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bunnygirl 26th Sep 2003 21:00

Just a quick one, and it refers to one of the first posts on this subject.

To my knowledge, BA have NEVER made anyone redundant from the crew community. There are many crew at both LGW and LHR who started their training course on 10th September, 2001..they are still there! Many other airlines send their new entrants home, without so much as a by or leave!

BA had the resources at the outset to offer various cost cutting schemes, i.e. The Business Response Scheme, which offered part time working, unpaid leave, career breaks etc etc. All of which are totally different from redundancies. This also gave many crew the chance to try other jobs within BA, i.e. ground staff, IT etc...And at the same time, keeping their seniority and most important Staff Travel!

And as welieintheshadows says, there are SO many aspects to the business, that you can move around.

At the end of the day its your own decision, but I have never looked back, since joining BA.

phil31 26th Sep 2003 21:14


About the question, working for BA or Eazy, I think it's better to work for BA because you can expect prospects after a long time, and I think that BA is a balance compagny even if BA fires some of the employees.

As far as i'm concerned, do you know if ba is looking for foreign speakers.

Thank you for the replies


AIRWAY 26th Sep 2003 23:48

Being bi-lingual would be an advantage since a big % of english people do not speak a foreign language.

It's just a case of trying.

phil31 27th Sep 2003 06:32

Thank you AIRWAY for the reply

Have a good flight



121 27th Sep 2003 19:12

I've been with BA for 20 years and as far as I know they have never made any cabin crew redundant.As far as choosing between BA and Easy jet, I know what my choice would be, BA everytime.I'm on eurofleet and we do work much harder now than when I started years ago but I dought that we work any harder than any other uk based airline,of course we do there and back flights but we also have lots of nighstops ,some short and some 24 hours we also have 3 day trips and the allowances can be very good,it depends where you go and some months can be better than others.The benefit of working for BA is that it's one of the worlds leading international airlines(I know we are going through a rough patch at the moment but so are others)and there's so many options open to you if you tire of flying.Ofcourse you may have to wait sometime if you want to do longhaul but thats only fair as its done on seniority,personally have never had the desire to get on a plane for 12 hours but each to their own.I think the choices you get are more diverse with a big company like BA and at least we don't have to clean the plane on a 30 minute turnaround,well not yet anyway.Oh and by the way,no offence to anyone who works for Easy

craic1510 27th Sep 2003 22:00

You have worked for BA for 20 years? Wow! I only dream of getting started :) I don't think anyone from Easyjet would take offense! everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Yes I agree with you though that BA is such a renowned airline. I can understand that there woule be a lot more opportunity in a bigger airline company too. But how does the pay way up? For Easy I will only be on 800 to 900 a month, which at the moment is better than nothing. To be quite honest I just relish the experience. I would happy to have no pay and be a cabin crew member at this point in time hehe :)


bunnygirl 27th Sep 2003 22:26

It all depends on the flying you do, and whether you bid for trips but I think that the average for Eurofleet LGW as approximately £1100 a month and Eurofleet LHR is approximately £1300.

That would be for a new entrant main crew member. The only thing with BA is that you can not apply for Purser until you have been with the company for at least 2 years. So if quick promotion is what you are after, then BA is nt the one.

All the above salaries are based on the average roster of a few there and backs and at least 2 or 3 trips a month.

I personally bid for 3 to 4 day trips and no there and backs, and next month I have 1 x 4 day trip, a 3 day trip and 2 x 2 day trips and 1 there and back. And the trips are where the money is.

Oh, also have 9 days leave as well...so as you can see it is still a busy roster.

craic1510 28th Sep 2003 09:48

Wow! I have no idea how on easrth I am gonna get my head around the bidding system lol. With Easy it is fairly simple by the sounds of it. They roster you on - you work. You can put in a request for what night stops we have left but from my base I think that is not many at all, seens as they are trying to stop them altogether. Sounds like there is more money in BA though. i think anyhow, should I be successful at the interview, by the time I find out I will be airborn with Easy and then can take it as it comes. I will have to ask atthe interviews about all this information, pay, bidding, redundancies lol, short or long haul etc etc.

Thanks guys

craic1510 :ok:

Birds2perches 28th Sep 2003 23:19

BA Recruiting
One thing is quite important to me and I would appreciate it if anyone could provide some facts. I understand BA are looking for short haul LHR and LGW. I have been told that you don't actually find out what your base will be until the first day of your training course. Is this true? If so, how do BA decide who gets what base? I live near Gatwick but to be honest, if I knew I was going to be given LGW, I'd never leave my current job. Do those who live near LGW get LGW and those that live near LHR get LHR? How long is the wait list from Eurfleet to WWF?

