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RaverFlaver 7th Dec 2003 01:01

Qatar Airways
Hello all,

I have a question, I am considering applying to Qatar Airways and wanted to know do they test, or how do they test your second language ability?

I have seen a few crew that work for Qatar on here and thought you may be able to help me. Also I read a previous post that you guys are desperate for crew? Is this still correct/current?

If asked for an interview am I required to fly to Doha, or do they mission around the world like EK recruiting?

I searched on here and found lots of useful info, but just have these few questions unanswered.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful day,

Raver :D

RaverFlaver 8th Dec 2003 21:07

Anyone able to help me? :{

Eddy 8th Dec 2003 22:25


For QR interviews, you have to go to Qatar, though I believe they provide specially discounted flights. They will, I am told, carry out an initial interview over the phone and only if you pass that will you be flown out to Doha.

The need to speak a second language isn't really an issue with Qatar. Like Emirates, they recruit crew from all over the world and try and have as many languages spoken on each flight as possible. If you CAN speak another language, excellent, but if not it shouldn't be a problem.

While I have heard that they aren't the best of employers, I think that Qatar would be a great airline to join! Doha is tipped to be the Dubai of the future and Qatar's growth is going to be huge. Join now, get in on the bottom floor, and you could be able to take advantage of said growth.

Best of luck to you.

Jade 9th Dec 2003 00:21

Hi Raver Flaver

QR do recruit world wide and hold interviews in several different locations (not just Doha), just like EK.
Eddy has obviously never been to Doha "Dubai of the future":confused:
It is not a great airline to join and getting in on any level does not mean you will be able to take advantage of so called "growth"!
Do a search in the middle east forum and you will find many of my hard working ex QR mates telling the same story.

My advice to you or anyone else wanting to work in the middle east is to go for GF or EK


RaverFlaver 9th Dec 2003 21:30

Hey there,

Thanks so much for both your replies, it is really appreciated.

You have helped with a few of my questions, I will continue to search and find more info......

Have a great day all,


Raver :D

Eddy 9th Dec 2003 22:09

Hi Jade

You know, that comment about Doha becoming the Dubai of the Future is one that I think I'll stand by.

If you were to look at Dubai 15 years ago, it wasn't a patch on what it is today. It's the investment of billions of dollars in hotels and resorts, the huge and swift groth of Emirates and the global marketing effort that has made Dubai what it is today.

There is no way that, with the new Capacity that QR are taking on with the introduction of the A380s etc., Doha will remain purely a transit point. As the airline's routes expand in length, people are going to be attracted by stopovers in the state of Qatar and therefore, investment will follow!!!

If you're offered an acre of beachfront land in Doha at a knockdown price, buy it. I have a feeling Hilton might be asking to buy it from you 10 years down the line! ;)

A300Man 11th Dec 2003 01:31

In terms of commerce and industry, Doha will really see some rapid expansion over the next ten years or so. In fact, the huge gas reserves that the State of Qatar has will ensure that Qatar and Doha will undergo quite a phenomenal transformation over the next number of years. It has already started to happen and the State will begin to attract revenue from tourism in quite a big way in years to come.

That means good revenue in turn for the national airline, Qatar Airways. The Company will see quite a dramatic expansion over the next few years. I just hope that they do something about the management structure, which is appalling actually (the flattest pyramid that you have ever seen!)

If QR manages to sort that out (somehow) then it will become a fantastic company to work for. Don't hold your breath.......

Doha becoming the next Dubai - it might well do. It currently resembles Dubai as it did, maybe a little more than 15 years ago, but nonetheless the same.

I personally prefer Doha!!

What do you think, Homesick and Gulf-Crew? Where are you both hiding.

Incidentally, QR just confirmed today their much awaited orders for the A380 and A340-600. I must admit, I am surprised. I expected these "options" to have been converted to something else.

gulf-crew 12th Dec 2003 03:46


Sorry just been travelling back from fantastic dubai.

Glad to see you also back on here.

Had a blast you know the rugby 7's that I do every year and had a fantastic flight on EK up the front.

QR well you all know what I think of them, dont do it. They are certainly struggeling at the moment and loads to put on here over the next few days about whats going on. MMMM 3 aircraft on the ground because of no crew to fly them doesn't that say something.

Rgds GC

Bang 13th Dec 2003 01:42

As a long serving Senior member of the Qatar Airways crew,the only advise I could give you is,Stay away from them as much as posible.

In terms of growth,the company is rising and the truth must be said.

Humanity and human resourses at QR towards staff is concerned-FORGET IT.

If you must fly in the gulf, look for other options in the region such as Etihad, air arabia and Bexair together with EK. because once employed by QR, you are F**ked for life. dont let it happen to yourself.

DOH becoming DXB is concerned,....well, it willhappen some day.question is, when!!?? DOH is so many years behind DXB and DXB was still better 10-15 years ago than DOH today.

Final advise-Read more on this page under middle-east and QR on this site and decide yourself.make the decision correct. Do not regret later.

A300Man 13th Dec 2003 02:33


I missed the sevens AGAIN this year. Good thing maybe. On the subject of EK up the front, I hear that the new A345's are doing some of the LGW sectors. Did you manage to get on one? If so, what's it really like.

I also hear rumours of quite a few high level changes iminent at QR management and some change out of remote station staff.

ayomide 13th Dec 2003 04:57

RaverFlaver: When I had my interview with them they made us take an English-test. They never tested our second language ability. I think English is the most important language along all Gulf-carriers and if English is not your first language, they will test your skills since English would then be considered as your second language.

And you don't need to fly to Doha, they recruit in many countries!

