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kmp1 17th Jun 2007 11:01

Flitegirl, thanks for the info -- wow good deal for them....... And they'll probably still have to live with 10 people to pay rent in London! Anyway, do you know how long they have to decide ie: what date they have to decide if they want to go by?
Bali - good luck with your application!

flitegirl 17th Jun 2007 22:47

Actually kmp1, it's not such a great deal. The salary paid in the UK is pretty dismal compared to what we get paid in Australia. So the lump sum payments go some way to make the package more attractive.

smartalec888 18th Jun 2007 00:24

Bali: As for Australian culture just remember this: Neighbours is filmed in Ramsey St Mel, Home and Away in Sydney, Anzac biscuits came from Gallipoli and stuff with mateship. Add in a bit of Dick Smith.

That should get you off to a flying start.

kmp1 18th Jun 2007 15:25

Is it the same salary / contract as the QF UK crew are on who were hired out of the UK? If so, then I guess it is roughly the same amount of money, but just a lot more expensive to live in London I guess, so I see what you're saying.

kmp1 18th Jun 2007 15:27

Oh and smartalec888 - classic!! I was on the floor reading your post! Dick smith LMAO!!!

air doris 9th Jul 2007 15:06

I hope I'm wrong but the money situation doesn't sound that good, although the ex/re patriation money is sure to help. I think this deal is an experience only thing and not one to apply for if you want to save money. The salary is about the same as here in OZ excluding all the add on's such as DTA, overtime etc. However word is AO is having to short list due to too many applicants so it's great to see the enthusiasm there. Sixteen are due to leave in Sep followed by another 16 in Feb. Plus the fact that QF LHR is expected to get an A380 trainer I think it's going to be a great time for those going over. I wish them all the best and for those of you already at LHR you will love the bunch of people joining you, they are a really good mix of crew. I have the pleasure of being friends and collegues with many of them and I can guarantee you will enjoy working with them.

ianbeale 23rd Jul 2007 12:46

just a quick question,,,, are trips worked on "allocated working positions" or picked on seniority ?

Many thnks in advnce


Hyena 24th Jul 2007 17:54

Hi Ianbeale.....

Our trips are completely random. You may get a good spread of HKG, SIN and BKK but then there are crew who get all of one type, no BKK...etc etc....it really seems to be what the computer spits out. I personally have always had a fairly even spread but think this has been pure luck to date.

As for working positions on the aircraft....these are allocated but some managers allow you to pick where you work based on first come first serve.....

Hope that answers your Q,s


Hyena 24th Jul 2007 17:56

Any current QFUK crew heard there is a large recruitment drive at present???? Or is it just galley FM on the loose again?

I understand there are quite a few crew leaving......:sad:

Transition Layer 24th Jul 2007 21:04

I understand there are quite a few crew leaving......
I'm not cabin crew but sitting up the pointy end I have heard the same thing, it seems the flavour of the month is to pack your bags and run off with a techie of your choice (QF or Cathay!). :}

Hyena 24th Jul 2007 22:39

God, they must be desperate then :}:}:}:}:}

I think there is a lot of un happy people about. Could it be time to look at what QFUK earn in comparison to our Australian based colleagues???? It is always a hot topic on galley FM. How about a service related pay increase.....in the end there will be crew who have flown for longer yet earn near enough the same as an entry level recruit.....hardly fair.

Do the fat cats in QF really know what the cost of living in London and the UK really is????? By looking at it, far from it. I personally survive off what we earn....but is surviving really living???? :sad:

In the end.....money talks. There are a lot of people about who see QF as a stop gap...summer job.....something to do..... and in the end that will always rub off in the cabins.

But I guess somehow constant recruitment is cheaper than paying people more......but how is that going to allow us to offer a "world class service" when we are always "training" in our business and first class cabins......

Life goes on I suppose :ok:

buckleup_78 27th Jul 2007 14:11

Qantas Recruitment - Jul 07
I just got offered a welcome aboard interview with QFCCUK. It all sounds good but I am not so sure I understand the salary structure? Can anyone be bothered to answer the following:

GBP600 Grooming allowance? paid over the year or lump sum?
Sector Pay? by the length of the flight?
The recruiter didnt mention the allowances in port? these are cash? local currency on the day?

