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breakingnews 4th Aug 2003 18:03

Airlines of SA!!!!!!!!!!!
Airlines of SA has been sold to Air North!!! Expect an announcement in the near future. It is suppsed to be still under wraps but the way TK&CK are speading the news it will be across the atlantic within an hour.

amos2 4th Aug 2003 19:05

So!...what's the big deal?

olderbutyzer 4th Aug 2003 20:38

Hmmm, sure this isn't like their claim some time back that they had bought Kendell Airlines? I will believe it when I see it.

apacau 5th Aug 2003 06:08

Could that mean a future mega route something like Adelaide-Port Augusta-Coober Pedy-Alice Springs-Tenant Creek-Katherine-Darwin????

corblimey 5th Aug 2003 09:11

What the hell was there to sell.

1 X Seminole, out of action because of a wheels up at Adelaide
1 X Seneca, out of action from a wheels up the other day in Adelaide
1 X Aero Commander out of action with a cracked mainspar that even GAM don't even want to touch.
1 X Bandit out of action at Port Lincoln.( Actually it's just a shell now)
Of their 4 PA31, 2 are running, with 1 needing a new donk in less than 20hrs.
And as for the other 2 Bandits..well I suppose an 'airline' must have something to call their flagship.

Leechy must have had a little loose change, and is in need of vintage aircraft for a static museum somewhere !!

maxtq 5th Aug 2003 10:20

Well, well, well (yes, I know, three holes in the ground). Always wondered how Bridge and Co would expand TL as there was ****** all left to do in the top end. So now we know. From what I have heard they are taking on none of ASA's current assets and will be putting an E120 in SA.

This should be more than a little cause for concern for Rex who are now going to have far more serious competition.

Desert Flower 5th Aug 2003 13:23

So what happens now with their famous "mail run" trips on the weekend? And what about the pilots - are they staying on or will they be out of a job?


Willie Nelson 5th Aug 2003 17:03

Geez......If they go that far South does that mean that they will become "Bottom End 311" etc:ooh:


complexH 5th Aug 2003 17:16

Well Matt if you conside the pilots an asset to the ariline then you could very well be right about Bridge and Co no wanting to take on suck a bunch of miserable, gossip mongering school children. They got rid on one mill stone of a liability in March pity they haven't benn able to off load the other millstone.

Seems Desert Flower is a tad worried, but I thought she got deflowered for creating such a stench back in March.

bandit viper 6th Aug 2003 07:16

ComplexH: You may as well have used your real name. Anyone who reads this topic and is familiar with Airlines of SA will instantly know who you are. Though I never thought your typing & spelling was that bad. Although maybe late night habits still die hard?

You are the minority. As usual you are so far removed from reality due to your ignorance - or maybe that should be arrogance-of the situation.

The pilots and staff are Airlines of SA ONLY asset. They have persevered through years of false promises of new aircraft, mismanagement, an unsecure operating/financial environment & over the last 18months disorganised maintenance.

Everyone wishes them all the best for the future. Let's hope that Air North provides them the future and security that their hard work and loyalty are so deserving of. Something Airlines of SA never could.

Desert Flower 6th Aug 2003 07:55

complexH, I think you've got your flowers mixed up, sweetie.

bandit viper, well said!!


complexH 7th Aug 2003 08:51

Well, well BV or should we say BVD (something close to the bottom end), true colours are really appearing, Viper by handle and Viper by nature. You are so sure of yourself but in your childish pedal pushing ways are so far removed from the truth. With assets like yourself is it any wonder that a prospective purchaser would seriously condiser not taking on board all of them?

Perhaps the view of your perserverance is taken through rose coloured glasses, or is it rather your inability to secure an alternative.

By al means we wish TL the very best of success in securing the service, and TK&CK a restful and happy retirement they really deserve after putting up with such as you.

bandit viper 7th Aug 2003 09:22

ComplexH - Just like your flowers you have managed to get your Vipers confused aswell. But then that has always been the state you operate in. You seem to have taken the post very personally! Why would that be now?

PS: I hear congratulations are in order

Capt Claret 7th Aug 2003 10:55

perhaps they'll change the call sign when south of the NT border to Bottom End ;) :p

dirtysanchez;> 7th Aug 2003 13:15

There is a god!
Well well bigH,I must say that your lack of respect for the very people that have lined your nest is not at all suprising.

I do not,nor have I ever worked for said company but the "liabilities" you refer to are without exception a great bunch of people,and professionals,who have grinded away to keep the "airline" alive in the totally thankless environment created by "management",or should I say the "door b:mad: "

Your arrogance and lack of touch with reality still alludes me,however,what is even more nausaeting is that after years of riding the backs of these "liabilities",with little or no knowledge or management capability of your own,you can walk away with a big fat cheque in your pocket and and your finger in the air. You're a disgrace.

To all the good folks that ARE the airline,the rest of the industry wishes you the prosperity and security that you deserve in the careers that you have worked for, and for you bigH,perhaps this latest injection of funds will afford you another one of


The last one was a shocker! :yuk:

Mile Hiii 7th Aug 2003 19:56

Bandit Viper and Dirtysanchez you both really ARE on the ball. :ok:

bush mechanics 7th Aug 2003 21:36

Guys and girls I can pretty much guarantee that Airnorth are still looking and havnt comitted yet.The directors are in adelaide at the moment having a look around.A.S.A were actually looking some time back at buying EMB120-VH-ASN,As this aircraft is diffrent to the other 5 brazs AN operates.As it was 1 of 15 built especialy for a German Regional ,Only has 28 seats and galley and dunny at the rear,Avionics are all bendix not collins.

Mile Hiii 8th Aug 2003 20:24

Am surprised that current owners haven't already realised why they have lost so many quality staff in the past. You would think if people were treated with the respect they deserved and didn't have to constantly put up with ongoing crap they would still be working there. Hello , caught onto the pattern here!!

Being a small indusry, have heard that many of the people who have passed thru their doors, have basically carried the show whilst high management (no names mentioned) have shown little interest in supporting. Have heard this tends to only apply to the door B****, who isn't particularly popular within the tight airline industry.

Even though all of the above are comments seem to be harsh, know of several people who went thru a lot of stress and were treated poorly, when in fact they were all top people.

Has anyone heard of the whereabouts of the most recent GM, heard he wasn't doing to bad a job? Wasn't he family?

All we can do is wish all of the current staff there all of the best and hope that Air North keep them on and they enjoy the ride with them. Wonder if black and gold will stick?? The office girls can only rest easy that the uniform can only get better. Some have been shockers!!:yuk: :{

Updraft 8th Aug 2003 21:12

It sounds all very similar to another airline who used to operate Brasilias. Didn't realise the value of their staff!

Natit 8th Aug 2003 21:58

Hey All..

Don't wanna take away from the original post, but I thought most SA people would read this one...

Does anyone know what's happening with Air South these days? Went to their website last week and apparantly they have a King Air and a Bandit online?

Anyone know the rego of these and what they would be used for?

Once again, sorry for hi-jacking this post.

Desert Flower 9th Aug 2003 10:51

Natit, believe they are currently leasing a KingAir, I think the rego is VH-KBH. Probably using it for charter work. Don't know of any other aircraft they've got though.


Natit 9th Aug 2003 11:50

Thanks DF for your reply..

I remember they had a Bandit a while back VH-TLD I think the rego was. According to their website they have another one back online - leasing again maybe? Good to see the boys down here getting some valuable turbine time.

Anyone else have anymore info - would be really appreciative.

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