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-   -   Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet? (https://www.pprune.org/aviation-history-nostalgia/204387-anyone-feeling-nostalgic-old-format-yet.html)

Onan the Clumsy 1st Jan 2006 14:53

Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
I miss it already :{

I think it marked the pinacle of British aviation bulletin boards and thanks to the actions of successive governments, we may never see its like again.

I remember one time when I had eight threads open at once (and two of them crashed). Unheard of numbers now and all of them exotic subjects you never see anymore.

I think I'll spend a quite evening with a bottle of scotch and my notebooks reminiscing about some of the great interfaces and threads of old :(

D SQDRN 97th IOTC 1st Jan 2006 16:35

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
I want the old format back.
No doubt about it.

All this soft blue is hurting my eyes. :\

effortless 1st Jan 2006 16:38

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
I want to be able to list all new posts or todays posts as before.:{

G-CPTN 1st Jan 2006 16:39

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Do I (can I) deduce that those currently logged-on are indicated by a green splodge?
We USED to have a list of all the lurkers . . .

Is there a manual anywhere?
One cannot RTFM if there's no FM to R . . .

I see a little green square below each poster's details.
I see a pale blue tick in a square below 'pins' (indicating stickies I've deduced).

Too much to guess at (though it all seems very clever).

Why is it when you ask a silly question there's a perfectly logical and sensible answer?

BEagle 1st Jan 2006 16:48

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Things I've noticed so far:

1. Only the last 250 posts by an individual are now stored.
2. The 'privacy' option to remain 'invisible' appears to have gone.
3. Time of posting has changed to 'time ago' instead of actual time.
4. I dislike the 'reputation' thing (that's the set-of-scales icon).
5. Highlighting a thread title turns it to almost invisible yellow.
6. Changing font and colour is easier.
7. Some items overflow in IE.
8. PM notification is much better.

But what on Earth (or Mars) does 'Rep Power: 16' mean?

surely not 1st Jan 2006 17:18

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Overall I like the new format, but I haven't found out where the icons have gone if you use the quick reply area.

BEagle doesn't the time of posting say minutes ago at ...then gives the actual time posted.

What is this reputation thing then and what is it all about?

As for Rep Power, you are 16 whereas G-CPTN is only 2............. Which is the higher? and why?

The pages for the long threads need to be able to be accessed more visibly plse.

BEagle 1st Jan 2006 17:27

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
BEagle doesn't the time of posting say minutes ago at ...then gives the actual time posted.

Don't think so - that's the edit time.

What is this reputation thing then and what is it all about?

It's bolleaux. It was tried and binned before!

As for Rep Power, you are 16 whereas G-CPTN is only 2............. Which is the higher? and why

Damned if I know!

I see the insulting comments about Personal Titties are back again......

barit1 1st Jan 2006 18:13

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
I will like the "Search this thread" feature if they ever can get it to work!:8

BEagle 1st Jan 2006 18:25

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
WTF does '(username) is on a distinguished road' mean when you put the cursor over the green splodge underneath the mysterious 'Rep Power'? :confused:

Peter Barron 1st Jan 2006 19:41

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?

I think it means you are going down the Pub :ok:

Out on the P**S again are we :E


Onan the Clumsy 1st Jan 2006 19:54

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?

But what on Earth (or Mars) does 'Rep Power: 16' mean
16??????? :*

I've only got 12 :{

btw, I started a Differences Class on JetBlast, but it got merged :(

Beeayeate 1st Jan 2006 20:49

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Never used to be like this. In my day forums were proper forums and we had a proper Air Force too. :*

Still have to host pix somewhere else though. I believe this format of forum software, used by several other boards, allows thumbnail display with server hosted pix. Obviously this option was not thought worthwhile. :* (again)


PPRuNe Pop 1st Jan 2006 20:57

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Confusin innit!

Go with the flow guys. The boffins are hard at work trying to get the tweaking done as rapidly as possible. Danny and Marcus (Admin) were at it for 10 hours last night and Danny had to get some sleep because he is doing a flight to MCO in the morning. He will carry on working on it when he gets there.

It IS a massive job. The BB is different and all the stuff on the other BB's have to been bought over.

We mods have to get used to things also but some of the 'tools' are not in place so it makes it difficult for us too.

So................it will take time to settle down, and when it does I am sure you like it. Things you don't like should be noted.

Happy New Year

PPRuNe Pop

Beeayeate 1st Jan 2006 21:16

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Going with the flow here Sir!

