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Sam-MAN 16th Sep 2007 00:33

Same here Silent Witness. Not the sort of image to show on national TV while there is still a person inside there :=

dclews 16th Sep 2007 07:16

I live about 2 miles from the crash site. I wasn't at the airshow and didn't see it happen. So sad and my condolences to the pilot's family.

Hot Charlie 16th Sep 2007 07:39

BBC news confirms it was a Hurricane (of the BBMF?)
Hurricane yes, BBMF no.

Photoplanet 16th Sep 2007 08:35

Other posts here have it as BD707 from Spitfire Ltd, Duxford.

Either way, it's a sad loss of a pilot.

justawanab 16th Sep 2007 09:25

There is saddness here on two count, first and foremost the loss of the life of someone who, whilst he was doing something that he no doubt greatly enjoyed, was doing it to entertain us and secondly the loss of another of a now rapidly dwindling fine example of an aircraft to which so many people in England including my parents, and consequently me owe so much including quite possibly my very existence.

I have the utmost respect and gratitude to the men and women who help to preserve and demonstrate these old aircraft for the entertainment and education of current generations.

My dear old Dad was in the RAF late in the war and worked many long hours alongside the original Hurricane pilots so I have a kind of vicarious connection to them. Even back then, during the war, when the loss of a Hurricane and its pilot was common it was still sad ... now in a time of peace largely owed to them ... that sadness is magnified many times.


BoeingMEL 16th Sep 2007 11:10

Hurricane Crash
Wannsee ... if you want evidence of the normal and routine garbage that journo's typically spew out you may wish to check out the story on page 2 of today's Sunday Times.... there's hardly a single paragraph without one or more glaring errors.

Why can't you folks check facts before rushing into print? :confused:

Jeezus! bm

Flying Lawyer 16th Sep 2007 11:32

It was not BBMF.
Nor was it the Vacher Hurricane, in case anyone was wondering.

It was Tom Blair's.

I don't think it would be appropriate for me to post the name of the pilot. I've been given it by friends who were flying with him in the display, but don't know how widely known it is at the moment.

Very sad.


PPRuNe Pop 16th Sep 2007 13:42

Until the name of the pilot of this unfortunate occurence is known officially. Please do NOT make it known - even if you THINK you know it.

A name has been announced in previous accidents and found to be wrong. Don't let that happen here.

When it is in the public domain its fine, and not before.

Thank you.


Pollyana 16th Sep 2007 15:16

As a former pilot who gained my PPL at Shoreham a few years back I follow the info about the airshow every year on the net from my new abode in Queensland.
Stunned and horrified at what happened this year, my condolences to the family and friends of the pilot.
May he fly high with God now.

Fg Off Max Stout 16th Sep 2007 15:59

Pilot's name released:



Bluesteel705 16th Sep 2007 16:04

Perhaps in even worse taste than some of the media coverage, footage of the crash has been uploaded to Youtube :yuk:

Disgusting :mad:

Flying Lawyer 16th Sep 2007 16:07

Now that it's been published -

Brian Brown, from Breighton Yorkshire, was arguably the most experienced Hurricane pilot currently flying.

I met him only once - he became involved in warbirds after I'd stopped being actively involved - but he struck me as a good bloke. Other pilots who knew him well confirm that impression and say he will be sorely missed on the display circuit.


VFE 16th Sep 2007 16:42

R.I.P Brian.


misterbonkers 16th Sep 2007 18:45

RIP Brian.

You will be missed by many.

Always the man to call when I needed a cheeky quick refuel!


shortstripper 16th Sep 2007 19:42

I've only just heard! I've not watched the news or been online for a couple of days, but was flying not more than twenty miles away at the time of the crash. It seems so wrong that I had such a lovely flight, when so close, somebody's day went so wrong! I watched Robin Bowles (sorry if spelt wrong) go down a few years ago, and remember the slow realisation that it wasn't just part of the act :uhoh:



justplanecrazy 16th Sep 2007 20:02

Use by the AAIB for what? I was talking about AFTER the crash. The crash itself happened so quickly, but there were some whom were filming the scene long after the tradegy. And as BlueSteel has said, there is footage now on youtube. Sick. And its wrong of the BBC to publish photos of the burning site. Do people make money out sending the media photos?

justplanecrazy 16th Sep 2007 20:18

For those whom think its inappropriate to show a video of the crash and burning wreckage on youtube so quickly (less than 6 hours) then please go to youtube and type in shoreham, then click the 'flag as inappropriate'

VFE 16th Sep 2007 21:11

It is certainly not unusual for the news programmes to show airshow crashes when they occur so feel slightly relieved in this case that only the ensuing rising smoke has so far been broadcast (even on youtube).


