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Mr C Hinecap 5th Apr 2004 06:09

Carry-on Luggage
Boys & Girls

Long time ppruner over on the Mil side. Current job means lots of flying round Europe as a pax.

Is it just me, or are people bringing far too much luggage into the cabin? It seems you have to fight to get on board first just to get stuff in the overheads. People seem to be getting away with some huge quantities that (IMHO) should be going in the hold. Are you guys finding this, or am I just not flying the proper airlines?

Also - Italians - as a nation the worst mobile phone abusers/pushers/loudest pax in europe? Discuss. :hmm:

galleygirlAPU 5th Apr 2004 06:49

Hi, as an Italian CC I agree that Italians are the worst phone abusers....as soon as the landing gear touches the runway phones start ringing!! And also they stand up when the aircraft is still moving...
as far as cabin luggage is concerned, 2 days ago I had a flight from Milan to Rome, the seats were empty (50% pax on) but the hatracks were full!!! The problem is that these pax with huge luggage are allowed to take them on board by the check in personnel so when they get on board and CC want to put them in the hold it's a mess!!!
This happens both on scheduled and charter flights...

cabin crew arm slides and cross check!!


Tart with the cart 5th Apr 2004 17:52

huge hand-bags and lots of duty free carrier bags...drives me mad. grrrrrrrrr hissy fit. :hmm: :* :rolleyes:

Why are pax so stupid?

Call_Belle 5th Apr 2004 20:51

Self-service check-in / cabin baggage
On the topic of too much cabin baggage... My airline has just introduced self-service check-in. Anyone out there have any stories of it leading to massive bags arriveing at the cabin door? Its just i have visions of any bag able to fit thru the x-ray scanners being brought on as cabin baggage. I know we can get said bags stowed in the hold but that in itself can cause hassle.

redfred 5th Apr 2004 21:44

I worked in ckin before and the paxs hide the bags at their feet so you cant see it and then take it to the plane when its too late to do anything about it!

Ckin Gal 6th Apr 2004 15:26

cabin baggage - grrrr
hi, i'll agree at my desk it is quite often difficult to see all the bags and pax do tend to put it infront of my desk so that i have to ask to see their hand luggage.
The airline i deal with regulary has a 5kg limit. but most pax say "they said it was for the cabin when i bought it"..... my answer.... i wouldn't want that on my head if it fell out!

i like my boss' motto. if you can't lift it properly it goes in the hold! :D

ASCIL 27th Apr 2005 20:08

Cabin Crates!!
I've worked as a GHA for four years now and going from BA when were "not so fussed" at your hand luggage to BMI Baby were they are very strict, and i truely agree with Ckin Gal saying that:

at my desk it is quite often difficult to see all the bags and pax do tend to put it infront of my desk so that i have to ask to see their hand luggage.
Don't worry though love, it happens to the best of us!! ;)

Pax nower days are sooooo devious!


batninth 27th Apr 2005 20:50

Why don't the ground staff enforce the use of those frames that you are supposed to be able to put your hand luggage into? I've just flown into Dublin, and no-one was asked to test their hand luggage in the frame at Manchester (don't say that it's because Servisair aren't bothered - at times they're draconian at LBA).

A few weeks ago I suggested maybe a job for SuperHostie & her sidekick Trolley Boy. This is certainly one of those cases where she could appear by the check-in and persuade the rotund Austrian businessman, or 20-year old wannabe celebrity with half of a Boots make-up counter in her bag, that their "hand luggage" *will* be going in the hold. (And TrolleyBoy could board the bus taking said passengers to the aircraft, and quietly put the "Gate Collect" tags back on them when the RAB takes them off!)

Call_Belle - that self service check-in operation (if you mean the one at Dublin) is one of the smartest uses of computer technology I've seen for a long time. A really big hand clap to the guys & gals who bought that into play, and the check-in just goes so much faster. Now - can they do anything for Security there?

ASCIL 27th Apr 2005 22:23

Serf-Service Ckin
Batninth - If you think that thats bad, what do you think about online ckin and printing off your boarding cards from the comfort of your living room!! I can see it all now.... :uhoh:


tart1 27th Apr 2005 23:15

I have never seen anyone use those 'frames' that are supposed to measure your hand luggage.

I do find it difficult as a passenger though, to decide whether to take just a small case which I know is the right size for hand luggage but might be quite heavy, or to take a slightly larger case and check it into the hold and have virtually nothing in the cabin with me. I guess it's ok if it comes through quite quickly but if it takes a long time then one might regret having hold baggage to wait for.

