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Haseeb 8th Oct 2011 15:01

I've just been to the Leeds, UK OD and they told us that we are welcome to attend an OD again anytime, we don't need to wait 6 months. Strange. Anyway, i have not got through as they said they will call us by 4pm. I am definatley sure now that they do not like people that are in there 32/33+ age bracket. I know this for sure as the form you fill out to hand with your CV has 3 questions:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Have you been for a EK interview?

Ok so there goes my chances, only if i had applied 10 years earlier.
To all others, good luck!

Beaverfly 8th Oct 2011 16:05

Apply before six months
Hello everybody.
I see there is a big confusion concerning how early we can apply again, after not being successful. :rolleyes:
My experience is this: I was at the OD at beginning of February and was never called back to attend the AD. Since OD was just a resume drop-of and not a real selection process, I assumed I can come back before six months. Plus they never told us that we are supposed to wait six months after not being successful at OD.
This being said, I showed up at another OD which was at the end of May, and was shocked when they said that we were supposed to wait six months. I decided to stay and give it a chance. When I approached a recruiter to give her my resume, I apologized and said I was not aware of that waiting period and that I'm willing to wait for another two months. She calculated how much time has passed (almost four months) and took my resume. To be honest I thought they would never call me back to attend AD. But they did, and here I am waiting for my ticket to fly to DXB.

Hope it helps. :sad:I'm still confused myself, I don't know if they just made an exception in my case or the six months rule really exist.:ooh:

Kroblix 8th Oct 2011 20:26

Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone knew if Emirates cabin crew were required to have specific brands of luggage? Cause I was planning on buying some new ones. Anyone know?

baccrat 8th Oct 2011 22:10

They will provide you a Cabin bag and a Suitcase for the layovers.... You don't need to purchase them... It's on the house ;)

ojamin83 9th Oct 2011 22:20

Account Locked?!?!
Hi Guys

I am really glad to see so many people have got the call and that you are on your way to Emirates, i do have a question although whatever happens life is what it is!!

I got the approval in progress status for the past fortnight, now it has locked me out of the system!! I recieved no message stating i would recieve a call or anything of a sort - it would be much appreciated if anyone could enlighten me on this or even if you are aware of the rejection procedure following Final Interview.

Good luck everyone and hopefully we will meet up soon, i was at the liverpool AD in july, managed to meet some great people and some have got the call which they really deserved!!! i decided to delay the sending of my paperwork in order to have all else complete before the possible transition.

Appreciate all input and super happy for everyone else


Fafi 10th Oct 2011 04:10

6 month waitng period for re applying ...
I attended an open day on June 12th in Melbourne and made it to the group interview before being eliminated :(

Now they are coming back here on Nov 12 - its only 5 months later . I saw they had no listings for Australia in Dec .....

Should i write to them and ask if i can attend after 5 months , explaining my situation ?

Another question is that , did anyone else make it though the group interviews and got eliminated ? and if so did you / will you re apply ?

Do they keep a record of your old interview /c.v and compare ?

After being selected i saw that you need to have some kind of employment certificates , is this , just for your most recent job , or is this going to be for all your jobs ?


DKS278 10th Oct 2011 04:19

Hi Fafi,

I attended an Assessment Day back in April 2010 in Sydney and also made it to the group rounds and then got cut. I re-applyed and attended my Final Interview yesterday!!! I would definitely suggest re-applying because you never know!!

For your FI they ask for a contract or pay slip from your most RECENT employment so not all of the jobs you've had!

In terms of going to the assessment day 5 months after, I would either email them and ask or just go and see what they say?? I imagine they would come to Australia again in the near future as they are doing a massive recruitment at the moment.

Good luck!!!

FYInformation 10th Oct 2011 05:39

hey guys i finally recieved the GC on saturday morning at 8am toronto local time! Thank you all soo much for answering my questions and sharing your expieriences. To say im excited would be an understatement but it's already begining to sink in how much im going to miss my friends and family

My DOJ is november 14th

i was also going to get nice lightweight luggage so that i could take my life with me but i guess i could settle with non samsonite lugguage for now.

I also wanted to get a laptop to take with me but i was wondering if it would be better to get one in Dubai....any thoughts?