Brain Potter 16th Sep 2007 21:20

I never met Brian, but as he flew from Breighton it is certain that he knew my good friend Paul Morris. We said goodbye to Paul 3 years ago to the day yesterday. What a tragic and sad co-incidence.

Deepest sympathy to Brian's family, friends and all at Breighton.

waldopepper42 16th Sep 2007 21:24

Whilst I can't claim to be a close friend, I did know Brian, and on my regular visits to Breighton found him one of the most helpful and friendly people I've ever met, and a skillful pilot to boot.

R.I.P mate - you'll be sorely missed, my thoughts are with you and your family and friends.


Fly Better! 16th Sep 2007 21:48

Brain Potter, hi mate, he was indeed a friend of Pauls, and a really nice bloke, with a great sense of humour, RIP Brian :(

Sliding member 16th Sep 2007 22:12

Just read about this and I'm shocked. I knew Brian from is days at Doncaster Aerodrome. I always remember him flying a VP-1 then a Pitts. Next thing he's flying the warbirds at Brieghton. My thoughts to those close to him.

OwnNav 17th Sep 2007 07:11

Brian Brown

Brian and I learned to fly at Doncaster in the late 70's, we bought a C150 and shared many an hour expanding our flying experience, always having a laugh, particularly when Newby was around.

I last flew with him (aero's in a Yak) from Breighton, a session followed by a mug of tea and a catch up with who was doing what, he was a total aviation person and will be sadly missed.

Get the kettle on when you hear me call downwind mate.


Yorky Towers 17th Sep 2007 08:07

my condolences to Brian's family and my thoughts with his friends and fellow Aviators at Breighton.


lartsa 17th Sep 2007 09:43

What a man he was one of the nicest people you could ever want to meet
he will be so missed my thoughts go to all his family and to all of his friends at breighton and all over [and his dogs]

here is a link to our local newspaper the yorkshire post about him


Aer Maritz 17th Sep 2007 10:31

Aeroplane August 2007
Sad day fo GA and historical aviation yesterday.
Aeroplane Monthly in August published an excellent spread on AE-C which highlighted what a beautiful aircraft this was.
Didn't know Brian Brown but can only conclude that he died doing what he wanted and what better way to go.
Condolences to his family, friends and the aircraft owner.
Aer Maritz

JEM60 17th Sep 2007 12:56

I was, to some extent involved in the Musang fatality at this year's Oshkosh, Wisconsin, show. I video'd the approach, and subsequent crash. I was beseiged by a television crew and reporters, all clamouring ofr the vid tape, but despite offers of cash, I was adamant that it was going to the FAA and NOBODY else. They took it off me ten minutes later. I was appalled that people came along with their seats, and sat and watched the recovery of the body and aircraft, despite the fact that the scene was ringed by emergency vehicles. Porbably their first crash, henceforth their goulish interest. My 11th, so I am sick of them. {My first post} Hope next one is in happier circumstances.

fernytickles 17th Sep 2007 14:12

Copied from what I posted on the RAC's guest book...

So very sorry to hear the news of Brian's death yesterday.

We have a photo of him flying his Nanchang, G-BVFX, hanging on our hangar wall. They are "racing" a red Ferrari (I think) along the runway at Breighton.
He was incredibly patient and trusting teaching me how to fly that aeroplane when I purchased it from him in the nineties. He never even grumbled when I left huge tire tracks after taxiing in the soft ground by the fuel pumps, and generously lent us his car while we waited for the rain to stop.

Brian was one of life's good guys and one of aviation's great pilots. We last saw him after Sun & Fun a few years ago. I seem to recall some margaritas and terrible jokes over dinner were involved.

