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-   -   SKYWEST Airlines said yesterday... (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/86813-skywest-airlines-said-yesterday.html)

Rudi Zarsoff 29th Apr 2003 16:27

May I suggest that the ANALYSTS are in fact ANAL LINGUISTS!!!

geoffrey thomas 29th Apr 2003 17:53

Nt Govt
Kanga 767: In my haste I mentioned coast watch twice. You are right the NT Government was the Aerial Medical contarct for four aircraft. Best GT

MU2 29th Apr 2003 19:25

"When BM was running the airline I WAS very supportive", yes you may also have been supportive, but that is a bone of contention, as since BM left your tune has changed.....

Obviously your facts are still off the mark, i.e. WS and Engineering for starters. But the things that get me the most is the biased reporting you do. It never seems objective and you seem to pick at all the little ins and outs of the company which are hardly newsworthy. If you write so much about Skywest, you must be able to write a novel about Qantas every day relatively speaking. But you never take your focus off Skywest and direct it at other companies that actually have more newsworthy items to report. For example things like the 737 runway excursion at Darwin? or the other 737 that had it's speed brake out and the crew wondered why it had a rumbling noise and vibration and did a flyby of the tower. Or perhaps a certain operator at Perth who had 3 engine failures/shutdowns all in the one day. Or a runway excursion in a C441 that is common knowledge? How about Skywest's 40th Birthday? Ok it started from Carnarvon Air Taxis or whatever and they traced their roots back. So have other airlines around the world, so what if it's a bit of PR! (Gaunty ..... Fair go). But that wasn't newsworthy...?
And when you report something, there always seems to be something that you drag back in that's old news but you repeat it like a broken record.... (or is it pading for your word quota?).

I don't really care who your analysts are, but if you can't say who then don't use them or their quotes or information. Very poor indeed. I bet Media Watch would have a field day!!!!!

P.S. here's some bias:

"Somebody mentioned BM suing. Yes he has and for damn good reason and has won every time and may do so over Skywest" - well doesn't that record get played again and again in the West....

"They take on BM at their peril" - ...

"Now for the bad publicity." & "I have not bothered to report...." -

you have now..

PPS. YOUR QUOTE.....So let’s get the facts straight. As Gaunty said: I know a great deal more about what is going on than has been reported.

Well i very much doubt that. AND THAT IS A FACT.

topend3 30th Apr 2003 15:28

Apollo 4,

unlike your posts mine was an objective look at the issues considering the views of both parties and i felt you may have needed some help in finding the western seaboard, thats all, i hope you found the relevant websites useful and informative, they may help you to see the whole picture regarding skywest's woes and maybe consider the issues regarding the market that they operate in a litle more, rather than rambling on about your own personal gripes.


abario 1st May 2003 22:41

Nail in coffin
Hello all....

First, congrats on the article GT.... Well done, and amazingly it didn't get squashed by the moderator!!

Secondly, I reckon the final nail in the coffin for Skywest will be when Aerocare take over the Ground Handling contract on the 18th of May.
Not only will they have heaps of delays (costly), as VB did and still do, the Customer Service is Crap to say the least - "Would you like fries with that window seat??"

Rumour has it that they (Skywest) have employed a person just to supervise the operation of Aerocare - very sad indeed!!

Anyway, according to some I don't know what Im talking about - namely the Moderator.


Woomera 1st May 2003 23:27

As you can see abario and tarmacwa, if indeed they aren't the same person is now banned.

I sent the post to Admin for review with a request for him and tarmacwa to stand by for its return if appropriate.

He/they attempted three more times to post the article notwithstanding my warning and request.

Apollo 4 2nd May 2003 06:36

I am informed that Skywest services to Karratha are now at an end and other Western sea board ports may soon follow.

Apparently all to do with economics? funny that, with an average load factor of 17 it should have been stopped months ago.


Heard that a steve got knocked back by Rex, apparently.


geoffrey thomas 2nd May 2003 13:48

Amazing statements
Dear MU2:

I find your post incredible and hardly a reflection of the FACTS and you do not appear to be across all the issues and thus may not have a full appreciation of what is going on.