Sorry about all the questions. I am attending from Australia, Im British/Pom but been in Aus 6 yrs - wanting to return back to the homeland, seems like a good job to do so and retain some of the aussie that has been instilled in me the last few years! Just trying to figure out the financials and no point flying all that way without being fully informed!

ozskipper 28th Jul 2007 11:50

The grooming allowance is paid over a month period on a pro rata basis.

Sector pay is just over £100 per pattern (£50 per sector) and does increase if the sector is increased (but don't pin your hopes on it as it has to be a significant delay or increase).

Local allowances are paid in cash, tax free and in local currency.

dragonwithwagon 30th Jul 2007 19:26

Can you please advise how much you are paid in allowances

Am presuming you get it in local currency when you get downroute.

ladyflyby 30th Jul 2007 20:35

I had my telephone interview today - it caught me off guard! It felt like I was spouting utter gibberish! Ah well, I'll know my fate tomorrow :(

AIRHOSTIE:) 2nd Aug 2007 18:41

24th Sept Start Date
is anyone starting with Qantas Uk on the 24th sept?

just waited 9 months for a start date!!!

excited and scared!

pm or post on here if anyone else starting too


Sweetmissy 5th Aug 2007 18:42


I have my Welcome Aboard assesment day on the 15th August... am really looking forward to it.... Is anyone going on that day?

Sweetmissy x

Brace_Brace 8th Aug 2007 23:52

Hi every one!! :O

Can I please pick your brains for a minute please? :confused:
I live In Newcastle (NCL) and just wondering if you or any one you know commutes from up my way. If they do, how do they find it, money wise? Do QANTAS staff get discount on BA and if so after how long? LAST question I assure you, Do you get stand by duties together in a section or are they on every roster?

Advice and answers will be very much appreciated! And hope I can answer some of your questions sometime. :O


Hyena 9th Aug 2007 13:06

Hi Brace.....

Off the top of my head I cannot think of anyone that commutes from Newcastle. But we do have crew that commute from all over the place. France, Italy, Greece, Manchester, Wales.....to name a few.
You are not entitiled to staff travel until you pass your 6 month probationary period....but our staff travel is with BA and any one world airline member.
We do get standby days but they are first rostered as A days (available days) which up to 5 days before can be cleared....so become another day off....or you will know a day or 2 before that you will be on home stanby and must be available to report 90 min after you get called out....if you do that is. Its a hard one as since I started in the UK, I have been v lucky and never had a standby day.....:}:}:}
Hope this helps

tiggerific_69 10th Aug 2007 10:09

Hi Guys
Ive been reading up about Qantas,what is the best way of explaining/describing Australian Spirit? Ive googled it but cant find anything definitive,and i dont want to get caught out ;-)

Brace_Brace 10th Aug 2007 11:14

hyena thanks alot. :):):)

I’ve just finished the online application, all done and dusted now so I’ll just be waiting to hear from them. As I’ve just bought a house up here in the north commuting will be my only option. So I guess if I’m successful I’ll be ringing egg.com for an increase to fund my travel tickets. He he he.

raft rower 11th Aug 2007 07:35

Hi to all the QFUK crew, I'm, aussie based crew coming over next year in Feb, can't wait to start over there! Any suggestions of areas to live? have to rely on the public transport system. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. P.M me if you wish. Look forward to coming over and meeting and flying with you all! ;)

Hyena 12th Aug 2007 04:34

Hi Raft....

You can basically live anywhere you want. What it really comes down to is $$$$$....well pounds but i dont have one on this computer :}

Do you want to be within easy distance of London itself? Or is the commute to work more important?

Staying west of London will offer ease to both London and Heathrow. The downside is that most of the 'nicer' areas of London are in this area and with that can come a nice price tag for rentals. If you are coming over as a CSS or CSM then you will be in a better financial postion to afford more rent if you choose.....or blow your relocation allowance on it :}
Generally you will be looking at 400 pounds and upwards for your own room anywhere in London. This will be plus council tax and bills.

www.findaproperty.com is a great website that can help you navigate through all the areas around london and give you an idea of what renting is like and what you can get for your money. Keep in mind they have what is called council tax here which can vary from place to place and on the size of the property...so if its a 1 bed flat will it be cheaper than a 4 bed house.

