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dubbleyew eight 18th Feb 2014 13:39

this is like standing in a lift as an innocent tourist then slowly realising that all around you had slicked back hair, black suits and pocket bulges that matched an uzi with a full clip.

I do hope the protagonists here aren't all ex casa axe grinders.

the casa system really is fckued, overbearing and stupidly draconian.
there are a lot of good people standing their reputations in submissions to try to correct the situation.

it would truly be a shame if the efforts were able to be dismissed as just the rantings of ex casa staff. there really is a problem that needs to be fixed here.

dont fcuk it all up for civil aviation in this country.

I have been an office bearer in one of the alphabet groups, I am definitely not a supporter of CASA.

Creampuff 18th Feb 2014 19:32

I disagree with you, W8.

Therefore, you’re a CASA stooge.

(Don’t worry: There was a full moon earlier this week and the usual lunatics went a little loonier than usual. Just nod and smile and avoid eye contact …) ;)

Sarcs 18th Feb 2014 20:02

Director's cut??
Opinion piece by Steve Hitchen (c/o Australian Flying), highlights the importance of getting the next DAS appointment just right to effect a 'just cultural' shift in Fort Fumble...;)

An Issue of Leadership

19 Feb 2014
Steve Hitchen

The announcement that John McCormick is departing CASA in August will have several identities within aviation punching the air. McCormick has–rightly or wrongly–come to symbolise all the problems the industry has with its regulator. Therefore, his departure is also seen as being crucial to the solution.

For sure, McCormick continuing in the job would have been awkward after the Senate referred him to the Australian Federal Police over the Pel-Air investigation, so his leaving CASA is the best resolution for everyone involved: himself, CASA, the Senate and the aviation industry.

Also, the industry was watching nervously to see if McCormick's contract would be renewed. The outcome was held up as an indicator of whether or not the Aviation Safety Regulation Review was a serious attempt to get to the bottom of the way CASA is run, or just another coat of political paint from the same brush that gave us the White Paper. And so, with his departure, the aviation industry will get what it wanted.

Or will it?

It is far too simplistic to say everything will be sweet with a change in Director, because to do so is to infer that the total collapse of CASA's relationship with industry was his doing and his doing alone. Where that contention falls down is when we consider the tenure of his predecessor, Bruce Byron. The dysfunction was evident back then, and many in the industry cheered with gusto when he was replaced with John McCormick. Clearly, serious issues preceded the McCormick years.

Five years later and we're not only off the McCormick bandwagon, but also cheering just as heartily for a new top dog at CASA ... again. And if this change is the only one that happens, in five years time we will be opening our lungs to get rid of the next Director as well.

The problem the aviation industry has with CASA goes deeper than just the person at the top of the hierarchy chart; it penetrates deep in to the middle management level, and replacing the Director will work only if the embedded culture of those below is rooted out as well.

You can cut the top off the blackberry bush as often as you like, but unless you dig the roots out of the ground the dreaded prickles will come back again and again and again.

We're talking about a culture of punishment rather than encouragement, a determination to be proven right regardless of the cost to tax payers, regulatory reform that has dragged on for an unacceptable time, micro-management, bum-covering and–to some extent–incompetence or a lack of expertise.

Trust, respect and integrity have been eroded, and will erode further should the new person at the head of CASA be unable to change the culture for the better. But given that good men have failed before, what will the incoming director be able to do that others have not? How do we squeeze the CASA bureaucracy so much it changes shape?

History has a parallel from the early days of the colony of New South Wales. The rampant, powerful New South Wales Corps controlled the fledgling society for their own benefit, and for all their authority from London, Governors Hunter, King and Bligh had all failed to drag the Corps into line.

After the soldiers rebelled against Governor Bligh's attempts to restrict the Corp's influence, they arrested him and seized power themselves. The incident has become known as the Rum Rebellion because of the Corp's control over the liquor trade.

Given that replacing Governors had not worked in the past, London sought a permanent solution. In analogy, they decided to uproot the blackberry.