Doha is a great city to live in! Beaches are among the best in the Persian Gulf and shopping malls are great. Not too many things to do between flights, but you will appreciate all the sleep you get. Well, that's my opinion of Doha since I compare it to my home village.

QR are not that bad, but prepare yourself for hard work and many different people. But I had a good time there and managed to save some money.

st.elmo 13th Dec 2003 21:59

Qatar Airways do interviews all around the place and the best way of finding out would be to contact recruitment at Qatar Airways. The address can be found on the web site.

I do recommend you try for EK or GF before you take a job with QR. They are a very hard airline to work for and that is not just the physical side of it. I never been put off by hard work but this airline pushes the crew to the limits as it does the aircrafts. They are excellent at ensuring the investments made are used to the fullest capacity.

Time off is often sleep time but rostering do not see it like this. they call on your day off and change your roster as often as they feel like it. call in sick and the next thing you know you are placed on very early stand-by shifts. In short, you get punished for being sick.

I have been to the beach in Qatar and could not help but to notice the amount of rubbish and dirt all around. so I do not believe the place has any beaches that could compare to those in Dubai. Dubai is fantastic with something to do all the time for every type of taste. Doha is a hole of a place with the same thing happening each day. shopping is good in the larger supermarkets but once you have seen it there is not too much more. Do think very hard about it. its not all bad as it is whatever you make of it. Make friends and keep them close or else you will go mad.

Enjoy your time.

ayomide 13th Dec 2003 23:17

st.elmo: I called in sick a few times and was never placed on stand-by shifts. Neither were my friends I think. If you are sick, you are. QR would never ask you to work if you are sick since that litterally means to put yourself and others on the line.

I don't deny you work with minimum rest, because you do.

naughty but nice 14th Dec 2003 03:04

Qatar make it very hard for you if u are sick..they do not forget and then give u the ****tiest roster ever to get revenge...my friend lived in Blue Building and was spied on to make sure she didnt leave the building when she was sick..also had a 'random' phonecall from AAB to check she was being good and staying in her bed...what kind of a company is this? sick thats what.
If I were anbody looking to go to the Middleast for airline work then seriously consider Emirates or Gulf air before QR..
Anyway good luck:D

ayomide 14th Dec 2003 03:33

QR doesn't make it hard for you if you are sick. Being sick is normal, part of being a human being... I was sick several times and never once did they "punish" me by giving me a horrible roster.

And if you are sick, you should stay at home unless you must go to the hospital. Your doctor would probably say the same.

I was in service with QR for about a year and I had a good time!

Don't complain, stay a low profile and be positive, you'll be fine. Nobody asks you to come there and if you don't like it you can just resign and go home. To manage the change of your life you must be open minded and understand the country is different from your own and that you are there to work, not on a holiday. That's what I did and I liked it over there.

st.elmo 14th Dec 2003 15:39

Needless to say there will always be a difference of opinion when it comes to QR. Some crew think it is the best place in the world and no other job could offer them the freedom to travel as Qatar Airways does. How wrong they are but I do not try to change their views of this place. I would be wasting my time.

Ayomide; to say one never receives a roster change or a crap roster the following month for calling in sick is a bit crazy. Especially when the majority of crew has been hammered for calling in sick. We understand when one is sick, then one is sick. The underlying problem is roster don’t see it that way. Some crew can get away with it but there are only small minorities who are in that 'special click'. I have been called at home whilst being sick, asked to explain myself for leaving the apt, where I ended up getting a doctors note with a time of attendance. Now, how can you say they don’t care? (Before you say it, that was my first time to call in.)

Anyway, that is the way they are and yes if you do not like it then get out. So with that I did. I do not have any problem with the Arab state that is Qatar I only have a dislike to the Airline Management who don’t know their arse from their elbow. The same ones who encourage backstabbing and running to the office where im sure in the future they will have a special little office for crew reporting crew. Dare I mention it? I feel sorry for those with motivation and the ability to be take charge as they are time and time again put down. The company has bred a style of cs and csd who thrive on power. They were **** upon once so now they **** upon the rest. (Not all as there are some fantastic ones out there but the majority think that’s how it done in the real world). I would like to see them act the very same way for another airline, and then you will realize that that is not how you treat others.

By the way the reason for leaving was not that I could not handle the place. I did not like the person I was turning into.

ayomide 14th Dec 2003 18:09

I only wanted to say that QR would never take advantage of your illness by punishing you with horrible rosters following month. That is crazy for me because it never happened to me so I can't imagine it. Maybe it does happen, maybe it doesn't. I just know it never happened to me and my closest friends. I never heard anyone complaining about it either.

They probably wanted to know why you left your apartment 'if' you were sick, to see if you don't lie to them. Your boss in your country would probably ask you what you are doing outside if he finds you in the supermarket on the day you called in sick, wouldn't he?

There are power minded people everywhere, not just in Qatar who tells you what to do and think they are better than everybody else.

homesick rae 14th Dec 2003 18:34

Even when you come back from holiday, you tend to be put on an early flight the next day or given a run of CAI/KRT or any pairings they can throw at you. This is from personal experience and is fact.

As far as sickness is concerned, if you have a cold and cannot fly, you are not allowed to make that judgement for yourself. You have to get a doctor's note stating that you are unfit.

It is like being at school!

AAB does not give a s**t about the crew and shows no compassion or empathy whatsoever.

He indeed is the one who is sick...mentally!

RaverFlaver 14th Dec 2003 18:57

Thanks for all the posts guys.....

Definatley some interesting info regarding Qatar.
So many split threads I have read.

I guess you never know unless you give it a go, it's different for all.

I appreciate the comments everyone thanks so much.


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