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mikeskeins 13th Feb 2004 11:14

How many attempts did it take U...2 become Cabin Crew??
Hey my fellow professionals...
I am in agony right now, and damn right pi**ed off!!

I have been to three Cabin crew interviews... and in every single one i have gotten right through to the end of all, but just to be told in a letter, thanks but no thanks...

I got some feedback from one airline and they told me i am perfect for the job but i need more work experience, and more life experience (Im 18 years old).

Now i am not being a moaning cow, but this is my dream, and i see all these cabin crews onboard the planes and on the ground who obviously donot like their jobs!! Why cant they move on and give myself, or other fellow peoples whos dream it is to be cabin crew, a go??

I know it is something in the business that we all have to go thru, which leads me to this question....How many attempts did it take for you to become cabin crew, and was it your dream?

I have taken the advice that was given, and am now working at the airport as a frontline customer service agent!! Im enjoying it alot, but seeing these cabin crew who are surly and down 24/7 really makes me mad!!

Thanks to all who participate, and any words of wisdom would be great!!

Thanks alot

Elle 13th Feb 2004 11:52

I hope you don't have to wait much longer, at least you will have mastered the recruitment process :O

You know what annoys the living *** out of me!!!! The fact that I know many LH FAs for Qantas that love to party....as they are quite young and if we all have a night out and they don't want to go to work then they call in sick and let me tell you this happens a lot!!

Some, only some I add really take it for granted that they are fortunate enough to be employed as a LH FA.

One of the girls I know just called in sick because she wants to spend Valentines day with her boyfriend. Geez I don't know but I would be happy to fly off to the States today!

They do what suits them and only them. Grinds me!

TrafficBoy 13th Feb 2004 18:19


dont give up - youve definately done the right thing by becoming a CSO... that industry experience will give you all the tips and exposure to the aviation environment you will need to one day step onboard and YOU being the one pointing out the safety features of the aircraft!

I speak from experience here, I worked on the ground for close to 3 years before I even considered applying for cabin crew. I applied once, and got accepted on my first attempt... so by you getting that experience, youve done the right thing.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, and have a ball everytime i hop onto the aircraft! its the best decision I couldve made, and to go straight into International Cabin Crew based in Christchurch it has been a dream!

All the best, and it wont be long now mate!


Q-Tee 16th Feb 2004 00:01

Euphemia -

Dont knock others until you have been in their shoes .... to those of you who havent been a LH FA, you couldnt understand what a stress it can have on your personal life .... sure there are those who 'play' the system - and I dont agree with those few. If you are successful into getting into Longhaul, you will find that there are times when you personal life has to take precedent over your working one. The vast majority of QF LH crew are responsible, but even the best of us has to drop a trip to do something in our personal lives sometimes .... we have no choice, QF doesnt assist us in most cases...

So please do not bag all of us, as the very few who go sick at the drop of a pin, represent a very small number of us.

And as for the original question:-

I have been interviewed for 4 different airlines, and have been successful (and accepted) in each application. I have now settled at QF Long Haul, and cant see myself going anywhere soon ..... it's fantastic :)

Elle 16th Feb 2004 05:34

Q-Tee read my post again friend. I made it clear only some.... I know how hard it can be, as I said my partner is a Pilot and we have missed Weddings, Birthday's, Funerals...the lot.

I said only a select few.

australian boy 16th Feb 2004 12:34

:D Hey Mikeskeins,

Dont worry it is your age, i had my first Flight Attendant interview with Qantas when i was 18 and made it thru to medical and was then told no, i the attended 7 other cabin crew interviews and made it thru to final stages and not hired.

like you i joind virgin blue as a Customer Service Agent for 1 year then on my 21st birthday i was finally recruited as a long haul Flight Atttendant with the Qantas Group, the recruiter who did my final interview remembered me from my Qantas interview when i was 18, ive have been flying for close to 2 yrs now and enjoy it.

Looking back I think 18 is to young to be a Flight Attendant i am happy how it worked out for me even at 22 now, i believe is an early age to start flying, as I am still young the life of a flight attendant is demanding on my life, so gain as much life experience and you will make a fantastic F/A one day.

good luck, it will happen soon enough

Australian boy:D :D

Jenni 18th Feb 2004 00:54

Just wanted to put my 'two penneth' worth in. I work for a UK charter airline and they, along with most of (if not all) of the other charter airlines in the UK have a minimum age limit of 20 years old.
I went for my first interview when iI was 19 (this is the minimum age with Virgin Atlantic) and didn't get through. I then waited till i was 20 and tried with my present company and got the job, and nearly 7 years on i'm very happy.
I think what im trying to say is that the airlines here in the UK obviously consider 20 to be a suitable age to become a flight attendant.
Keep trying to get your dream job Mikey as it would seem you have what it takes!




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