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Skywards 13th Mar 2009 02:33

Thanks for the advice 97totel, its always good to have someone who is actually in amongst it to give us advice. However, I don't like the insinuation that any of us would come into this so carefree that they haven't done research into it. I would be truly amazed if anybody on this forum hasn't done the research. I think as a very general consensus, when undertaking somthing like moving countries most, if not all of us have done research and prepared ourselves as much as possible. So hopefully we don't get too much of a shock!:)

flyoneday 13th Mar 2009 05:36

I think 97totel was not trying to insinuate anything but rather advice people on how life is in the Gulf. Am sure the fact that she has been there for 2years gives her reason to. Many people have gone there only not to even finish their training in various companies because of the culture shock................and by the way, you would be surprised as to how many people would actually pack their stuff and move up there without really having done any research on their new environment . But lucky you, you are doing some research...

flyoneday :ok:

Skywards 13th Mar 2009 06:25

^Of course her opinion is valuable, hence my thanking her for it! I am well aware of how many people experience the culture shock and leave, and I wouldn't be surprised at the people who don't do any research I just I think it would be a very small amount. Afterall, what we are doing right now here in this forum is research! Not lucky me, prepared me!:ok:

mellymoo 13th Mar 2009 11:16

living in the Gulf
i lived in the Gulf for 10 years and loved every minute of it!! You have to remember its a very transient place, people only stay for their contracts, you cant really plan a lifetime there. Its safer than alot of countries nowadays, if you stick to the rules and regulations e.g.\When in Rome do as the Romans do, life is good. I hate rules but loved UAE living!! thats why I am eager to get out there, my best friends are still in DXB!!

ooh for those interested i got a msg back finally, saying:

Our HR team submited your documents for the security clearence to the goverment.
HR team will contact you as soon as they get your documents back.

if anyone interested look at the newspaper The Times an article all about B777 safety again!!! maybe why the delay to Etihad!!

yucyme 13th Mar 2009 19:43

Thank you
Hey people,
thanks for being so wonderful.
I am waiting and wishing, wishing, wishing, just like you.:uhoh::(
Stay positive, and stay busy!

nuigini 13th Mar 2009 20:53

How long before an AD would they invite you? My application was shortlisted in December and they are coming to my country in a couple of weeks! I only hope that they will invite me!

FltSftygrad 14th Mar 2009 05:29

Passport photos for AD
Can someone pls help me with this asap!

The invitation asks for 4 pp photos with white background(conservative clothing only and both ears must be visible;GLASSES and no jewellery)

I have taken my pics , but am not sure what they mean by the "glasses" bit.....if you wear contacts, do they want you to wear your glasses in the pics???????????????

M NOT CLEAR ON THIS, SO PLS HELP!!! coz will have to retake pics otherwise and must do asap as AD 2MRW!!!!!

Thank you.

Skywards 14th Mar 2009 07:52

Hi Fltsftygrad

I went to Sydney and on the invitation it said "white background only;conservative clothing;both ears must be visible;glasses and jewelery removed"

So they are saying glasses removed AND jewelery removed...so I think you are right with the photo you have. They don't want a photo of you with your glasses on. They want to see your lovely face!

Good luck with it! You'll do great!

FltSftygrad 14th Mar 2009 08:09

Thanks so much for your response.That makes sense.They left that out in my invite and I thought that it might have been a typo but just wanted to make sure. Didnt want to mess up on such a lil thing :)

michel_hammamet 14th Mar 2009 13:12

Assessement Day in Tunisia, 16th March, 2009
Hello to everybody. Great and very fruitful thread we are having here. I am going to AD in Tunisia on the 16th of March and I will definitely report back to help you guys to get prepared for it as others have already done. Wish me good luck.

mellymoo 14th Mar 2009 13:58

hi nuigini
I applied very late on the 7th February 2008 and within 24hrs had a reply back on the 8th February for a date on the 16th February.

As soon as you apply online, they sort it quite quickly for an assessment, that will be near you.