HZ123 29th Sep 2003 15:55

Not as simple as that. You might find out at the start as some induction courses will be for LGW and some of the the line trainers will be LGW. As a general rule the line trainers will usually be from the relevant airport. Sometimes it is pure luck that some names will get placed on whichever list. You will probably find an increase in new flts from LGW next year short/ longhaul.

yoohoo sista! 30th Sep 2003 22:53

Still open???
Hi guys! Can anyone help me here? I'm wanting to apply for BA Cabin Crew on-line today, but found that the position is no longer available on the website..is this the case, or is external recruitment on hold for now? Can anyone tell me if it's going to reopen soon...?

Delboy@GB 1st Oct 2003 04:41

BA Recruitment seems to be on hold... rumour has it they are taking over franchise company GT before the end of the year...

craic1510 1st Oct 2003 10:27

Since when did it go on hold? Oh please don't think I am trying to be rude but they are organising interviews as we speak. I have been in contact with them 3 times this past week trying to arrange my interview.

Bit worried now


bunnygirl 4th Oct 2003 19:41

Hey everyone, from what I can gather, BA HAS stopped recruiting but only because they have had thousands of applications over the past couple of weeks.

They are still ploughing through the applications they have so far and are still organising interviews etc...But are not able to process anymore applications.

They will start recruiting again, over the next few months, so keep on looking.


HZ123 4th Oct 2003 19:45

Bunnygirl, I think they are just drawing breath despite which they only require 400 or thereabouts and as someone said they had many thousands apply. As for GT even if the unthinkable occurred it would not effect the current recruitment.

MonarchA321 4th Oct 2003 20:03

Whats GT? is it like GB gone wrong?

T h o m a s :)

bunnygirl 4th Oct 2003 21:53

Totally agree with you HZ...BA have so many people due to leave over the next few months..that they will start again..but I believe the Recruitment Team at Cranebank has been totally swamped.

Thomas..GT is the 2 letter code for A GB operated flight, as opposed to the vast majority which are operated with a BA designator code, as part of their franchise agreement with BA.

Also dont think that any possible takeover of GB/GT would have any affect on current recruitment, for either company. As these things take SO long to go throught. When Cityflyer were bought by BA, it took eighteen months for them to tie everything up.

Hope above clarifies things.


HZ123 6th Oct 2003 17:52

Interviews et al
Suggest that those of you who really interested now or in the future should be aware of whom GT are and also of the other Oneworld; franchaisse partners etc. Last time they recruited some 2-3 years ago interview questions were about the business and covered the oneworld share prices and potential future big challenges to BA and european aviation. Many of those interviewed performed badly unable to display any knowledge on these subjects.

Flying_Sarah747 8th Oct 2003 23:41

Well, I just have to say that I'm a very happy girl at the moment!!!!!! I just got an e-mail from British Airways inviting me to an interview!!!!!!! OMG YAY!!!!!!!! hehehe!!! :)

AIRWAY 8th Oct 2003 23:53

Congratulations Sarah :ok: :}

craic1510 9th Oct 2003 22:11

Congrats sarah! good onya! When is the interview and where? They phoned me instead of an email! Give us the goss :)

craic1510 ;)

Flying_Sarah747 9th Oct 2003 23:16

They originally e-mailed me to let me know that they wanted me for an interview, but coudn't get in contact with me cause there was something wrong with the number, and they gave me a number to call them, so I called them and got through to a receptionist or something, who took a message and my correct telephone number.

So, BA called me on the phone today and we talked about a suitable time for my interview, and the latest date is October 21st, which is in two weeks!!! She told me that she would give me some time to think about it and for me to call her back when I've made my decision. She also said that they may be extending the interviews into November. (Hopefully for me!!!)

Hmmm...I wish flights were free!! How can I get to London from Australia in 2 weeks!!!??? This is torture for meeeee!!!

craic1510 10th Oct 2003 21:29

Well it is completely up to you - but I am flying to the UK with Emirates on Oct 30. You should come with me!

They are trying to get me a date in November too as they have me on hold. The team know when I am coming back and have been very helpful in waiting.

Ask them to put you on hold. Tell them you ARE coming to the UK for the interview but the earliest flights you can get are at the end of Oct. One way $1080 or $2000 return.

Come back with me - I live in Perth too and am gonna stay in the hotel at Heathrow ready for the interview. I have the emirates interview on the 4th too which is fantastic.

Think about it :)

:ok: Hannah ;)

Kempus 10th Oct 2003 22:20

Hi guys!

Just got the job! Need help and advice tho with living in London!

If anyone can help please get in touch!

stu :D

AIRWAY 10th Oct 2003 22:28


What kind of accomodation are you looking for? Close to LHR?

