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dy1ng_to_fly 31st Oct 2008 23:42

Xtra crew - you need to wear contacts, they won't allow glasses

Deon - Well done on getting through!! They didn't choose many from the initial 160! I will go along in Dec, and although it all feels very much out of reach, I will give it my best shot! At least this time, I will know what happens, and won't have the nerves working against me!

VITOR FIRMINO 1st Nov 2008 02:54

Doj 2nd Of January
HI. A friend of mine. RAFAEL, his joining day is scheduled to be on january 2nd, so you will meet him in your induction day.Mine will be on january 9th, we will see us in the sandpit. Congratulation and see you then.:D

CarineA 3rd Nov 2008 04:20

Vitor Firmino
Hi Vitor, I am Carine I will meet your friend at our training then because I join on Jan, 2nd as well. Tell him to contact me if he wants before we leave!
I will see you too in Dubai I guess YAY:ok:

made_in_ukraine 3rd Nov 2008 05:53

Hey guys,

Congratulations to everyone who have made it to Dubai.

I was wondering if there's someone here who is going to attend Assessment Days in Osaka this month?

yuja13 4th Nov 2008 13:59

Things happen for a reason...
Hey CarineA i heard from emirates today and I got the email. Well when I saw it I knew i didn't get the job, but I didn't feel anything. It's been 4 weeks since my FI and I think it's been a long wait I just wanted to know if i get it or not. I'm not that devastated as i think i would.

Anyway I know God has better things planned for me in the future. Oh well if it's meant to be it's meant to be. Life must go on. Also I'm going back to Canada next month so that's something I look forward and excited about I had other plans for next yr so it's all good.

Good luck in your new career and you'll probably meet my friend her name is Nayoung her DOJ is also Jan 2.

All the best to you and good luck to the others!

CarineA 5th Nov 2008 05:49

:bored: I am sorry to hear that you got the e mail YUJA13. It is good that you take it well. I mean, you are right, life has other plans for you at the moment and other experiences will be there for you.
Once I applied for Air Canada and they didnt take me. I was quite sad, but now I am glad I didnt get the job because I finished college and worked on cruiseships... life had other plans for me.. I think it is the same for you, if it does not work out with Emirates now, then maybe later, or maybe you will find something you love even more! I wish you all the best in your projects :)

I met NAYNAY she sent me a message, her DOJ is the same as mine thats awesome. Thanks for letting me know YUJA.

Enjoy Canada, Toronto right?


porcelain 5th Nov 2008 10:47

Hi Guys,

I am sorry if this has been asked (and I am sure it has, but there are so many replies), I am going to the brisbane open day very soon, and have 2 questions pertaining to self and the company.

1) they may asked what my weaknesses are, not everyone is perfect, but I would feel silly talking about them. From existing cabin crew or those who have been asked this question, what is your advice...should i mention one or two and keep it simple or none at all?

2) again to cabin crew or those who have been through the recruitment/selection phase...what kind of questions do they ask perataining to our knowledge of the company?

Thanks guys


deon85 5th Nov 2008 11:06

Some info...
welcome porcelain

I attended the one in Sydney just recently... now just waiting for that phone-call... or email

The help/info I can give you are as follows..
If you make it to the one on one, try and not talk too much.. Keep your answers simple, clear and straight to the point. If they want to hear more they will prompt you to explain in a bit more detail, or provide another example...

When advising on a weakness, tell them one that you have had and what steps you have taken to improve that weakness. Always end in a positive note with questions like that..

Good luck and I really hope you get a call to attend the selection process. The recruiters at mine were both very lovely. Try not to stress too much and remember to smile, you should be fine. Let us know how the day was :O


porcelain 5th Nov 2008 11:13

Thanks alot for that!

I wonder how many people turn up to these things?

What did you have to do on the first open day?


deon85 5th Nov 2008 11:28

there were about 160 of us there,
make sure you wear a suit (male)
skin colored stockings and knee length skirt if your a girl.

Have a up to date copy of your resume, try and remove unnecessary information (2 pages max). Also a standard photograph size photo of yourself in corporate attire. You line up and hand in your resume give them your contact details. Watch a video about EK and Dubai, then you go home and wait for that phone-call...

Hope the details help put you at ease! Its really nothing to get too nervous about..

How does the selection process in other countries work? is it quite similar to ours in Australia?

porcelain 5th Nov 2008 11:48

I purchased a skirt suit today....yay.

but am wearing sheer black stockings ....i hope thats ok.