They sent a new Governor, army officer Major Lachlan Macquarie to oust the rebels and restore power to the crown. But, most importantly, they also sent the troops he commanded, the 73rd Regiment of Foot. The regiment replaced the NSW Corps, and because they were loyal to their commander, order was restored, the power of the NSW Corps collapsed and vested interest had to yield to proper leadership and benevolent autocracy.

With the NSW Corps broken and its leaders–including John Macarthur and Major George Johnston–in Britain defending themselves to the crown, Macquarie set about advancing the colony. He laid out the streets of Sydney again, established a bank and currency and set about a building program that included roads, bridges, a lighthouse and barracks.
He also authorised Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth to cross the Blue Mountains and is credited with being the first person to use the term "Australia" in an official capacity.

Macquarie grew the colony into what it should always have been, and he did it because he had a mandate from his superiors to deal with the NSW Corps and they gave him the tool to do it: his own regiment.

That's what the aviation industry needs the new Director of Aviation Safety to have: a clear direction to clean-up the culture at CASA and the tools to do it with. At recent industry meetings several people stressed to Senator David Fawcett the impact of the middle-management culture on the industry and the ramifications if the new Director came from the ranks of the current CASA cadre.

After the arrest of Bligh, Johnston made himself Lieutenant-Governor of NSW and the problem only deepened until Macquarie and the 73rd arrived. Likewise, if the new Director is already part of the current culture, the rift between CASA and the aviation industry will also deepen and the industry will be stifled rather than given a chance to flourish.

The new person needs to come with intelligence, passion, heart and integrity; with no qualms about what needs to be done and a clear mandate to get on with it.

It's just a pity Lachlan Macquarie died in 1824 ... he would have made a great CASA Director.

{Comment: IMO equally as important as the next DAS appointment is the search for the next Chief Commissioner to bring back some much needed credibility to the ATsB}....:ok:

Kharon 18th Feb 2014 20:33

This boats rockin'.

W8 "this is like standing in a lift as an innocent tourist then slowly realising that all around you had slicked back hair, black suits and pocket bulges that matched an uzi with a full clip."
The trick in this situation is to not draw attention to yourself. The gentlemen will step out of the lift on the appropriate floor at the appointed time; which leaves the sensible observer a couple of options, pissing in the corner not being one. The gents are on their way to see if miniscule Truss cannot be persuaded to act honourably, to get there the forces of the murky Machiavellian must be dealt with, hence the Uzi equipment. Wet lettuce and paperwork won't work against the defensive wall, built of conceit, mortared by arrogance and reinforced by self interest, about the minuscule 's ivory tower.

W8 "dont fcuk it all up for civil aviation in this country."
Seems to me the men in black would not be needed if the industry had not allowed every travesty, injustice, fiasco, stupid decision or dictate to go unchallenged. Hell, Dolan is still standing after the Pel Air fiasco, McComic is thankfully on his merry way to perdition but there has been no apology made, not even a token Wabbit sacrificed to appease the insulted masses. This is not the fault of the miniscule, it is the fault of industry for gutlessly allowing it all to happen while they looked on, wringing their hands, shaking their heads saying "Oh me, Oh my, what's to be done" as they scuttle back to their bunkers, tails between legs should the regulator so much as break wind.

So W8, don't be a feared of the Gents in black, just stand quietly at back of the lift, listen to the muzac, and let them do the dirty work that "office bearers" have failed so miserably to do. When Truss disappoints you; as he will, perhaps you may wonder if you put enough truth and plain speaking into your submission. This is not a polite game for those who have turned the other cheek only to have been shot in the arse, while running away.

"Oh please stop rocking the boat". Bollocks to that.

Sunfish 18th Feb 2014 20:45

The new person needs to come with intelligence, passion, heart and integrity; with no qualms about what needs to be done and a clear mandate to get on with it.
And the CASA charter has to be changed to foster the Aviation industry. This then means that the Mantra throughout CASA has to be JOBS, INVESTMENT and GROWTH for the Aviation industry.