Congratulations are in order :ok:

Flying_Sarah747 12th Oct 2003 19:49

My interview is actually on the 22nd of October, and I've decided to fly out with QF on the 17th. QF flies to S'pore, then I change over and it's BA the rest of the way. If my interview was later, I'd definately fly out with you Craic!!!

I'm staying at my Aunty's flat in London, so that's handy for me, since accommodation can be really expensive over there. I SOOOO HOPE I GET IT!!!!!!! hehehe :) OMG I can't believe I'll be flying out THIS FRIDAY!

Change of plan...I'm now flying Emirates all the way! :)

ali3376 16th Oct 2003 04:06





Flying_Sarah747 16th Oct 2003 21:24

Hi Ali!

Your interview is a day before mine! GOOD LUCK! :)

Now, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that these positions are for LHR. That's what it said on the website anyway...The vacancies were for FA's based in LHR. I'm not sure if it's for SH or LH, or when we will get told, but I'd assume it would be for SH, and I also assume we will get told when they offer you a position, which I was told by BA HR, is 5 days after the interview.

Sorry I couldn't give you any definate answers!

STARBUX 18th Oct 2003 06:18

Hi Guys!

Are u all aware that u will have to submit the original copies of ur examination certificates upon reporting for ur interview? U will need the equivalent of UK GCSE Maths and English (O level), pass mark Grade C or above.......it might be worth clarifying that u have the equivalent examinations before u make that long journey......!!!! I know that alot of the British Nationals are finding this one hurdle too high to jump!

leemo 18th Oct 2003 12:08

Had a BA flight attendant on board the other day between Cairns and Sydney.

She was telling me they need 400 LONG haul crew so F.S.747 it looks like LHR based LH if you get the job.

Good luck, please post back here and let us know the format/quetions they ask. I am thinking of applying to them in the future.

leemo - QF

Did 18th Oct 2003 12:32

Hi everyone !

Could you tell me how long it took for BA to answer / call you back after you sent your application through their website ?

I sent it 5 days ago, I still don't have any news.

Thanks and wish you all the best for your interviews !

Balboy 18th Oct 2003 18:25

Hello again everyone

Well I decided to take the plunge and apply. Been reading this thread with interest and would like to wish everyone here who has applied the best of luck.

I'm certainly not 'in the know' but I would like to try and claryfy a few things. It is taking a while to get back to everyone who has applied. I too applied on the 11/10/03 and have not been contacted yet. Rang BA yesterday and told me just that.

Original copies of educational certificates are required, however when I attended a BA interview a couple of years ago, they told me I didnt need to show them as I was employed as a flight attendant already. A quick call to BA will confirm if this is still the case.

Colleagues At BA have told me that they are indeed looking for some LH crew, however this will be for LGW only as LH LHR would cause major unrest within the airline...understandable really. Most positions are still for SH LHR.

Once again, good luck, especially to those who are travelling from abroad....

bunnygirl 18th Oct 2003 18:39

Hi Guys,

Just a quickie, dont get your hopes up about LHR long haul. It is not going to happen.

The vast majority of new recruits will be going to Short haul at LHR, with the odd course for LGW long haul. But there is a very long waiting list of BA Crew (some of whom have been waiting 6 or 7 years) wanting to go long haul. Long Haul slots at LHR will be filled by crew already employed by BA.

And we have been told that any LGW long haul recruits will be cross trained BACK to shorthaul, after 6 months.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you are only after working for BA for the long haul, would suggest you go for Virgin Atlantic, they are recruiting, and they only operate long haul routes..

Birds2perches 19th Oct 2003 01:59

sound advise needed guys
Been offered job. Got it last time in 2001 as well. Subject to certificates. Got English, but not maths. Not bad maths results but just not quite what theyre asking for. Would be gutted to miss out just because of this. Finished school nearly 17 years ago. They are waiting for me to bring these in (by way, not English, was educated in South Africa). What should I do? What should I say? Who should I talk to? Does anyone know for sure just how strict they're being about this? I've heard they are very firm on it. Know quite a few that have been turned down but not everyone is in quite same boat due to fact that educated abroad, and so long ago!! Have got 10 years worth of flying experience too. Does that count for more than an old school mark?

One more fact required. Can anyone please just let me know what is the average take home for Euro Lhr? So many different rumours. Hear its about £1500 per month. Anyone out there that really knows? Thanks folks.

JB777 19th Oct 2003 20:02

BA C/C Job Offer Subject To....
I have been offered cabin crew @ LHR. I had a small problem with my certificates with thankfully has been resolved. :D
I got the impression however that BA has had major problems with people bringing in their original certifictes.
The website www.britishairwaysjobs.com states that you need Maths & English Grade C or above, but the team @ The Rivers explained that they need you to have English 'Lit' not 'Lang', C or above.
A few of my friends have also been offered the job, but BA have made it very clear that any offer is subject to seeing original certificates grade C and above for Maths & English. They are not bugding on this.