If you are looking to move into an already existing house share..... www.gumtree.com is a good place to look at.

Good luck with the move.....:ok:

AIRHOSTIE:) 13th Aug 2007 11:13

Anyone Starting 24th Sept?
Hi Guys! is anyone else starting Qantas on the 24th Sept?
I am!!! PM me or message me on here if you are too? would be nice to know someone else on same course x
Airhostie :)

Claudinho 15th Aug 2007 23:50

Hey all,how are you all keeping? Just Wondering i got invited to an welcome aboard way for the 17th of aug. Would somebody be so kind and tell me what "kind" of questions i can be expecting in the 2to1 interview?


chemical alli 16th Aug 2007 10:57

just a quick tip for the uk crew,once employed and flying, get to the galley first and eat and drink saves on your overnite dollars especially singapore.also smile at the poor gingerbeer as he knows the cheap wine bars. good luck to all who applied and keep smiling

Brace_Brace 20th Aug 2007 10:02

phone interview
Hi guys, I have had a call off Qantas this morning and missed it, they left voice message so called them back. They took my name etc and said ……..? who is dealing with your file will call you back later today. Is this for a phone interview? Quick reply would be grand. :):):):):):)

Claudinho 20th Aug 2007 13:06

Yep if u didnt have ur phone interview,thats it then.

Best of luck !!


octagonal 20th Aug 2007 21:14

ozskipper, If you have filled out the no right to work option on the application would you automatically be removed from the selection process, if so anyone know the chance of getting working visa without sponsor?

loty 21st Aug 2007 16:58

I've noticed a few people have been saying QF pay isn't too great
anyone provide a general idea what kind of money you're getting in your account (after tax) each month?

I've been trying to work it out from bits of info..

sector pay £50 each = £400-£450
allowances = £240-£480
basic = £1000-£1100?
poss total £ coming in monthly= £1500-£1800 approx

is any of that correct?!
also assuming sector pay is taxed and allowances are minus whatever you spent downroute.. :} still, sounds like ok to me

anyone confirm/rectify?
much appreciate it! :ok:

Hyena 21st Aug 2007 17:11

Hey Loty.

I would say all in as a Flight Attendant you will take home 1400-1600 per month....this includes all allowances, sector pay and tax.
And that is not taking out what you would spend down route.....

At full flying hours per month you can expect to take home 1150 basic/sector pay after tax . So really what you end up earning will depend on where you fly to and how much you spend.

It is a livable wage but definately not the highest paid airline operating in the UK.


loty 21st Aug 2007 17:24

you STAR, thank you!

ozskipper 21st Aug 2007 19:35

Octagonal asks:

ozskipper, If you have filled out the no right to work option on the application would you automatically be removed from the selection process, if so anyone know the chance of getting working visa without sponsor?
If you don't have a right to live and work in the UK then no UK employer can legally employ you. So, you'll need to have a UK/EU passport, right of abode, ancestry visa or similar. If you are tertiary qualified and have earned a decent amount of money you could apply for a HSMP visa which is a working visa without a sponsor.

tashal_bb 22nd Aug 2007 13:37

Thanks for all the info.
Hi Hyena, T
hankyou very much for all ur info from the past. I finally made up my mind and sign that letter of offer.
See you over in London in a month time.
Tashal b

InterestinUK 22nd Aug 2007 22:43

Hi Galleychick,
I will shortly going for an interview with Qantas UK. Any advice or thoughts. How did you find the two years? I would love to see a roster also.

InterestinUK 22nd Aug 2007 22:47

Is that with Qantas UK? How was the interview? Any suggestions. Just waiting for my UK Visa.

tashal_bb 23rd Aug 2007 00:44

QF crew?
are you QF crew or outside applicant?... I didnt get ask to attend an interview. And got BFA position(current QF crew). But however I went for CSS interview but didnt get it.

octagonal 23rd Aug 2007 23:41

:)Thanks ozskipper for your info

glider12000 26th Aug 2007 16:02

I had an interview in November last year, but would like to reapply, would it be 6 months or 12 months before I reapply?

tashal_bb 26th Aug 2007 21:01

Its normally 6 months with QF. :)

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