WIth the recession that's coming down the pike now, anything CASA does that prevents the creation of jobs, investment and growth has got to be instantly stopped and replaced with jobs and investment friendly policies. This same policy mantra is going to have be applied throughout Federal and State Governments if we are to have any hope of coming out of the recession with society intact. I speak as someone who worked in the industry development field when Victoria was a wasteland after the Cain/Kirner Labor government made us the laughing stock of the nation.

Cactusjack 18th Feb 2014 21:49

I do hope the protagonists here aren't all ex casa axe grinders.
Doubleye, protagonist is an offensive reference. 'lls of society' although still offensive is more endearing. I think that if you were to have access to the hotel safe that securely contains the individual submissions to the wet lettuce review you would find that the majority of said protagonists have been unfairly rogered in some form or the other by CAsA, and some to the tune of millions.

Frank, Master's has much better pricing for Axe's mate, I will pick you up an extra one on Sunday := Just so long as you don't practise on Creampuff's nosewheel ok?

Ills Of Society 2013 - CAsA practise session number 1 (Gobbledock in the far left position)

Now I believe I may have found part of Mr Hawke's 'farewell John' message that missed the printing cut-off time of 16:59 pm;
  1. Mr McCormick has presided over a time period in which CAsA has reached an all time low as far as standards and service are concerned.
  2. Mr McCormick has presided over a time period in which Australia's regulatory reform program has not advanced and under 5 years of his leadership has not been completed.
  3. Mr McCormick has presided over a time period in which industry trust and respect for CAsA has reached an all time low with some of the most scathing criticism ever to be raised against CAsA.
  4. Mr McCormick has presided over a time period in which the Pel Air and Canley Vale accidents as well as the post Lockhart accident have been poorly and obtusely handled.
  5. Mr McCormick has presided over a time period in which incompetents, egomaniacs and psycopaths have been allowed to flourish and be promoted through CAsA's ranks.
  6. Mr McCormick has presided over a time period in which he, his executives, his Board and his Ministerial adviser have created and fostered an atmosphere that is detrimental to Australian aviation, and ALL of the people in these positions need to go in August as well.


Cactusjack 19th Feb 2014 00:02

Just heard that Truss's trusty adviser wants Hawke to introduce the below process into the CAsA regulatory suite. It would appear a new breed of Management has been in the making for some time, they are called 'MrDak in Black', and in the following clip you see them testing their new anti IOS equipment! (It can also be used on tendentious bloggers, resigning CAsA managers, 'good' Senators, non-flattering inquiry submitters, ATSBeaker staff, all aviation stakeholders, pesky reporters, and even the worms in the worm farm. Apparently the process is non invasive and leaves no scars, unlike the standard 16:59 fax or a large pineapple)

WARNING: Not to be used on pot plants.

MrDak in Black

Creampuff 19th Feb 2014 01:48

The “culture” and the “roots of the blackberry bush” are entrenched in the rules.

If the rules aren’t changed, it won’t matter whether every manager and executive in CASA is tossed out and replaced with musicians from the Sydney Symphony Orchestra or skygods with squillions of hours in their logbooks. What they can do and how they can do it is driven by the thousands of pages of regulations that have become the self-perpetuating regulatory Frankenstein.

It is true that the development of the current rules was driven by the people in CASA - they had no choice but to do ‘something’ - but now the Frankenstein they have created is driving the people, including the DAS.

Don’t expect anything to change if the new DAS is yet another skygod tasked with fixing everything including the regulatory reform program. He will, yet again, turn out not to be the messiah but just another naughty boy.

dubbleyew eight 19th Feb 2014 04:24

despite the criticism I still think Creampuff shows the legal acumen and respect for others that I would like to see all throughout CASA.

he is right about the rules. CASA passes the guff to the australian parliament in a bundle of smoke and mirrors, or is it just snow? and the parliament of australia enact all this crap without so much as a moment's reserve or doubt.

how the hell could you
1. introduce EASA synchronisation when the real reason is to allow the wholesale sacking of the australian maintenance workforce?
2. turn all of aviation law into a series of criminal offences for anyone who disagrees with CASA ?

the australian parliament needs to hang its collective heads in shame at all this crap.
if ever there was proof of total abject stupidity by parliament the bazillions of pages of crap enacted as aviation law provides it in spades.

there is much more than just the head of casa that needs sorting.
maybe I should stand for a seat in the next elections.