Goodluck with the rest of your interviews etc!

CarineA 5th Nov 2008 21:25

The place where you are asked why you wanna work for emirates is on the online application form. Of course you need to read all the website and know in genereral the destinations they fly too, but dont worry they wont ask you specific questions.

Then for the group assesment day, the group topics are not really related to Emirates. It can be like: ok talk to the person to your left for five minutes and describe that person to the group then. Or: if you made a play, what kind of a play would it be and why? then you gotta discuss it with the group.

as for weaknesses they dont really ask that. What they most likely do in the final interview is asked about situations you had to face at work in the past. Like «tell us a moment where you tresspassed a rule, what happened, what did you learn from it?» Then, they might ask you: Talk to us about a stressful event in your previous job? or tell us about a time when you disagreed with a coworker and got in a fight, what happened?

you see what i mean? so before the last interview write down on paper the situations that happened in your previous jobs so you are ready.

Untill that last step, the final interview, be positive, SMILE A LOT, talk to the other people doing the process with you, you might make friends that will go to Dubai with you and it will make you less nervous for group discussions. :ok: good luck

I hope it answered your question a little bit


CrewA380 5th Nov 2008 22:59

Very nice and good advices CarineA :) Regarding to your words, I would like to add something....It's a necessarily to left all the expactations for success at home - too much additional thinking , too much hardships....so just ty to release yourself out of any expectations.

All the advices written here are precious and very useful, but following any advices for distinct type of beahvior may cause loosing of your own personality during the screening day . One of the most important things is to be yourself - oh yes, I know how trivial it sounds, but I'm sure that EK recruiters are looking for people with personality...I think the first impression is the second important moment. Choose proper dress code and be smiley...be polite and fresh looking.
Don't forget it: the duration of the screening is not a coincidence - the recruiters are reproducing a workday....they just want to see how you react and how you dealing with it.
Well, that was what I learnt from the mistakes during my last "unsuccessful" screening day. I'm going to attend another in december and hope we all will meet each other very soon working in EK :)
Best regards and good luck - the third important moment :)

Daniellek808 5th Nov 2008 23:33

I am going to the Interview tomorrow in Honolulu. I have been reading up lots on Dubai. Someone said in this forum about a reach test? Does anyone have more information? I would hate to go in and get cut right away. I am 5'1. Is it even worth it??

Little_Red_Hat 6th Nov 2008 00:19


the reach test is to see if you would reach the equipment on board. It doesn't matter what your height is, so long as you can reach 214cm from the ground. So put a mark on your wall this high and if you can touch just above it you will be fine to attend!

Test is done without shoes on but you are allowed to be on your toes. Alo standing closer to the wall helps and is allowed. Good luck!

Daniellek808 6th Nov 2008 01:32

Cool!! THanks

wish_2_fly 6th Nov 2008 19:42

GLASGOW Open Day 16th November 2008
Hey everyone,

Firstly, thanks guys for all the useful information that you have posted on here. Its really encouraging. Its a shame the current cabin crew wont contribute!!!

Just wanted to know if anyone is attending the Emirates Open Day in Glasgow on the 16th November 2008? I received an invite and im so scared!!!

Any good ideas on answers for the scenarios you have previously discussed????

A xxx

VITOR FIRMINO 7th Nov 2008 03:16

hello CARINE
Congratulation CARINE, further to Rafael's email, it is [email protected], we'll be able to chat with him, see you then.

VITOR FIRMINO 7th Nov 2008 04:04

I did my final interview on 7th of october in São Paulo, all questions were about my background , any experience with disgruntled pax, if you always welcome constructive criticism if not , no, there is not, there has always to be '"YES"",guys do not ever forget about it. any bad experience with your coworker and how did you sort this out? when does your help is not wanted by this passenger, what is your attitude towards this indifference?
how do you react to a very stressfull situation,give me an example, when, how and the outcome,and to finish,very tricky last one,weaknesses and strengths i had to show them and why,that was the most difficult one to not to say the other things. Thank god I made it,and the so expected Dubai phone call finally came,to the future emirates wanna be flight attendants I very wish you luck in the interview, be very assertive,speak enough to the recruiter at least notice you, very well groomed, be always very polite,in a group discussion, try to hear all around you ,and the most important one,in a formal interview, try to maintain good eye contact with the interviewers. So, I hope you are the next ones, like me and the others who did, I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST.SEE YOU:ok:

