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-   -   Vulcan to fly today (https://www.pprune.org/aviation-history-nostalgia/296719-vulcan-fly-today.html)

ExSimGuy 18th Oct 2007 12:22

From where I am (and a 250kb sat internet link), the "Vulcan Cameras" had a pathetic bandwidth capability (including the one on the sponsor's site!-what an advert for them)

Sky (web-site) showed (from what I saw of it -I was switching back to the Vulcan site and froze Sky to give Vulcan the opportunity to give me bandwidth - which it didn't!) some 30 seconds of the take-off,and that was it!

Okay, Ms Bhutto may challenge the leadership of the country in the future, but we are also interested in our country's history! Shame on Sky for giving so little coverage to the technology and skills of Britain!

I guess I'll just have to wait until my vacation time coincides with the Vulcan performing a take-off and landing at the RAFA Air Show at Shoreham ;) :uhoh:

Mintflavour 18th Oct 2007 12:23

Don't mean to make you all jealous but the vulcan flew over my work just north of Northampton at about 1pm heading NW at about 1000-1500ft with under carraige down, Sounded great. Made my day.


ExSimGuy 18th Oct 2007 12:24

Don't mean to make you all jealous
Lucky Bar-Steward!

jez d 18th Oct 2007 12:26

Here ya go :ok:


Return to base 18th Oct 2007 12:39

Sky are probably pandering to the large number of Ms Bhutto fellow countrymen who now live in the UK and who are not really interested in our country's history.
Mind you I have the impression that very few of our politicians worry about it either:{


treadigraph 18th Oct 2007 12:53

Congratulations, wonderful news on a lovely day. :ok:

Even though my heart is piston-powered, there is summat special about the Vulcan

Return to base 18th Oct 2007 12:55

The Sky jounalist who stated that can we the public, really justify spending lottery money on it is probably one of those who agree on more lottery money being milked off to pay for an event where competitors can say to each other
"my undetected drug is better than your undetected drug":=


Diamond_Dog 18th Oct 2007 12:58

Fantastic news! Can't wait to get home from work and seem it for myself!

RealSlimShady.. With regard to the crew. I don't know about the rest of the guys but if Martin Withers is anything to go by then he is a highly experienced Vulcan Pilot and if he's on current form then even better.. He commanded the first Vulcan (607) mission on Port Stanley.

Absolutely top job by all who have and are working on this project. I take my hat off to you all..:)

Lima Juliet 18th Oct 2007 13:22

Congratulations to the Vulcan to the Sky Team - in particular Taff Stone and Dave Thomas (old muckers of mine). I'm just so sad that I missed it as I am in the desert at HM's request...Rubbish!:{


The Real Slim Shady 18th Oct 2007 13:33

DiamondDog, I'm not passing any comment against Martin's flying skills or anyone else's for that matter, simply observing that he "appears" ( according to the website) to be the only one in current flying practice on a large aircraft and in possession of an ATPL.

And the tense should be "was"

but if Martin Withers is anything to go by then he is a highly experienced Vulcan Pilot
Nevertheless, well done to everyone who got the beastie airborne again.

Dop 18th Oct 2007 13:59


Excellent news.

ALTSEL 18th Oct 2007 14:07

GREAT BRITAIN PLC...................and we will win the rugby this weekend as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WICKED.

you boy's at Bruntingthorpe deserve a medal.

JW411 18th Oct 2007 14:15

Surely Al McDicken is/was a test pilot for BAe?

If I were to trust anyone with my Vulcan I would rather have a fully qualified test pilot rather than any old sh*g whose only claim to fame is a current ATPL and experience on large aeroplanes.

Thousands of us have the latter qualification but not many have the former!

lowlypax 18th Oct 2007 14:16

Artilcle on Mail web site.


Fake Sealion 18th Oct 2007 14:32

Well done Sky......but
Fortunate (?) enough to work from home. Just brewed up to take 10 and watch Sky coverage at 12:20 today and blow me...phone rang and emerged 25 minutes later having missed the action!!!

Saw a 4 second glimpse on Sky at lunchtime but not proper look yet.

Wonderful achievement.....Long may she grace the skies.:D

Credit to Sky for at least covering the flight BUT SURELY they could have cut between Brunters and Karachi this morning to show pre-flight goings on?