As to short & long haul!

How cares! Get in, do the job, learn the product, walk the walk, speak the banter & smile - I'll get there- patience is a vertue!?:ok:

Friends have told me that they take home around £1450.00 PCM after tax - but only if they got 50% of their Bids they asked for on that month.
Everyone bids for the most expensive trips so after a while you bid for alittle bit more that you know you'll get! Again it depends on wether you like going to some of these destinations or if you want to go somewhere where you can use your languages. :}
All on seniority? I would like to know more about the Bidding system though!??
Can anyone explain this in plain, simple english?:ugh:

STARBUX 20th Oct 2003 00:52

Hi All,

I think U will find that BA won't be very flexible on the Examination Certificate requirements........if U cannot prove that U have Eng Lang and Maths GCSE Grade C, i.e. have the original Certificates, then I am afraid they will not proceed with the application....that includes them having offered U a position already. Experience of flying, not matter how much of it U have, will not suffice........so all the best!

gladrags 20th Oct 2003 01:06

BA cabin crew bidding system...
The system we use at BA for bidding is called 'Carmen'.
It is a Swedish designed system, and is in use with a number of airlines incl. SAS,Northwest,Alitalia,Phillipine Airlines,Finnair,Iberia & Condor.

Within BA it is currently only used by EF cabin crew, but will be implemented on WW from next year I believe.Our pilots use a totally diffrent system.

It works on a fairly straight forward principle.Basically you have to give each thing you bid for (either days off or trips) graded points from 0 to 200 depending on the level of importance you want to place on the thing your bidding for.
For example if you primarily want to have n/stops in Istanbul,you would give this bid 200 points,and then if you also wanted to have n/stops in Milan but were'nt quite as bothered you would give this for example 180 points and so on.This points system is also what we use to bid for days off.
You can also put in bids for any trips(including turn arounds)with/without being specific about the destination or number of days.You can also specify the check-in/out times and the number of sectors you wish to do.
You can also place a "standing order" if you want to do the same types of trips every month, and you can do this up till the day you retire if you really want to!!
We would normally expect to achieve around 60% of our bid, and the remaining 40% will be rostered to you by scheduling prior to the roster being published on the 21st of each month or thereabouts.
When the system was first introduced at LHR there were of cource teething problems, however most people seem to have got the system working to there advantage now.
My advice to anyone using the 'Carmen' system is NOT to be to specific about the kind of trips you want.
I normally just ask for ANY 3 day trips, as these are where the money is to be made.The more speciffic you are the harder it will be for the system to satisfy your bid,and in the worst case it may end up not giving you anything you bid for.
Hope this info helps answer your question.

I am led to belive that BA will not make any exception on the question of exam certificates.
They are now, I believe, turning people away at the interview stage if they do not have the required exam results and original certificates to prove it.
If you don't have these it will probably be a waste of your time to apply, as they are'nt budging on this one.Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's the story as far as I know.

gladrags :cool:

gulf-crew 20th Oct 2003 10:04

After applying internally for 10 years with BA every six months so 2 group discussions and 2 final boards every year for 10 years how many does that make and still could not get past that final interview I think I will be giving it a BIG miss. They have a file on my applications that took up a whole drawer, they showed me it the last time I went for interview. Did make me laugh and the people who interviewed me. Should just have given me it for persivering.

BA are a fantastic company to work for 12 happy years, not the company that I joined though where it was a job for life, but is any company these days.

To all you budding ba crew members I wish you the best of luck with your applications it didn't work out for me with them but I am sure you will enjoy it very much. Am now happy flying on a corporate jet and enjoying it.

Best of luck to all who apply


:ok: :ok: :ok:

Kempus 20th Oct 2003 10:57

Gulf crew!

I applied for BA since i was 18. All in different roles. They have got i think over seven applications for me. There has been times i've made it to the final interview, the following year i have not! Its strange the way things work out but like you i have not kept trying and finally i got there!

I failed as a cadet pilot, failed as an engineer, failed as a cabin crew, all of them umpteen times but i aint ever stopped trying! Eventually i got there!

Dont give up! I got my foot in the door in a company i have always wanted work with and look forward to making a career out of it! Dont give up! If you have tried and failed! Trust me, you aint tried and failed as much as me and after 4 years, i got there!


747dream 21st Oct 2003 19:48

BA Recruitment
Just going back to the English and Maths thing that i noticed someone mentioned.
I have just about completed the online application my problem is i don't have C grades. I have A Levels and higher qualifications aswell will these be ok?

Applied in 2001 but Sept 11 came along so hopefully they will accept my application

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