michaelflynn61 7th Nov 2008 11:57

Hi everyone,

Just looking for a bit of advice form you guys. I went to an Emirates interview about 4 months ago but unfortunately did not get the job. I am just wondering as to how strict they are when they say you cannot aply again for another 6 months as I would like to attend an interview again at the start of December which wouldnt be waiting 6 months. I had not filled out any online applications or anything as the interview i attended was an open day so I just turned up with my CV. So would I be better waiting the full 6 months or will they be sure iv done one more recent than 6 months, like do they kee EVERYONE who ever turns up to an interview on file or whats the story?

Any advice is well appreciated :)

Cheers guys and gals and good look to all those attending interviews/ preparing/ awaiting news!!!

flyoneday 7th Nov 2008 12:59

just go!
hey michaelflynn61,if you get the chance to go in December,my advice is that you just go n dont necessarily point out that the 6months arent over...........

all the best
flyoneday :ok:

Mikejr 7th Nov 2008 16:40

Sodwee's Blog is really full of good stuffs!
Let me tell you something. I attended Open day NYC past weekend and I felt like home. YAY, Seriously guys! I want it so badly. I brought tears to my eyes when watching the recruitment video. I even cried watching the recruitment video they putted on.

I just wanted to say, Thank you Sodwee for beeing so helpful!!!

Mikejr 7th Nov 2008 16:52

Congratulations CarineA!!!

Now, I am waiting on Gold Call.
So this is what happened. I made it to the open day NYC Nov 2nd but They have not yet called me nor emailed. I am so excited and ready for being interviewed.

Hopefully I get to see you in Dubai January 2nd, Cuz this is what i have dreamed of, please help me out and once again... Congratulations!! :ok:

CarineA 8th Nov 2008 21:58

Thanks Mike!
I hope you get it, we would see eachother in Dub Dub on Jan 2nd? Would that be your DOJ too?
good luck good luck!! let me know what happens:ok:

xxnanouxx 10th Nov 2008 11:29

I am also waiting for the approval of my medical tests and im so impatient.
plz could sm1 tell abt hw long it will take?

CarineA 11th Nov 2008 02:36

Final 3. wow this is awesome. I cannot believe they only took 3 out of 70. Then I am sure you will get it, only 3..for sure you'll get it. I hope you do!
when would you be joining!

Its such a great feeling isnt it!
Im sure they will call soon..YAY good luck!

where do you live, in Kenya? Must be a wonderful country, I hope to see it someday!

take care

CarineA 11th Nov 2008 02:40

MEDICALS: I don't know either how much time they wait till they give the final approval. Do we need to send the whole reports via e mail prior to arrive there?

ACCOMODATION: Does anyone know the names of building where crew reside??? I heard Century 21 and Millenium towers..googled it and seems very cool....that would be very very nice haha.

mayorcan86 11th Nov 2008 05:09

Does someone from Emirates ?
Dear friends,

I'll attend the next open day in Seville (Spain) and it's a great chance for becoming cabin crew !!! I need be successfull oooh my god I spend a lot traveling towards the interview.

I'm spanish guy, 22 years old no experience, good looking, 1'80 cm tall, 75 kg, friendly, good costumer services.

Can you give me advice please? Many thanks,

[email protected]

djanane 11th Nov 2008 16:30

Hello everyone!
Glasgow NOv 16th...I will be there :). I'm brazilian currently living in Sheffield. This is will be my first open day, I'm so excited and nervous ( of course lol). This is my email address [email protected], in case if someone else is going to Glasgow!

Best Luck


CarineA 11th Nov 2008 19:47

:ok:YEAH positive thinking works. Visualise it, good luck good luck!!!!!!!

I found all these really cool blogs about crew it makes me wanna create one too. Its so fun to read all their crew cabin stories and where they stayed and everything..