Frank Arouet 19th Feb 2014 06:39

Christ, he is not.

Creampuff has his critics, (and I am not blameless in this regard). The man is genuine, has been known to have a drink with those that have given him the sword in the past. He comes with a knowledge only someone from inside the 'iron circle' would appreciate. Unfortunately he has 'baggage' and as much as I see him as friendly with accurate advice, I can't, nor will ever be, convinced he is the person to cut out and replace the cancer that is the CASA.

I'm uncertain why anybody would want the 'poison chalice' anyway.

The old DCA may have had its problems, but by and large they were respected. Nobody of recent CASA vintage can claim that handle except perhaps Mike Smith or our original ICC, Mike Hart.

thorn bird 19th Feb 2014 06:48

Dubya, I can only agree with you, Creamie is a tad blunt, occasionally a little arrogant, but mostly when you get your eye's to focus again after the slap in the face, what he says makes a whole lot of sense.
Unfortunately us passionate types let our passion cloud reality at times, whats the old saying? couldnt see the wood for the tree's!!. Creamie with a clip over the ears, draws us back to reality.
That reality is, its very hard, if not impossible to fight entrenched bureacrats,
especially when there is no political will to force reform on the agenda.
The iron ring have regulated us into a position which makes real reform impossible, a wet lettuce minister cements their legacy.
Other than line up the tumbrils for madam guillotine, we should all seriously consider moving our businesses to New Zealand or Singapore, because there just aint no future in Australia.

dubbleyew eight 19th Feb 2014 07:16

this is a red herring anecdote.

mike smith was presenting at the pilot forum over a decade ago in perth.
as part of the presentations a gorgeous girl from Air Services gave a presentation on their publications.
Mike introduced her as the youngest lear jet training instructor in the country and extolled at some length her instructing prowess.
the old wizened commercial pilots in the front 3 rows went into quietly vocal rumblings of frustration. there she was, young gorgeous and female. most opined that they would have killed their grandmothers for the opportunity that she had obviously wangled.
prior to the presentations I had spoken to her in my alphabet capacity so during the coffee break I searched her out on the air services counter.
I whispered in her ear "you don't look old enough to have the hours that gets you in the left seat of a lear jet"
she whispered back "I was so embarrassed up there. I don't even have a pilots licence"

now the world dealt harshly with mike.

however for the man to have the pluck to stand in front of the entire WA pilot scene and tell a "dad joke" to get them to stop being over awed by the chrome plated advertising, to me speaks absolute volumes for the quality of the man.

I'd give him a chance.

back to your original station programming....

Creampuff 19th Feb 2014 08:05

Is it a full moon again already? :confused:

I'm sure some of you are sure you know who I am, but I can assure you I'm just an acne-stippled, wheelchair-bound geek from Hicksville USA. The chances of me being a candidate are nil.

As to actual potential candidates, government won't be silly enough to choose a popular flying messiah again.

Dangly Bits 19th Feb 2014 08:59

W8 I was there too! The man can certainly think on his feet. I giggled my way through it as I saw her face was in shock!

I've met Mike Smith on a number of occasions and he is a genuine guy who loves this industry. I think I recall that he is a LAME, CPL, and an Instructor. Who better to revive the industry I reckon.

He has my vote too.

Kharon 19th Feb 2014 18:38

Nigeria as a role model.
Any new appointee would need to be someone who has significant, past experience managing change at executive level, guiding change within an aviation regulatory authority as well as qualifications in flight operations and/or aircraft maintenance.

The CEO must be known as a senior executive with a demonstrated high level of management expertise: technically competent. The CEO must also be a person who embraces reform; one who sees change as opportunity and importantly, one who has tangible experience of effecting reform. An able leader, one who can retrieve the lost respect and confidence of industry. This person needs to have the integrity, energy and enthusiasm to interact with CASA staff across the organisation and an ability to lead, with commitment in the new direction.

IMO - It is highly unlikely that such a person will come from within the ranks of existing CASA management. Indeed, it is doubtful industry would tolerate such a selection.