Snifferdog 18th Oct 2007 14:50

News and video on BBC News: http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/c...nbram=1&bbwm=1

FlyboyUK 18th Oct 2007 14:55

Having been at Bruntingthorpe when she landed there what seems like many years ago, this is fantastic news. Well done to everyone involved with getting her back in the air:ok:

Groundloop 18th Oct 2007 15:01

Hearty congrats.

Now, where did I leave that Victor?:ok:

applevid 18th Oct 2007 15:02

Good Job...now they can remake "Thunderball"...again.

The AvgasDinosaur 18th Oct 2007 15:13

Saw a 4 second glimpse on Sky at lunchtime but not proper look yet.
Lucky b:mad:gg:mad:r Thanks to Mr Bransons tiff with Sky there is no Sky in our house. I just hope Sir Richard gets his hand in his pocket to make up for it.
Be lucky

K.Whyjelly 18th Oct 2007 15:19

What a fantastic sight I saw today at 1250 local. On a warm and sunny October day I looked out towards the East/North East and saw the unmistakable shape of the Vulcan in a graceful right hand turn at about 3000ft. Another couple of turns and then a load of power went on and with a very un-green and non eco plume of black smoke she climbed away and behind a fluffy Cu. Majestic and graceful, a sight I never thought I would ever see again (at least not in UK airspace) was one to behold.Next time I want to be a bit closer so I can hear it as well as see it. Roll on the 2008 airshow season coupled with a sympathetic Roster writer!!:D

Diamond_Dog 18th Oct 2007 15:20

Yeah.. Not forgetting Concorde.. ;)

Slim.. Ez.. I'm just bigging up Martin Withers (and I was using him as a benchmark for the rest of the guys as like I said, I don't know what their experience is).. Get the book! "Vulcan 607" by Rowland White..

I'm fATPL and even after 1500h on a 738 I wouldnt feel fit to fly that. It's from a completely different generation. Best leave it to the old boys and their apprentices.

P.S. I'd be happy to start as an apprentice though.. :}

modtinbasher 18th Oct 2007 16:26

Good one K

(a very un-green and non eco plume of black smoke)

You've bloody done it now, after all that work......

Fantastic though!!!! Superb chaps!


Brain Potter 18th Oct 2007 16:41

I believe the crew qualifications were stipulated by the CAA. Al McDicken - a TP - is an entirely appropriate man for the job, as is DT - the most recent display pilot. I would say that Vulcan/display experience is more relevant than currency on a commercial transport aircraft. I don't think that MW flew with the Vulcan Display Flight when in the RAF and it does rather seem that, amongst all the other former Vulcan pilots, his name adds the Black Buck authenticity to the project. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I wonder if all the pilots will hold a display authorization, or will it be a Captain (display pilot) plus Co-pilot arrangement, as with VDF?

There a still a few former Vulcan pilots still serving in the RAF, one of whom was the display pilot of another 4-jet type. Another one still maintains that if he hadn't been posted to CFS 2-weeks before the invasion then his crew would've been on Black Buck instead. Maybe that's 25 years of bar-talk though!

Congrats to all involved. A massive party tonight I trust?

justplanecrazy 18th Oct 2007 17:13

yup, took off, disappeared for half an hour, came back and did a flypast before landing.

Mod Comment: Your link states: Due to people copying & adding elsewhere, have to add security, so will be back online to view tomoro. sorry

ExSimGuy 18th Oct 2007 17:51

Been suggested to me that it might be flying again tomorrow - though I'd be surprised - anyone have any info on that?

A PM would be appreciated if there's any such plan - Thanks!

ExSimGuy 18th Oct 2007 18:07

Oh! I've been told she's flying again tomorrow, and several more days :ok:

Any idea if there's schedules? It's not for me,but for a young aircraft nut, who will have to drive from MAN to see her. (Nice guy -kindly transported me from MAN to my destination a month ago,and I owe him a favour!)

Moondance 18th Oct 2007 18:14


bluepeely 18th Oct 2007 18:25

Great pics moondance. Cant wait for the inevitable airshow display with the red arrows. All them years looking at a slowly rusting vulcan outside blackpool airport wondering how loud it actually was and thinking i'd never hear it....Cant wait!

tripletango 18th Oct 2007 18:52

Brilliant photos - congrats to the whole team as well.

