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monarchgirl 3rd May 2004 14:05

Pregnant and missing flying!
Hi guys,

I'm 5 months pregnant now, am out of the flying game and missing it loads. I left JAL this year so I could prepare myself on being a mum and thought I'd had enough of flying. But now I regret leaving, I'm earning more money than I was before in London but miss the thrill and excitement of jetting around the world.

I'm planning to return to flying next season but I'm worried how I will fit standbys and long trips around my baby. I'm lucky enought to have a great hubby and my family to help out.
Are there any mums or dads out there who went back to flying after they had kids, and if so how did they manage the job with babies?

CCMNo1 3rd May 2004 20:40


I had been cabin crew for 5 years when i fell pregnant. My hubby is a pilot. I now have an 8 month old son and have just gone back to flying recently.

It is hard on Sby days and especially when hubby works the same sort of unsociable hours. Am thinking of giving flying up as it is really hard to find child care for all the early morning and late night flights. Our parents help out as much as they can but they work too so its difficult. I am the same as you, i really love my job and missed it terribly while i was pregnant.

I hope you find going back easier than i have done - good luck with the birth. Do you know if its a boy or girl?

monarchgirl 3rd May 2004 21:07

No not yet, will find out in a couple of weeks! As for the flying, my hubby works normal hours 9-5.30 and my mum and dad live very nearby (walking distance!) and works at home so I'm sure this would help enormously. Maybe when your baby gets a bit older you'll be able to manage more, how about going part time?
Or if you have a word with your manager and try and sort out more child friendly rosters? its worth a go. Don't give up yet!!

CCMNo1 3rd May 2004 21:11


I am trying to negotiate hours with my airline, they dont have part time jobs for cabin crew yet but there are so many girls recently had babies that they are considering it. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Would love to find out what your baby is, so let me know when you find out!

Aerofoil 3rd May 2004 22:22

As CCM said,

I was going to suggest you look into going '50% or 75%' part time. I used to work as cabin crew for Britannia based at Manchester (am training to become a pilot now) and i know that they had this sort of part time scheme. However i think it was only offered to people who had been there a while (but you never know until you try!).

If you have quite a bit of experience in the job and the airline you apply to is in need of CC then you do have some bargaining power to get a permanent part time contract.
As i have been told many a time...'if you don't ask you wont get'.

Good luck with things,


monarchgirl 4th May 2004 10:52

CCMno1 I'm sending you a private message, check your messages.

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