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currawong 25th Mar 2006 10:11

Number of posts does not maketh the man, rotaryman.

Agree, should not have been named. That is what the PM system is for:ok:

Debate can be "robust" in this part of the world.

Some of these folks are new here, just as you were once, and I.

As for hiding behind a screen name? Pull the other one, big fella.

We both know the forum would be rendered totally ineffective without anonymity.

Good day to you.

Wirecutter 25th Mar 2006 11:34

Rotaryman, obviously you don't fly ag if you don't see the ramifications of this idiots actions of appearing on this show to earn himself 15 minutes of fame and a few dollars. After all the good work of the AAAA's to improve our image it gets ruined by some w--ker stuck in the 80's. The 'cowboy' days are over, get over it.

rotaryman 25th Mar 2006 11:41


WoW no one could ever accuse you of being the Sharpest Tool in the Shed could they mate? Tool maybe !!:} I stated 4 posts ago i know nothing about AG!! My post relates to the wankers who feel its o.k to post the personal details of the Pilot on a Public Forum!!
Ive also stated thats its a T.V Show! he has done nothing illegal or anything to be ashamed of..
Let me suggest you Read all the posts before you open your mouth, best to let us think your a tool than open your mouth and remove all doubt!!
Any sane person would relalise its a T.V Show!! Hello!!
Ive said my peace with regard this Thread!!

Duke 666 25th Mar 2006 18:42

Rotor Mouth
Glad to hear you have said your peace for it is the most **** I have seen written for quite a while, you may have to go back to ROTORHEADS forum and get angry about something that you know about. If your point is purely about the phone number and name being posted that is all you had to say for you really have come across as a ****** now.

rotaryman 25th Mar 2006 22:12

Duke 666:

Did you have something constructive to say?

Yet another useful value adding post from duke 666
w anker !!!:mad: :mad:

biggles190 25th Mar 2006 23:28

I dont know how many of you have flown ag in this area but it is already a big enough sh it fight as it is.
With grapes, bad wires in some areas, piggeries, chook houses, houses and roads everywhere, it makes for hard work and plenty attention being paid to outside the job, including looking after the industries reputation for next time.
I also beleive if he had anything more than water in the load he could be charged and/or have his chemical license revoked for releasing chemical above spray height.
I also hope his previous and prospective clients take into account his actions and the effect it does have on the general public and their ability to get jobs completed with the minimum of fuss in the future. Any ag pilot already has it hard enough as a person who flies madly around applying deadly chemicals in the average publics eye.
Those who watch this show don't have a grip on reality as a property run like this with so many problems would have gone broke years ago, it's just a shame the show has not gone this way!!!

Wirecutter 26th Mar 2006 01:32

You are absolutely correct i didn't need you to spell it out to me twice. The lack of concern about how this whole episode portrays us to the public should have told me that you don't know anything about ag aviation.
I guess i'm not the rocket scientist my mother was hoping for after all.

I suppose you think we should all ring this guy and thank him for doing us all a big favour. The speed and passion with which you are replying to this thread one can only wonder about your motive. Are you romantically/financially linked to this pilot/moviestar or are you the man himself.

rotaryman 26th Mar 2006 01:47


Your a Laugh a Minute!!:yuk:

My motive has only been to set the record straight! i don;t know the Man in Question and as previously stated i no nothing of AG spraying using Fixwing A/C.

I just have a problem with small minded individulas like yourself! Do you not have enough faith in your Industry that 1 man ACTING out a role in a fictional T.V SHOW could damage the otherwise Good reputation of Profeshional AG Operators?

Get Serious Man!!! Or are you saying the general Population don't know the difference between fact or Fiction?:ugh:

Or are you Upsett the T.V producers didn't ask you?

Duke 666 26th Mar 2006 07:42

I am now convinced that you are sexually frustrated and I think you need to go and rub one out over the latest rotary section of your chosen magazine!
You are not understanding what everyone else on this forum is, and that is that the episode on Mcleods daughters was damaging to our industry and that the average Joe would not be able to sit in his lounge chair and say that,"it is only a show so I must think that Ag Pilots don't do this in real life"
I think that you may well be the W*****ker in this forum and after all I if I am understanding what you said in a previous post correctly you had said all you had to say so I think it is time for you to Neck Up!
Duke 666

rotaryman 26th Mar 2006 07:50

Duke 666:

As i sit here reading your Rantings Pissing myself Laughing! IVE COME TO REALISE YOUR A BIGGER ******** THAN FIRST REALISED!!!

grow up dopey and come back when you have something constructive to add!

Duke 666 26th Mar 2006 08:30

I have plenty to add that is constructive, but I thought you were leaving this thread? Maybe you have already rubbed one out and are just bored? anyway aslong as you are happy old mate! It would be good if you could see the point of what has been said on this thread as far as the damage to the industry side of it goes but if you think different that is your choice!
Keep it safe anyway Rotaryman.
Duke 666

rotaryman 26th Mar 2006 08:42

Duke 666:

If you have something constructive to add to this debate please free!! Don't deprive the other Board members of your Wisdom!!

