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flybypilot 16th Sep 2008 13:49

Incident in Jersey
Heard that a Citation may have had "issues" in Jersey yesterday, anyone able to shed any light on it?

dc9-32 16th Sep 2008 14:14

Do you mean "issues" :confused:

flybypilot 16th Sep 2008 14:18

Sorry grammar police, yes I meant "issues". Now on with the point......

dc9-32 16th Sep 2008 14:23

Now that we have cleared that up, no, nothing heard :mad:

Raven30 16th Sep 2008 14:45

BBC Local News

Heard (third hand!)that it didn't actually leave the ground, so it was possibly a high speed abort.

Flintstone 16th Sep 2008 17:00

It got airborne but landed again? The way the BBC write that it sounds like a touchdown immediately after rotation. Surely not?

Chinchilla.612 16th Sep 2008 17:03

It was a high speed aborted takeoff due to a technical fault, and no it did not leave the ground.
Nothing exciting I'm afraid.

Flintstone 16th Sep 2008 17:11

Nothing exciting?

Aircraft makes high speed abort. Fire and mayhem and it's "Nothing exciting"?

Kudos :cool:

C'monnnn. You can do better than that (please?). Type? Reg? Nature of the 'technical fault'? Souls on board? All ok?

Don't make me come round there.

merlinxx 16th Sep 2008 21:34

Check your post for spelling and grammar please? Heck yes, and capitalisation.

Duck Rogers 16th Sep 2008 22:42

Done. All part of the service.

Anything else you'd like?


Sepp 16th Sep 2008 23:09

No, the park brake isn't also the emergency brake on a CJ.

Incidentally, a Sierra Eagle II will quite happly set off at quite a lick with the park brake set, should a happy chap carelessly set takeoff pwr, but sadly the wheels will not be a rollin'. Smoke - and quite possibly flames - would shortly ensue, if only from the CP's nostrils.

Finally, attempting to set the control locks on any Citation derivative whilst in motion would be a very, very silly thing to do.... nostrils, again.

(sotto) ... as would leaving a drawer open in an aircraft in a dark hangar, so the said CP skins his shin when climbing aboard early one morning. :suspect:

G-SPOTs Lost 17th Sep 2008 06:22

I may be very wrong
Errrr in a word yes

flybypilot 17th Sep 2008 15:09

So what else do we know, was it a commercial operator or private owner? Cant be a nothing with an undercarriage on fire and the AAIB involved?!

VCR 19th Sep 2008 11:08

Wasn't you was it Chinchilla? ;)

hedgehopper 19th Sep 2008 12:54

Plane catches fire as take-off is aborted News This Is Jersey

This may help.

Chinchilla.612 21st Sep 2008 21:10

No, am glad to say I wasn't flying it that day.
Having to stop from high speed and then finding ones brakes overheat and catch on fire isn't my idea of a fun day.

VCR 22nd Sep 2008 08:47

Almost as much fun as rolling a Vigilant eh? ;):}

Chinchilla.612 22nd Sep 2008 09:58

Rolling .... in a Vigilant.....surely not! Now go and wash your mouth out with soap and water for even suggesting such a thing lol. You'll be telling me you loop or spin them next :p

Phil Brockwell 23rd Sep 2008 14:09

Who wants to start the countdown before the EBJ lawyers have that post removed.

African Drunk 23rd Sep 2008 14:15

Phil you're being cynical again.

Duck Rogers 23rd Sep 2008 14:37

It's been sidelined for consideration. As much for the poster's benefit as anything else. Not sure how deep his/her pockets are.

Phil Brockwell 23rd Sep 2008 15:42

Must admit, without qualification it was a bit near the knuckle, good to see you vigilant as ever Duck.

dc9-32 23rd Sep 2008 18:27

Whatever was on the "side line posting" doesn't mean much really. Surely EBJ have nothing to hide but then it is strange that they weren't mentioned sooner.

Just a question, and no malice intended, but can EBJ afford lawyers anyway :confused:

Duck Rogers 24th Sep 2008 11:59

From time to time is does us all good to refresh our memories as to what we can and cannot write in places such as this. I'm all for free speech but the internet does not give us carte blanche. In theory any of us can be called upon to back up our statements (allegations?) if those who feel sleighted (correctly spelled, feel free to Google) have deep enough pockets and good enough lawyers.

In this instance I removed the post to give the poster time to reflect. Believe it or not I try to keep people out of trouble where I think things have been written in the heat of the moment or late at night after Baccus has visited. If they are sure that's what they wanted to write and can back it up when the MiB come knocking that's fine by me providing it does not drag PPRuNe into the resulting melee.

Lecture over. Here's your ball back. Play on.

Zorst 24th Sep 2008 19:39

...and unfortunately there are many side-effects of that sort of, ahem, moderation.

One of which is the credence it lends to everything left standing on the site...

Duck Rogers 24th Sep 2008 20:44

....and it also gives people the chance to avoid embarrasing mistakes, as seems to be have been the case here.

My 'moderation' was confined to withdrawing the post and asking the poster if they wished it to be reinstated. Show me another site where that happens.

eyeinthesky 25th Sep 2008 20:13

Baccus? Who he?

From Wikipedia:

Dionysus or Dionysos (in Greek, Διόνυσος or Διώνυσος; associated with Roman Liber), is the god of wine... He was also known as Bacchus

Sorry... you did ask us to check odd spellings!:p

Flintstone 25th Sep 2008 20:37

In other words,DPP*.

*Don't Post Pissed.

helldog 26th Sep 2008 09:46

Duck, fair points made me thinks. The point of this thread has changed a bit, but while we have your attention I have a question. Why do you not delete posts that only complain about spelling and grammar? They are a waste of space and a waste of people's reading time, and they often start pointless arguments. Many of the posts are by people for whom English is a second language. And some by guys like me who are only good at burning big holes in the sky.

Thanks in advance for your reply Duck. Oh, and I will not enter into any arguments about my post after the spelling police have picked through my post:ok:

Duck Rogers 26th Sep 2008 16:52

Nowt wrong with your post. Spelling and everything was fine.

I leave the posts from the grammar and spelling police because I'm a power crazy pedant :}

Anyway, half of you lot wouldn't come in here if there were no chance of a fight.

helldog 27th Sep 2008 08:06

Yeah fair enuff. Now lets get back to that CJ. Is she up and flying again yet?

dc9-32 27th Sep 2008 16:30

Maybe someone from EBJ can shed some light on this "hushed up" event....:bored:

Flintstone 27th Sep 2008 16:54

It's being hushed up? How? Oooh, I do love a good conspiracy.

On the other hand I heard that the faulty part (valve) is a known problem acknowledged by Cessna but which they haven't publicised. If that's the case I don't see how the operators can be blamed.

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