Its a good way to let family and friends back home know what you are doing too.

xxnanouxx 12th Nov 2008 18:03

I've sent all reports ( medical report to be completed by doctor + reports from doctor for each test undergone) xcluding the x rays via mail to them.
so, when is ur DOJ? mine is on the 28.11.08.

dy1ng_to_fly 12th Nov 2008 20:38

I've read on here that many people don't get their final confirmation until a week before their DOJ!
Good luck in Dubai guys, I'm so jealous! The next Melbourne open dayis Dec 6 so hopefully I have some luck!

chomelodie 13th Nov 2008 06:27

Anyone has EK Cabin crew recruitment email contact pls~
Went to Dubai for their global assessment day in end Sept, its been 6 weeks already but havne't heard from them at all.:{

I am a crew with another airline in the Middle East and I think I should at least got an invitation for the first interview :rolleyes:

I think I left a pretty good impression during the submission of CV cos I noticed the interviewer wrote down a lot of comment on my CV after my submission. She also put my CV in a pile behind her instead of those 2 tall piles on her desk.

Can anyone please kindly give me any EK CC recruitment contact email. I really wish to email them and double check my status. :(

ExFlighty 13th Nov 2008 14:16

I have attended the Open day in Sydney last month with Deon85, and finally got the 'Golden' call after 2 weeks:D. My DOJ will be on 2nd Jan. The same as you CarineA! You can PM me if you like! Its always nice to have a friend before you get there.

xxnanouxx 13th Nov 2008 17:10

Is there sm1 joining on the 28.11.08??:)

Azzah 13th Nov 2008 18:38

EK Recruitment Contact
I will PM you the email contacts from where you could request the email / Tel Number, Address for EK Recruitment.

deon85 14th Nov 2008 07:11

Congrats Exflighty!!!
Im sure you must be over the moon! Im still waiting on a response from them..

Still waiting on that "golden call" or the "R" email.. hehe
Have to say the wait is exhausting!!!!

Good work on getting that far! It will be 3 weeks next week for me, so dont expect a call that quickly... Dont worry, you'll hear from them when they have decided!


kenyan85 14th Nov 2008 11:06

Kenya Interviews
Hi guys, first of all I'd like to thank each and every one of y'all who's taken the time to write down advice and words of encouragements to us wannabes. I believe your goodwill will come back to you ten-fold. Now, for my experience during the selection process in lovely Nairobi. There was a lot of us that day - close to eighty souls fighting it out. I turned out in my well-pressed trousers and wool designer jacket (I never wear official wear but that day I made sure to come out looking like someone who knows what they want lol). The majority were girls and I believe there were more or less fifteen guys including me. I had read this forum up, down, left, right and center so suffice it to say, I was ready. I also had this belief that I was going to make it. I remember feeling like elephants were trumpeting in my stomach but one of my group members noted after a group session that I looked calm, even relaxed. I guess when you believe something, even though you might have doubts, you make it. By 5 pm (around 8 hours later) I was the only guy left standing in a roomful of ladies. I couldn't believe it. The tricks, I learnt, is to look SHARP. And SMILE, SMILE, SMILE! Be enthusiastic, but do not stick out as a leader. Overconfidence should be left at home. I went for the final interview which went well but I was given this group psychology multiple-choice logic test at the end which I don't know was about. Maybe they were trying to test resilience? I'm elated that I am the only guy in a group of around 18 girls. I hope they take us all - it would be so much fun! Anyway guys, that was my experience. Now I'm waiting for 'THE CALL' which I believe I will get. If you believe in a higher power please pray for my that my medicals go smoothly so I can join the rest of y'all in Dubai! Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings, good luck all of you!

kenyan85 14th Nov 2008 17:41

hey nakks
Good to see we're representing Kenyans! As per my knowledge we're more or less 18 in total. I'm the only guy...which I'm grateful for, I heard though they will be hiring more crew so if my guess is right, 90 percent of guys who qualified for the final interview will get thru. Wow they really were strict in your lot, no? Only 3! Girl, you must be exceptional! In my group they took 14 and we were 80 at the start of the interview. Lets keep chatting, please send my your cellphone number via private message. Have faith, God bless!

CarineA 15th Nov 2008 01:14

Nakks, ChinoA and Kenyan!
Good luck,
I know how you feel ..so much anxiety. Even after getting the golden call you still think about dubai , emirates and read these threads....I do. Its so exciting.

I wish you all the best. When would you plan on joining?

Kenyan: in my group there was only one guy left, out of 17 and he got it. You will get it, if they left only 1 boy, they most likely will pick him right? :) ...plus it went well at your interview!! thats awesome.:D

look forward to hear from you!

one of my friends didnt get answer yet :( and it has been almost 5 weeks....mine took a week and a half....I hope she makes it, she is so nice and would be great...waiting is just the worst part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

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