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irishbecky 21st Oct 2008 12:47

Mel Emirates
Yes I know a couple of people who were rejected after the medical. One because her Doctor wrote down that she had been prescribed cream for acne and another because she had been prescribed an antihistamine for Hey Fever...oh and another one because her Heamoglobin count was a little low....the M.E airlines are strict!!!

Vix85 21st Oct 2008 12:55

I agree with Irishbecky, I don't see why you can't go to another open day, you didn't fail anything and they didn't turn you away for any reason so personally I think you should go to Paris, go for it!!

Donisha 21st Oct 2008 13:06

I don't think because you left that should be a problem. You should just attend the open day in Paris.

Amanis 21st Oct 2008 13:43

Ohhh thank you!!
I just thniked the same too!!

I'll try then!! or I'll try too contact them...
If anyone have an idea..Let me now pleaaase!!

Vix85 21st Oct 2008 13:59

Amanis - I say just go to Paris on 13th December see how it goes, don't think you would need to make contact with Emirates seeing as they didn't turn you away & it's an open day after all. If you want something so after it!! You should definitely go on 13th Dec.

Amanis 21st Oct 2008 15:48

OK got it :p

thanks for all!! :ok:
I just wanted to be sure!!

oceanspray 22nd Oct 2008 08:27

Thanks, but it's actually not an Open Day, but an Assessment Day. :(

Guess I'll just have to put my CV on their website. Funny that the Korean agencies actually are accepting CVs until 10/24. I guess maybe it's because there are so many people applying here so they accept applications separately. Kinda weird 'cuz I know that in other countries, you just put your CV up on their website and get invited or go to an Open Day, right? I guess the ones who pass the screening (the ones who applied to the agencies directly) will be going to Assessment Day?

lulubelle1987 22nd Oct 2008 20:57

Hello! can anyone help me? I have seen an advert in my local paper saying that they have an assessment day in Liverpool on 11th November and you have to apply before 31st to get a place. Can anyone help me with my application at all please? I am 21 from UK and have not worked for an airline before! Thank you if you can!!!! :) Lulu x

lucy21 22nd Oct 2008 21:26

Help for you
I attended the assessment day in london on 7th october and managed to get through (only 7 out of 56 people got through so it was pretty nerve wracking but totally worth it!). The only pointers I can give you about your application are to really emphasise your previous work experience in customer services/hospitality. Obviously this is one of the main things they look for. As well as that i'd suggest making sure your photo's are good - I didn't get mine done professionally, my dad took them at home but they were clear and did the job. Also make sure you fill out all the bits on the form as fully as possible. Don't fret too much about the 'why do you want to work for emirates bit' mine was really short and they were still interested in me! If you need any more help send me a message!! x

deon85 23rd Oct 2008 10:54

good luck to anyone attending the open day here in Sydney on the 25th

Aamyee 23rd Oct 2008 12:30

Hi guys, I had my final interview on 1 October (15 days ago) in London. One girl from my interview heard within 2 weeks she was not sucessful, another got her golden call yesterday, I still haven't had any response! I'm starting to worry and going a little crazy with the waiting as I know that the offices in Dubai are closed for the weekend and I still will not hear anything either way until next week now :ugh: Is this normal?

davebsas 23rd Oct 2008 14:27

Hey everyone, I'm dave from Argentina, and I've been reached for the firts part of the assessment next week. The assessment will take place so far of where I live, so I was wonderring if you guys could give me your opinion about the job, and also some advices about the interview. since I'm going to travel a lot I wanna get selected!!!! :}. So please help me out with this, because I've been checking all the messages posted and it seems that it's a very exautive process!!! well thank you all for the information, I apreciate! and Good Luck for everyone from Argentina!!!!!!:ok:

lulubelle1987 23rd Oct 2008 16:13

Thanks for your help Lucy, really appreciate it! good luck with the next stage of your assessment...would love to know how you get on! x x x

Donisha 23rd Oct 2008 17:00

Need help
Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to this forum and i really want to work as a cabin crew. I am from Grenada, the caribbean and there is not a lot of carribean bases airlines I can apply to, so that is why I decided to try airlines in the middle east. I applied to Ethiad, Emirates, Gulf and Wantaniya.

Anyone know of any airlines that hire ladies in the caribbean?

yuja13 24th Oct 2008 02:34

hi we are on the same boat. had my final interview oct 8 (korea) and still waiting for the golden call. my friend got her call within a week after her final interview and her interview was after my interview. I think we are all waiting for the "golden call" it is agonizinf hehehe but i say just be optimistic about it and you will get it soon. interviewer told me we'll hear from them in 4 wks and i heard they call random people and also it may take time since they have to schedule a whole bunch of people from all over the world for the joining dates. so just take it easy and yes it is normal to feel what ur feeling right now my other friend feels the same, but we can't really do anything about it but wait wait and wait. Just be positive I'm sure you'll get the call one of these days.:ok:

"patience is a virtue"

yuja13 24th Oct 2008 02:38

also about the office hrs in Dubai their weekend there is Friday and Saturday, but my friend got her call last Saturday so just keep watch ur phone everyday coz u never know :) good luck!

Aamyee 24th Oct 2008 04:12

That is good to know that they are possibly also working over the weekend :)
I am just eager to know! Good luck to everyone else waiting on their call...

Aamyee 24th Oct 2008 04:14

Also my interview was 23 days ago now not 15...in my panic of waiting for the call I have forgotten my maths!

KIMEUNHYE 24th Oct 2008 08:09

wow !
are you living in korea ?
or visited just for assetment day?
i am just curious about that :-)
anyway, i heard that these days, many applicants got a golden call from EK
i hope you have that one either !:-) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes, there's another process in very soon - and i am waiting for that
maybe after five days?.. i guess

KIMEUNHYE 24th Oct 2008 08:18

an interesting book
u guys have u ever read that ?
the book was written by two cabin crews. and i heard it's about their working experience as a cabin crew.

seems a bit hilarious ! dosen't it?
coffee? tea? or me?..
i guess that book isn't about the fantastic journey as a cabin crew.
maybe, this book says 'quiet severe, tough sides '

kk.. and plus !

i just found that post -

“I’ve been a flight attendant for 6yrs now, and I can tell you this much - if I’m still a flight attendant in 20yrs, I’ll be a raging b*tch!”

how do you think about it?

i am posting for just having fun with it :-)
i am now preparing for the next interview , quiet nervous. also i feel some guys who is now waiting for the golden call. can be relaxed or laugh by that :-)


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