Do we get an issue of paddles?

megan 1st Jan 2006 22:34

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Only need paddles if you plan on heading upstream :uhoh:

brickhistory 2nd Jan 2006 00:02

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Couldn't log in despite repeated attempts. Funny thing was my name would show in the 'who's on line now' listing, but I was not allowed to post/edit/view profiles, etc. according to the list of what actions are allowed.

Had to go around and have the system send me a new password and get in from there.

Any words yet on what the various ratings/numbers mean yet?

XL5 2nd Jan 2006 06:10

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Aye, things aren't what they used to be. I remember the good old days when I was a hero of the people with a red sash - not merely an undistinguished green blob with off the scale rep power. At least I was around for the heady days of PPRuNe, we'll sadly not be seeing their like again as we all inexorably fly west into the sunset. Wonder if the backroom boffin boys are going to come up with a spell checker?

treadigraph 2nd Jan 2006 08:08

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Ah, I like it, a change is as good as a feast after all... Mind you, I don't know what Rep Power means either, and as for being off the scale, well, I blame all that good Christmas Cheer!

XL5, spell checker there, see the little "abc + tick" logo - but you have to download some software which i'm doing as I type. Should help with all our little foy... four... faux... ****...

Happy New Year!


FJJP 2nd Jan 2006 15:22

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Well, yes, I prefer the old, familiar, dyed-in-the-wool format. I don't much like change, but as always, I'll just sit it out and before too long I'll have got used to it and wonder what all the fuss is about...

I'd still like a decode on what the hell the little green square means. Oh, and MODS, if your noting positive suggestions/preferences, I for one do like the date and time of the post to be on the index and at the top of each reply [I'm a BOF, with the emphasis on the 'O' - memory ain't what it used to be!].

However, I would like to say that I appreciate the time and effort Danny and his team put into the site - I can say without hesitation that PPrune is one of the best, if not THE best aviation website of its kind on the WWW.

Thanks, guys...


Bus429 2nd Jan 2006 15:31

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
To all at PPrune Towers - sterling effort. For the cost of personal title, PPrune is a great resource.
Thanks very much.

But...wtf does distinguished road mean?:eek:

pr00ne 2nd Jan 2006 19:38

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Onan the Clumsy,

Typical of you to blame this new format personally on Tony Blair!

David Cameron would have done just the same, it would be no different under a Tory Government.

British Aviation bulletins are at their very peak, we have never had them so good, you lot may crow and hark back to the TSR2board type but it was never proven and it would not have worked as it was too expensive and complicated.

Under this Govt we have the worlds best aviation bulletin boards and don't you forget it.

pr00ne...................................................... ..

catchup 2nd Jan 2006 19:41

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Yes, I am.


Gainesy 3rd Jan 2006 14:58

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Well, if you Mods are taking notes of likes/dislike, the old board had a "Download/SaveThis Thread" option which does not appear to be on this new one. It was particularly useful for such long threads as the "Were You on Vulcans? thread in the Mil forum. I'd like to see that option re-instated if it is possible?

I've noted on other boards that the Rep(utation) thing is both childish and divisive.

And Proone, I firmly believe that it was political back-stabbing by Mountbatten and other Admiralty Oiks that led to the demise of the old board, which would otherwise still be in service today. Why the Hell this thing needs folding wings is beyond me...

PPRuNe Pop 5th Jan 2006 11:36

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
Thank you for your comments and questions.

The go with the flow still stands and the flow is getting stronger. I understand from the gurus and techies working on the site that they are down to the 20 or so adjustments and plug-ins that need to be done. That means that some of the things you would like to see back, will be. It takes an immense amount of time doing the work and there are a few days yet to go - sad to say that Danny has gone down with a very bad dose of flu which doesn't help - very inconsiderate of him;) Knowing him he'll be back very soon battering the guts of PPRuNe and those who are also having sleepless nights.

Just to clarify ONE point. This was not just a case of putting in a new BB but was very much a case of carrying over a mass of stuff from the old BB's before this one and those before them. So it is a slow and laborius process.

This installtion took over 30 hours of work - WITHOUT the plugins so a tough task - no wonder he got the flu!

Won't be long now guys.


Onan the Clumsy 7th Jan 2006 03:45

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
He hasn't been flying to China has he? :uhoh:

FJJP 7th Jan 2006 22:41

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?

Hope Danny recovers soon - it's a nasty business, flu. Give him my best wishes...


G-CPTN 8th Jan 2006 14:19

Re: Is anyone feeling nostalgic for the old format yet?
>no wonder he got the flu!

Man flu is FAR worse than bird flu . . .

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