Amos Keeto 18th Oct 2007 19:01

Getting it in the air is ONE thing...KEEPING it there is another! How many air show organisers are going to pay the horrendous insurance and fuel bills they are going to have to pass on? :bored:

The_Steed 18th Oct 2007 19:55

I remember seeing the Vulcan at Leuchars Airshow. It was (and is) the loudest thing I have ever heard - felt the noise go right through my body. Can't believe that it's flying again though - awesome!

Ringway Flyer 18th Oct 2007 19:57

Bloody Good Show!!! I was born & brought up not far from Woodford and the Vulcan was part of my growing up. During my spotter days, we were standing around on the south side at MAN one summer evening, waiting for Something to Happen. An usual, but obviously military, call sign was heard on the radio. 'Be with you in three minutes', said the voice. We all looked out to the 24 approach, but nothing was in sight.... '30 seconds' said the voice. Still no sign of anything. 30 seconds later, from behind the hangars, from the south, with no audible warning, appeared a Vulcan at about 1,000 feet. The ground shook (really!) as it initiated a climbing turn to the east, loads of black smoke... Wonderful!
Apparently MAN was one of many dispersal airfields during the cold war and this was a regular exercise, but one which I'd not seen before - or since. Roll on the 2008 show season...:D

PAXboy 18th Oct 2007 20:12

Talking of the show season ... may one presume that any 'days out' that she has will be telegraphed here? I have a relative due to visit the UK next summer and I think that a calendar of events could help to cement the dates!

Does this a/c have her own website?

stellair 18th Oct 2007 20:37

Fantastic........Very well done :) I own a ten pound share in that aeroplane......:D

The Real Slim Shady 18th Oct 2007 20:59

And Brian Potter I would say that Amos Keeto and I are the sole voices of caution and prudence in the midst of the euphoria.

This aircraft will be displayed to the public: the former display pilot hasn't flown the aircraft for at least 14 years, doesn't hold an ATPL, has no recent experience of large aircraft ( a 737NG at max landing weight is about the same as a Vulcan at display weight - also about the same physical size), the TP last flew the airplane in 1974 ( website) and doesn't fly large airplanes, probably doesn't have an ATPL or recent large airplane experience.

MW on the other hand wasn't a display pilot but has flown the airplane ( albeit 20 + yrs ago) but is in current flying practice on a large commercial jet and holds an ATPL.

To my mind that makes MW firm favourite to display the airplane under the watchful eye of the former display pilot with a co pilot who also flew the jet and is in current flying practice on something bigger than a Tutor. Call me cautious.............

Chris Royle 18th Oct 2007 21:04

See http://www.tvoc.co.uk

Amos Keeto 18th Oct 2007 22:07

Hear, hear! I am reluctant to say much more for fear of having to grab my tin hat and dive for cover! However, if they can't fly a Sea Vixen without serious sponsorship after Red Bull, what chance does a Vulcan have?
They are now appealing for funds to keep her flying! This is like pouring water on the desert and I'm surprised more people aren't questioning how the lottery money is being spent? :rolleyes: Apart from RIAT, I can't see any air show organiser affording the Vulcan. You have to realise also that she is now a civilian aircraft and subject to much stricter CAA rules.....then there are the engineering costs, spares etc....and more gas-guzzling fuel bills for, er, the next flight! Tin hat on!:ooh:

ChristiaanJ 18th Oct 2007 22:42

I have used the same arguments whenever a return-to-flight for Concorde was mentioned.
Then I looked at the BBMF site, and saw the number of "sorties" they flew per year, and was amazed.

I agree they have some very hard work ahead.
I also agree the airshows will not pay for it all alone.
But if they can turn XH558 into a high-visibilty icon, sponsorship and other sources of funding will also become available.

What about the Connie? She flies... !!

fireflybob 18th Oct 2007 23:38

Fanastic news to see the Vulcan is flying again! I just watched some of the Vulcan clips on youtube - reminds me of a time when our country really was "great" and proud that we were able to produce aircraft like the Vulcan which was years ahead of its time.

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