I will attempt to answer you comments in order.

MU2….”But the things that get me the most is the biased reporting you do. It never seems objective and you seem to pick at all the little ins and outs of the company which are hardly newsworthy. If you write so much about Skywest, you must be able to write a novel about Qantas every day relatively speaking.”

GT…..As far as the daily paper is concerned I have written very little about Skywest and have avoided all the ins and outs…such as “we blow hydraulic lines all the time” from Mr David Fletcher and the blown tyre the other day. I avoid all incidents like that with all airlines and only really get involved if I am told to by editors. Sure I know about Lake Johnson and QF run-off the runways in Darwin and the few Virgin Blue incidents but that simply frightens passengers unnecessarily. However, if CASA gets involved than clearly we have to.

Please remember MU2 that I have not reported to the wider public the following:
1. Skywest’s chief pilot “failing” his F100 endorsement.
2. Skywest trying to get engineers for the F100 through NJS in Adelaide.
3. Skywest cutting back 27% on its maintenance costs.
4. Skywest engineers ringing to voice concerns about cut backs.

MU2….”How about Skywest's 40th Birthday? Ok it started from Carnarvon Air Taxis or whatever and they traced their roots back.”

GT…..Sure would have made an interesting topic BUT nobody from Skywest gave us advanced notice and I was away in the EAST the day the press release went out so it was old news. Besides we did nothing for Qantas’ 80th!!

MU2….“And when you report something, there always seems to be something that you drag back in that's old news but you repeat it like a broken record.... (or is it pading for your word quota?).”

GT….As with all stories we attempt to bring the reader up to date with what has gone before. The fact is very simple. If an airline dumps its high profile CEO in a massive board room spill and the other board members are themselves “high profile” and have an “interesting history” then its news like it or not.

MU2….”I don't really care who your analysts are, but if you can't say who then don't use them or their quotes or information. Very poor indeed. I bet Media Watch would have a field day!!!!!”

GT “Every newspaper around the world and trade journal use anonymous analysts. In fact the best ones DO not want to be quoted and often the ones who do are just trying to build their image and are novices.

MU2….As for Bias….."Somebody mentioned BM suing. Yes he has and for damn good reason and has won every time and may do so over Skywest" - well doesn't that record get played again and again in the West...."They take on BM at their peril" - ...
"Now for the bad publicity." & "I have not bothered to report...." you have now.

GT…Hang on I was given a serve on PPrune by an “anonymous” person and it is my right to reply and set the record straight. And talking of anonymous, you get stuck into me for quoting un-named analysts when the 61,000+ members of PPrune are all but about three, anonymous!

MU2 ……PPS.YOUR QUOTE.....So let’s get the facts straight. As Gaunty said: I know a great deal more about what is going on than has been reported. Well i very much doubt that. AND THAT IS A FACT.

GT…What can I say. I do know a great deal more but to elaborate in this forum would expose certain sources which is not an option.

The question for Skywest is “where is the airline and where is it going.” It has a leaner operation under it in Skippers and an extremely well run jet charter/RPT operation in NJS above it. Skywest is marginalized and has few options to expand. When you add to that the position of the airliner’s owners and their apparent objectives then you have a difficult situation. I have tried to leave them alone and have in fact written a couple of positive articles when SH joined and then detailing the re-structure.

Hope I have covered the points you raise.

Best GT

MU2 3rd May 2003 11:17


He's called a MANAGER GROUND OPERATIONS and they have alway's had one.


Your information is incorrect.

G. T.

You still don't know what your talking about.

Apollo 4 3rd May 2003 12:11


Sir I suggest that you are in a state of deep deep denial.

As for GT's information I am sure his sources are similar to my own and that he is spot on the money and you Sir are the one who has no idea. Your reply posts serve only to demonstrate your lack of objectivity and ignorance.

I sincerely hope that you are not a flight crew member, for it is inherrently dangerous to have a person up the front who cannot admit when he is wrong.....(someone who never makes a mistake or gets it wrong) tragic consequences are generally only a matter of when not if.

:uhoh: :ooh:

geoffrey thomas 3rd May 2003 13:35

Cough up the "facts"
MU2...So I don't know the facts...

