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-   -   GAMA Puff Piece In P1 Magazine. Naughty, Naughty. (https://www.pprune.org/biz-jets-ag-flying-ga-etc/363779-gama-puff-piece-p1-magazine-naughty-naughty.html)

Flintstone 26th Feb 2009 00:32

GAMA Puff Piece In P1 Magazine. Naughty, Naughty.
Anyone seen the new magazine 'P1'? Apparently it's "Fresh Air For Business Aviation". If accuracy is a requirement for good journalism though it's not off to a terribly good start.

The ad (sorry, article :E ) on Gama proclaims "Within this cavernous, well-lit and scrupulously clean arena is a dazzling array of executive jets, all of which are either owned or managed by Gama." Except errrr, the accompanying photo shows at least two 'dazzling' aircraft managed by TAG. Did Gama get permission from the aircraft owners to use their aircraft in this way do you think? Aren't we supposed to be the souls of discretion in our little branch of the industry?

Oh dear.

pilotbear 26th Feb 2009 03:15

that's very cynical of you flinty. Please get back to that unbiased, level headed reflective, considered opinion that we are all used to:E

INNflight 26th Feb 2009 06:39

It's a conspiracy and Gama wanted to indicate humbly that they actually own TAG, it's just that nobody knows so far :}


Did Gama get permission from the aircraft owners to use their aircraft in this way do you think?
They actually wouldn't need to have that (saying that because I still work part-time as photographer), all they'd need is the permission from the photographer who took it (edit: and the owner of the location, i.e. the FBO?). If you take a photo in a pub you'd need the owner's permission, but wouldn't need permission of Heineken for example, just because a bottle of their beer is on a table, unless their trademark / logo is the main point of focus in the photo.

(Of course I haven't seen the ad, just posting because it's early and I'm too lazy to go work out ;))

Daifly 26th Feb 2009 07:27

The photographer was supposed to do some airbrushing...

We've already been bollocked by TAG don't worry Flinty, but I'll add your thoughts to my inevitable guilt trip :-(

(I could launch into the corporate bit now about anonymity being what we've done for over 25 years, but needless to say a **** up is a **** up, and we didn't edit it!
In P1's defence the writer wasn't there on the same day as the photographer (just to shatter Flinty's illusions!) and when he was it was just our kit in the hangar.)

Why's everyone so keen to stab each other in the back at the moment though? - we're just trying to keep everyone employed and yet there's always someone ready to have a go over the slighest thing. We're not responsible for the global meltdown, a bit of solidarity in "our little banch of the industry" would nice for a while, jeez there'll be enough time for salacious stuff when RBS post a $24Bn PROFIT...

I await the comments....

His dudeness 26th Feb 2009 07:32

a bit of solidarity in "our little banch of the industry" would nice for a while,

Thats a good one, stop it man, IŽll die laughing!

Daifly 26th Feb 2009 08:01

Yeah, good point, not sure what came over me there :-D

'Chuffer' Dandridge 26th Feb 2009 08:44

Sod the biz jets, I thought the blonde was rather nice:E

Flintstone 26th Feb 2009 11:10

Ooops, my post was meant to be tongue in cheek. Must use the emoticon thingies more often.

Daifly. Didn't realise those in the glass offices had told you off. Sorry :\

Innflight. I understand copyright, the photographer would have needed TAG's permission. Something that I doubt they'd have got TAG known how the writer was going to use the photo. That's all dreadfully serious and gloomy stuff though so let's not dwell on it.

Instead let's turn to page 19 of said publication and the article titled "Banner Year For Air Partner". Now where was that a month or so ago when some oik whose name escapes me started a thread bashing Air Partner? Then again if, as the article claims, AP made so much money how come their shares are down so much*? See what happens when I venture into serious subjects? I get confused.

As for the magazine if there were an award for upbeat journalism they'd get it. They've also included a handy little section on new aircraft listing performance, range, price and the like so when those pesky passengers ask "What's that one over there and how high/fast/far can it go?" I can whip it out (oooer) and dazzle them with my knowledge.

* I know, I know. The world economy, global warming, carbon arseprints, Bob Geldof, Bono, Feed The Welsh etc.

merlinxx 26th Feb 2009 12:45

Er Flinty
Apologies Thread drift here folks:oh:
* feed the Welsh, we can feed ourselves thank you:ok: Best lamb you can get & just like the Romseys, fed on salt marsh fodder & upland sweet grass:ok: Also we're still going for the 6 Nsations so can't be all that bad:E (though I detest bloody Brains SA, ain't called 'skull attack' for nothing, feckin bilge water:yuk:0

CelticTech 26th Feb 2009 16:06

Feed the Welsh indeed!
Well said there Merlin, the Welsh are scattered far and wide in this fine industry but be sure they carry with them a great work ethic and Celtic pride.:ok:

Flintstone 26th Feb 2009 16:44

:rolleyes: They say humour is wasted on the young. You boy(o)s are obviously not Smith & Jones fans then?

BizJetJockey 26th Feb 2009 17:48

Let's not get into the Rugger debate...i'm already ashamed enough as it is without the Welsh gloating!!! Well done though...marvelous stuff!!:D:p

Paradise Lost 26th Feb 2009 18:19

Them thar sheeps
I never could work out why the Welsh would eat their girlfriends....sort of cannibalism I guess. Wot the hell did this thread start out about? Baaaa.http://static.pprune.org/images/icons/x.gif

merlinxx 26th Feb 2009 18:21

Further thread drift, for the non Taffia Mafia..
Handel Davies, google the chap, I was born (though much later) in the same village.
And hey you lot, I think I may have a few years on all of ya:ok::E

Now back to me very old Bushmills:E:E:E:ok::ok:

Mooncat & Co 26th Feb 2009 19:32

WALES..............Country or County? :yuk:

learjet50 26th Feb 2009 19:50

Well said D

dont let em get u down

Uncle Gezza

The Canal Boat Man from the North

Regards to P

C U Soon

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