Now Nigeria has managed to slay the beast and is looking good; the link here – Academia – is recommended reading for anyone who thinks Australia's wee problems cannot be beaten, they can with the right crew and political will. For those who prefer the potted version – Article – provides some food for thought.

“Nigeria has a robust aviation reform agenda. One of the best promising in the world” - US Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood

“This time, the whole Aviation world is praising the government of Nigeria and the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) for the extraordinary way they have transformed the aviation face in Nigeria, in less than five years through a robust safety reform agenda”-Boeing’s Director for Africa and Middle East, Aviation Safety, Chamsou Andjori

hiwaytohell 19th Feb 2014 20:14

The old DCA may have had its problems, but by and large they were respected
That is because: a) It had its own Minister who gave the industry the attention it deserved, b) It comprised mostly of competent people... remember the people of Russ Evans era! and c) They were fair!!

Sarcs 20th Feb 2014 01:05

The Tortoise and the Hare - The trouble with procrastination in air safety regulation
Kharon..“Now Nigeria has managed to slay the beast and is looking good…they can with the right crew and political will…”

Top example “K”..:D..and how embarrassing when previous & current 3rd World countries are catching up and overhauling a former bastion of high aviation safety standards, that punched well above its weight, while proactively contributing to aviation safety risk mitigation worldwide.
While we continue to sit on our hands and contemplate our navels (or have a sleep like the Hare did..:rolleyes:), here in short summary is what Nigeria has been able to achieve since their ICAO audit in 2006:

ICAO Audit: Nigeria Makes List Of 14 Best In Africa — August 22, 2013

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has listed Nigeria as one of the 14 countries in Africa that have achieved effective air safety implementation above the global average of 61 per cent.

This rating is contained in the ICAO 2013 Safety Report compiled by the ICAO auditors who investigated the compliance with stipulated international safety standards by individual countries across the world, especially its 200 member countries.

The ICAO 2013 Safety Report lends credence to the Category One certification granted Nigeria in 2011 by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States of America for meeting stipulated international standards and practices on safety and security.:D
Maybe the risk is minimal of the FAA actually knocking on our door anytime soon (let’s face it they’re only up to “I” in the alphabet) but perhaps the potential effect of such an action could be the ultimate catalyst for creating the political will :ugh: for change.

The current knock-on effects reverberating from the recent Indian ICAO downgrade (to CAT 2), should provide a reasonable insight & warning to the Government/Department of what is really at risk if the current status quo is allowed to drift without any effective, ruthless & proactive change.

Lengthy but educational article worth reading: Why US' downgrade of India's safety rating threatens to send aviation sector into a tailspin

‘Actions speak louder than words’

Quote from article:

Timely Action

For these reasons, many experts believe that the FAA action is godsend. "The one silver lining in the downgrade is that it may act as a serious wake-up call and that India may take the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive White Paper review of the state of aviation safety in the country," said the Capa note. Craig Jenks, president of Airline/Aircraft Projects Inc, a New York-based aviation consultancy, said Indian aviation at least now strives to catch up globally.
After our last ICAO audit findings came out (much like the Indians post ICAO 2009 audit) the spin doctors, bureaucrat Mandarins etc all went into hyperdrive and produced the previous government’s Aviation white paper and initiated Australia's Aviation State Safety Program (SSP), however at the end of the day these documents are only words and while the various responsible agencies only pay lipservice to those words the clock will continue to TICK..TOCK! :E

Ps: Heard a rumour that the FAA(ICAO) are seriously considering, due resourcing issues, sub-contracting some of their auditing duties out to the Singaporeans (due to their exemplary, some would say extreme, compliance record to ICAO SARPs/Annexures) :confused:.