Our thoughts are with his family, and friends at Breighton. I'm sure he will be sorely missed.

daisy120 17th Sep 2007 16:11

Hurricane down
had a bad day in the sim, then heard the news of the Shoreham prang from a warbird/744 Hong konger. Brian was a star. I taught him to fly, sucoured his early solo's and along with Roger, stroked his ego into airmanship and a solid approach to fly anything that was different. VP1 driver, Aeronca bath tub pilot, SE5A charletan and Hurricane pilot extraordinaire. We went heavy metal, joined the union, moaned about the rosters and fickle management but Brian grew in a bed of real aviation. Mate, we envied your calm tenacity and the tenor of your flying. The sim will never be the same. See you at the ultimate bash. RIP mon brave.

levo 17th Sep 2007 21:39

Brian /Breighton

They both mean the same thing .Really nice bloke ,it wont be the same any more.

R.I.P. Brian.:(


spitfire 17th Sep 2007 23:25


Brian represented all that is good about aviation. A great down to earth personality, cracking sense of humour, and passionate beyond belief about aeroplanes. Knew how to have fun, but approached his flying with care and responsibility.

Damn. We have lost one of the best there is.

R.I.P. "Brian Brown frum Breighton".

Lower Hangar 18th Sep 2007 12:13

Aerobatics by Historic Aircraft
I have to agree with the previous thread...I saw the Filton Spitfire go in at the Woodford Airshow 1992 (??)...the aircraft was performing aerobatics in front of the crowd and on the penultimate loop I said to my better half " if it does another it may not pull up in time " and it didn't. These aircraft weren't designed to carry out crowd pleasing aeros at 0 ft....if that's required to pull in the crowd then get a Pitts special.......this may seem excessively Victor Meldrew but I think there is a grain of truth in the argument.

Golf India Tango 18th Sep 2007 12:28

Such a sad turn for a wonderful airshow and display.

I saw the crash out of the corner of my eye.

My thoughts during the incident went not only to the Friends and family, but to the Air Cadets present.

They provided a wonderful service to the airshow and public. Most were having a break as the incident occured. Unfortunately a fair number of the cadets, alot of them in their early teens wanting to join the Air Force or the aviation world, witnessed the incident.

They too put on a brave face, as did the rest of the RAFA and show staff for the rest of the weekend.

Many condolences to the Friends and Family

RIP Brian

Wycombe 18th Sep 2007 12:48


I was there on Sunday. Great to see what looked like a big crowd and a great show.

The references to Saturday's sad event, including the minute's silence before the start of the display, were very reverently handled - and well observed along the crowdline aswell.

As well as all those lovely warbirds, it was great (for me, anyway) to see a C130k Mk3 arriving and departing on what is quite a short/narrow runway (approx 1000 x 18m) - very professionally done :ok:

The Falcons did very well in cloudy/gusty conditions at the time of their drop aswell.

Lower Hangar 18th Sep 2007 13:04

Aerobatics in Historic Aircraft
Thanks for that...I'd read Flying Lawyer's reply and thought....well the thread is called etc etc etc ....no disrespect was meant to the pilot involved in Saturdays accident

Martyn Northall 18th Sep 2007 13:15

A very unfortunate and sad ending for a great Pilot. A friend of mine witnessed the crash firsthand and after much thought decided to share this picture of Brian. It was taken moments before he took off on his last flight. I thought I would post it up here to show that his last hours were certainly happy ones. He passed away doing what he so clearly loved doing :

[Image Copyright of Joe Lawford 2007]

fernytickles 18th Sep 2007 13:41

Perhaps this thread could be split into two? One carrying the never-ending, but legitimate, discussion about whether to display or not to display vintage aircraft, and the other continuing with the tributes to Brian. That way if the tributes do get passed on to his partner, she doesn't have to wade through the argumentative part of the thread?

ps - great photo, by the way. Thanks for that.

Fg Off Max Stout 18th Sep 2007 14:28

I concur with Ferny.The technical discussion side of an accident thread and the 'displaying of vintage aircraft' arguments are perfectly valid but do not sit comfortably alongside the condolences.

PPRuNe Pop 18th Sep 2007 15:22

No, it is not going to be spilt into two. This thread, or this forum, is not going to be used to abuse or malign display pilots or their machines.

Just keeping to the topic is all that is required.

If you want to chance your arm at another thread berating the troubles that have gone before and will go before, as they have for years, then go ahead. But it will be watched carefully by the forum mods.

Up & Away 18th Sep 2007 19:47

Brian Brown
Brian Brown

Brian always made our visits to Breighton so easy and enjoyable. Nothing was too much trouble. Aviation has lost one of the best.


From all the visiting Helicopter Pilots who knew you

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