Some passengers on certain routes do just take the p*ss with their hand baggage. You see them ........ hardly able to stagger up the steps/ramp with their so-called cabin baggage. It shouldn't be allowed! :*

batninth 28th Apr 2005 12:36


If you think that thats bad, what do you think about online ckin and printing off your boarding cards from the comfort of your living room!!
Well.....I think that the Dublin setup is very good - firstly the computerised check-in is as idiot proof as they can make it. Even I got it to work first time without having to stop and think about it. Then the "Tag & Drop" desk or whatever it's called. I had walked into Dublin Airport, looked at the check-in queues, and then used that system to go through in the time it took for the ckin queue to go down by two. That's why I think it's neat - and maybe how to get 800 pax onto an A380 :oh:

As for Web based ckin - well I can see that I print my boarding pass at home, then get stuck in traffic on the way to the airport...seeing as how I felt I could have an extra 30mins in bed rather than queue. And now the flight is half full as we're all sat in a traffic jam with our home printed boarding cards - and there's a load of disgruntled standby pax all watching the plane getting ready take off with empty but allocated seats.

Warning - getting on soapbox: I suspect that someone, somewhere thought "Oh let's put this on the web - it'll save money"....and then everyone is following suit for competitive reasons. I wish folks would look at what works well on the Internet and what doesn't instead of thinking that putting it up on the web automatically brings down cost.

One question in my mind - could I, if I wanted to do something amiss, use a Boarding Card that I had printed in my living room to mock up more and then get through security and ....:ooh:

ASCIL 28th Apr 2005 17:46

Batninth -

could I, if I wanted to do something amiss, use a Boarding Card that I had printed in my living room to mock up more and then get through security and ....
This, i believe, could be the faital floor in a reasonably good idea!


OZcabincrew 29th Apr 2005 10:46


Try flying out of Jakarta. They bring everything on, rice cookers, huge boxes etc, it all happens and then when they can't lift it they ask the F/A to put it up for them or if they can't find room, they say, can you put this somewhere? I know at our airline things are very strict from what i've seen anyway. No way would i put someone's bag in the overhead if it was too heavy, if its light then ok, but heavy, nope they can do it themselves or i'll help them. Indonesian ground staff just don't monitor the hand luggage because (my opinion anyway) they don't like confrontation and they don't want to have to tell a pax that it's going in the hold. So now when we are about to start boarding the CSM (Purser) drills it into the ground staff that they have to monitor hand luggage otherwise it is going to be removed onboard, some CSM's have even told groundstaff that they will send a F/A up to make sure they are checking the hand luggage! Our lovely Indonesian friends though also have a problem with wanting to stand up and wander to the toilet in the middle of unexpected turbulence while the seatbelt sign is on and all those kinds of things. They are nice people, however they are the masters of naievty!!!!


luksy 29th Apr 2005 11:59

Hello everyone...

well I just wanted to point out, that some of us, had been forced to re-arrange our luggage prior to entering the a/c. I think it was in Frankfurt, not a while ago. My backpack was a bit bigger than usual, and it didn't fit through that hand baggage frame.

I have a question for all of you. I find it awkward for my tennis rackets to be stowed in a hold compartment. So I sometimes (even though that I am CCM myself and I understand all your point of views) argue with other F/a to let me bring them on board.

Has any of you rejected a passenger's hand baggage simply because it was too heavy, big? And what would you do, if the slightly bigger hand-baggage would appear to be fragile?....and for example that the plane was full of pax.

Thanx a lot for your replies


jettesen 29th Apr 2005 12:25

sorry, fragile or not it would still go in the hold. If its fragile, then it should be packed properly with adequate protction in the event of it having to go in the hold. Isnisance for it too would be good. Sorry just cause you are a C/C also, rules are rules. Why have one rule for you and one for the pax?? My airline does not allow sporting equipment of any kind to enter the cabin. Ideal weapon to clobber someone with.

AirYard 29th Apr 2005 14:27

Now, I've always been rather amazed at how CC deal with luggage and pax, and how they manage to keep their cool. And in regards to stowing away hand luggage that is obviously too big, while still maintaning a sense of calm, while the rest of us would be trying to slow force said oversized luggage down said pax's throat. Not too mention killing everyone waiting in line while silly woman takes 15 mins to try and put it in the over head compartment..........


I have recently had an experience that has left me with no doubt that from now on, I shall be courtious and patient to these people and even go to lengths of actually helping them now.

I was travelling with my company 2 weeks ago and had to go to Moscow on business. Nice flight (LHT, lovely CC by the way) good food, and generally very pleasant. Arrive at the airport, only to be told that there had been a problem at one of our other stations (deepest darkest russia!).

I was handed tickets, and transfered to VKO (other airport in Moscow), and told to catch so and so flight.

Check in informed me, that because I was flying on a small jet aircraft, my luggage would be taken off me on the ramp and placed in the hold, no problem i thought.
Off on the bus, we arrived at said aircraft, only to be confronted with the horror that I was to board a YAK 40!, now if any of you have never seen said aircraft, you are lucky. Imagine a tiny euro jet, squeezing 35 people in , apolstered in 50's carpet all over the entire cabin, including paintings!!!.