The rumour also included that an arrangement may now be in place for Singaporean inspectors to up the rampings (not just the Indians) of all airlines that operate into the US...hmm better make sure all those tyre dustcaps are accounted for and secure..:E

dubbleyew eight 20th Feb 2014 10:18

can anyone else see a glaring fault in the ICAO logic?

as I read the cut and thrust of the ICAO guff I am left with the impression that "aviation safety" is solely concerned with international commercial airline operation.

ah penny drops. I'm not involved in "aviation" wink wink.

if tomorrow is a nice day I am taking my reciprocating petrol oxidiser for a 3 dimensional translocation at a wider earth radius than the planet's surface.
NOTE one and all; it is not "aviation" in the ICAO sense and hence is not illegal.
it involves the evaporation of money for which there is no legislated objection.

see newspeak can be made to work for you.:ok: wink wink.

Centaurus 20th Feb 2014 12:07

and c) They were fair!!
Sometimes they were far from fair.. A piece of corporate history for those with rose coloured glasses. This story is as accurate as I can remember it. In 1969 this scribe left the RAAF (sigh..) for the security of a job as an airways surveyor in DCA Head Office in Melbourne. Having been allotted a dark and dingy office with no window, my boss a former RAAF Hudson wartime pilot (Lloyd Milne no less,) told me to attend a conference between DCA officers and reps of the British BAC One-Eleven company in Australia to try and sell their product. The DC9 had recently been approved to operate into 30 metre (100 feet) wide runways in WA and NSW. To obtain that approval flight tests were needed to ensure that in event of engine failure at V1 the aircraft could maintain within six feet of the centreline until stopped or airborne. The BAC One-Eleven reps said they were happy their aircraft could meet the same requirements.
DCA officials, including my boss, had serious misgivings about allowing the British aircraft into Australia. It was a political thing, I think at the time.
So DCA told BAC they would allow sales to Australian operators but that the crosswind limit on the 100 ft wide runways would be restricted to something like 15 knots which was a piddling figure. As far as I recall there were no sums made - just someone's gut feeling.

I was told to draft the confirming letter to BAC which would be signed by Sir Donald Anderson after passing through the desks of numerous officials up to Alan Lum, the biggest wheel under Sir Don. I penned the first draft and after reading it, my boss told me to amend the crosswind limit to five knots if the runway was wet. I knew enough about jets to know that five knots limit on a wet runway was bull**** and I said so. Just do as you are instructed, said my boss Lloyd Milne.

Why this rubbish about crosswind limits said I? The One-Eleven can take 35 knots in England. My boss says you will soon learn the game of politics. It goes like this, he said. When the Poms get the letter limiting the One-Eleven to five knots on wet 100 ft wide runways, especially when wet runways were never discussed at the meeting, they will protest and say that is unfair. And that is true. We will get their reply but we will not reply back. Now there are millions of dollars of sales at stake here, and again they will come back urgently to us asking why five knots and again we won't reply.

With that, BAC will bypass us in DCA and go straight to the Minister for Air (Civil Aviation) and bitch that his DCA officials have put ridiculous cross-wind limit restrictions on the introduction of the BAC One-Eleven into airline service in Australia when similar restrictions are not applied to the current DC9 ops in WA.

In quick time the Minister will contact us and ask what the hell is going on with you people, and why the restrictions on the One-Eleven? We reply it is a safety matter since 100 ft wide runways leave no room for error should an engine fail on take off. When hearing the magic word "Safety" the Minister is supposed to fold under. BUT, we tell the Minister, if money is available from Federal or State authorities to enable DCA to widen the runways where the One-Elevens will operate in competition to the F28 and DC9, the safety problem is overcome and we (DCA) can approve the introduction of the BAC One-Eleven. In other words DCA will screw BAC in order to get funding for wider runways in NSW and WA.

History reveals the BAC One Eleven was never ordered by Australian airlines. However, Sir Robert Menzies who was Prime Minister in that era, directed the RAAF to buy two BAC One-Elevens for the RAAF No 34 (VIP) Squadron use. These arrived in 1967 and both aircraft gave sterling service. The above tale is a generalised account of events as I remember them. But the dirty tricks did originate from DCA and in my view was unfair to BAC.

Creampuff 20th Feb 2014 19:20

We reply it is a safety matter …. When hearing the magic word "Safety" the Minister is supposed to fold under. BUT, we tell the Minister, if money is available …
Sounds very familiar.

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