If I can give all AD candidates some advice, make sure you look very smart, with natural makeup and ensure you dont wear overpowering aftershave or perfume. If you wear glasses for short sightedness wear contact lenses. Dont wear this seasons fashion!! Girls, ironed shirt and skirt with jacket if possible and see through tights not thick tights. Court shoes in blue or black. Maybe a small scarf around the neck to give an edge. Preferably limited jewellery not thick chunky stuff. Hair for girls, if long tied in a bun neatly, use hairnets that match hair colour or french roll, not loads of clips showing. No hair covering eyes. Men, ensure hair is gelled or waxed not overly though. Clean shaven faces, matching socks, dont wear white socks with black shoes... only Michael Jackson can pull that look off. Ensure hair is above collar length and is neat off the face. Make sure shoes are neat and tidy and polished.
If carrying a bag, make sure its not big and full of papers hanging out or with charms all over it.

I used to work for the Airlines and did the grooming manuals, if anyone needs any help let me know!!

Oh, with regards to contacts do not wear coloured lenses, they arent allowed in the Middle Eastern Airlines!

When playing games, be precise and concise and speak slowly. Dont take control of the game. Remember the exercises are time controlled so you need someone to take the time, someone to write the information down, dont interrupt when someone is talking. Do the time check every 5 minutes so you know where you are on the game. Good Luck to you all xx

Yvette8610 15th Mar 2009 23:24

Good luck for tomorrow!:ok:

Pitchi 16th Mar 2009 01:56

very good luck tomorrow! I'll keep my fingers crossed! ;)

thanks so much for such a good exchange we have been having here. I confess I quit to join QR AD because of the such good news I got here from you. I really want EY and I'll keep confident everything is going to return to normal, even having to wait a couple of months. As Yucyme posted, let's keep busy and wait :D

Take care and very good wishes to everybory :ok:

KEFREN82 16th Mar 2009 19:20

Hi people!
I was thinking something. I know that we received email where Etihad says our application is important for them and as soon as they know they will inform us. But, what do you think about e-mail them and ask a possible joining date, I mean, if we have to wait till summer or autumn or december.

I think that if they do not know about joining dates for us, they can have a possible season schedule. It sounds strange to me that they do not know completely if we have to wait 1 month 4 months or 6 months. They surely have a potential idea of when we could go to Abu Dhabi.

First of all it could be very important to us, if we know more or less when we can be called back to join Etihad we can wait, or look for a temporary job, just organize our life a bit.

What do you think? It would be fair and honest from them telling us what is going to happen.


mellymoo 16th Mar 2009 22:46

already did that
Hi Kefren,

I already did that when I wrote to them and just got told my papers were at security!!

I asked for possible DOJ and how they would contact us via email, phone etc and didnt get a response!!

Maybe its worth giving it ago as well xx

NewCrewMember 17th Mar 2009 09:56

Lots have people have already sent this email from my assesment day in london (feb 16th). They have all got the same almost automated response that we have to wait and be patient and when dates are confirmed we will be contacted. However you can be sure that those dates will not be before september as this will be the start of training. The last training before then is 16th april and this is already full and organised so sorry guys we have to wait.:rolleyes:

KEFREN82 17th Mar 2009 10:51

I repeat that it sounds strange to me, and as nobody from the recruiters received an e-mail stating April, June or September we should ask them to get more information.

The month of September is just what some of us inferred from the data we have, but this is not what Etihad said.

We should ask real dates. An important serious company should have an idea of when it is possible to start, and just waiting is not fair at all.

I have a friend that passed a selection of Air France and the company told her that she can't start the training during all the 2009. So she can organize herself during this period. We need to know when to start, we have to organize our lives too... don't we?

barrett1987 17th Mar 2009 11:56

Thank you for attending the Cabin Crew Assessment day in Melbourne on March 8th 2009.

At this time, we are unable to give you feedback concerning your final interview; however, we will endeavour to get a final response to you within 10-14days.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

Thank you and Kind Regards,
anyone else get this email? like its the common email or...should i be worried?

NewCrewMember 17th Mar 2009 15:38


Did you email them first? This sounds like an automated email telling you to wait. Everyone from my assesment either got a 'happy to inform you' email or an unsuccessful one. It sounds to me like they are just plowing through applications and you just need to be patient.


I have a two friends in other countrys that also have jobs with etihad. Both where due to start end of april and both were contacted to say training is cancelled until sep as they are awaiting aircraft. So it definately will not be before september as etihad have said this themselves.

But your right an email wouldn't hurt and we should be told straight cause this not knowing is no good for my heart!

still dreaming 17th Mar 2009 18:54

can somebody tell me how long does it take to get invitation mail from etihad? thanks:confused:

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