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-   -   I find documentary music instrusive - very annoying! (https://www.pprune.org/aviation-history-nostalgia/71305-i-find-documentary-music-instrusive-very-annoying.html)

CamelPilot 31st Oct 2002 08:43

I find documentary music instrusive - very annoying!
I watched "Allies at War" the other night and I got seriously fed up with the sound of bloody clarinet playing deep dark notes in the background while the narration was going on and while important war documents were being read. All through the programme the guy with music button seemed to be trying to win an oscar!

They are all at it. "Dambusters Revealed" also had a lot of uneccessary music, which doesn't in my view add to the programme. Bombers attacking a dam isn't the place to put music! Then Discovery Wings has too much music, so do many other programmes. What is the matter with producers these days? A good narrative well spoken is far better than the terrible choice of music they use, or music at all.

Well that's my view and I'm sticking to it.

treadigraph 31st Oct 2002 10:44

Totally agree. There's a time for music, and it's the start and end of the programme and just occasionally in between.

And American stuff is even worse with that inane "elevator" rock music played incessantly...

And in a similar vein - airshow organisers: don't play music while warbirds are displaying - we like to hear the sound of the aircraft!

DamienB 31st Oct 2002 10:49

I thought the music in the attack sequence on the Dambusters proggy the other night was rather good (bear in mind who the programme was aimed at - a generation who have never heard of Bomber Command) - but generally I agree, it can be awful.

411A 31st Oct 2002 13:11

About a year ago on US television, a very interesting documentary regarding the history of commercial aviation was presented, in three two-hour parts.
Yet, on each sequence, just when the narrative was most interesting (Juan Trippe & PanAmerican, Donald Douglas, Lockheed...etc.) the music blared forth to completely drown out any understanding of what was said.
Nice pictures though.

ID90 31st Oct 2002 18:01

I think there is a place for appropriate 'music' in documentary items as it can help to give those of too young to have been there a taste of what was part of the everyday lives of those involved - however it's all down to editing as to whether it's successful or not - often in can ruin the moment. As for airshows, I won't forget the BoB 60th anniversary show at Duxford, when, as two Hurricanes ran from left to right, Winston's 'Never in the field of human conflict' boomed out over the p.a. - it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Fantastic moment. Also, I'm never disapointed to hear the theme to '633 Squadron' - just sad that we don't have a Mosquito to accompany it anymore...

Aerohack 31st Oct 2002 18:18

treadigraph: with you all the way about musical accompaniment to warbirds at airshows. But does anyone else share fond memories of The Skyhawks performing synchronised aerobatics to Pink Floyd's 'Shine on you crazy diamond'? Now that was a class act!

Iron City 31st Oct 2002 19:46

You wouldn't even like the "Dambusters March"?

Sometimes music can add tremendously to the effect of a program, but poorly edited/integrated music does detract.

BAE had a promo movie for the Hawk TR Mk something or other years ago featuring (who else) the Red Arrows. Deafening undistinguished rock soundtrack. But who cared, great video and they turned the music down when interviewing.

treadigraph 1st Nov 2002 08:05

Aerohack, spot on!

The Skyhawks and Pink Floyd are indeed a very honourable exception - one of my very favourite pieces of music AND a beautiful balletic routine...


Aerohack 1st Nov 2002 08:31

Treaders: Ah, nostalgia! No chance of persuading Brendan and John Taylor to start it up again, I suppose? I also recall a German duo doing aerobatics to music in Lo 100 sailplanes at Farnborough one year. Didn't quite have that spine-tingling effect that The Skyhawks/Floyd always had on me, but a great counterpoint to all the whizz-bang stuff.

Pom Pax 1st Nov 2002 08:33

Whilst I agree with all that has been posted, I am reminded that an aunt of mine made this remark with regards to film music some 50 years ago.

I believe that probelm is us not the music. With advancing years and failing hearing the music annoyance increases. I may be only speaking for myself but reception in the speech range is poor but the music range has not diminished in proportion. As result one increases the volume to hear the speech and so causes the music to intrude even more.

I thought for a while that radials were only good for noise.
I'm even not sure about this statement (ask my left ear).
ehwatezedoing in Are Turbines Ruining Aviation?

That statement made me add radials to my list of rifle shooting, racing cars and rock drills as things to blame.

You want it when? 1st Nov 2002 10:46

Too loud maybe, not correct yep - but better than silence or static crackle.

Slightly off topic - but having seen the recent Zurich adverts (pigs flying to Battle of Britain March and 633 Squadron) in the UK, I had to go out and buy a record deck and dig out my old LP - "RAF Band, 50th Anniversary" great big brass band music.

Course that still wasn't enough so I went and bought 633 Squadron on video (sound is very poor at the end though).

I then thought "what the hey" and bought the film Battle of Britain - Excellent lines and a great cast.

At which point my wife gave up and left the room.

Still not invested anything in Zurich bank, or moved my account but "Thanks Guys", great marketing.

treadigraph 1st Nov 2002 11:09


Ah, those were the days... airshows were fun!

I remember seeing the Lo 100s at Biggin - as I recall the display ended with a low - and I mean low - inverted pass down the runway with a pushup over the valley, then round to land. And with energy to spare... good little gliders they were. Think the Skyhawks were on the same bill, though Brendan was probably playing with large lorries by this time...

While on the subject of music, it's irritating anytime it intrudes - but why is it that in pubs, crap music is alway played loud and great music is barely audible? Yes, I know, I'm getting older...

And re the Battle of Britain film - the muisic the accompanies the battle at the end of the film (September 15th?) is superb... just right. Was that the William Walton bit?

tony draper 1st Nov 2002 14:52

I find the way the volume is boosted during advertising breaks even more annoying, seems even worse with modern TV set with surround sound.
The companies constantly deny that this is done but I think that is bollix, set the sound to a nice comfortable level, and during the break you get deafened.

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