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LGW Vulture 7th Sep 2009 15:07

"Has will departed rizon then ?"


Cyberdragon 7th Sep 2009 16:04

My advice is that his successor should start by having a good look at what is going on at Biggin Hill. As I've said before, I've never understood that part of the operation.

G-TTTT 7th Sep 2009 17:26

Cyberdragon: My advice is that his successor should start by having a good look at what is going on at Biggin Hill....

No AOC, no sales, no revenue, no website, no viable contracts; plenty of staff, plenty of overheads, and a bl**dy big empty hangar, with unfinished offices. Oh...and by his own PR statements they spent $17m on it, so plenty of debt.

NuName 8th Sep 2009 04:10

Why are so many of the posts so negative? I think its great to see a big shiney new hanger appear, and, hopefuly, full of big shiney aircraft one day. Do folks out there derive some kind of pleasure from the demise of companies such as these?

S.F.L.Y 8th Sep 2009 05:57

Why are so many of the posts so negative? I think its great to see a big shiney new hanger appear, and, hopefuly, full of big shiney aircraft one day. Do folks out there derive some kind of pleasure from the demise of companies such as these?
Well, it's more than a year they are building a website... this isn't really showing commercial motivation...

NuName 8th Sep 2009 07:39

Well thats true, but, the work progresses on the hanger, planning permission has been granted for the hotel. In the current financial climate if things are a bit slow what the hell as long as they get there.

Daifly 8th Sep 2009 08:14


We are in aviation, we should spell it correctly.

Best regards,

Spelling Police

Von Klinkerhoffen 8th Sep 2009 08:35

Well , for Curtis it seems hangEr may be the more appropriate spelling ! Guess his loyal , but not greedy , followers must be quaking in their boots too without his protection now...oh how the mighty fall :mad: !

Cyberdragon 8th Sep 2009 09:32

Who said anything about the demise of this company?

NuName 8th Sep 2009 11:29

I did, ok, because if you look at all the posts that seems to be the underlying insinuation.

Hope my spelling is ok for you.:rolleyes: Guess you never have a typo in haste. Anyway, you say were are in aviation, I might be in the garment industry.

Best of luck to Rizon, just what is needed right now, a bit of confidence in the market. And presumably, a few jobs for folks.

pt-wind 8th Sep 2009 11:53

Nu name: Rizon will survive and get stronger simply because those "loyal, but not greedy, followers" that remain will switch to a corporate agenda focused on their survival. The previous protagonist has spent a lifetime running to his personal agenda, regardless of what it did to his loyal followers. Being abandoned by him twice in two years will not go unnoticed. Good luck to them today - they deserve a better boss

Von Klinkerhoffen 8th Sep 2009 15:28

Wise words pt-wind , wise words :D:D:D

Daifly 8th Sep 2009 16:01

NuName - I said "we are", not "were", which in any case would actually be "we're" - with the apostrophe. And for clarity "thats" also has an apostrophe, making it "that's". :ok:

I think we do have confidence in the industry, but perhaps not so much confidence in everyone who works in it.

"Abandoned"? Well, once bitten, twice shy. Let's hope they learn from it then as they obviously didn't the first time.

(I don't know why I'm being so antagonistic today. Sorry).

StressFree 8th Sep 2009 17:06

Fool me once - shame on you
Fool me twice - shame on me


just.drill.it.out 8th Sep 2009 19:27

heard today that the group D.O.M and the Q.A, who if anyone knows are Curtis followers have also left...how many more to go??

Cyberdragon 8th Sep 2009 19:53

PT-WIND Are you sure they are loyal to their leader or are they just loyal to their wallets?!

JUST DRILL is informed. Laurel and Hardy, so sorry, the Director of Maintenance and the Director of Quality have also left. Like their beloved leader, they also have recruited good people whom are now high and dry in an organization that is suddenly having a reality check. The story goes, and this may not be correct, that this double act are heading for the Maldives. Can anyone confirm please?

What does BHAL make of all this? Still pushing on with the hotel?

Von Klinkerhoffen 8th Sep 2009 20:26

Have heard the same rumour too regarding Laurel and Hardy !

NuName 8th Sep 2009 22:44

No one can deny the investment in Biggin Hill. If? you all are real players in the future of GA in the UK you should be supportive. Even if I spelt it wrong.

pt-wind 9th Sep 2009 07:04

The bosses of RBS thought they were 'investing' when they acquired ABN-Amro; they just happened to take the world to the brink of economic collapse. No one can deny Rizon have invested in EGKB; but investment must be productive, creating real sustainable long term jobs and prosperity, not a quick spark that extinguishes others in the process. Where are the jobs? Where is the new business that will create more jobs?
All WC did was move a few people around, create a false market, pay short term silly money, and leave lives and careers the worse off. Bit like Jet Republic. If we are ever to climb out of this recession, we need sensible sales-concentrated efforts to increase trade and hence create growth. You can count the sum total of new clients of JR and RJ on the fingers of one hand (and still have free ones to pick your nose)... and those clients only switched from other businesses.

Business needs to get off this marketing merry-go-round, stop the hype and get back to justifying bizav to a wider community. That, Nu Name, is when we should endorse 'investment' in our industry, not by building an over-rpiced empty shell of a hangar that, as of today, has no customers knocking on the front door.

NuName 9th Sep 2009 08:08

Is Rizon's new hangar overpriced? Just an empty shell? How could one speculate on their potential business unless one was privy to their business plan. It is clear that they have invested a great deal of money in the project, so one would imagine they gave it a great deal of thought before doing so. I for one have shown interest in placing an aircraft there, and may well do so. The facility will provide for engineering, hangarage and a high level VIP lounge, just what I and many others need, not to mention the sorely needed hotel. The jobs will not arrive before the facilities will they?
That, pt-wind, is when we should recognise the fact that investment is a calculated risk that has to go before the reward of successful business. That hangar will be a great asset at Biggin where hangarage of medium to large business jets is at a premium. Seems to me that some folks have an agenda behind their negativity.

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