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pull-up-terrain 26th Feb 2014 10:19

if the 767 is retired earlier, would it be possible for QF to convert 787 orders to 737's to pick up the slack? I know the current 737's are not being utilised anywhere near their optimum amount but to keep the flexibility, maybe more planes required..
From the rumour I heard, the 717's are going to operate on some of the routes the 737 used to fly on (Canberra and hobart routes) which will free up some 737's to fill in for the capacity lost by retiring the 767's.

Going Nowhere 26th Feb 2014 10:29

Not a rumour, it's been planned for months.

HBA starts mid year.

Although there's only 2 more 717's to come online so limited ability to replace 737's

ALAEA Fed Sec 26th Feb 2014 10:59

Just saw that 0730 thing and what strikes me as weird through all this. Alan Joyce seems to be wearing the potential $300M loss as a badge of honour.

SOPS 26th Feb 2014 11:04

What strikes me as strange is that all through this Joyce has blamed everything except himself. Good luck to everyone for tomorrow.

Fliegenmong 26th Feb 2014 11:06

Dunno about that ALAEA Fed Sec., perhaps if it is, his brief was to announce 250 mill loss? An extra 50 for good measure? It's all IR Ammo for TA & LC !!! They'd be loving this!

knightflyer 26th Feb 2014 11:14

Joyce has blamed everything except himself
Now Now as if gods gift to aviation is at fault, :ugh: it's all those pesky virgins flying around, not to mention the government should back them as it was the government that allowed all those nasty overseas carriers in, I mean really... Anyhow, all the best to the qantas guys and gals (except the board) sadly I think it is going to be ugly... :mad:

V-Jet 26th Feb 2014 11:15

He's parlayed that $300m loss into a taxpayer and Moody's investment++ guarantee of his bonus, salary, company strategy and leasing payments to his masters.

Why wouldnt you be proud as punch?

He's pulled the ultimate rabbit out of a hat!

Deep down he must know he is totally incompetent but by any measure on that scale he has succeeded.

Let the good times roll - at AAA investment grade government bond rates! How many extra of Dixons lease contracts is that worth????

Incalculable success!

I need to throw up... The govt should insist the whole lot go, but there is a full cupboard of like minded incompetents willing to step up to the $3m++++ pa plate.

Govt interest rates on borrowing. He's borrowing money at 8- 9ish (maybe ++ esp in recent times). I would guess lots. He's just got it at 2.4-2.8%.

Understand the happiness?

ALAEA Fed Sec 26th Feb 2014 11:22

With our Aviation industry survey last year, only 1% of Engineers and Pilots working at Qantas had any trust in senior management. If we were to run the survey today, I think 1% would be a little high.

Astara 26th Feb 2014 11:29

For someone with a few friends who are long-term long haul FA's with QF (+25yrs) I'm dreading the outcome of tomorrow. I truly hope the reality is not as severe as the scenarios we have seen unfolding over the past few days as the rumors have intensified.

Does anyone have a link for the live conference stream tomorrow morning?

ALAEA Fed Sec 26th Feb 2014 11:34

ABC 24 will be covering the diatribe live.

Astara 26th Feb 2014 11:46

I'll need a web-link for live stream - am in HK.

QFBUSBOY 26th Feb 2014 11:49

Alan's not happy......
What time is the announcement?

Sunfish 26th Feb 2014 11:50

Do you really need a link to know what is about to happen?

griffin one 26th Feb 2014 12:00

Apparently one hundred extra security have been employed for tomorrow's announcement.
No maintenance work scheduled and engineering management in lockdown.

The townhall should be interesting

SOPS 26th Feb 2014 12:22

It sounds like it's starting to get very nasty.

TIMA9X 26th Feb 2014 12:49

Here we go, one stories dated 27th from Fairfax & ABC online

Qantas chief Alan Joyce faces one of the biggest tests of his career on Thursday
Qantas results: Federal Government plays down debt guarantee chance ahead of announcement on losses - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


Skystar320 26th Feb 2014 12:57

Well I hope that the journo's get it right! So far....

Fifteen Qantas Boeing 747 planes will be retired early, with the last to take off early next year, and 13,767 aircraft will be taken out of service this year, ahead of schedule.

SOPS 26th Feb 2014 15:03

ABC on line is just reporting that Tony Abbott says there will be no debt guarantee for Qantas. It seems the goal posts are shifting by the minute.

TIMA9X 26th Feb 2014 15:08

It's a toe in the water story sops

The Government has been waiting to see Qantas's half-yearly figures before it makes any decisions about how it might help the struggling airline.

"A backflip double delay dive tactic" known as the hot potato (too hot to twist) from the The Federal Government, right on cue... code for, they don't know which way to turn.. :ok:

Iron Bar 26th Feb 2014 16:32

Nah, on closer read nothing new to this ABC rubbish. Just shallow speculation with a dodgy headline. Eliza Borrello please quote some fact in your copy and not just vague pap in the middle of the night.