It turns out the only way onto the aircraft is below the APU, through a tiny hatch that should be part of a submarine rather than on a plane, then you have to tackle the obstacle of the luggage rack!.........

Hence the point of my story, (long winded I know).

The pilot, and CC (1), are putting all of their weight into shoving all the luggage of the pax, into a tiny space, that is actually the infront of the only escape route of the aircraft!, which once we did get airborn (after much praying and crying) was happily blocked due to a strap breaking and all luggage faliing on the floor creating a cave in effect to the exit!.

All I can say is, horrendous, and I will never never never never never complain about any european outfit ever ever again!.

A changed man


TFlyguy 1st May 2005 09:56

Surely the definition of hand baggage should be any items that are needed during the flight

if you dont need it in flight - CHECK IT IN!

Just after 9/11 - all passengers were allowed was a carrier bag - it was heaven! boarding took half the time

PAXboy 1st May 2005 15:28

The solution to the problem lies with the carriers but not one of them will stop it.

For many years, carriers have allowed pax to get away with excessive amounts of cabin luggage as they have believed those pax who say, "If you don't let me bring this on I'll never fly with you again and tell all my friends. So Yah-Boo." or words to that effect!

No one is prepared to lose some pax to gain safety and the appreciation of other pax. We know this because carriers have ensured that all new commercial a/c have copious overhead bins with strong latches. They also factor all of the weight into the loadsheet.

The problem was compounded by the introduction of Hub-and-Spoke operations. Pax found, particularly in the USA, that connection times were so tight, that their bags often did not make it. So they started bringing them onboard. At that point, carriers had the chance to stop it and chose not to. So the practise became firmly established.

What might change this? Very little! The statistics show that most on-board pax injuries are to pax in aisle seats, due to junk falling from lockers. This may be during arrival/departure or mid-flight when someone opens the locker and forgets that "Items may have moved during flight". If the insurance and travel industry start highlighting this, then folks might start to think about it.

Actually - No they won't! The benefit of bringing on more stuff, is perceived to be greater than having it fall on your head. We are stuck with this until ALL the carriers FAA/CAA/etc decide to change it and that will never happen. Why do you think the seat belt sign is on so much these days?!

My practice (when I have checked baggage) is simple:[list=1][*]Board early to get my normal bag in place before the elephants arrive. [*]Extract very small handbag size bag for what I need the most often during the flight, especially if long haul.[*]Get into pre-booked window seat.[*]Upon landing, stay in seat reading a book until all around have departed.[*]Retrieve bag without injury.[*]Stroll to luggage belt and find that checked bag has probably not arrived or is just there at the right time.[/list=1]
Oh yes and be nice to the CC for they do a job that none of us want to do!

"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you any different." Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

shuttlebus 1st May 2005 17:31



If only everyone would follow the six simple steps then life would be so much more simple....

I have never been able to undestand why the minute the aircraft reaches the gate, the majority stand up and herd to towards the front before the airbridge has even reached the door !!! Like you, my nose is still buried in the book!

Actually, on total hand baggage weight, the problem is not with articles in the bins, but with the bins themselves. A point highlighted after the Kegworth incident noted that the bins are only designed for a static load of xxx kilos. Not a dynamic load, which it experiences during takeoff/flight/landing.... keep that in mind the next time there is a heavy landing and you hear all the stuff on the move :{ :{ :{

Oh , and by the way, Sleazyjet no longer have a weight limit !!!

Guess I won't fly them again then...



OZcabincrew 2nd May 2005 04:31


I know the airline i work for are very strict on hand luggage being an onboard safety issue, therefore if its too big, it's not coming in the cabin and if it's too heavy, it's not coming in the cabin either. If they say i'm never flying with you again and i'm telling all my friends, then so be it, i'd rather have that than having to deal with a broken neck or something after and 12kg bag falls out and lands on them! and if they can't understand that, then there is something wrong with them and they shouldn't be travelling. A friend of mine had a guy try to bring on a computer as hand luggage and couldn't understand why she refused it to come on during boarding????

People just need to stop and actually think about what they're doing and the consequences involved! but naaah, that would actually mean using your brain!


batninth 2nd May 2005 15:43

Paxboy & Shuttlebus,

If only everyone would follow the six simple steps then life would be so much more simple....
I suspect that the only folks who do follow the simple steps are those who have an interset in what's going on, and thus subsrcibe to forums like these. The rest probebaly are more interested in being first to the taxi rank/car hire desk etc, so feel that they have to get off first and push their way to the front of the baggage reclaim.

A teacher friend had a T-Shirt showing a teacher beating up one of the kids with the slogan "I'll only kill one as a message to the others". Maybe, CC could do something similar showing a PAX being pushed out of the cabin door with a huge "Hand baggage" item falling on his head - again with teh warning "We'll just throw off one as a warning to the rest"

If you do, don't forget HSE and make sure that the PAX has got a high-vis vest on as he's being thrown out.

Yours with tongue firmly in cheek


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