Bellarina 10th Oct 2011 06:51

Congradulations :)

Im there a week before you...so exciting...

Thats such a good question. I have a cousin in Emirates but she is on holiday and I cant get a hold of her. Wanted to ask her all these questions.

I want to buy a laptop or ipad2 to take with me and I also have a iphone 3 and wanted to update to an iphone4, that I thought, hmmmm maybe buying from Dubai would be better :confused:


Fafi 10th Oct 2011 08:40

Hey , DKS278

Congratulations ! Thanks for answering my question ! I guess the best thing to do will be to email them and explain my situation!

All the best for you :)

Fafi 10th Oct 2011 09:26

School Certificate .
Hey there , just wondering , did anyone get a job , or know if its possible to get a job with only a year 10 certificate ? The web site says high school education ? :zzz:

lullabel 10th Oct 2011 10:21

Can anyone tell more less how much money we need for start in dubai? i mean besides those money they're giving us for beginning, how much we gonna need moreover to survive first month?
and please don't answer ' as much as you can' cuz i'm asking for avarage amount, without extra purchases.

thank you :)

DKS278 10th Oct 2011 11:26

Hey Fafi,

They said that if you left school in year 10 then you will need to have done either a degree of some sort, or finished a tafe course, gone to a private college etc. In other words, done something after finishing year 10. There was one girl who made it to the last group session and got cut because she dropped out in year 10 and hadn't done any further education (well, that was her guess anyway...as they don't give feedback as to why they don't choose you). Hope that helps :)

Mmm007 10th Oct 2011 16:30

Fafi: Yes, you need at least high school diploma, you won't get in without it...It's just their minimum standard! At my OD they told us they are strict with their minimum standards!

Inshallah_Dayman 10th Oct 2011 19:36

Proof of Employment etc.
Hi all,

I had my Final Interview with EK on 27 September in NYC. Anyone else here in my group or have any status change yet?

As for the requested proof of employment, I found out from who I THOUGHT was my boss that legally I am self-employed, not employed by him, and therefore he cannot give me any proof of employment. So I emailed recruitment with the appropriate information explaining that situation, and that I will not be giving them any proof of employment, but I have not received a response (for over a week). I have also changed my employment status in the online application to "Self-employed, affiliated with [previously stated company]."

Presumably, since I am self-employed, I also will not have to provide a letter of resignation if hired by EK.

Anyone else unable to provide documents in the past, or change their employment status after their interview? What were the responses you received like?

Any responses would be helpful, and thank you.

missrena 10th Oct 2011 19:43

re: proof of employment

hi, you do not have to worry about your proof of employment at this point of time. After receiving the golden call, you have a long way to go before reaching this point.

Getting a reply through email will be a long or never ending wait. I tried emailing and didn't get a reply. Once you are being recruited, you will have a crew portal and questions posted in the portal will be replied almost immediately. so now, just relax!


Fafi 11th Oct 2011 10:10

Thanks everyone for your feed back and advice .
I have a diploma from after high school , so fingers crossed i will be ok .

Just to give anyone that is submitting applications now , there is some technical difficulties on the form , so updating and changing information isn't working .

Good luck to you all . :O

Schems 11th Oct 2011 10:13


Buy everyhitng here!

In Dubai It's pretty expensive!

Get it from BB or something like that they are quite cheap.

buy it just before you leave this way you can grab alot of chrismas time discounts!! =)

ntello 11th Oct 2011 12:25

welll... you better don't buy a BB to take to Dubai, as at moment they are not working in Europe, Middle East and Africa :ugh:

ojamin83 11th Oct 2011 14:13

Hello All

Just to say i am flying out on the 14th of November, i recieved my call today :)


The process is simple:

Get to Final Interview - Status Updated from Under Review - Status Updated to Progress In Approval - Status Updated to Will be contacted by recruiter at earliest.

Followed By The Phone call to offer you a date and let you know your contract will be emailed within a few days.

I have read a lot of blogs and people are quite confusing from what i have learn't it is a slow burning process for most as they have such high numbers of applicants!! 30000 per month apparently.

Anyone starting on the 14th of November??

I was in the Liverpool audition in July...

Any questions please dont hesitate to ask as alot of posts on here have helped me get through this waiting and daily checking which really does drive you up the wall :ugh::ugh:


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