. I am so proud of what I have achieved in a short time (flying for only 15 months before being promoted to Purser) and after almost 3 years of flying I am fiercly proud of my job and my company. Sure, like most (all) f/a's I take the piss out of what we do (cart tart, trolley dolley, flying mattress, hostitute etc) but thats part and parcel of it and I love it. For all the insane pax and medical emergencies (I get LOTS of them) and delays and cxxld flights and early starts I would not give it up for the world.

The job we do is surprisingly versatile and robust - we are nurses, doctors, waiters/waitresses, crowd controllers, mediators, arbitrators, police officers, bar staff, parents, nannies, and god knows what else. Personally folks I have found the niche that I will be in for the rest of my life, and I am so lucky that I can say that I get paid to enjoy myself. Sure like all of us there are days (usually 4 sector 9.5 hour days) where I am totally over it, but that lasts only until I get a decent feed and a shower and I am fine. Every day I hope that my crew enjoy their job as much as I do, and I do what I can to ensure its like that for them

Cabin Crew - we rock! We go off like a dog on wet lino!

:O :p :O :p

Cheers folks

SydGirl 23rd May 2004 22:06

I have been cabin crew for over 11 years and still love every single day of my job.

I still feel so lucky and fortunate to have had the wonderful experiences (both good and bad) that I've had and would not change it for anything.

Being cabin crew has allowed me to see so many places and meet so many people that I never would have encountered in a "real" job. I will miss it!


smile 23rd May 2004 23:52

everyday i fly with crew who do nothing but complain from take off till landing
How many flight attendants does it take to change a light bulb???

100!!! (One to change it and 99 to bitch about having to do it!!)

sorry i couldn't resist

love SMILE:D

PVC Pants 27th May 2004 00:37

2nd best job
Being a F/A is the 2nd best job in the world........if I knew what the best job was.....I'd be doing it :ok: :ok: :ok:

Cheers to all!

Luv "Pants" x :E :E :E

richterscale10 27th May 2004 12:01

I love the job and have been in the industry for twenty + years. Where else in this neck of the woods (UK) do you get sunshine for most of your day, free food(Ok its crew meals), get to socialise and meet other people form ALL walks of life, not have to worry about what you are going to wear for work and traverse the Globe whilst you're doing all this?
I have worked on everything from Viscounts - A320's in both commercial and private flying and I have loved every minute of it (well - nearly!)..

dickyflys 27th May 2004 21:48

Oh get a life, all of you. It's a job and it's very sad if you are proud of your job and enjoy it because you get FREE FOOD!?! Are you serious? I'd rather eat at McDonalds and it's probably much healthier.

I've heard the lot now.

belle7 28th May 2004 05:52

What can I say, I'm doing the job of my dreams - love to still be flying in 10years.

This last trip, which will be known as "THE TRIP FROM HELL" just puts things in perspective - yes I am human. Something that I'd forgotten about but hey you get that. If I didn't have a fabulous crew who knows what would have happened.

Hope this answers your question.


Q-Tee 28th May 2004 10:03

Yep, I still enjoy my job ( and thats well after ten years of doing it).

However, it is still 'just a job' to me. It serves a purpose (ie paying the bills) and it has its great points, and its not so great points ...... as with any job.

I certainly arent 'proud' to work for QF anymore, I used to be, but they way the company is going .... well, I still do my job well, as thats why they pay me - I see it as a contract - I work well, they give me money.... but I am no longer proud of the company.

Rabid Dog 28th May 2004 11:07

love your work
I spent 6+ years as an FA for Ansett, and resigned to do what I think is the best job in the world, working as a Doctor. EVERY night since resigning 12 years ago I dream of flying, sometimes as a punter but usually as a working member of a crew. Funny thing though is that I don't consciously miss the job per se, but the travel, other crew, the overnights, the parties etc. I know that if I had not been able to enter medical school that I would still be flying (well maybe not, since AN went bust!). Having AN go bust was sad to me, as even though I had left the industry, I still felt a deep attachment to the staff, the company and the industry.
My advice for the moaners and whingers - you don't know how good you've got it - if you don't like it, do your colleagues a favour and go and do something else. Sadly this almost never happens as the lifestyle and rewards are SOOOO much better than anything available in the civilian (ie Real) world.
So yes, be proud of the job you do - it may not last forever - and enjoy it while you can.

andyw34 28th May 2004 19:53

after a good few years, grey hair and wrinkles, i can say i am proud to be cabin crew. when i listen to my friends with "normal" 9 to 5 jobs moaning about how long it takes tio get to work etc, i realise just how lucky i am........ until the phone rings at 3am for a 4 sector day

Argus 30th May 2004 08:30

To the overwhelming majority of posters on this thread who profess to love the job, 'good on yer'.

To the two (at the time of posting) who have doubts, see a vocational guidance counsellor with a view to identifying something more suited to your talents.

sinala1 31st May 2004 03:15


Sorry to hear you had such a crap trip, are you able to share your experiences with us?

Sorry folks I know its a bit off the theme of this thread, but I am sure we can learn from what Belle has been through?


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