As for me leaving the thread! well that was my intention, but that would have been rude of me not to reply to your Rantings!!

As for understanding Any damage to your industry! sorry ole chap i disagree! The only damage being done is from small minded individulas like yourself who can't see the forest for the Tree's.....

You also seem to have some kind of Fixation about masterbation!!! best you get that sorted..:eek: it only serves to demonstrate your lack of inteligence.

fitternturner 26th Mar 2006 09:01

kids, we are going to loose this forum as well like every other anonymous ag pilot forum in the world if the name calling doesn't stop!

currawong 26th Mar 2006 09:35

Keep it clean, fellas.

This forum hasn't been around for long - it took a lot longer to get it. We are lucky to have it.

It would not be the first to be yanked off Prune for participants not performing in an appropriate manner.

Also, beware of wind ups.;)

And, we may yet hear another side to the story.

Fuzzy Bear 26th Mar 2006 09:36

Rotary Man
I think we should all quit while we are ahead. Thank you for your input, I too feel things are getting out of hand. Duke did make the point that maybe you are missing the essential truth here, i do respect your opinion, not that I totally agree but I won't resort to calling you a w-nker and the likes of that. I don't know what experience you have had in the rotary wing industry but I have had the pleasure of meeting quite a few guys who fly helicopters in fire bombing campaigns over the last couple of years and have the utmost respect for them as pilots and as people and understand what their work is all about and how far a field it takes them. So please look back through the threads and see it for what it is (minus the name calling), we have taken this whole thing as a personal slur and don't really want the publicity in this form. I know you say it's only show biz but believe me, there is a lot of gullible people out there.


Trev007 26th Mar 2006 10:46

the reason he was named is so that everyone knows who he is and does not make the mistake of giving him a job or helping him in the industry
i hope rotor man has taken some medication and left for his own forum:{
if he did not want recognition and people to know who he was maybe he should have said no to the job and let mccleods go with out an aircraft -a much better outcome all round

Big Nasty 26th Mar 2006 10:54

I think we have wasted enough time on this bloke and this topic lets move on
Seems to me everyone except his brother rotor boy has the same opinion so hopefully the industry is rid of him now
It has been very interesting seeing the responses from the helo industry who know stuff all about ag - think all that shaking upsets their sense of humour:{

biggles190 26th Mar 2006 11:11

The Helo ag industry knows. Do some reasearch on the Bell 206 that ditched in Tasmania with a load still aboard.
It nearly stopped all aerial spraying in that state.
Unless you do aerial ag work, you dont know what it's like to be treated like the devils brother!

rotaryman 26th Mar 2006 11:57


whats your point!!?

Oh you saying only Helicopter AG aircraft crash!! yea right!!!

you guys have a bad reputation for a reason...

Big Nasty:
And all those Chemicals must upsett your sense of reason, like many others on this forum...Grow Up!! i'm entitled to an Oppinion and i have expressed it!


topendtorque 26th Mar 2006 20:56

Interesting foruim. I feel sorry for 3 way, in his bomb shelter taking cover from the full on mortared friendly fire. Not much wonder the Melbourne coppers have gone quiet, they too would be under cover. Heh heh.

May I respectfully add a couple of cents worth? Firstly it is totally unethical to publicly name in any medium in derogatory manner anyone’s details unless you do it under parlimentary privelege.
References in this country can only be given after consent from the subject, it’s best for legal reasons to politely decline to give any if you can’t do that in good light.

The story line to my mind is the most damaging. Esepcially as I’m told that the TV program concerned tend to go out of their way to portray life in the bush as real as per their program.
Anyone who watches ‘Landline’ would now know that Ag-Work happens regularly on Organic farming and not with nasty chemicals, but too late, the damage has been done.

Similarly sixty minutes viewers would note how much damage was intended to be protrayed via that program to the live export industry, with presentation of supposed Australian cattle, none of which were.

There are only 3,500 members of Animals Australia in this country (Including affiliates). They, like the Tassie 206 incident, have the capacity to make your llife a misery when they are coupled with exploitable media.

The main problem is that 94% of OZ population live in cities or the seaboard and couldn’t give a rat’s backside for the 6% that include all of your good selves and what you all do for the GDP of this country. You are very vulnerable as most rural industries are geared up to 90% for export.

What will be the next story line; the little pet sheep has been stolen and injured and is filmed being live-exported and beng dragged to its demise in some Arabic country. These programs are the vehicle for advertising by all and sundry, It’s easy to see the ‘ban live exports’ sticker on the fridge or hear the line, ‘I don’t eat beef only chicken’ etc etc. Those lines can cost a couple of grand each.

There is crisis mangement teams avbl to all rural industries including yours, take the issue to your AAAA exec. Surely Pprune wouldn’t mind if AAAA’s generalized management of this issue were hinted at on this forum. After all, its stands for “PROFESSIONALS”.

Ag-work, me? Don’t ask, never been , never will, but I was right in the middle of the endosulfan war between the cow and cotton cockies in the early nineties, until commen sense sent someone to talk to your pros. Result-- good SOP’s – no more war--and -- no more nasties found in exported meat.

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