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abs10 19th May 2010 03:55

brindabella, a CSM barely clears this amount!

beleive you me ,I have seen the pay slip, and if you disect the contract, these amounts are correct. Sad but true.....

You need to go back throguh this thread and read the conditions which are actually correct, and not rumour.

Be careful what you beleive.....

Brindabella24 19th May 2010 12:38

Just sayin' what I heard from a person who only left Qantas less than 6 months ago.

Just sayin'.

Delphic 19th May 2010 14:42

I was invited to do a medical assessment via email today. I know of two others who received the similar email. It seems things are a'movin' again in Qantas recruitment. I'm really sorry for those of you who received a 'no thanks' letter - it could just have easily been me.

Muizenberg 19th May 2010 22:26

:ok: Delphic,

Glad you've been progressed to the Medical. Hope one of the Girls I was at the RD with will receive the same e-mail (3 out 4 of us who made it to the candidate event were unsuccessful).

Where will you be based???

mattandy 20th May 2010 02:33

What is the candiate event all about? what happens?

Boomerang_Butt 20th May 2010 03:30

I find that interesting, as there's no QD crew in Melbourne yet. Unless of course you've forgotten to change your location.

I'd say realistically speaking anything between $1200-2200 per fornight would be accurate, it really depends on:

*reserve rosters
* overtime pay/band payments
* working on days off/IPD pay
* hours/trips worked
* penalties & other extras
* if you were sick/took leave

So for some crew they might not earn much, for others they earn quite a lot, but they WORK for it. If you're joining thinking you're getting 2000 a WEEK, you've got rocks in your head. $2500 a fortnight wasn't unheard of when there was lots of international flying in Perth, however there is NO international flying in Perth at the moment (with the odd Auckland pattern next months) so I wouldn't count on it.

If you can't live off a minimum of $1200-$1400 then I would say reconsider your need for this job. It's so not about the money, I mean sure you have some fantastic paydays (around the 1600-1800 mark) but it's not something you can count on regularly to have huge pays, it's more a bonus when it does happen.

Remember also that day trip DTA is taxed, overnight DTA is untaxed

Tainlovestofly 20th May 2010 08:27

Well I went to a recruitment day in March and they had bought along a girl who had just started with them to speak to us all and she said on a good fortnight she'd get about $2500. So that's straight from the horses mouth. I guess it depends where you are based and how much you put in.

ParAvion 20th May 2010 11:33

Hi and congrats on making through to the medical.
Just one question, did you go to the MAM recruitment day on 31st March?? Just trying to work out if anyone from that day have got through or not.
Thanks & regards!

AirborneSoon 20th May 2010 12:18

Remember that "a good fortnight" usually means those rare times when you get a really great roster, rather than the roster you normally receive. I believe she is giving you the absolute max rate there, not the average. :hmm: Take the advice given up thread and realise that if you can't comfortably live on the min wage they are offering, it's not a job for you.

herbie96 20th May 2010 20:02

Melb QD
Is anyone else in the same situation as me?
I attended the recruitment day in Melbourne on the 13th of March & was invited to the candidate event on the 16th of March. My references have been checked & since then I haven't heard anything.
Everyone I have had contact with has either started Ground School or were sent a no email on Tuesday.
I don't know what to think & I am back on the roller coaster!!
I would love to hear from anyone else in the same situation.

Thanks & good luck to everyone

Sugar79 21st May 2010 01:24

Waiting...forever and ever!!!
Herbi I am in exactly the same boat as you....same interview days..candidate event...reference checks...all done!!!!I know people starting ground schools..getting "No thanks" emails....But for me...nadda!
They have forgotten me maybe??Lol....uughhhhhh the tension is killin me :cool:

herbie96 21st May 2010 02:23

Thanks for your reply Sugar79. I'm pleased to hear that someone else is in the same boat & hopefully that means they haven't forgotten about us! LOL! I'm kind of feeling good about it, and everyone I speak to says that it is a good sign that I haven't heard anything. I hope they're right. No news is good news I guess.
Good luck & I hope we hear something soon!

Mullygrub 21st May 2010 08:28

I finally got an unsuccessful email 2 months after the candidate event at which I was told I would hear in 2 weeks. I must admit I did give up after not hearing anything for a few weeks however, I think Qantas is disgusting to leave so many people hanging for so long!!
Qantas will continue to work like this because they can.:*
To sat the least I am annoyed!:(

Sugar79 21st May 2010 13:40

Mullygrub that sux!Sorry about that..you had your refs checked too didnt you??Mannnn that has freaked me out,so I guess that would mean that maybe Im going to get an "Epic Fail"as well!
You can try again in 6months and before you know it you'll be in.
I still have my fingers crossed that maybe after all this time I'll be off to Sydney for training and back to flying again.Wait and see.Sorry for you again though.:sad:

ParAvion 21st May 2010 14:53

Hi Mullygrub...
Sorry to hear you didn't make it in this round. It's very annoying to say the least and QF are renowned for stuffing people around!!

I am still waiting from the MAM recruitment day on 31st March - which they said we'd hear something within 2 weeks - HUH....Nothing!!!

There was only 18 of us that got through both parts of the interview process and they were so eager to contact our refs, in fact did it the very next day and now they've gone quiet on us, just dont understand??? You'd think they could at least email an update to such a small amount of people :ugh:

IS THERE ANYONE ON THIS BLOG THAT ATTENDED THE MAM RECRUITMENT DAY IN MELB ON 31ST MARCH???? Would love to hear if any of you got the golden 'YES' phone call/email.

Anyway Mullygrub, keep on trying as I'm sure you'll be successful very soon!!

ParAvion 28th May 2010 07:58

MAM - Melbourne Base
Hi All,
Just a quick update on the MAM recruitment.
I received an email today asking me to have a medical & security check.
Very exciting.....I hope all of you received the same good news!!!

Delphic 28th May 2010 14:20

Congrats, Par Avion, though don't hold your breath for a quick response after your medical. I had my medical this week, but have no idea how long it will take to hear anything else judged on the waiting times we've already experienced. Still, better than a 'no thanks' email.

Tainlovestofly 29th May 2010 13:20

Do they let you know beforehand that they could ask you to foot the bill for a medical and yet still not give you a position? That seems harsh if they didn't. I know I took my medical for my airline and it cost more than a hundred bucks. If it'd been for nothing I wouldn't have been such a happy camper.

ParAvion 29th May 2010 13:42

Hi Tainlovestofly...
We have to pay for our medical and security clearance and the airlines are under no obligation to offer us a job - that's just part of it unfortunately!!
It's a costlty process but worth it if we're successful - good luck!! :)

coffee or tea 31st May 2010 08:49

MAM / Qantas Domestic

Got the email from MAM asking me to do the medical and security checks YES at last! soooooo happy...Good luck guys...hope to see you again.:ok:

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