Lodown 26th Feb 2014 16:57

TMA9X: Code for "Will this strengthen our political position or weaken it? Will this be a shining moment or a dog dropped in our laps? What initially looked like a righteous action to uphold a community icon, on further investigation is looking more and more like throwing a fortune at consultants to try and save an old, stray, critically injured dog." Woof!
My opinion: Qantas as an entity is starting to realize that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Can't go forward and can't go back. 15-20 years of ridiculous, self-flagellating, micro-managing C-level decisions and ideologically driven board directives are coming home to roost. The only choice is await a Peruvian-style rescue attempt and hope supplies last.
Should the gummint, in a moment of philanthropic self-delusion, decide to guarantee QF's debt, the stipulations should be exorbitant. A broom through the board and the management for starters. The problem then is how to avoid political appointments to the new positions, so that the organisation can be run like a business (or at least perceived to be) so that the company can be turned around. Gummints are notoriously bad at running businesses. It must be incredibly tempting to leave Qantas suffocate in the tunnel of its own making.

oicur12.again 26th Feb 2014 17:28

"Gummints are notoriously bad at running businesses."

As apposed to private enterprise? They appear to be doing a pretty crap job too.

Lodown 26th Feb 2014 17:50

Private enterprises come and go all the time. It's an evolutionary process and it works remarkably well in most cases. And private enterprise generally gets to "play" with money from investors who voluntarily part with their cash understanding the risks and possible returns. Governments are playing with taxpayer and future taxpayer funds. I don't want the government investing in an airline. Let me keep my money and I'll spend it elsewhere. A question to ask is: "If private investors run away from the option to provide additional funds to Qantas, then what makes the gummint think it can make money from the venture?" It can't unless it tilts the playing field heavily in its favour with regulations, which then detrimentally impacts every other aviation corporation.

Qantas has done exceptionally well to last this long. 3/4's of the time under protective government mandates. (There's a case to be made for arguing 100% of the time under protective government mandates.) There are not many organisations that can boast likewise. Should Qantas go under, there will be a huge market opportunity for another company or companies to step into.

peuce 26th Feb 2014 19:27

If I hear one more commentator say that "Qantas definitely needs to cut costs" I'll throw up.

What ever happened to the "increase revenue" option ?

I Have not read anything from anyone about growing the company.

You can cut costs to nil, but without revenue, you go under. Even I, in my small one man business, knows that.

Oldmate 26th Feb 2014 20:35

Sound bite for you fedsec:

"Joyce wants Qantas to be small and pathetic, but to make lots of money - just like himself."

Acute Instinct 26th Feb 2014 21:02

The Political Strangle Hold Tightens Today......
Today the gun will be raised to more workers heads. The safety will come off when Mr Abbott has exercised political advantage in the senate.
Mr Abbott will answer every enquiry with connection to his senate impotence and 'removing the carbon tax'. Sad really.....
This is so much bigger than just one company.

ACT Crusader 26th Feb 2014 21:09

First announcement through - BNE terminal

Sunfish 26th Feb 2014 21:23

Qantas is going to sell its treasures to its "freinds" and leave the current mum and Dad shareholders with the trash.

Word from a pilot friend lst night is that international is gone. All EK codeshare from now on.

Variable Incidence 26th Feb 2014 21:28

Sunfish, really! What have you been smoking! :eek:

gordonfvckingramsay 26th Feb 2014 21:32

$252M losses

vee1-rotate 26th Feb 2014 21:33

5000 jobs confirmed to go, mostly MELand ADL

73to91 26th Feb 2014 21:36

$252m loss,
revenue down 4%
liquidity $3b

Johhny Utah 26th Feb 2014 21:38

Retirement of all B767-300 aircraft by third quarter of financial year 2014/2015

Retirement of the six oldest B747-400 (not reconfigured) aircraft by second-half of financial year 2015/2016

JetStar Asia growth suspended.

73to91 26th Feb 2014 21:42

Sunfish - I was told by a senior (ex) QF executive on the weekend that the Bilateral System/Agreements means that EK won't get AUS-USA and many other routes.

Before an airline can operate international services to another country, the government must first negotiate a treaty level agreement with the destination country’s government. These treaties are known as bilateral air services agreements.

The Australian Government has negotiated over 68 bilateral air services agreements and associated arrangements. These agreements allow our airlines to offer the range of services that they do today.

Bilateral air services agreements/arrangements contain provisions on;

Traffic rights—the routes airlines can fly, including cities that can be served within, between and beyond the bilateral partners.

Capacity—the number of flights that can be operated or passengers that can be carried between the bilateral partners.

Designation, Ownership and Control—the number of airlines the bilateral partners can nominate to operate services and the ownership criteria airlines must meet to be designated under the bilateral agreement. This clause sometimes includes foreign ownership restrictions.

gordonfvckingramsay 26th Feb 2014 21:44

6 month losses roughly the same as what his (mis) management cost over 72 hours in 2011. Fvcking hopeless!

DrPepz 26th Feb 2014 21:46

The only route cut appears to be PERSIN. MEL LHR to be retimed to reduce ground time in LHR. All SIN services to be operated by A330s

500N 26th Feb 2014 21:50

Have to feel sorry for Qantas staff and pissed off that a great airline
- I prefer flying Q to others - has been brought down to it's knees
from what it was only a few years ago.

Toruk Macto 26th Feb 2014 21:53

Jetstar Asia on hold , cryptically saying Jetstar int not so good ? Does this mean they finally admit Jetstar Asia is not working ? Getting messy !

ohallen 26th Feb 2014 21:54

5000 jobs to go and only 1500 management/back office.

Not much changes really.

Qantas 787 26th Feb 2014 21:57

So after all that Alan isn't one of them going?

Thatll do me

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