Well what about you telling me and others why we are so wrong and while you are at it please advise me where I have written "all the little ins and outs of the company which are hardly newsworthy". Perhaps you can quote dates and pages in the "West".
I wait with great interest.

You know you remind me of a Skywest captain who rang me on behalf of the airline to put me straight on a "few matters" and to let me know how little BM knew about airlines. This gentleman then told me that BM had "no experience with a jet airline."
I reminded him of East West airlines and told him to check his facts and come back to me....never heard from him again..funny that.

MU2 3rd May 2003 13:57





geoffrey thomas 3rd May 2003 14:59

MU2...all you can say is "I'am wrong again"

Clearly you can't answer my question.
Show me where I have written "all the little ins and outs of the company which are hardly newsworthy".
You can't reply because I didn't it is simply as that. And in fact the contrary is the case.
I would say to you..."Put up or........ up".
Like that Skywest Captain...we're not hearing from you either!!!

MU2 3rd May 2003 17:44




Apollo 4 3rd May 2003 18:45


I see that you have fallen into the trap of getting personal when the argument is lost. GT has called your bluff, you now have the opportunity to rebutt his intelligent argument and logical statement of fact or continue with your monosyllabic grunts and insults.

It would serve you well to analyse your actions and assess your own IQ status for entering into a debate for which you have not the slightest insight.

Like GT says PUT UP OR SHUT UP here is your chance !!!

:yuk: :yuk:

A word of caution to the author of the below PM to myself...

Firstly Truth is a legal excuse to the charge of slander and by your signed PM confession I believe you to be Guilty as Charged. Secondary employment by any name is "moonlighting"..

Secondly I do not take kindly to anonymous threats and suggest that this type of behaviour is nothing short of disgraceful, especially from as you put it "nice guy". PPRUNE is in essence a forum to express facts,rumours and ideas between fellow aviators with the intent of enhancing communication and understanding.

If you repeat this type of threat I will publish your name with the threat... that is a promise.

29th April 2003 13:23
Watch yourself
Look mate, just a word of caution about your posting. Make sure you get your facts right (re: XR FO's moonlighting at Ad Astral) if you had bothered to ask I personally am trying to do two things. Firstly, putting something back into the industry and trying to help the new guys and secondly I am also helping a great boss and friend out by picking up excess work for him. Your posting could have been taken as a personal slander but seeing as I'm a nice guy we shall leave it at that eh::

geoffrey thomas 3rd May 2003 19:14

Come on MU2
Surely, surely, MU2 you can do better than that. Please tell me you can do better than that.

YOU made the statement and now you can't cite once instance of me mentioning "all the little ins and outs of the company which are hardly newsworthy"

BUT I have left out some great page one stuff such as....

Skywest trying to get engineers for the F100 through NJS in Adelaide...Skywest cutting back 27% on its maintenance costs.
...Skywest engineers ringing to voice concerns about cut backs.

ALL these are page ONE my friend and I could take a month off with those three. BUT not one made the pages of the west...NOT one!!

So get your damm facts right NEXT time. AND don't shoot the messenger....look to your board.

AND by the way, Skywest still haven't given the Government the assurances that they can meet its debts. I am advised a second extension has been asked and granted till late this week....BUT you didn't read it in the West did you.

I am certain that the Commonwealth Bank will roll over the lease on the F-50s as they have no choice. BUT can the Skywest board give a G/tee that they can meet Skywest's debts when they fall due?


MU2 3rd May 2003 22:19


Woomera 3rd May 2003 22:35


You are treading on VERY thin ice, if you don't temper your posts, you're outa here.

Nothing works better than rational, well thought through posts, in dealing with opposition.

Name calling and shut your gob stuff doesn't work.

Lets deal with the issues not the person here, shall we.

Valdiviano 4th May 2003 06:47

are some of this clowns tech crew?
if yes, i hope i never have to be one their pax

outback aviator 4th May 2003 21:42

I have an idea, why don't all combatants retire to their respective corners and revisit this thread in about a years time.

If Skywest no longer exists there is no subject for argument.

How about that??

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